import fs from "fs"; import { modelsPath } from "../utils/get-resource-paths"; import COMMAND from "../../common/commands"; import { compression, customModelsFolderPath, customWidth, folderPath, noImageProcessing, outputFolderPath, saveOutputFolder, setChildProcesses, setCompression, setNoImageProcessing, setStopped, stopped, useCustomWidth, } from "../utils/config-variables"; import convertAndScale from "../utils/convert-and-scale"; import { getSingleImageArguments } from "../utils/get-arguments"; import logit from "../utils/logit"; import slash from "../utils/slash"; import { spawnUpscayl } from "../utils/spawn-upscayl"; import { parse } from "path"; import { getMainWindow } from "../main-window"; import { ImageUpscaylPayload } from "../../common/types/types"; import { ImageFormat } from "../utils/types"; import getModelScale from "../../common/check-model-scale"; import removeFileExtension from "../utils/remove-file-extension"; import showNotification from "../utils/show-notification"; import { DEFAULT_MODELS } from "../../common/models-list"; const imageUpscayl = async (event, payload: ImageUpscaylPayload) => { const mainWindow = getMainWindow(); if (!mainWindow) { logit("No main window found"); return; } setNoImageProcessing(payload.noImageProcessing); setCompression(parseInt(payload.compression)); const model = payload.model as string; const gpuId = payload.gpuId as string; const saveImageAs = payload.saveImageAs as ImageFormat; console.log("🚀 => saveImageAs:", saveImageAs); const overwrite = payload.overwrite as boolean; let inputDir = (payload.imagePath.match(/(.*)[\/\\]/)?.[1] || "") as string; let outputDir: string | undefined = folderPath || (payload.outputPath as string); if (saveOutputFolder === true && outputFolderPath) { outputDir = outputFolderPath; } const isDefaultModel = DEFAULT_MODELS.includes(model); logit("Is Default Model? : ", isDefaultModel); const fullfileName = payload.imagePath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "") as string; const fileName = parse(fullfileName).name; const fileExt = parse(fullfileName).ext; let initialScale = getModelScale(model); const desiredScale = useCustomWidth ? customWidth || payload.scale : payload.scale; const outFile = outputDir + slash + fileName + "_upscayl_" + (noImageProcessing ? initialScale : desiredScale) + (useCustomWidth ? "px_" : "x_") + model + "." + saveImageAs; // UPSCALE if (fs.existsSync(outFile) && !overwrite) { // If already upscayled, just output that file logit("✅ Already upscayled at: ", outFile); mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.UPSCAYL_DONE, outFile.replace( /([^/\\]+)$/i, encodeURIComponent(outFile.match(/[^/\\]+$/i)![0]), ), ); } else { logit( "✅ Upscayl Variables: ", JSON.stringify({ model, gpuId, saveImageAs, inputDir, outputDir, fullfileName, fileName, initialScale: initialScale, desiredScale, outFile, compression, }), ); const upscayl = spawnUpscayl( getSingleImageArguments( inputDir, fullfileName, outFile, isDefaultModel ? modelsPath : customModelsFolderPath ?? modelsPath, model, initialScale, gpuId, saveImageAs, ), logit, ); setChildProcesses(upscayl); setStopped(false); let isAlpha = false; let failed = false; const onData = (data: string) => { logit("image upscayl: ", data.toString()); mainWindow.setProgressBar(parseFloat(data.slice(0, data.length)) / 100); data = data.toString(); mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString()); if (data.includes("invalid gpu") || data.includes("failed")) { logit("❌ INVALID GPU OR FAILED"); upscayl.kill(); failed = true; } if (data.includes("has alpha channel")) { logit("📢 INCLUDES ALPHA CHANNEL, CHANGING OUTFILE NAME!"); isAlpha = true; } }; const onError = (data) => { if (!mainWindow) return; mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString()); failed = true; upscayl.kill(); return; }; const onClose = async () => { if (!failed && !stopped) { logit("💯 Done upscaling"); logit("♻ Scaling and converting now..."); if (noImageProcessing) { logit("🚫 Skipping scaling and converting"); mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.UPSCAYL_DONE, outFile.replace( /([^/\\]+)$/i, encodeURIComponent(outFile.match(/[^/\\]+$/i)![0]), ), ); return; } mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.SCALING_AND_CONVERTING); // Free up memory upscayl.kill(); try { await convertAndScale( inputDir + slash + fullfileName, isAlpha ? outFile + ".png" : outFile, outFile, desiredScale, saveImageAs, isAlpha, ); if (isAlpha && saveImageAs === "jpg") { fs.unlinkSync(outFile + ".png"); } mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.UPSCAYL_DONE, outFile.replace( /([^/\\]+)$/i, encodeURIComponent(outFile.match(/[^/\\]+$/i)![0]), ), ); showNotification("Upscayl", "Image upscayled successfully!"); } catch (error) { logit( "❌ Error processing (scaling and converting) the image. Please report this error on GitHub.", error, ); upscayl.kill(); mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.UPSCAYL_ERROR, "Error processing (scaling and converting) the image. Please report this error on Upscayl GitHub Issues page.\n" + error, ); showNotification("Upscayl Failure", "Failed to upscale image!"); } } }; upscayl.process.stderr.on("data", onData); upscayl.process.on("error", onError); upscayl.process.on("close", onClose); } }; export default imageUpscayl;