import { MessageBoxOptions, app, dialog } from "electron"; import { getMainWindow } from "../main-window"; import { savedImagePath, setSavedImagePath } from "../utils/config-variables"; import logit from "../utils/logit"; import settings from "electron-settings"; import { featureFlags } from "../../common/feature-flags"; const selectFile = async () => { const mainWindow = getMainWindow(); const { canceled, filePaths, bookmarks } = await dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ["openFile"], title: "Select Image", defaultPath: savedImagePath, securityScopedBookmarks: true, message: "Select Image to Upscale", filters: [ { name: "Images", extensions: [ "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "webp", "PNG", "JPG", "JPEG", "WEBP", ], }, ], }); if (featureFlags.APP_STORE_BUILD && bookmarks && bookmarks.length > 0) { console.log("🚨 Setting Bookmark: ", bookmarks); settings.set("file-bookmarks", bookmarks[0]); } if (canceled) { logit("🚫 File Operation Cancelled"); return null; } else { setSavedImagePath(filePaths[0]); let isValid = false; // READ SELECTED FILES filePaths.forEach((file) => { // log.log("Files in Folder: ", file); if ( file.endsWith(".png") || file.endsWith(".jpg") || file.endsWith(".jpeg") || file.endsWith(".webp") || file.endsWith(".JPG") || file.endsWith(".PNG") || file.endsWith(".JPEG") || file.endsWith(".WEBP") ) { isValid = true; } }); if (!isValid) { logit("❌ Invalid File Detected"); const options: MessageBoxOptions = { type: "error", title: "Invalid File", message: "The selected file is not a valid image. Make sure you select a '.png', '.jpg', or '.webp' file.", }; if (!mainWindow) return null; dialog.showMessageBoxSync(mainWindow, options); return null; } logit("📄 Selected File Path: ", filePaths[0]); // CREATE input AND upscaled FOLDER return filePaths[0]; } }; export default selectFile;