import { getBatchArguments, getBatchSharpenArguments, getDoubleUpscaleArguments, getDoubleUpscaleSecondPassArguments, getSingleImageArguments, getSingleImageSharpenArguments, } from "./utils/getArguments"; // Native import { autoUpdater } from "electron-updater"; import getPlatform from "./getPlatform"; import ffmpeg from "upscayl-ffmpeg"; import { join, parse } from "path"; import { format } from "url"; import fs from "fs"; import { execPath, modelsPath } from "./binaries"; // Packages import { BrowserWindow, app, ipcMain, dialog, shell, MessageBoxOptions, } from "electron"; import { spawnUpscayl } from "./upscayl"; import prepareNext from "electron-next"; import isDev from "electron-is-dev"; import commands from "./commands"; // Prepare the renderer once the app is ready let mainWindow; app.on("ready", async () => { await prepareNext("./renderer"); console.log("🚀 ICON PATH: ", join(__dirname, "build", "icon.png")); console.log("🚀 UPSCAYL EXEC PATH: ", execPath("")); console.log("🚀 MODELS PATH: ", modelsPath); console.log("🚀 FFMPEG PATH: ", ffmpeg.path); mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ icon: join(__dirname, "build", "icon.png"), width: 1300, height: 940, minHeight: 500, minWidth: 500, show: false, backgroundColor: "#171717", webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, webSecurity: false, preload: join(__dirname, "preload.js"), }, }); const url = isDev ? "http://localhost:8000" : format({ pathname: join(__dirname, "../renderer/out/index.html"), protocol: "file:", slashes: true, }); mainWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(false); mainWindow.loadURL(url); mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url }) => { shell.openExternal(url); return { action: "deny" }; }); mainWindow.once("ready-to-show", () => {; mainWindow.webContents.setZoomFactor(1); }); if (!isDev) { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); } }); // Quit the app once all windows are closed app.on("window-all-closed", app.quit); console.log(app.getAppPath()); //------------------------Select File-----------------------------// // ! DONT FORGET TO RESTART THE APP WHEN YOU CHANGE CODE HERE ipcMain.handle(commands.SELECT_FILE, async () => { const { canceled, filePaths } = await dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ["openFile", "multiSelections"], }); if (canceled) { console.log("operation cancelled"); return "cancelled"; } else { console.log(filePaths[0]); // CREATE input AND upscaled FOLDER return filePaths[0]; } }); //------------------------Select Folder-----------------------------// ipcMain.handle(commands.SELECT_FOLDER, async (event, message) => { const { canceled, filePaths } = await dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ["openDirectory"], }); if (canceled) { console.log("operation cancelled"); return "cancelled"; } else { console.log(filePaths[0]); return filePaths[0]; } }); //------------------------Open Folder-----------------------------// ipcMain.on(commands.OPEN_FOLDER, async (event, payload) => { console.log(payload); shell.openPath(payload); }); //------------------------Double Upscayl-----------------------------// ipcMain.on(commands.DOUBLE_UPSCAYL, async (event, payload) => { const model = payload.model as string; let inputDir = (payload.imagePath.match(/(.*)[\/\\]/)[1] || "") as string; let outputDir = payload.outputPath as string; const gpuId = payload.gpuId as string; const saveImageAs = payload.saveImageAs as string; // COPY IMAGE TO TMP FOLDER const platform = getPlatform(); const fullfileName = platform === "win" ? (payload.imagePath.split("\\").slice(-1)[0] as string) : (payload.imagePath.split("/").slice(-1)[0] as string); const fileName = parse(fullfileName).name; const fileExt = parse(fullfileName).ext; const outFile = outputDir + "/" + fileName + "_upscayl_16x_" + model + "." + saveImageAs; // UPSCALE let upscayl = spawnUpscayl( "realesrgan", getDoubleUpscaleArguments( inputDir, fullfileName, outFile, modelsPath, model, gpuId, saveImageAs ) ); let failed = false; let isAlpha = false; let failed2 = false; const onData = (data) => { // CONVERT DATA TO STRING data = data.toString(); // PRINT TO CONSOLE console.log(data); // SEND UPSCAYL PROGRESS TO RENDERER mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.DOUBLE_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data); // IF PROGRESS HAS ERROR, UPSCAYL FAILED if (data.includes("invalid gpu") || data.includes("failed")) { failed = true; } if (data.includes("has alpha channel")) { isAlpha = true; } }; const onError = (data) => { data.toString(); // SEND UPSCAYL PROGRESS TO RENDERER mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.DOUBLE_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data); // SET FAILED TO TRUE failed = true; return; }; const onData2 = (data) => { // CONVERT DATA TO STRING data = data.toString(); // PRINT TO CONSOLE console.log(data); // SEND UPSCAYL PROGRESS TO RENDERER mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.DOUBLE_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data); // IF PROGRESS HAS ERROR, UPSCAYL FAILED if (data.includes("invalid gpu") || data.includes("failed")) { failed2 = true; } }; const onError2 = (data) => { data.toString(); // SEND UPSCAYL PROGRESS TO RENDERER mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.DOUBLE_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data); // SET FAILED TO TRUE failed2 = true; return; }; const onClose2 = (code) => { if (!failed2) { console.log("Done upscaling"); mainWindow.webContents.send( commands.DOUBLE_UPSCAYL_DONE, isAlpha ? outFile + ".png" : outFile ); } }; upscayl.process.stderr.on("data", onData); upscayl.process.on("error", onError); upscayl.process.on("close", (code) => { // IF NOT FAILED if (!failed) { // UPSCALE let upscayl2 = spawnUpscayl( "realesrgan", getDoubleUpscaleSecondPassArguments( isAlpha, outFile, modelsPath, model, gpuId, saveImageAs ) ); upscayl2.process.stderr.on("data", onData2); upscayl2.process.on("error", onError2); upscayl2.process.on("close", onClose2); } }); }); //------------------------Image Upscayl-----------------------------// ipcMain.on(commands.UPSCAYL, async (event, payload) => { const model = payload.model as string; const scale = payload.scaleFactor; const gpuId = payload.gpuId as string; const saveImageAs = payload.saveImageAs as string; let inputDir = (payload.imagePath.match(/(.*)[\/\\]/)[1] || "") as string; let outputDir = payload.outputPath as string; // COPY IMAGE TO TMP FOLDER const fullfileName = payload.imagePath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "") as string; const fileName = parse(fullfileName).name; console.log("🚀 => fileName", fileName); const fileExt = parse(fullfileName).ext; console.log("🚀 => fileExt", fileExt); const outFile = model.includes("models-DF2K") ? outputDir + "/" + fileName + "_sharpened_" + scale + "x_" + model + "." + saveImageAs : outputDir + "/" + fileName + "_upscayl_" + scale + "x_" + model + "." + saveImageAs; // UPSCALE if (fs.existsSync(outFile)) { // If already upscayled, just output that file mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.UPSCAYL_DONE, outFile); } else { let upscayl: ReturnType; switch (model) { default: upscayl = spawnUpscayl( "realesrgan", getSingleImageArguments( inputDir, fullfileName, outFile, modelsPath, model, scale, gpuId, saveImageAs ) ); break; case "models-DF2K": upscayl = spawnUpscayl( "realsr", getSingleImageSharpenArguments( inputDir, fullfileName, outFile, modelsPath, model, scale, gpuId, saveImageAs ) ); break; } let isAlpha = false; let failed = false; const onData = (data: string) => { console.log( "🚀 => upscayl.stderr.on => stderr.toString()", data.toString() ); data = data.toString(); mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString()); if (data.includes("invalid gpu") || data.includes("failed")) { failed = true; } if (data.includes("has alpha channel")) { console.log("INCLUDES ALPHA CHANNEL, CHANGING OUTFILE NAME!"); isAlpha = true; } }; const onError = (data) => { mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString()); failed = true; return; }; const onClose = () => { if (failed !== true) { console.log("Done upscaling"); mainWindow.webContents.send( commands.UPSCAYL_DONE, isAlpha ? outFile + ".png" : outFile ); } }; upscayl.process.stderr.on("data", onData); upscayl.process.on("error", onError); upscayl.process.on("close", onClose); } }); //------------------------Upscayl Folder-----------------------------// ipcMain.on(commands.FOLDER_UPSCAYL, async (event, payload) => { // GET THE MODEL const model = payload.model; const gpuId = payload.gpuId; const saveImageAs = payload.saveImageAs; // GET THE IMAGE DIRECTORY let inputDir = payload.batchFolderPath; console.log("🚀 => file: index.ts => line 471 => inputDir", inputDir); // GET THE OUTPUT DIRECTORY let outputDir = model.includes("models-DF2K") ? payload.outputPath + "_sharpened" : payload.outputPath; console.log("🚀 => file: index.ts => line 474 => outputDir", outputDir); if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(outputDir, { recursive: true }); } // UPSCALE let upscayl: ReturnType; switch (model) { default: upscayl = spawnUpscayl( "realesrgan", getBatchArguments( inputDir, outputDir, modelsPath, model, gpuId, saveImageAs ) ); break; case "models-DF2K": upscayl = spawnUpscayl( "realsr", getBatchSharpenArguments( inputDir, outputDir, modelsPath, model, gpuId, saveImageAs ) ); break; } let failed = false; const onData = (data) => { console.log( "🚀 => upscayl.stderr.on => stderr.toString()", data.toString() ); data = data.toString(); mainWindow.webContents.send( commands.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString() ); if (data.includes("invalid gpu") || data.includes("failed")) { failed = true; } }; const onError = (data) => { mainWindow.webContents.send( commands.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString() ); failed = true; return; }; const onClose = () => { if (failed !== true) { console.log("Done upscaling"); mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_DONE, outputDir); } }; upscayl.process.stderr.on("data", onData); upscayl.process.on("error", onError); upscayl.process.on("close", onClose); }); //------------------------Auto-Update Code-----------------------------// // ! AUTO UPDATE STUFF autoUpdater.on("update-available", ({ releaseNotes, releaseName }) => { const dialogOpts = { type: "info", buttons: ["Ok cool"], title: "New Upscayl Update", message: releaseName as string, detail: "A new version is being downloaded. Please check GitHub for more details.", }; dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {}); }); autoUpdater.on("update-downloaded", (event) => { const dialogOpts: MessageBoxOptions = { type: "info", buttons: ["Restart", "Later"], title: "New Upscayl Update", message: event.releaseName as string, detail: "A new version has been downloaded. Restart the application to apply the updates.", }; dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => { if (returnValue.response === 0) autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }); }); //------------------------Video Upscayl-----------------------------// // ipcMain.on(commands.UPSCAYL_VIDEO, async (event, payload) => { // // Extract the model // const model = payload.model; // // Extract the Video Directory // let videoFileName = payload.videoPath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""); // const justFileName = parse(videoFileName).name; // let inputDir = payload.videoPath.match(/(.*)[\/\\]/)[1] || ""; // console.log("🚀 => file: index.ts => line 337 => inputDir", inputDir); // // Set the output directory // let outputDir = payload.outputPath + "_frames"; // console.log("🚀 => file: index.ts => line 340 => outputDir", outputDir); // let frameExtractionPath = join(inputDir, justFileName + "_f"); // let frameUpscalePath = join(inputDir, justFileName + "_u"); // console.log( // "🚀 => file: index.ts => line 342 => frameExtractionPath", // frameExtractionPath, // frameUpscalePath // ); // if (!fs.existsSync(frameExtractionPath)) { // fs.mkdirSync(frameExtractionPath, { recursive: true }); // } // if (!fs.existsSync(frameUpscalePath)) { // fs.mkdirSync(frameUpscalePath, { recursive: true }); // } // let ffmpegProcess: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams | null = null; // ffmpegProcess = spawn( // ffmpeg.path, // [ // "-i", // inputDir + "/" + videoFileName, // frameExtractionPath + "/" + "out%d.png", // ], // { // cwd: undefined, // detached: false, // } // ); // let failed = false; // ffmpegProcess?.stderr.on("data", (data: string) => { // console.log("🚀 => file: index.ts:420 => data", data.toString()); // data = data.toString(); // mainWindow.webContents.send( // commands.FFMPEG_VIDEO_PROGRESS, // data.toString() // ); // }); // ffmpegProcess?.on("error", (data: string) => { // mainWindow.webContents.send( // commands.FFMPEG_VIDEO_PROGRESS, // data.toString() // ); // failed = true; // return; // }); // // Send done comamnd when // ffmpegProcess?.on("close", (code: number) => { // if (failed !== true) { // console.log("Frame extraction successful!"); // mainWindow.webContents.send(commands.FFMPEG_VIDEO_DONE, outputDir); // // UPSCALE // let upscayl: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams | null = null; // upscayl = spawn( // execPath("realesrgan"), // [ // "-i", // frameExtractionPath, // "-o", // frameUpscalePath, // "-s", // 4, // "-m", // modelsPath, // "-n", // model, // ], // { // cwd: undefined, // detached: false, // } // ); // upscayl?.stderr.on("data", (data) => { // console.log( // "🚀 => upscayl.stderr.on => stderr.toString()", // data.toString() // ); // data = data.toString(); // mainWindow.webContents.send( // commands.FFMPEG_VIDEO_PROGRESS, // data.toString() // ); // }); // } // }); // });