import React from "react"; function RightPaneInfo({ version, batchMode, isVideo }) { return isVideo ? ( <> <p className="p-5 pb-1 text-lg font-semibold">Select Video to Upscayl</p> <p className="text-sm">Upscayl v{version}</p> </> ) : ( <> <p className="p-5 pb-1 text-lg font-semibold"> Select {batchMode ? "a Folder" : "an Image"} to Upscayl </p> {batchMode && ( <p className="w-full pb-5 text-center md:w-96"> Make sure that the folder doesn't contain anything except PNG, JPG, JPEG & WEBP images. </p> )} <p className="text-sm">Upscayl v{version}</p> </> ); } export default RightPaneInfo;