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title: 'Global Settings'
description: 'Mintlify gives you complete control over the look and feel of your documentation using the mint.json file'
icon: 'gear'
Every Mintlify site needs a `mint.json` file with the core configuration settings. Learn more about the [properties](#properties) below.
## Properties
<ResponseField name="name" type="string" required>
Name of your project. Used for the global title.
Example: `mintlify`
<ResponseField name="navigation" type="Navigation[]" required>
An array of groups with all the pages within that group
<Expandable title="Navigation">
<ResponseField name="group" type="string">
The name of the group.
Example: `Settings`
<ResponseField name="pages" type="string[]">
The relative paths to the markdown files that will serve as pages.
Example: `["customization", "page"]`
<ResponseField name="logo" type="string or object">
Path to logo image or object with path to "light" and "dark" mode logo images
<Expandable title="Logo">
<ResponseField name="light" type="string">
Path to the logo in light mode
<ResponseField name="dark" type="string">
Path to the logo in dark mode
<ResponseField name="href" type="string" default="/">
Where clicking on the logo links you to
<ResponseField name="favicon" type="string">
Path to the favicon image
<ResponseField name="colors" type="Colors">
Hex color codes for your global theme
<Expandable title="Colors">
<ResponseField name="primary" type="string" required>
The primary color. Used for most often for highlighted content, section
headers, accents, in light mode
<ResponseField name="light" type="string">
The primary color for dark mode. Used for most often for highlighted
content, section headers, accents, in dark mode
<ResponseField name="dark" type="string">
The primary color for important buttons
<ResponseField name="background" type="object">
The color of the background in both light and dark mode
<Expandable title="Object">
<ResponseField name="light" type="string" required>
The hex color code of the background in light mode
<ResponseField name="dark" type="string" required>
The hex color code of the background in dark mode
<ResponseField name="topbarLinks" type="TopbarLink[]">
Array of `name`s and `url`s of links you want to include in the topbar
<Expandable title="TopbarLink">
<ResponseField name="name" type="string">
The name of the button.
Example: `Contact us`
<ResponseField name="url" type="string">
The url once you click on the button. Example: `https://mintlify.com/contact`
<ResponseField name="topbarCtaButton" type="Call to Action">
<Expandable title="Topbar Call to Action">
<ResponseField name="type" type={'"link" or "github"'} default="link">
Link shows a button. GitHub shows the repo information at the url provided including the number of GitHub stars.
<ResponseField name="url" type="string">
If `link`: What the button links to.
If `github`: Link to the repository to load GitHub information from.
<ResponseField name="name" type="string">
Text inside the button. Only required if `type` is a `link`.
<ResponseField name="versions" type="string[]">
Array of version names. Only use this if you want to show different versions
of docs with a dropdown in the navigation bar.
<ResponseField name="anchors" type="Anchor[]">
An array of the anchors, includes the `icon`, `color`, and `url`.
<Expandable title="Anchor">
<ResponseField name="icon" type="string">
The [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/search?s=brands%2Cduotone) icon used to feature the anchor.
Example: `comments`
<ResponseField name="name" type="string">
The name of the anchor label.
Example: `Community`
<ResponseField name="url" type="string">
The start of the URL that marks what pages go in the anchor. Generally, this is the name of the folder you put your pages in.
<ResponseField name="color" type="string">
The hex color of the anchor icon background. Can also be a gradient if you pass an object with the properties `from` and `to` that are each a hex color.
<ResponseField name="version" type="string">
Used if you want to hide an anchor until the correct docs version is selected.
<ResponseField name="isDefaultHidden" type="boolean" default="false">
Pass `true` if you want to hide the anchor until you directly link someone to docs inside it.
<ResponseField name="iconType" default="duotone" type="string">
One of: "brands", "duotone", "light", "sharp-solid", "solid", or "thin"
<ResponseField name="topAnchor" type="Object">
Override the default configurations for the top-most anchor.
<Expandable title="Object">
<ResponseField name="name" default="Documentation" type="string">
The name of the top-most anchor
<ResponseField name="icon" default="book-open" type="string">
Font Awesome icon.
<ResponseField name="iconType" default="duotone" type="string">
One of: "brands", "duotone", "light", "sharp-solid", "solid", or "thin"
<ResponseField name="tabs" type="Tabs[]">
An array of navigational tabs.
<Expandable title="Tabs">
<ResponseField name="name" type="string">
The name of the tab label.
<ResponseField name="url" type="string">
The start of the URL that marks what pages go in the tab. Generally, this
is the name of the folder you put your pages in.
<ResponseField name="api" type="API">
Configuration for API settings. Learn more about API pages at [API Components](/api-playground/demo).
<Expandable title="API">
<ResponseField name="baseUrl" type="string">
The base url for all API endpoints. If `baseUrl` is an array, it will enable for multiple base url
options that the user can toggle.
<ResponseField name="auth" type="Auth">
<Expandable title="Auth">
<ResponseField name="method" type='"bearer" | "basic" | "key"'>
The authentication strategy used for all API endpoints.
<ResponseField name="name" type="string">
The name of the authentication parameter used in the API playground.
If method is `basic`, the format should be `[usernameName]:[passwordName]`
<ResponseField name="inputPrefix" type="string">
The default value that's designed to be a prefix for the authentication input field.
E.g. If an `inputPrefix` of `AuthKey` would inherit the default input result of the authentication field as `AuthKey`.
<ResponseField name="playground" type="Playground">
Configurations for the API playground
<Expandable title="Playground">
<ResponseField name="mode" default="show" type='"show" | "simple" | "hide"'>
Whether the playground is showing, hidden, or only displaying the endpoint with no added user interactivity `simple`
Learn more at the [playground guides](/api-playground/demo)
<ResponseField name="maintainOrder" type="boolean">
Enabling this flag ensures that key ordering in OpenAPI pages matches the key ordering defined in the OpenAPI file.
<Warning>This behavior will soon be enabled by default, at which point this field will be deprecated.</Warning>
<ResponseField name="openapi" type="string | string[]">
A string or an array of strings of URL(s) or relative path(s) pointing to your
OpenAPI file.
```json Absolute
"openapi": "https://example.com/openapi.json"
```json Relative
"openapi": "/openapi.json"
```json Multiple
"openapi": ["https://example.com/openapi1.json", "/openapi2.json", "/openapi3.json"]
<ResponseField name="footerSocials" type="FooterSocials">
An object of social media accounts where the key:property pair represents the social media platform and the account url.
"twitter": "https://twitter.com/mintlify",
"website": "https://mintlify.com"
<Expandable title="FooterSocials">
<ResponseField name="[key]" type="string">
One of the following values `website`, `facebook`, `twitter`, `discord`, `slack`, `github`, `linkedin`, `instagram`, `hacker-news`
Example: `twitter`
<ResponseField name="property" type="string">
The URL to the social platform.
Example: `https://twitter.com/mintlify`
<ResponseField name="feedback" type="Feedback">
Configurations to enable feedback buttons
<Expandable title="Feedback">
<ResponseField name="suggestEdit" type="boolean" default="false">
Enables a button to allow users to suggest edits via pull requests
<ResponseField name="raiseIssue" type="boolean" default="false">
Enables a button to allow users to raise an issue about the documentation
<ResponseField name="modeToggle" type="ModeToggle">
Customize the dark mode toggle.
<Expandable title="ModeToggle">
<ResponseField name="default" type={'"light" or "dark"'}>
Set if you always want to show light or dark mode for new users. When not
set, we default to the same mode as the user's operating system.
<ResponseField name="isHidden" type="boolean" default="false">
Set to true to hide the dark/light mode toggle. You can combine `isHidden` with `default` to force your docs to only use light or dark mode. For example:
```json Only Dark Mode
"modeToggle": {
"default": "dark",
"isHidden": true
```json Only Light Mode
"modeToggle": {
"default": "light",
"isHidden": true
<ResponseField name="backgroundImage" type="string">
A background image to be displayed behind every page. See example with
[Infisical](https://infisical.com/docs) and [FRPC](https://frpc.io).