
296 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "meta.h"
#include "aax_streamfile.h"
#include "aax_utf.h"
/* AAX - segmented ADX [Bayonetta (PS3), Pandora's Tower (Wii), Catherine (X360)] */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_aax(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
char filename[PATH_LIMIT];
off_t *segment_offset = NULL;
off_t *segment_size = NULL;
int32_t sample_count;
int table_error = 0;
int loop_flag = 0;
int32_t loop_start_sample=0;
int32_t loop_end_sample=0;
int loop_segment = 0;
aax_codec_data *data = NULL;
const long AAX_offset = 0;
int channel_count = 0, segment_count;
int sample_rate = 0;
int i;
long aax_data_offset;
/* check extension, case insensitive */
if (strcasecmp("aax",filename_extension(filename))) goto fail;
/* get AAX entry count, data offset */
struct utf_query_result result;
long aax_string_table_offset;
long aax_string_table_size;
result = query_utf_nofail(streamFile, AAX_offset, NULL, &table_error);
if (table_error) goto fail;
segment_count = result.rows;
aax_string_table_offset = AAX_offset + 8 + result.string_table_offset;
aax_data_offset = AAX_offset + 8 + result.data_offset;
aax_string_table_size = aax_data_offset - aax_string_table_offset;
if (result.name_offset+4 > aax_string_table_size) goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(aax_string_table_offset + result.name_offset,
streamFile) != 0x41415800) /* "AAX\0" */
goto fail;
segment_offset = calloc(segment_count,sizeof(off_t));
if (!segment_offset)
goto fail;
segment_size = calloc(segment_count,sizeof(off_t));
if (!segment_size)
goto fail;
/* get offsets of constituent ADXs */
for (i = 0; i < segment_count; i++)
struct offset_size_pair offset_size;
offset_size = query_utf_data(streamFile, AAX_offset, i, "data", &table_error);
if (table_error) goto fail;
segment_offset[i] = aax_data_offset + offset_size.offset;
segment_size[i] = offset_size.size;
streamFileAAX = streamFile->open(streamFile,filename,STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!streamFileAAX) goto fail;
data = malloc(sizeof(aax_codec_data));
if (!data) goto fail;
data->segment_count = segment_count;
data->adxs = malloc(sizeof(STREAMFILE *)*segment_count);
if (!data->adxs) goto fail;
for (i=0;i<segment_count;i++) {
data->adxs[i] = NULL;
data->sample_counts = calloc(segment_count,sizeof(int32_t));
if (!data->sample_counts) goto fail;
/* for each segment */
for (i = 0; i < segment_count; i++)
/*printf("try opening segment %d/%d %x\n",i,segment_count,segment_offset[i]);*/
streamFileADX = open_aax_with_STREAMFILE(streamFileAAX,segment_offset[i],segment_size[i]);
if (!streamFileADX) goto fail;
adx = data->adxs[i] = init_vgmstream_adx(streamFileADX);
if (!adx)
goto fail;
data->sample_counts[i] = adx->num_samples;
close_streamfile(streamFileADX); streamFileADX = NULL;
if (i == 0)
channel_count = adx->channels;
sample_rate = adx->sample_rate;
if (channel_count != adx->channels)
goto fail;
if (sample_rate != adx->sample_rate)
goto fail;
if (adx->loop_flag != 0)
goto fail;
/* save start things so we can restart for seeking/looping */
/* copy the channels */
/* copy the whole VGMSTREAM */
sample_count = 0;
loop_flag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < segment_count; i++)
int segment_loop_flag = query_utf_1byte(streamFile, AAX_offset, i,
"lpflg", &table_error);
if (table_error) segment_loop_flag = 0;
if (!loop_flag && segment_loop_flag)
loop_start_sample = sample_count;
loop_segment = i;
sample_count += data->sample_counts[i];
if (!loop_flag && segment_loop_flag)
loop_end_sample = sample_count;
loop_flag = 1;
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,loop_flag);
vgmstream->num_samples = sample_count;
vgmstream->sample_rate = sample_rate;
vgmstream->loop_start_sample = loop_start_sample;
vgmstream->loop_end_sample = loop_end_sample;
vgmstream->coding_type = data->adxs[0]->coding_type;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_aax;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_AAX;
vgmstream->ch[0].streamfile = streamFileAAX;
data->current_segment = 0;
data->loop_segment = loop_segment;
vgmstream->codec_data = data;
return vgmstream;
/* clean up anything we may have opened */
if (streamFileAAX) close_streamfile(streamFileAAX);
if (streamFileADX) close_streamfile(streamFileADX);
if (vgmstream) close_vgmstream(vgmstream);
if (segment_offset) free(segment_offset);
if (segment_size) free(segment_size);
if (data) {
if (data->adxs)
int i;
for (i=0;i<data->segment_count;i++)
if (data->adxs)
if (data->sample_counts)
return NULL;
/* CRI's UTF wrapper around DSP */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_utf_dsp(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
char filename[PATH_LIMIT];
int table_error = 0;
int loop_flag = 0;
const long top_offset = 0;
int channel_count;
int sample_rate;
long sample_count;
long top_data_offset, segment_count;
long body_offset, body_size;
long header_offset, header_size;
/* check extension, case insensitive */
//if (strcasecmp("aax",filename_extension(filename))) goto fail;
/* get entry count, data offset */
struct utf_query_result result;
long top_string_table_offset;
long top_string_table_size;
long name_offset;
result = query_utf_nofail(streamFile, top_offset, NULL, &table_error);
if (table_error) goto fail;
segment_count = result.rows;
if (segment_count != 1) goto fail; // only simple stuff for now
top_string_table_offset = top_offset + 8 + result.string_table_offset;
top_data_offset = top_offset + 8 + result.data_offset;
top_string_table_size = top_data_offset - top_string_table_offset;
if (result.name_offset+10 > top_string_table_size) goto fail;
name_offset = top_string_table_offset + result.name_offset;
if (read_32bitBE(name_offset, streamFile) != 0x41445043 ||// "ADPC"
read_32bitBE(name_offset+4, streamFile) != 0x4D5F5749 ||// "M_WI"
read_16bitBE(name_offset+8, streamFile) != 0x4900) // "I\0"
goto fail;
struct offset_size_pair offset_size;
offset_size = query_utf_data(streamFile, top_offset, 0, "data", &table_error);
if (table_error) goto fail;
body_offset = top_data_offset + offset_size.offset;
body_size = offset_size.size;
offset_size = query_utf_data(streamFile, top_offset, 0, "header", &table_error);
if (table_error) goto fail;
header_offset = top_data_offset + offset_size.offset;
header_size = offset_size.size;
channel_count = query_utf_1byte(streamFile, top_offset, 0, "nch", &table_error);
sample_count = query_utf_4byte(streamFile, top_offset, 0, "nsmpl", &table_error);
sample_rate = query_utf_4byte(streamFile, top_offset, 0, "sfreq", &table_error);
if (table_error) goto fail;
if (channel_count != 1 && channel_count != 2) goto fail;
if (header_size != channel_count * 0x60) goto fail;
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,loop_flag);
vgmstream->num_samples = sample_count;
vgmstream->sample_rate = sample_rate;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_UTF_DSP;
int i,j;
long channel_size = (body_size+7)/8*8/channel_count;
for (i = 0; i < channel_count; i++)
vgmstream->ch[i].streamfile = streamFile->open(streamFile,filename,STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!vgmstream->ch[i].streamfile) goto fail;
vgmstream->ch[i].channel_start_offset =
vgmstream->ch[i].offset = body_offset + i * channel_size;
for (j=0;j<16;j++)
vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_coef[j] =
read_16bitBE(header_offset + 0x60*i + 0x1c + j*2, streamFile);
return vgmstream;
/* clean up anything we may have opened */
if (vgmstream) close_vgmstream(vgmstream);
return NULL;