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synced 2025-03-01 08:01:17 +01:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ When an unsupported file is loaded (for instance "bgm01.snd"), vgmstream tries t
- .(ext).txth
- .txth
If found and parsed correctly (the TXTH may be rejected if incorrect commands are found) vgmstream will try to play the file as described. Extension must be accepted/added to vgmstream (plugins like foobar2000 only load extensions from a whitelist in formats.c), or one could rename to any supported extension (like .vgmstream), or leave the file extensionless.
If found and parsed correctly (the .txth may be rejected if incorrect commands are found) vgmstream will try to play the file as described. Extension must be accepted/added to vgmstream (plugins like foobar2000 only load extensions from a whitelist in formats.c), or one could rename to any supported extension (like .vgmstream), or leave the file extensionless.
You can also use ".(sub).(ext).txth" (if the file is "filename.sub.ext"), to allow mixing slightly different files in the same folder. The "sub" part doesn't need to be an extension, for example:
- 001.1ch.str, 001.1ch.str may use .1ch.txth
@ -19,30 +19,27 @@ For an unsupported bgm01.vag this would be a simple TXTH for it:
id_value = 0x534E4420 #test that file starts with "SND "
id_offset = @0x00:BE #test is done at offset 0, big endian value
codec = PSX
codec = PSX #data uses PS-ADPCM
sample_rate = @0x10$2 #get sample rate at offset 0x10, 16 bit value
channels = @0x14 #get number of channels at offset 14
interleave = 0x1000 #fixed value
start_offset = 0x100
start_offset = 0x100 #data starts after exactly this value
num_samples = data_size #find automatically number of samples in the file
loop_flag = auto
loop_flag = auto #find loop points in PS-ADPCM
A text file with the above commands must be saved as ".vag.txth" or ".txth", notice it starts with a "." (dot). On Windows files starting with a dot can be created by appending a dot at the end: ".txth."
## Available commands
The file is made of lines with `key = value` commands describing a header. Commands are all case sensitive and spaces are optional: `key=value`, `key = value`, and so on are all ok. Comments start with # and can be inlined.
The parser is fairly simple and may be buggy or unexpected in some cases. The order of keys is variable but some things won't work if others aren't defined (ex. bytes-to-samples may not work without channels or interleave).
# The file is made of lines like "key = value" commands describing a header.
# Comments start with #, can be inlined. keys and commands are all case sensitive.
# Spaces are optional: key=value, key = value, and so on are all ok.
# The parser is fairly simple and may be buggy or unexpected in some cases.
# The order of keys is variable but some things won't work if others aren't defined
# (ex. bytes-to-samples may not work without channels or interleave).
# Common values:
# - (number): constant number in dec/hex, unsigned (no +10 or -10).
# Examples: 44100, 40, 0x40 (decimal=64)
# - (offset): format is @(number)[:LE|BE][$1|2|3|4]
@ -59,7 +56,8 @@ A text file with the above commands must be saved as ".vag.txth" or ".txth", not
# Those may be combined with math operations (+-*/):
# "field = (number) (op) (offset) (op) (field) (...)"
# Codec used to encode the data [REQUIRED]
# Sets codec used to encode the data.
# Accepted codec strings:
# - PSX PlayStation ADPCM
# * For many PS1/PS2/PS3 games
@ -143,7 +141,8 @@ A text file with the above commands must be saved as ".vag.txth" or ".txth", not
# * Should set skip_samples (around 1024 but varies)
codec = (codec string)
# Codec variations [OPTIONAL, depends on codec]
# CODEC VARIATIONS [OPTIONAL, depends on codec]
# Accepted values:
# - NGC_DSP: 0=normal interleave, 1=byte interleave, 2=no interleave
# - ATRAC3: 0=autodetect joint stereo, 1=force joint stereo, 2=force normal stereo
# - XMA1|XMA2: 0=dual multichannel (2ch xN), 1=single multichannel (1ch xN)
@ -151,10 +150,10 @@ codec = (codec string)
# - PCFX: 0=standard, 1='buggy encoder' mode, 2/3=same as 0/1 but with double volume
# - PCM4|PCM4_U: 0=low nibble first, 1=high nibble first
# - others: ignored
codec_mode = (number)
codec_mode = (value)
# Modifies next values [OPTIONAL]
# Values will be "(key) = (number)|(offset)|(field) */+- value_(op)"
# Changes next read to: "(key) = (number)|(offset)|(field) */+- value_(op)"
# Deprecated, should use inline math instead.
# Set to 0 when done using, as it affects ANY value. Priority is as listed.
value_mul|value_* = (number)|(offset)|(field)
@ -162,44 +161,50 @@ value_div|value_/ = (number)|(offset)|(field)
value_add|value_+ = (number)|(offset)|(field)
value_sub|value_- = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Interleave or block size [REQUIRED/OPTIONAL, depends on codec]
# - half_size: sets interleave as data_size / channels
# For mono/interleaved codecs it's the amount of data between channels,
# and while optional you'll often need to set it to get proper sound.
# For codecs with custom frame sizes (MSADPCM, MS-IMA, ATRAC3/plus)
# means frame size and it's required.
# Interleave 0 means "stereo mode" for codecs marked as "mono/stereo",
# and setting it will usually force mono-interleaved mode.
# Special values:
# - half_size: sets interleave as data_size / channels
interleave = (number)|(offset)|(field)|half_size
# Interleave in the last block [OPTIONAL]
# - auto: calculate based on channels, interleave and data_size/start_offset
# In some files with interleaved data the last block is smaller than interleave,
# so interleave must be smaller in the last block. This fixes decoding glitches
# for those files. Note that this doesn't affect files with padding data in the
# last block (as the interleave itself is constant).
interleave_last = (number)|(auto)
# Special values:
# - auto: calculate based on channels, interleave and data_size/start_offset
interleave_last = (number)|auto
# Validate that id_value matches value at id_offset [OPTIONAL]
# Validates that id_value (normally set as constant) matches value at id_offset.
# Can be redefined several times, it's checked whenever a new id_offset is found.
id_value = (number)|(offset)|(field)
id_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Number of channels [REQUIRED]
channels = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Music frequency in hz [REQUIRED]
sample_rate = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Data start [OPTIONAL, default to 0]
# DATA START [OPTIONAL, default to 0]
start_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Variable that can be used in sample values [OPTIONAL]
# Special variable that can be used in sample values.
# Defaults to (file_size - start_offset), re-calculated when start_offset
# is set (won't recalculate if data_size is set then start_offset changes).
data_size = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Modifies the meaning of sample fields when set *before* them [OPTIONAL, defaults to samples]
# SAMPLE MEANINGS [OPTIONAL, defaults to samples]
# Modifies the meaning of sample fields when set *before* them.
# Accepted values:
# - samples: exact sample
# - bytes: automatically converts bytes/offset to samples (applies after */+- modifiers)
# - blocks: same as bytes, but value is given in blocks/frames
@ -208,30 +213,34 @@ data_size = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# For XMA1/2 bytes does special parsing, with loop values being bit offsets within data.
sample_type = samples|bytes|blocks
# Various sample values [REQUIRED (num_samples) / OPTIONAL (rest)]
# SAMPLE VALUES [REQUIRED (num_samples) / OPTIONAL (rest)]
# Special values:
# - data_size: automatically converts bytes-to-samples
num_samples = (number)|(offset)|(field)|data_size
loop_start_sample = (number)|(offset)|(field)
loop_end_sample = (number)|(offset)|(field)|data_size
# Force loop, on (>0) or off (0), as loop start/end may be defined but not used [OPTIONAL]
# - auto: tries to autodetect loop points for PS-ADPCM data, which may include loop flags.
# Force loop, on (>0) or off (0), as loop start/end may be defined but not used.
# Ignores values 0xFFFF/0xFFFFFFFF (-1) as they are often used to disable loops.
# By default it loops when loop_end_sample is defined and less than num_samples.
# Special values:
# - auto: tries to autodetect loop points for PS-ADPCM data using data loop flags.
loop_flag = (number)|(offset)|(field)|auto
# Loop start/end modifier [OPTIONAL]
# For XMA1/2 + sample_type=bytes it means loop subregion, if read after loop values.
# For other codecs its added to loop start/end, if read before loop values
# (a format may rarely have rough loop offset/bytes, then a loop adjust in samples).
loop_adjust = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Beginning samples to skip (encoder delay) [OPTIONAL]
# Only some codecs use them (ATRAC3/ATRAC3PLUS/XMA/FFMPEG/AC3)
# Beginning samples to skip, a.k.a. priming samples or encoder delay.
# Only a few codecs use them (ATRAC3/ATRAC3PLUS/XMA/FFMPEG/AC3/AAC), since
# they need to "warm up" with a number of skip_samples.
skip_samples = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# DSP decoding coefficients [REQUIRED for NGC_DSP]
# These coefs are a list of 8*2 16-bit values per channel, starting from offset.
coef_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Offset separation per channel, usually 0x20 (16 values * 2 bytes)
@ -241,9 +250,15 @@ coef_spacing = (number)|(offset)|(field)
coef_endianness = BE|LE|(offset)|(field)
# Split/normal coefs [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]
#coef_mode = (number)|(offset)
# Inline coefs, used over those found in coef_offset. Format is a long string
# of bytes (optionally space-separated). It's interpreted like normal coefs
# (byte array), meaning you still need to set coef_spacing and coef_endianness.
# coef_table = 0x1E02DE01 3C0C0EFA ...
coef_table = (string)
# Change header/body to external files [OPTIONAL]
# Changes internal header/body representation to external files.
# TXTH commands are done on a "header", and decoding on "body".
# When loading an unsupported file it becomes the "base" file
# that loads the .txth, and is both header and body.
@ -260,7 +275,7 @@ coef_endianness = BE|LE|(offset)|(field)
header_file = (filename)|*.(extension)|null
body_file = (filename)|*.(extension)|null
# Subsongs [OPTIONAL]
# Sets the number of subsongs in the file, adjusting reads per subsong N:
# "value = @(offset) + subsong_offset*N". (number) values aren't adjusted
# as they are seen as constants.
@ -270,7 +285,7 @@ body_file = (filename)|*.(extension)|null
subsong_count = (number)|(offset)|(field)
subsong_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Names [OPTIONAL]
# Sets the name of the stream, most useful when used with subsongs.
# TXTH will read a string at name_offset, with name_size characters.
# name_size defaults to 0, which reads until null-terminator or a
@ -279,6 +294,18 @@ subsong_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# adjusted by subsong_offset.
name_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
name_size = (number)|(offset)|(field)
# Tells TXTH to parse a full file (ex. .ogg) at subfile_offset, with size
# of subfile_size (defaults to file size - subfile_offset if not set).
# Internal subfile extension can be changed to subfile_extension if needed,
# as vgmstream won't accept unknown extensions (for example if your file
# uses .pogg you may need to set subfile_extension = ogg).
# Setting any of those three will trigger this mode (it's ok to set offset 0).
# Once triggered most fields are ignored, but not all, explained below.
subfile_offset = (number)|(offset)|(field)
subfile_size = (number)|(offset)|(field)
subfile_extension = (string)
## Usages
@ -300,7 +327,6 @@ sample_type = bytes
num_samples = @0x10 #calculated from channel_size
channels = 2 #change once calculations are done
This can be done with value modifiers too (see below).
### Redefining values
Some commands alter the function of all next commands and can be redefined as needed:
@ -364,6 +390,8 @@ data_size = (@0x10 + 1) * 0x800
# same as above but don't do this
# (may become @0x10 + (1 * 0x800) in the future
data_size = @0x10 + 1 * 0x800
# doesn't work at the moment, so reorder as (1 * 0x800) + @0x10
data_size = @0x10 + (1 * 0x800)
# fails, wrong bracket count
data_size = (@0x10 + 1 * 0x800
# fails, wrong bracket count
@ -398,3 +426,23 @@ value_add = 0x10
value_mul = 0x800
start_offset = @0x10
### Subfiles
Sometimes a file is just a wrapper for another common format. In those cases you can tell TXTH to just play the internal format:
subfile_offset = 0x20 # tell TXTH to parse a full file (ex. .ogg) at this offset
subfile_size = @0x10 # defaults to (file size - subfile_offset) if not set
subfile_extension = ogg # may be ommited if subfile extension is the same
# many fields are ignored
codec = PCM16LE
interleave = 0x1000
channels = 2
# a few fields are applied
sample_rate = @0x08
num_samples = @0x10
loop_start_sample = @0x14
loop_end_sample = @0x18
Most fields can't be changed after parsing since doesn't make much sense technically, as the parsed subfile should supply them.
Reference in New Issue
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