mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 23:36:41 +01:00
Merge pull request #265 from NicknineTheEagle/ea-formats
More EA formats
This commit is contained in:
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void ffmpeg_set_skip_samples(ffmpeg_codec_data * data, int skip_samples);
size_t ffmpeg_make_opus_header(uint8_t * buf, int buf_size, int channels, int skip, int sample_rate);
size_t ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(int channels, off_t real_offset, size_t real_size, STREAMFILE *streamFile);
size_t ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(int channels, int streamed, off_t real_offset, size_t real_size, STREAMFILE *streamFile);
size_t switch_opus_get_samples(off_t offset, size_t data_size, int sample_rate, STREAMFILE *streamFile);
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ int64_t ffmpeg_custom_size_eaxma(ffmpeg_codec_data *data) {
/* needed to know in meta for fake RIFF */
size_t ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(int channels, off_t real_offset, size_t real_size, STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
size_t ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(int channels, int streamed, off_t real_offset, size_t real_size, STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
size_t virtual_size = 0;
size_t real_end_offset = real_offset + real_size;
/* EA-XMA always uses late XMA2 streams (2ch + ... + 1/2ch) */
@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ size_t ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(int channels, off_t real_offset, size_t rea
if (block_flag == 0x45) /* exit on last block just in case (v1/SPS, empty) */
max_packets = get_block_max_packets(num_streams, packets_offset, streamFile);
if (max_packets == 0) goto fail;
@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ size_t ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(int channels, off_t real_offset, size_t rea
real_offset += block_size;
if (block_flag == 0x80) /* exit on last block just in case (v0/SNS, full) */
if (!streamed || block_flag == 0x80) /* exit on last block just in case (v0/SNS, full) */
@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ static const char* extension_list[] = {
"idvi", //fake extension for .pcm (to be removed)
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
/* EAAudioCore formats, EA's current audio middleware */
static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, STREAMFILE * streamData, off_t header_offset, off_t start_offset, meta_t meta_type);
static size_t get_snr_size(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset);
static VGMSTREAM *parse_s10a_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, uint16_t target_index, off_t ast_offset);
/* .SNR+SNS - from EA latest games (~2008-2013), v0 header */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_snr_sns(STREAMFILE * streamFile) {
@ -18,14 +20,7 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_snr_sns(STREAMFILE * streamFile) {
/* SNR headers normally need an external SNS file, but some have data [Burnout Paradise, NFL2013 (iOS)] */
if (get_streamfile_size(streamFile) > 0x10) {
off_t start_offset;
switch(read_8bit(0x04,streamFile)) { /* flags */
case 0x60: start_offset = 0x10; break;
case 0x20: start_offset = 0x0c; break;
default: start_offset = 0x08; break;
off_t start_offset = get_snr_size(streamFile, 0x00);
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, 0x00, start_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
@ -155,6 +150,288 @@ fail:
return NULL;
/* EA HDR/STH/DAT - seen in early 7th-gen games, used for storing speech */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_sth_dat(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
uint8_t userdata_size, total_sounds, block_id;
uint8_t i;
off_t snr_offset, sns_offset;
size_t file_size, block_size;
STREAMFILE *datFile = NULL, *sthFile = NULL;
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream;
/* 0x00: ID */
/* 0x02: userdata size */
/* 0x03: number of files */
/* 0x04: sub-ID (used for different police voices in NFS games) */
/* 0x08: alt number of files? */
/* 0x09: zero */
/* 0x0A: ??? */
/* 0x0C: zero */
/* 0x10: table start */
sthFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sth");
if (!sthFile)
goto fail;
datFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "dat");
if (!datFile)
goto fail;
/* STH always starts with the first offset of zero */
sns_offset = read_32bitLE(0x00, sthFile);
if (sns_offset != 0)
goto fail;
/* check if DAT starts with a correct SNS block */
block_id = read_8bit(0x00, datFile);
if (block_id != 0x00 && block_id != 0x80)
goto fail;
userdata_size = read_8bit(0x02, streamFile);
total_sounds = read_8bit(0x03, streamFile);
if (read_8bit(0x08, streamFile) > total_sounds)
goto fail;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0 || total_sounds == 0 || target_stream > total_sounds)
goto fail;
/* offsets in HDR are always big endian */
//snr_offset = (off_t)read_16bitBE(0x10 + (0x02+userdata_size) * (target_stream-1), streamFile) + 0x04;
//sns_offset = read_32bit(snr_offset, sthFile);
/* we can't reliably detect byte endianness so we're going to find the sound the hacky way */
/* go through blocks until we reach the goal sound */
file_size = get_streamfile_size(datFile);
snr_offset = 0;
sns_offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < total_sounds; i++) {
snr_offset = (off_t)read_16bitBE(0x10 + (0x02+userdata_size) * i, streamFile) + 0x04;
if (i == target_stream - 1)
while (true) {
if (sns_offset >= file_size)
goto fail;
block_id = read_8bit(sns_offset, datFile);
block_size = read_32bitBE(sns_offset, datFile) & 0x00FFFFFF;
if (block_size == 0)
goto fail;
if (block_id != 0x00 && block_id != 0x80)
goto fail;
sns_offset += block_size;
if (block_id == 0x80)
block_id = read_8bit(sns_offset, datFile);
if (block_id != 0x00 && block_id != 0x80)
goto fail;
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(sthFile, datFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_sounds;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* EA ABK - ABK header seems to be same as in the old games but the sound table is different and it contains SNR/SNS sounds instead */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_new(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int is_dupe, total_sounds = 0, target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
off_t bnk_offset, header_table_offset, base_offset, unk_struct_offset, table_offset, snd_entry_offset, ast_offset;
off_t num_entries_off, base_offset_off, entries_off, sound_table_offset_off;
uint32_t i, j, k, version, num_sounds, total_sound_tables;
uint16_t num_tables, bnk_index, bnk_target_index;
uint8_t num_entries, extra_entries;
off_t sound_table_offsets[0x2000];
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
/* check extension */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "abk"))
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x41424B43) /* "ABKC" */
goto fail;
version = read_32bitBE(0x04, streamFile);
if (version != 0x01010202)
goto fail;
/* use table offset to check endianness */
if (guess_endianness32bit(0x1C,streamFile)) {
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0)
goto fail;
num_tables = read_16bit(0x0A, streamFile);
header_table_offset = read_32bit(0x1C, streamFile);
bnk_offset = read_32bit(0x20, streamFile);
total_sound_tables = 0;
bnk_target_index = 0xFFFF;
/* set up some common values */
if (header_table_offset == 0x5C) {
/* the usual variant */
num_entries_off = 0x24;
base_offset_off = 0x2C;
entries_off = 0x3C;
sound_table_offset_off = 0x04;
else if (header_table_offset == 0x78) {
/* FIFA 08 has a bunch of extra zeroes all over the place, don't know what's up with that */
num_entries_off = 0x40;
base_offset_off = 0x54;
entries_off = 0x68;
sound_table_offset_off = 0x0C;
else {
goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < num_tables; i++) {
num_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + num_entries_off, streamFile);
extra_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + num_entries_off + 0x03, streamFile);
base_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + base_offset_off, streamFile);
if (num_entries == 0xff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (j = 0; j < num_entries; j++) {
unk_struct_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + entries_off + 0x04 * j, streamFile);
table_offset = read_32bit(base_offset + unk_struct_offset + sound_table_offset_off, streamFile);
/* For some reason, there are duplicate entries pointing at the same sound tables */
is_dupe = 0;
for (k = 0; k < total_sound_tables; k++)
if (table_offset==sound_table_offsets[k])
is_dupe = 1;
if (is_dupe)
sound_table_offsets[total_sound_tables++] = table_offset;
num_sounds = read_32bit(table_offset, streamFile);
if (num_sounds == 0xffffffff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (k = 0; k < num_sounds; k++) {
/* 0x00: sound index */
/* 0x02: ??? */
/* 0x04: ??? */
/* 0x08: streamed data offset */
snd_entry_offset = table_offset + 0x04 + 0x0C * k;
bnk_index = read_16bit(snd_entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile);
/* some of these are dummies */
if (bnk_index == 0xFFFF)
if (target_stream == total_sounds) {
bnk_target_index = bnk_index;
ast_offset = read_32bit(snd_entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile);
header_table_offset += entries_off + num_entries * 0x04 + extra_entries * 0x04;
if (bnk_target_index == 0xFFFF)
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_s10a_header(streamFile, bnk_offset, bnk_target_index, ast_offset);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_sounds;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* EA S10A header - seen inside new ABK files. Putting it here in case it's encountered stand-alone. */
static VGMSTREAM * parse_s10a_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, uint16_t target_index, off_t ast_offset) {
uint32_t header, num_sounds;
off_t snr_offset, sns_offset;
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream;
/* header is always big endian */
/* 0x00 - header magic */
/* 0x04 - zero */
/* 0x08 - number of files */
/* 0x0C - offsets table */
header = read_32bitBE(offset + 0x00, streamFile);
if (header != 0x53313041) /* "S10A" */
goto fail;
num_sounds = read_32bitBE(offset + 0x08, streamFile);
if (num_sounds == 0 || target_index > num_sounds)
goto fail;
snr_offset = offset + read_32bitBE(offset + 0x0C + 0x04 * target_index, streamFile);
if (ast_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
/* RAM asset */
sns_offset = snr_offset + get_snr_size(streamFile, snr_offset);
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
else {
/* streamed asset */
astFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "ast");
if (!astFile)
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, astFile) != 0x53313053) /* "S10S" */
goto fail;
sns_offset = ast_offset;
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, astFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* EA newest header from RwAudioCore (RenderWare?) / EAAudioCore library (still generated by sx.exe).
* Audio "assets" come in separate RAM headers (.SNR/SPH) and raw blocked streams (.SNS/SPS),
* or together in pseudoformats (.SNU, .SBR+.SBS banks, .AEMS, .MUS, etc).
@ -162,18 +439,26 @@ fail:
static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, STREAMFILE * streamData, off_t header_offset, off_t start_offset, meta_t meta_type) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
STREAMFILE* temp_streamFile = NULL;
int channel_count, loop_flag = 0, version, codec, channel_config, sample_rate, flags;
uint32_t num_samples, loop_start = 0, loop_end = 0;
int channel_count, loop_flag = 0, streamed, version, codec, channel_config, flags;
int32_t header1, header2, sample_rate, num_samples, loop_start = 0, loop_end = 0;
/* EA SNR/SPH header */
version = (read_8bit(header_offset + 0x00,streamHead) >> 4) & 0x0F;
codec = (read_8bit(header_offset + 0x00,streamHead) >> 0) & 0x0F;
channel_config = read_8bit(header_offset + 0x01,streamHead) & 0xFE;
sample_rate = read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x00,streamHead) & 0x1FFFF; /* some Dead Space 2 (PC) uses 96000 */
flags = (uint8_t)read_8bit(header_offset + 0x04,streamHead) & 0xFE; //todo upper nibble only? (the first bit is part of size)
num_samples = (uint32_t)read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x04,streamHead) & 0x01FFFFFF;
/* rest is optional, depends on flags header used (ex. SNU and SPS may have bigger headers):
* &0x20: 1 int (usually 0x00), &0x00/40: nothing, &0x60: 2 ints (usually 0x00 and 0x14) */
/* 4 bits: version */
/* 4 bits: codec */
/* 6 bits: channel config */
/* 18 bits: sample rate */
/* 4 bits: flags */
/* 28 bits: number of samples */
header1 = read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x00, streamHead);
header2 = read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x04, streamHead);
version = (header1 >> 28) & 0x0F;
codec = (header1 >> 24) & 0x0F;
channel_config = (header1 >> 18) & 0x3F;
sample_rate = (header1 & 0x03FFFF); /* some Dead Space 2 (PC) uses 96000 */
flags = (header2 >> 28) & 0x0F; // TODO: maybe even 3 bits and not 4?
num_samples = (header2 & 0x0FFFFFFF);
/* rest is optional, depends on flags header used (ex. SNU and SPS may have bigger headers): */
/* 0x02: loop start sample, 0x00/04: nothing, 0x06: loop start sample and loop start block offset */
/* V0: SNR+SNS, V1: SPR+SPS (no apparent differences, other than the block flags used) */
if (version != 0 && version != 1) {
@ -181,27 +466,30 @@ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, ST
goto fail;
/* 0x40: stream asset, 0x20: full loop, 0x00: default/RAM asset */
if (flags != 0x60 && flags != 0x40 && flags != 0x20 && flags != 0x00) {
/* 0x04: stream asset, 0x02: full loop, 0x00: default/RAM asset */
if (flags != 0x06 && flags != 0x04 && flags != 0x02 && flags != 0x00) {
VGM_LOG("EA SNS/SPS: unknown flag 0x%02x\n", flags);
goto fail;
/* seen in sfx and Dead Space ambient tracks */
if (flags & 0x20) {
/* TODO: Properly implement looping, needed for Need for Speed: World (PC) */
if (flags & 0x02) {
loop_flag = 1;
loop_start = 0;
loop_end = num_samples;
/* Non-streamed sounds are stored as a single block */
streamed = (flags & 0x04) != 0;
/* accepted channel configs only seem to be mono/stereo/quad/5.1/7.1 */
//channel_count = ((channel_config >> 2) & 0xf) + 1; /* likely, but better fail with unknown values */
/* fail with unknown values just in case */
switch(channel_config) {
case 0x00: channel_count = 1; break;
case 0x04: channel_count = 2; break;
case 0x0c: channel_count = 4; break;
case 0x14: channel_count = 6; break;
case 0x1c: channel_count = 8; break;
case 0x01: channel_count = 2; break;
case 0x03: channel_count = 4; break;
case 0x05: channel_count = 6; break;
case 0x07: channel_count = 8; break;
VGM_LOG("EA SNS/SPS: unknown channel config 0x%02x\n", channel_config);
goto fail;
@ -235,7 +523,7 @@ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, ST
ffmpeg_custom_config cfg = {0};
stream_size = get_streamfile_size(streamData) - start_offset;
virtual_size = ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(vgmstream->channels, start_offset,stream_size, streamData);
virtual_size = ffmpeg_get_eaxma_virtual_size(vgmstream->channels, streamed, start_offset,stream_size, streamData);
block_size = 0x10000; /* todo unused and not correctly done by the parser */
block_count = stream_size / block_size + (stream_size % block_size ? 1 : 0);
@ -269,7 +557,7 @@ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, ST
/* remove blocks on reads for some edge cases in L32P and to properly apply discard modes
* (otherwise, and removing discards, it'd work with layout_blocked_ea_sns) */
temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, version, codec, start_offset, 0);
temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, version, codec, streamed, start_offset, 0);
if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail;
start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */
@ -305,7 +593,7 @@ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, ST
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
/* EATrax is "buffered" ATRAC9, uses custom IO since it's kind of complex to add to the decoder */
temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, version, codec, start_offset, total_size);
temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, version, codec, streamed, start_offset, total_size);
if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail;
start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */
@ -341,3 +629,11 @@ fail:
return NULL;
static size_t get_snr_size(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset) {
switch (read_8bit(offset + 0x04, streamFile) >> 4 & 0x0F) { /* flags */
case 0x06: return 0x10;
case 0x02: return 0x0C;
default: return 0x08;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* config */
int version;
int codec;
int streamed;
off_t start_offset;
size_t total_size; /* size of the resulting substream */
} eaac_io_data;
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ static size_t eaac_io_read(STREAMFILE *streamfile, uint8_t *dest, off_t offset,
data->logical_offset += data_size;
if (data->version == 0 && block_flag == 0x80)
if (data->version == 0 && (!data->streamed || block_flag == 0x80))
break; /* stop on last block */
@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ static size_t eaac_io_size(STREAMFILE *streamfile, eaac_io_data* data) {
physical_offset += block_size;
total_size += data_size;
if (data->version == 0 && block_flag == 0x80)
if (data->version == 0 && (!data->streamed || block_flag == 0x80))
break; /* stop on last block */
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ static size_t eaac_io_size(STREAMFILE *streamfile, eaac_io_data* data) {
* - EALayer3: MPEG granule 1 can go in the next block (in V2"P" mainly, others could use layout blocked_sns)
* - EATrax: ATRAC9 frames can be split between blooks
static STREAMFILE* setup_eaac_streamfile(STREAMFILE *streamFile, int version, int codec, off_t start_offset, size_t total_size) {
static STREAMFILE* setup_eaac_streamfile(STREAMFILE *streamFile, int version, int codec, int streamed, off_t start_offset, size_t total_size) {
STREAMFILE *temp_streamFile = NULL, *new_streamFile = NULL;
eaac_io_data io_data = {0};
size_t io_data_size = sizeof(eaac_io_data);
@ -197,6 +198,7 @@ static STREAMFILE* setup_eaac_streamfile(STREAMFILE *streamFile, int version, in
io_data.version = version;
io_data.codec = codec;
io_data.start_offset = start_offset;
io_data.streamed = streamed;
io_data.total_size = total_size; /* optional */
io_data.physical_offset = start_offset;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#define EA_CODEC1_NONE -1
#define EA_CODEC1_PCM 0x00
#define EA_CODEC1_VAG 0x01 // unsure
#define EA_CODEC1_EAXA 0x07 // Need for Speed 2 PC, FIFA 98 SAT
#define EA_CODEC1_EAXA 0x07 // Need for Speed II (PC), FIFA 98 (SAT)
#define EA_CODEC1_MT10 0x09
//#define EA_CODEC1_N64 ?
@ -132,13 +132,15 @@ fail:
return NULL;
/* EA ABK - contains embedded BNK file or references streams in AST file */
/* EA ABK - common soundbank format in 6th-gen games, can reference RAM and streamed assets */
/* RAM assets are stored in embedded BNK file */
/* streamed assets are stored externally in AST file (mostly seen in earlier 6th games) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int bnk_target_stream, is_dupe, total_sounds = 0, target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
off_t bnk_offset, header_table_offset, base_offset, value_offset, table_offset, entry_offset, target_entry_offset, schl_offset;
uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, total_sound_tables;
uint32_t i, j, k, version, num_sounds, total_sound_tables;
uint16_t num_tables;
uint8_t version, sound_type, num_entries;
uint8_t sound_type, num_entries;
off_t sound_table_offsets[0x2000];
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream;
@ -152,8 +154,11 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x41424B43) /* "ABKC" */
goto fail;
version = read_8bit(0x06, streamFile);
if (version > 0x01)
version = read_32bitBE(0x04, streamFile);
if (version != 0x01010000 &&
version != 0x01010100 &&
version != 0x02010100 &&
version != 0x02010202)
goto fail;
/* use table offset to check endianness */
@ -166,7 +171,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0) goto fail;
if (target_stream < 0)
goto fail;
num_tables = read_16bit(0x0A, streamFile);
header_table_offset = read_32bit(0x1C, streamFile);
@ -194,7 +200,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if (is_dupe) continue;
if (is_dupe)
sound_table_offsets[total_sound_tables++] = table_offset;
num_sounds = read_32bit(table_offset, streamFile);
@ -214,10 +221,13 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
/* there can be another set of values, don't know what they mean */
num_entries += read_8bit(header_table_offset + 0x27, streamFile);
header_table_offset += 0x3C + num_entries * 0x04;
if (target_entry_offset == 0) goto fail;
if (target_entry_offset == 0)
goto fail;
/* 0x00: type (0x00 - normal, 0x01 - streamed, 0x02 - streamed and prefetched(?) */
/* 0x01: ??? */
@ -227,21 +237,24 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
switch (sound_type) {
case 0x00:
if (!bnk_offset) goto fail;
if (!bnk_offset)
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(bnk_offset, streamFile) != 0x424E4B6C && /* "BNKl" */
read_32bitBE(bnk_offset,streamFile) != 0x424E4B62) /* BNKb */
read_32bitBE(bnk_offset, streamFile) != 0x424E4B62) /* BNKb */
goto fail;
bnk_target_stream = read_32bit(target_entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) + 1;
vgmstream = parse_bnk_header(streamFile, bnk_offset, bnk_target_stream, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
astData = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "ast");
if (!astData) goto fail;
if (!astData)
goto fail;
if (sound_type == 0x01)
schl_offset = read_32bit(target_entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile);
@ -252,7 +265,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(astData, schl_offset, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
@ -268,63 +282,145 @@ fail:
return NULL;
/* EA HDR/DAT combo - frequently used for storing speech */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
/* EA HDR/DAT combo - seen in late 6th-gen games, used for storing speech and other streamed sounds (except for music) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_dat(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
uint8_t userdata_size, total_sounds;
size_t total_size;
off_t schl_offset;
STREAMFILE *datFile = NULL, *sthFile = NULL;
off_t schl_offset, offset_mult;
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream;
//int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
/* No nice way to validate these so we do what we can */
sthFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sth");
if (sthFile) goto fail; /* newer version using SNR/SNS */
datFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "dat");
if (!datFile) goto fail;
/* 0x00: hash */
/* main header's endianness is platform-native but we only care about one byte values */
/* 0x00: ID */
/* 0x02: sub-ID (used for different police voices in NFS games) */
/* 0x04: userdata size (low nibble) */
/* 0x05: number of files */
/* 0x06: ??? */
/* 0x07: offset multiplier flag */
/* 0x08: combined size of all sounds without padding divided by 0x0100 */
/* 0x0C: table start */
/* no nice way to validate these so we do what we can */
/* must be accompanied by DAT file with SCHl sounds */
datFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "dat");
if (!datFile)
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, datFile) != 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl */
goto fail;
userdata_size = read_8bit(0x04, streamFile) & 0x0F;
total_sounds = read_8bit(0x05, streamFile);
offset_mult = (off_t)read_8bit(0x07, streamFile) * 0x0100 + 0x0100;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0 || total_sounds == 0 || target_stream > total_sounds) goto fail;
if (guess_endianness16bit(0x08,streamFile)) {
//read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
//read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
total_size = (size_t)read_16bit(0x08, streamFile) * 0x0100;
if (total_size > get_streamfile_size(datFile)) goto fail;
if (target_stream < 0 || total_sounds == 0 || target_stream > total_sounds)
goto fail;
/* offsets are always big endian */
schl_offset = (off_t)read_16bitBE(0x0C + (0x02+userdata_size) * (target_stream-1), streamFile) * 0x0100;
schl_offset = (off_t)read_16bitBE(0x0C + (0x02+userdata_size) * (target_stream-1), streamFile) * offset_mult;
if (read_32bitBE(schl_offset, datFile) != 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl */
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(datFile, schl_offset, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* EA IDX/BIG combo - basically a set of HDR/DAT compiled into one file */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_idx_big(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index, total_sounds, subsound_index;
uint32_t num_hdr;
uint32_t i;
uint16_t hdr_id, hdr_subid;
uint8_t userdata_size, hdr_sounds;
off_t entry_offset, hdr_offset, base_offset, schl_offset, offset_mult;
size_t hdr_size;
char stream_name[STREAM_NAME_SIZE];
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
/* seems to always start with 0x00000001 */
if (read_32bitLE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x00000001 &&
read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x00000001)
goto fail;
bigFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "big");
if (!bigFile)
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, bigFile) != 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl */
goto fail;
/* use number of files for endianness check */
if (guess_endianness32bit(0x04,streamFile)) {
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
num_hdr = read_32bit(0x04, streamFile);
if (read_32bit(0x54,streamFile) != num_hdr)
goto fail;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
schl_offset = 0;
total_sounds = 0;
schl_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (i = 0; i < num_hdr; i++) {
entry_offset = 0x58 + 0x10 * i;
hdr_size = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile);
hdr_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile);
base_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x0C, streamFile);
hdr_id = read_16bit(hdr_offset + 0x00, streamFile);
hdr_subid = read_16bit(hdr_offset + 0x02, streamFile);
userdata_size = read_8bit(hdr_offset + 0x04, streamFile) & 0x0F;
hdr_sounds = read_8bit(hdr_offset + 0x05, streamFile);
offset_mult = (off_t)read_8bit(hdr_offset + 0x07, streamFile) * 0x0100 + 0x0100;
if (target_stream > total_sounds && target_stream <= total_sounds + hdr_sounds) {
schl_offset = base_offset + (off_t)read_16bitBE(hdr_offset + 0x0C + (0x02+userdata_size) * (target_stream-total_sounds-1), streamFile) * offset_mult;
subsound_index = target_stream - total_sounds;
/* There are no filenames but we can add IDs to stream name for better organization */
if (hdr_subid != 0xFFFF)
snprintf(stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE, "%03d_%02d_%d", hdr_id, hdr_subid, subsound_index);
snprintf(stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE, "%03d_%d", hdr_id, subsound_index);
total_sounds += hdr_sounds;
if (schl_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(schl_offset, bigFile) != 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl */
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(bigFile, schl_offset, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
strncpy(vgmstream->stream_name, stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE);
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
@ -341,7 +437,7 @@ static VGMSTREAM * parse_schl_block(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int to
header_offset = offset + 0x08;
if (!parse_variable_header(streamFile, &ea, header_offset, header_size))
if (!parse_variable_header(streamFile, &ea, header_offset, header_size - 0x08))
goto fail;
start_offset = offset + header_size; /* starts in "SCCl" (skipped in block layout) or very rarely "SCDl" and maybe movie blocks */
@ -377,7 +473,7 @@ static VGMSTREAM * parse_bnk_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int ta
/* check multi-streams */
switch(bnk_version) {
case 0x02: /* early (Need For Speed PC, Fifa 98 SS) */
case 0x02: /* early [Need For Speed II (PC), FIFA 98 (SAT)] */
table_offset = 0x0c;
header_size = read_32bit(offset + 0x08,streamFile); /* full size */
@ -431,14 +527,11 @@ static VGMSTREAM * parse_bnk_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int ta
start_offset = ea.offsets[0]; /* first channel, presumably needed for MPEG */
/* special case found in some tests (pcstream had hist, pcbnk no hist, no patch diffs)
* Later console games don't need hist [FIFA 07 (Xbox): V3, NASCAR 06 (Xbox): V2].
* I think this works but what decides if hist is used or not a secret to everybody */
if (ea.codec2 == EA_CODEC2_EAXA && ea.codec1 == EA_CODEC1_NONE && ea.version >= EA_VERSION_V1) {
/* it looks like BNKs never store ADPCM history for EA-XA */
if (ea.codec2 == EA_CODEC2_EAXA) {
ea.codec_version = 0;
/* rest is common */
return init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(streamFile, &ea, start_offset, bnk_version, total_streams ? total_streams : real_bnk_sounds);
@ -598,18 +691,25 @@ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, ea_
case EA_CODEC2_ATRAC3PLUS: { /* regular ATRAC3plus chunked in SCxx blocks, including RIFF header */
STREAMFILE* temp_streamFile = NULL;
if (!is_bnk) {
STREAMFILE* temp_streamFile = NULL;
/* remove blocks on reads to feed FFmpeg a clean .at3 */
temp_streamFile = setup_schl_streamfile(streamFile, ea->codec2, ea->channels, start_offset, 0);
if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail;
/* remove blocks on reads to feed FFmpeg a clean .at3 */
temp_streamFile = setup_schl_streamfile(streamFile, ea->codec2, ea->channels, start_offset, 0);
if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail;
start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */
start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */
//todo fix encoder delay
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_offset(temp_streamFile, 0x00, get_streamfile_size(temp_streamFile));
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
//todo fix encoder delay
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_offset(temp_streamFile, start_offset, get_streamfile_size(temp_streamFile));
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
size_t riff_size = read_32bitLE(start_offset + 0x04, streamFile) + 0x08;
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_offset(streamFile, start_offset, riff_size);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
@ -642,28 +742,13 @@ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, ea_
/* setup ADPCM hist */
switch(vgmstream->coding_type) {
/* id, size, samples, hists-per-channel, stereo/interleaved data */
case coding_EA_XA:
/* read ADPCM history from all channels before data (not actually read in sx.exe) */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_32 = read_16bit(block_offset + 0x0C + (i*0x04) + 0x00,streamFile);
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history2_32 = read_16bit(block_offset + 0x0C + (i*0x04) + 0x02,streamFile);
vgmstream->ch[i].offset += vgmstream->channels*0x04;
/* read ADPCM history before each channel if needed (not actually read in sx.exe) */
if (vgmstream->codec_version == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_32 = read_16bit(vgmstream->ch[i].offset+0x00,streamFile);
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history3_32 = read_16bit(vgmstream->ch[i].offset+0x02,streamFile);
vgmstream->ch[i].offset += 4;
/* read ADPCM history before each channel if needed (not actually read in sx.exe) */
if (vgmstream->codec_version == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_32 = read_16bit(vgmstream->ch[i].offset+0x00,streamFile);
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history3_32 = read_16bit(vgmstream->ch[i].offset+0x02,streamFile);
vgmstream->ch[i].offset += 4;
else if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_blocked_ea_schl) {
@ -766,10 +851,12 @@ static int parse_variable_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ea_header* ea, off_t be
case 0x0F: /* random volume range (BNK only) */
case 0x10: /* detune (BNK only) */
case 0x11: /* random detune range (BNK only) */
case 0x12: /* unknown, rare (BNK only) [Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PS1)] */
case 0x13: /* effect bus (0..127) */
case 0x14: /* emdedded user data (free size/value) */
case 0x15: /* unknown, rare (BNK only) [Need for Speed: High Stakes (PS1)] */
case 0x19: /* related to playback envelope (BNK only) */
case 0x1A: /* unknown and very rare, size 0 (BNK only) [SSX3 (PS2)] */
case 0x1A: /* unknown and very rare (BNK only) [SSX 3 (PS2)] */
case 0x1B: /* unknown (movie only?) */
case 0x1C: /* initial envelope volume (BNK only) */
case 0x1D: /* unknown, rare [NASCAR 06 (Xbox)] */
@ -867,11 +954,13 @@ static int parse_variable_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ea_header* ea, off_t be
case 0x8A: /* long padding (always 0x00000000) */
case 0x8B: /* also padding? [Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (PC)] */
case 0x8C: /* flags (ex. play type = 01=static/02=dynamic | spatialize = 20=pan/etc) */
/* (ex. PS1 VAG=0, PS2 PCM/LAYER2=4, GC EAXA=4, 3DS DSP=512, Xbox EAXA=36, N64 BLK=05E800, N64 MT10=01588805E800) */
case 0x8D: /* unknown, rare [FIFA 07 (GC)] */
case 0x8E:
case 0x92: /* bytes per sample? */
case 0x93: /* unknown (BNK only) [Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PC)] */
case 0x98: /* embedded time stretch 1 (long data for who-knows-what) */
case 0x99: /* embedded time stretch 2 */
case 0x9C: /* azimuth ch1 */
@ -1024,7 +1113,6 @@ static int parse_variable_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ea_header* ea, off_t be
return offset;
@ -661,7 +661,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_txth(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_schl(STREAMFILE *streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_bnk(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_dat(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_idx_big(STREAMFILE * steeamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_schl_fixed(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
@ -694,6 +695,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_vxn(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_snu(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_snr_sns(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_sps(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_new(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_sth_dat(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ngc_vid1(STREAMFILE * streamFile);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_sxd(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
off_t start_offset, chunk_offset, first_offset = 0x60, name_offset = 0;
size_t chunk_size, stream_size = 0;
int is_dual, is_external;
int is_dual = 0, is_external = 0;
int loop_flag, channels, codec, location;
int sample_rate, num_samples, loop_start_sample, loop_end_sample;
uint32_t at9_config_data = 0;
@ -359,7 +359,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * (*init_vgmstream_functions[])(STREAMFILE *streamFile) = {
@ -380,6 +381,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * (*init_vgmstream_functions[])(STREAMFILE *streamFile) = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user