mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 02:57:38 +01:00
@ -1,233 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ########################################################################### #
# ########################################################################### #
from __future__ import division
import subprocess
import zlib
import os.path
import os
import re
import sys
import fnmatch
import argparse, subprocess, zlib, os, re, sys, fnmatch, logging as log
def print_usage(appname):
print("Usage: {} (filename) [options]".format(appname)+"\n"
"Creates (filename)_(subsong).txtp for every subsong in (filename).\n"
" (filename) can be a * or *.ext wildcard too (works with dupe filters).\n"
"Works with files with no subsongs (unless filtered) too.\n"
"Use -h to print [options]. Examples:\n"
"{} bgm.fsb -in -fcm 2 -fms 5.0 ".format(appname)+"\n"
" make TXTP for subsongs with at least 2 channels and 5 seconds\n"
"{} *.scd -r -fd -l 2".format(appname)+"\n"
" all .scd in subdirs, ignoring dupes and making per 2ch layers\n"
"{} *.sm1 -fne .+STREAM[.]SS[0-9]$ ".format(appname)+"\n"
" all .sm1 excluding those subsong names that ends with 'STREAM.SS0..9'\n"
"{} samples.bnk -fni ^bgm.? ".format(appname)+"\n"
" in .bnk including only subsong names that start with 'bgm'\n"
"{} * -r -fss 1".format(appname)+"\n"
" all files in subdirs with at least 1 subsong (ignoring formats without them)\n"
# Creates .txtp from lists of files, mainly one .txtp per subsong
class Cli(object):
def _parse(self):
description = (
"Makes TXTP from files in folders"
epilog = (
" %(prog)s bgm.fsb -in -fcm 2 -fms 5.0\n"
" - make .txtp for subsongs with at least 2 channels and 5 seconds\n\n"
" %(prog)s *.scd -r -fd -l 2\n"
" - make .txtp for all .scd in subdirs, ignoring dupes, one .txtp per 2ch\n\n"
" %(prog)s *.sm1 -fne .+STREAM[.]SS[0-9]$\n"
" - make .txtp for all .sm1 excluding subsongs ending with 'STREAM.SS0..9'\n\n"
" %(prog)s samples.bnk -fni ^bgm.?\n"
" - make .txtp for in .bnk including only subsong names that start with 'bgm'\n\n"
" %(prog)s * -r -fss 1\n"
" - make .txtp for all files in subdirs with at least 1 subsong\n"
" (ignores formats without subsongs)\n\n"
" %(prog)s *.fsb -n \"{fn}<__{ss}>< [{in}]>\" -z 4 -o\n"
" - make .txtp for all fsb, adding subsongs and stream name if they exist\n\n"
def print_help(appname):
" -r: find recursive (writes files to current dir, with dir in TXTP)\n"
" -c (name): set path to CLI (default: test.exe)\n"
" -n (name): use (name).txtp, that can be formatted using:\n"
" {filename}, {subsong}, {internal-name}\n"
" ex. -n BGM_{subsong}, -n {subsong}__{internal-name} "
" -z N: zero-fill subsong number (default: auto fill up to total subsongs)\n"
" -d (dir): add dir in TXTP (if the file will reside in a subdir)\n"
" -m: create mini-txtp\n"
" -o: overwrite existing .txtp (beware when using with internal names)\n"
" -O: rename rather than overwriting\n"
" -in: name TXTP using the subsong's internal name if found\n"
" -ie: remove internal name's extension\n"
" -ii: add subsong number when using internal name\n"
" -l N: create multiple TXTP per subsong layers, every N channels\n"
" -fd: filter duplicates (slower)\n"
" -fcm N: filter min channels\n"
" -fcM N: filter by max channels\n"
" -frm N: filter by min sample rate\n"
" -frM N: filter by max sample rate\n"
" -fsm N.N: filter by min seconds\n"
" -fsM N.N: filter by max seconds\n"
" -fss N: filter min subsongs (1 filters formats incapable of subsongs)\n"
" -fni (regex): filter by subsong name, include files that match\n"
" -fne (regex): filter by subsong name, exclude files that match\n"
" -v (name): verbose level (off|trace|debug|info, default: info)\n"
" -h N: show this help\n"
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
p.add_argument('files', help="Files to get (wildcards work)", nargs='+')
p.add_argument('-r', dest='recursive', help="Create .txtp in base folder from data in subfolders", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-c', dest='cli', help="Set path to CLI (default: auto)")
p.add_argument('-d', dest='subdir', help="Set subdir inside .txtp (where file will reside)")
p.add_argument('-n', dest='base_name', help=("Define (name).txtp, that can be formatted using:\n"
"- {filename}|{fn}=filename without extension\n"
"- {subsong}|{ss}=subsong number)\n"
"- {internal-name}|{in}=internal stream name\n"
"- {if}=internal name or filename if not found\n"
"* may be inside <...> for conditional text\n"))
p.add_argument('-z', dest='zero_fill', help="Zero-fill subsong number (default: auto per subsongs)", type=int)
p.add_argument('-ie', dest='no_internal_ext', help="Remove internal name's extension if any", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-m', dest='mini_txtp', help="Create mini-txtp", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-o', dest='overwrite', help="Overwrite existing .txtp\n(beware when using with internal names alone)", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-O', dest='overwrite_rename', help="Rename rather than overwriting", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-l', dest='layers', help="Create .txtp per subsong layers, every N channels", type=int)
p.add_argument('-fd', dest='test_dupes', help="Skip .txtp that point to duplicate streams (slower)", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-fcm', dest='min_channels', help="Filter by min channels", type=int)
p.add_argument('-fcM', dest='max_channels', help="Filter by max channels", type=int)
p.add_argument('-frm', dest='min_sample_rate', help="Filter by min sample rate", type=int)
p.add_argument('-frM', dest='max_sample_rate', help="Filter by max sample rate", type=int)
p.add_argument('-fsm', dest='min_seconds', help="Filter by min seconds (N.N)", type=float)
p.add_argument('-fsM', dest='max_seconds', help="Filter by max seconds (N.N)", type=float)
p.add_argument('-fss', dest='min_subsongs', help="Filter min subsongs\n(1 filters formats incapable of subsongs)", type=int)
p.add_argument('-fni', dest='include_regex', help="Filter by REGEX including matches of subsong name")
p.add_argument('-fne', dest='exclude_regex', help="Filter by REGEX excluding matches of subsong name")
p.add_argument('-v', dest='log_level', help="Verbose log level (off|debug|info, default: info)", default='info')
return p.parse_args()
# ########################################################################### #
def start(self):
args = self._parse()
if not args.files:
def find_files(dir, pattern, recursive):
files = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
if not recursive:
class _GuiLogHandler(log.Handler):
def __init__(self, txt):
self._txt = txt
return files
def make_cmd(cfg, fname_in, fname_out, target_subsong):
if (cfg.test_dupes):
cmd = "{} -s {} -i -o \"{}\" \"{}\"".format(cfg.cli, target_subsong, fname_out, fname_in)
cmd = "{} -s {} -m -i -o \"{}\" \"{}\"".format(cfg.cli, target_subsong, fname_out, fname_in)
return cmd
class LogHelper(object):
def emit(self, message):
msg = self.format(message)
self._txt.insert('end', msg + '\n')
class Logger(object):
def __init__(self, cfg):
self.cfg = cfg
levels = {
'info': log.INFO,
'debug': log.DEBUG,
self.level = levels.get(cfg.log_level, log.ERROR)
def trace(self, msg):
v = self.cfg.verbose
if v == "trace":
def setup_cli(self):
log.basicConfig(level=self.level, format='%(message)s')
def debug(self, msg):
v = self.cfg.verbose
if v == "trace" or v == "debug":
def info(self, msg):
v = self.cfg.verbose
if v == "trace" or v == "debug" or v == "info":
class ConfigHelper(object):
show_help = False
cli = "test.exe"
recursive = False
base_name = ''
zero_fill = -1
subdir = ''
mini_txtp = False
overwrite = False
overwrite_rename = False
rename_map = {}
layers = 0
use_internal_name = False
use_internal_ext = False
use_internal_index = False
test_dupes = False
min_channels = 0
max_channels = 0
min_sample_rate = 0
max_sample_rate = 0
min_seconds = 0.0
max_seconds = 0.0
min_subsongs = 0
include_regex = ""
exclude_regex = ""
verbose = "info"
argv_len = 0
index = 0
def read_bool(self, command, default):
if self.index > self.argv_len - 1:
return default
if self.argv[self.index] == command:
val = True
self.index += 1
return val
return default
def read_value(self, command, default):
if self.index > self.argv_len - 2:
return default
if self.argv[self.index] == command:
val = self.argv[self.index+1]
self.index += 2
return val
return default
def read_string(self, command, default):
return str(self.read_value(command, default))
def read_int(self, command, default):
return int(self.read_value(command, default))
def read_float(self, command, default):
return float(self.read_value(command, default))
#todo improve this poop
def __init__(self, argv):
self.index = 2 #after file
self.argv = argv
self.argv_len = len(argv)
if argv[1] == '-h':
self.show_help = True
prev_index = self.index
while self.index < len(self.argv):
self.show_help = self.read_bool('-h', self.show_help)
self.cli = self.read_string('-c', self.cli)
self.recursive = self.read_bool('-r', self.recursive)
self.base_name = self.read_string('-n', self.base_name)
self.zero_fill = self.read_int('-z', self.zero_fill)
self.subdir = self.read_string('-d', self.subdir)
self.test_dupes = self.read_bool('-fd', self.test_dupes)
self.min_channels = self.read_int('-fcm', self.min_channels)
self.max_channels = self.read_int('-fcM', self.max_channels)
self.min_sample_rate = self.read_int('-frm', self.min_sample_rate)
self.max_sample_rate = self.read_int('-frM', self.max_sample_rate)
self.min_seconds = self.read_float('-fsm', self.min_seconds)
self.max_seconds = self.read_float('-fsM', self.max_seconds)
self.min_subsongs = self.read_int('-fss', self.min_subsongs)
self.include_regex = self.read_string('-fni', self.include_regex)
self.exclude_regex = self.read_string('-fne', self.exclude_regex)
self.mini_txtp = self.read_bool('-m', self.mini_txtp)
self.overwrite = self.read_bool('-o', self.overwrite)
self.overwrite_rename = self.read_bool('-O', self.overwrite_rename)
self.layers = self.read_int('-l', self.layers)
self.use_internal_name = self.read_bool('-in', self.use_internal_name)
self.use_internal_ext = self.read_bool('-ie', self.use_internal_ext)
self.use_internal_index = self.read_bool('-ii', self.use_internal_index)
self.verbose = self.read_string('-v', self.verbose)
if prev_index == self.index:
self.index += 1
prev_index = self.index
if (self.subdir != '') and not (self.subdir.endswith('/') or self.subdir.endswith('\\')):
self.subdir += '/'
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def setup_gui(self, txt):
log.basicConfig(level=self.level, format='%(message)s', handlers=[_GuiLogHandler(txt)])
class Cr32Helper(object):
crc32_map = {}
dupe = False
cfg = None
def __init__(self, cfg):
self.cfg = cfg
self.crc32_map = {}
self.last_dupe = False
def get_crc32(self, fname):
def get_crc32(self, filename):
buf_size = 0x8000
with open(fname, 'rb') as file:
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
buf = file.read(buf_size)
crc32 = 0
while len(buf) > 0:
@ -235,166 +113,151 @@ class Cr32Helper(object):
buf = file.read(buf_size)
return crc32 & 0xFFFFFFFF
def update(self, fname):
cfg = self.cfg
self.dupe = False
if cfg.test_dupes == 0:
def update(self, filename):
self.last_dupe = False
if self.cfg.test_dupes == 0:
if not os.path.exists(fname):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
crc32_str = format(self.get_crc32(fname),'08x')
crc32_str = format(self.get_crc32(filename),'08x')
if (crc32_str in self.crc32_map):
self.dupe = True
self.last_dupe = True
self.crc32_map[crc32_str] = True
def is_dupe(self):
return self.dupe
def is_last_dupe(self):
return self.last_dupe
# Makes .txtp (usually 1 but may do N) from a CLI output + subsong
class TxtpMaker(object):
channels = 0
sample_rate = 0
num_samples = 0
stream_count = 0
stream_index = 0
stream_name = ''
stream_seconds = 0
def __init__(self, cfg, output_b, log):
def __init__(self, cfg, output_b):
self.cfg = cfg
self.log = log
self.output = str(output_b).replace("\\r","").replace("\\n","\n")
self.channels = self.get_value("channels: ")
self.sample_rate = self.get_value("sample rate: ")
self.num_samples = self.get_value("stream total samples: ")
self.stream_count = self.get_value("stream count: ")
self.stream_index = self.get_value("stream index: ")
self.stream_name = self.get_string("stream name: ")
self.channels = self._get_value("channels: ")
self.sample_rate = self._get_value("sample rate: ")
self.num_samples = self._get_value("stream total samples: ")
self.stream_count = self._get_value("stream count: ")
self.stream_index = self._get_value("stream index: ")
self.stream_name = self._get_string("stream name: ")
if self.channels == 0:
if self.channels <= 0 or self.sample_rate <= 0:
raise ValueError('Incorrect command result')
self.stream_seconds = self.num_samples / self.sample_rate
self.ignorable = self._is_ignorable(cfg)
self.rename_map = {}
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def get_string(self, str):
def _get_string(self, str):
find_pos = self.output.find(str)
if (find_pos == -1):
return ''
return None
cut_pos = find_pos + len(str)
str_cut = self.output[cut_pos:]
return str_cut.split()[0]
def get_value(self, str):
res = self.get_string(str)
if (res == ''):
return 0;
def _get_value(self, str):
res = self._get_string(str)
if not res:
return 0
return int(res)
def is_ignorable(self):
cfg = self.cfg
return self.ignorable
if (self.channels < cfg.min_channels):
return True;
if (cfg.max_channels > 0 and self.channels > cfg.max_channels):
return True;
if (self.sample_rate < cfg.min_sample_rate):
return True;
if (cfg.max_sample_rate > 0 and self.sample_rate > cfg.max_sample_rate):
return True;
if (self.stream_seconds < cfg.min_seconds):
return True;
if (cfg.max_seconds > 0 and self.stream_seconds > cfg.max_seconds):
return True;
if (self.stream_count < cfg.min_subsongs):
return True;
if (cfg.exclude_regex != "" and self.stream_name != ""):
def _is_ignorable(self, cfg):
if cfg.min_channels and self.channels < cfg.min_channels:
return True
if cfg.max_channels and self.channels > cfg.max_channels:
return True
if cfg.min_sample_rate and self.sample_rate < cfg.min_sample_rate:
return True
if cfg.max_sample_rate and self.sample_rate > cfg.max_sample_rate:
return True
if cfg.min_seconds and self.stream_seconds < cfg.min_seconds:
return True
if cfg.max_seconds and self.stream_seconds > cfg.max_seconds:
return True
if cfg.min_subsongs and self.stream_count < cfg.min_subsongs:
return True
if cfg.exclude_regex and self.stream_name:
p = re.compile(cfg.exclude_regex)
if (p.match(self.stream_name) != None):
if p.match(self.stream_name) is not None:
return True
if (cfg.include_regex != "" and self.stream_name != ""):
if cfg.include_regex and self.stream_name:
p = re.compile(cfg.include_regex)
if (p.match(self.stream_name) == None):
if p.match(self.stream_name) is None:
return True
return False
def get_stream_mask(self, layer):
cfg = self.cfg
def _get_stream_mask(self, layer):
if layer + self.cfg.layers > self.channels:
loops = self.channels - self.cfg.layers
loops = self.cfg.layers + 1
mask = '#C'
loops = cfg.layers + 1
if layer + cfg.layers > self.channels:
loops = self.channels - cfg.layers
for ch in range(1, loops):
mask += str(layer + ch) + ','
return mask[:-1]
mask = mask[:-1]
return mask
def _clean_stream_name(self):
if not self.stream_name:
return None
def get_stream_name(self):
cfg = self.cfg
if not cfg.use_internal_name:
return ''
txt = self.stream_name
# remove paths #todo maybe config/replace?
pos = txt.rfind("\\")
if (pos != -1):
pos = txt.rfind('\\')
if pos >= 0:
txt = txt[pos+1:]
pos = txt.rfind("/")
if (pos != -1):
pos = txt.rfind('/')
if pos >= 0:
txt = txt[pos+1:]
# remove bad chars
txt = txt.replace("%", "_")
txt = txt.replace("*", "_")
txt = txt.replace("?", "_")
txt = txt.replace(":", "_")
txt = txt.replace("\"", "_")
txt = txt.replace("|", "_")
txt = txt.replace("<", "_")
txt = txt.replace(">", "_")
if not cfg.use_internal_ext:
# remove bad chars
badchars = ['%', '*', '?', ':', '\"', '|', '<', '>']
for badchar in badchars:
txt = txt.replace(badchar, '_')
if not self.cfg.no_internal_ext:
pos = txt.rfind(".")
if (pos != -1):
if pos >= 0:
txt = txt[:pos]
return txt
def write(self, outname, line):
cfg = self.cfg
def _write(self, outname, line):
outname += '.txtp'
cfg = self.cfg
if cfg.overwrite_rename and os.path.exists(outname):
if outname in cfg.rename_map:
rename_count = cfg.rename_map[outname]
if outname in self.rename_map:
rename_count = self.rename_map[outname]
rename_count = 0
cfg.rename_map[outname] = rename_count + 1
outname = outname.replace(".txtp", "_{}.txtp".format(rename_count))
self.rename_map[outname] = rename_count + 1
outname = outname.replace(".txtp", "_%s.txtp" % (rename_count))
if not cfg.overwrite and os.path.exists(outname):
raise ValueError('TXTP exists in path: ' + outname)
ftxtp = open(outname,"w+")
if line != '':
if line:
self.log.debug("created: " + outname)
log.debug("created: " + outname)
def make(self, fname_path, fname_clean):
def make(self, filename_path, filename_clean):
cfg = self.cfg
total_done = 0
@ -403,163 +266,238 @@ class TxtpMaker(object):
# write plain (name).txtp when no subsongs
if self.stream_count <= 1:
index = ""
index = None
index = str(self.stream_index)
if cfg.zero_fill < 0:
index = str(self.stream_index) #str to avoid falsy 0
if cfg.zero_fill is None or cfg.zero_fill < 0:
index = index.zfill(len(str(self.stream_count)))
index = index.zfill(cfg.zero_fill)
if cfg.mini_txtp:
outname = fname_path
if index != "":
outname = filename_path
if index:
outname += "#" + index
if cfg.layers > 0 and cfg.layers < self.channels:
if cfg.layers and cfg.layers < self.channels:
for layer in range(0, self.channels, cfg.layers):
mask = self.get_stream_mask(layer)
self.write(outname + mask, '')
mask = self._get_stream_mask(layer)
self._write(outname + mask, '')
total_done += 1
self.write(outname, '')
self._write(outname, '')
total_done += 1
stream_name = self.get_stream_name()
if stream_name != '':
outname = stream_name
if cfg.use_internal_index:
outname += "_{}".format(index)
if cfg.base_name != '':
fname_base = os.path.basename(fname_path)
pos = fname_base.rfind(".") #remove ext
if (pos != -1 and pos > 1):
fname_base = fname_base[:pos]
filename_base = os.path.basename(filename_path)
pos = filename_base.rfind(".") #remove ext
if pos > 1:
filename_base = filename_base[:pos]
internal_name = self.stream_name
outname = ''
if cfg.base_name:
stream_name = self._clean_stream_name()
internal_filename = stream_name
if not internal_filename:
internal_filename = filename_base
replaces = {
'fn': filename_base,
'filename': filename_base,
'ss': index,
'subsong': index,
'in': stream_name,
'internal-name': stream_name,
'if': internal_filename,
pattern1 = re.compile(r"<(.+?)>")
pattern2 = re.compile(r"{(.+?)}")
txt = cfg.base_name
txt = txt.replace("{filename}",fname_base)
txt = txt.replace("{subsong}",index)
txt = txt.replace("{internal-name}",internal_name)
outname = "{}".format(txt)
# print optional info like "<text__{cmd}__>" only if value in {cmd} exists
optionals = pattern1.findall(txt)
for optional in optionals:
has_values = False
cmds = pattern2.findall(optional)
for cmd in cmds:
if cmd in replaces and replaces[cmd] is not None:
has_values = True
if has_values: #leave text there (cmds will be replaced later)
txt = txt.replace('<%s>' % optional, optional, 1)
txt = fname_path
pos = txt.rfind(".") #remove ext
if (pos != -1 and pos > 1):
txt = txt[:pos]
txt = txt.replace('<%s>' % optional, '', 1)
outname = "{}".format(txt)
if index != "":
# replace "{cmd}" if cmd exists with its value (non-existent values use '')
cmds = pattern2.findall(txt)
for cmd in cmds:
if cmd in replaces:
value = replaces[cmd]
if value is None:
value = ''
txt = txt.replace('{%s}' % cmd, value, 1)
outname = "%s" % (txt)
# no name set, or empty results above
if not outname:
outname = "%s" % (filename_base)
if index:
outname += "_" + index
line = ''
if cfg.subdir != '':
if cfg.subdir:
line += cfg.subdir
line += fname_clean
if index != "":
line += filename_clean
if index:
line += "#" + index
if cfg.layers > 0 and cfg.layers < self.channels:
if cfg.layers and cfg.layers < self.channels:
done = 0
for layer in range(0, self.channels, cfg.layers):
sub = chr(ord('a') + done)
done += 1
mask = self.get_stream_mask(layer)
self.write(outname + sub, line + mask)
mask = self._get_stream_mask(layer)
self._write(outname + sub, line + mask)
total_done += 1
self.write(outname, line)
self._write(outname, line)
total_done += 1
return total_done
def has_more_subsongs(self, target_subsong):
return target_subsong < self.stream_count
# ########################################################################### #
def main():
appname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
class App(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.cfg = args
self.crc32 = Cr32Helper(args)
# check CLI in path (can be called, not just file exists)
def _test_cli(self):
clis = []
if self.cfg.cli:
for cli in clis:
with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as DEVNULL: #subprocess.STDOUT #py3 only
cmd = "%s" % (cli)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
self.cfg.cli = cli
return True #exists and returns ok
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
self.cfg.cli = cli
return True #exists but returns strerr (ran with no args)
except Exception as e:
continue #doesn't exist
#none found
return False
def _make_cmd(self, filename_in, filename_out, target_subsong):
if self.cfg.test_dupes:
cmd = "%s -s %s -i -o \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (self.cfg.cli, target_subsong, filename_out, filename_in)
cmd = "%s -s %s -m -i -O \"%s\"" % (self.cfg.cli, target_subsong, filename_in)
return cmd
def _find_files(self, dir, pattern):
if os.path.isfile(pattern):
return [pattern]
if os.path.isdir(pattern):
dir = pattern
pattern = None
files = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
if not self.cfg.recursive:
return files
def start(self):
if not self._test_cli():
log.error("ERROR: CLI not found")
cfg = ConfigHelper(sys.argv)
crc32 = Cr32Helper(cfg)
log = LogHelper(cfg)
filenames_in = []
for filename in self.cfg.files:
filenames_in += self._find_files('.', filename)
if cfg.show_help:
fname = sys.argv[1]
fnames_in = find_files('.', fname, cfg.recursive)
total_created = 0
total_dupes = 0
total_errors = 0
for fname_in in fnames_in:
fname_in_clean = fname_in.replace("\\", "/")
if fname_in_clean.startswith("./"):
fname_in_clean = fname_in_clean[2:]
for filename_in in filenames_in:
filename_in_clean = filename_in.replace("\\", "/")
if filename_in_clean.startswith("./"):
filename_in_clean = filename_in_clean[2:]
fname_in_base = os.path.basename(fname_in)
filename_in_base = os.path.basename(filename_in)
if fname_in.startswith(".\\"): #skip starting dot for extensionless files
fname_in = fname_in[2:]
#skip starting dot for extensionless files
if filename_in.startswith(".\\"):
filename_in = filename_in[2:]
fname_out = ".temp." + fname_in_base + ".wav"
filename_out = ".temp." + filename_in_base + ".wav"
created = 0
dupes = 0
errors = 0
target_subsong = 1
while 1:
while True:
cmd = make_cmd(cfg, fname_in, fname_out, target_subsong)
log.trace("calling: " + cmd)
cmd = self._make_cmd(filename_in, filename_out, target_subsong)
log.debug("calling: %s", cmd)
output_b = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=False) #stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
log.debug("ignoring CLI error in " + fname_in + "#"+str(target_subsong)+": " + e.output)
log.debug("ignoring CLI error in %s #%s: %s", filename_in, target_subsong, str(e.output))
errors += 1
if target_subsong == 1:
log.debug("processing {}...".format(fname_in_clean))
log.debug("processing %s...", filename_in_clean)
maker = TxtpMaker(cfg, output_b, log)
maker = TxtpMaker(self.cfg, output_b)
if not maker.is_ignorable():
if not crc32.is_dupe():
created += maker.make(fname_in_base, fname_in_clean)
if not self.crc32.is_last_dupe():
created += maker.make(filename_in_base, filename_in_clean)
dupes += 1
log.debug("Dupe subsong {}".format(target_subsong))
log.debug("dupe subsong %s", target_subsong)
if not maker.has_more_subsongs(target_subsong):
target_subsong += 1
if target_subsong % 200 == 0:
log.info("{}/{} subsongs... ".format(target_subsong, maker.stream_count) +
"({} dupes, {} errors)".format(dupes, errors)
log.info("%s/%s subsongs... (%s dupes, %s errors)", target_subsong, maker.stream_count, dupes, errors)
if os.path.exists(fname_out):
if os.path.exists(filename_out):
total_created += created
total_dupes += dupes
total_errors += errors
log.info("done! (%s done, %s dupes, %s errors)", total_created, total_dupes, total_errors)
log.info("done! ({} done, {} dupes, {} errors)".format(total_created, total_dupes, total_errors))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#if len(sys.argv) > 1:
# Cli().start()
# Gui().start()
@ -463,12 +463,21 @@ Wrong loop values (for example loop end being much larger than file's samples) w
**Jewels Ocean (PC)**
bgm01.ogg #I32.231 # from ~1421387 samples to end
#bgm01.ogg#I 0:32.231 # equivalent
#bgm01.ogg#I 1421387 4212984 # equivalent, end is 4212984
#bgm01.ogg#I32.231 1_35.533 # equivalent, end over file samples (~4213005) but adjusted to 4212984
#bgm01.ogg#I 1421387 4212985 # ignored, end over file samples
#bgm01.ogg#I32.231 1_37 # ignored, end over file (~4277700) but clearly wrong
bgm01.ogg #I 0:32.231 # equivalent
bgm01.ogg #I 1421387 4212984 # equivalent, end is 4212984
bgm01.ogg #I32.231 1_35.533 # equivalent, end over file samples (~4213005) but adjusted to 4212984
bgm01.ogg #I 1421387 4212985 # ignored, end over file samples
bgm01.ogg #I32.231 1_37 # ignored, end over file (~4277700) but clearly wrong
Use this feature responsibly, though. If you find a format that should loop using internal values that vgmstream doesn't detect correctly, consider reporting the bug for the benefit of all users and other games using the same format, and don't throw out the original loop definitions (as sometimes they may not take into account "encoder delay" and must be carefully adjusted).
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ static STREAMFILE *open_mapfile_pair(STREAMFILE* sf, int track, int num_tracks)
/* EA MPF/MUS combo - used in older 7th gen games for storing interactive music */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac(STREAMFILE* sf) {
uint32_t num_tracks, track_start, track_hash, mus_sounds, mus_stream = 0;
uint32_t num_tracks, track_start, track_hash = 0, mus_sounds, mus_stream = 0;
uint8_t version, sub_version;
off_t tracks_table, samples_table, eof_offset, table_offset, entry_offset, snr_offset, sns_offset;
int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ static const uint8_t key_gh5[] = { 0xFC,0xF9,0xE4,0xB3,0xF5,0x57,0x5C,0xA5,0xAC,
/* Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC) */ //"G0KTrWjS9syqF7vVD6RaVXlFD91gMgkC"
static const uint8_t key_sek[] = { 0x47,0x30,0x4B,0x54,0x72,0x57,0x6A,0x53,0x39,0x73,0x79,0x71,0x46,0x37,0x76,0x56,0x44,0x36,0x52,0x61,0x56,0x58,0x6C,0x46,0x44,0x39,0x31,0x67,0x4D,0x67,0x6B,0x43 };
/* Stacking (X360) */ //"DFm3t4lFTW"
static const uint8_t key_sta[] = { 0x44,0x46,0x6d,0x33,0x74,0x34,0x6c,0x46,0x54,0x57 };
// Unknown:
// - Battle: Los Angeles
// - Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, DJ hero FSB
@ -144,7 +141,6 @@ static const fsbkey_info fsbkey_list[] = {
{ 0,1, sizeof(key_mtj),key_mtj },// FSB3
{ 0,1, sizeof(key_gh5),key_gh5 },// FSB4
{ 1,0, sizeof(key_sek),key_sek },// FSB5
{ 0,1, sizeof(key_sta),key_sta },// FSB4
static const int fsbkey_list_count = sizeof(fsbkey_list) / sizeof(fsbkey_list[0]);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "meta.h"
#include "../layout/layout.h"
#include "../util.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
typedef struct {
int is_music;
@ -18,24 +18,25 @@ typedef struct {
off_t stream_offset;
size_t stream_size;
int big_endian;
} ivaud_header;
static int parse_ivaud_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ivaud_header* ivaud);
static int parse_ivaud_header(STREAMFILE* sf, ivaud_header* ivaud);
/* .ivaud - from GTA IV (PC) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ivaud(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
/* .ivaud - from GTA IV (PC/PS3/X360) */
VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ivaud(STREAMFILE* sf) {
VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL;
ivaud_header ivaud = {0};
int loop_flag;
/* checks */
/* (hashed filenames are likely extensionless and .ivaud is added by tools) */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "ivaud,"))
if (!check_extensions(sf, "ivaud,"))
goto fail;
/* check header */
if (!parse_ivaud_header(streamFile, &ivaud))
if (!parse_ivaud_header(sf, &ivaud))
goto fail;
@ -59,7 +60,48 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ivaud(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
vgmstream->full_block_size = ivaud.block_size;
case 0x0400:
case 0x0000: { /* XMA2 (X360) */
uint8_t buf[0x100];
size_t bytes;
if (ivaud.is_music) {
goto fail;
else {
/* regular XMA for sfx */
bytes = ffmpeg_make_riff_xma1(buf, 0x100, ivaud.num_samples, ivaud.stream_size, ivaud.channel_count, ivaud.sample_rate, 0);
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_header_offset(sf, buf,bytes, ivaud.stream_offset, ivaud.stream_size);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
xma_fix_raw_samples(vgmstream, sf, ivaud.stream_offset, ivaud.stream_size, 0, 0,0); /* samples are ok? */
case 0x0100: { /* MPEG (PS3) */
mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0};
if (ivaud.is_music) {
goto fail;
else {
cfg.chunk_size = ivaud.block_size;
cfg.big_endian = ivaud.big_endian;
vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(sf, ivaud.stream_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_STANDARD, &cfg);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
case 0x0400: /* PC */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_IMA_int;
vgmstream->layout_type = ivaud.is_music ? layout_blocked_ivaud : layout_none;
vgmstream->full_block_size = ivaud.block_size;
@ -71,7 +113,7 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ivaud(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,streamFile,ivaud.stream_offset))
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,sf,ivaud.stream_offset))
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
@ -81,28 +123,37 @@ fail:
/* Parse Rockstar's .ivaud header (much info from SparkIV). */
static int parse_ivaud_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ivaud_header* ivaud) {
int target_subsong = streamFile->stream_index;
static int parse_ivaud_header(STREAMFILE* sf, ivaud_header* ivaud) {
int target_subsong = sf->stream_index;
uint64_t (*read_u64)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
uint32_t (*read_u32)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
uint16_t (*read_u16)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
ivaud->big_endian = read_u32be(0x00, sf) == 0; /* table offset at 0x04 > BE (64b) */
read_u64 = ivaud->big_endian ? read_u64be : read_u64le;
read_u32 = ivaud->big_endian ? read_u32be : read_u32le;
read_u16 = ivaud->big_endian ? read_u16be : read_u16le;
/* use bank's stream count to detect */
ivaud->is_music = (read_32bitLE(0x10,streamFile) == 0);
ivaud->is_music = (read_u32(0x10,sf) == 0);
if (ivaud->is_music) {
off_t block_table_offset, channel_table_offset, channel_info_offset;
/* music header */
block_table_offset = read_32bitLE(0x00,streamFile); /* 64b */
ivaud->block_count = read_32bitLE(0x08,streamFile);
ivaud->block_size = read_32bitLE(0x0c,streamFile); /* 64b, uses padded blocks */
channel_table_offset = read_32bitLE(0x14,streamFile); /* 64b */
block_table_offset = read_u64(0x00,sf);
ivaud->block_count = read_u32(0x08,sf);
ivaud->block_size = read_u32(0x0c,sf); /* uses padded blocks */
/* 0x10(4): stream count */
channel_table_offset = read_u64(0x14,sf);
/* 0x1c(8): block_table_offset again? */
ivaud->channel_count = read_32bitLE(0x24,streamFile);
ivaud->channel_count = read_u32(0x24,sf);
/* 0x28(4): unknown entries? */
ivaud->stream_offset = read_32bitLE(0x2c,streamFile);
ivaud->stream_offset = read_u32(0x2c,sf);
channel_info_offset = channel_table_offset + ivaud->channel_count * 0x10;
if ((ivaud->block_count * ivaud->block_size) + ivaud->stream_offset != get_streamfile_size(streamFile)) {
if ((ivaud->block_count * ivaud->block_size) + ivaud->stream_offset != get_streamfile_size(sf)) {
VGM_LOG("IVAUD: bad file size\n");
goto fail;
@ -116,33 +167,33 @@ static int parse_ivaud_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ivaud_header* ivaud) {
/* 0x00(8): offset within data (should be 0) */
/* 0x08(4): hash */
/* 0x0c(4): half num_samples? */
ivaud->num_samples = read_32bitLE(channel_info_offset+0x10,streamFile);
ivaud->num_samples = read_u32(channel_info_offset+0x10,sf);
/* 0x14(4): unknown (-1) */
/* 0x18(2): sample rate */
/* 0x1a(2): unknown */
ivaud->codec = read_32bitLE(channel_info_offset+0x1c,streamFile);
ivaud->codec = read_u32(channel_info_offset+0x1c,sf);
/* (when codec is IMA) */
/* 0x20(8): adpcm states offset, 0x38: num states? (reference for seeks?) */
/* rest: unknown data */
/* block table (one entry per block) */
/* 0x00: data size processed up to this block (doesn't count block padding) */
ivaud->sample_rate = read_32bitLE(block_table_offset + 0x04,streamFile);
ivaud->sample_rate = read_u32(block_table_offset + 0x04,sf);
/* sample_rate should agree with each channel in the channel table */
ivaud->total_subsongs = 1;
ivaud->stream_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile);
ivaud->stream_size = get_streamfile_size(sf);
else {
off_t stream_table_offset, stream_info_offset, stream_entry_offset;
off_t stream_table_offset, stream_info_offset, stream_entry_offset, offset;
/* bank header */
stream_table_offset = read_32bitLE(0x00,streamFile); /* 64b */
stream_table_offset = read_u64(0x00,sf);
/* 0x08(8): header size? start offset? */
ivaud->total_subsongs = read_32bitLE(0x10,streamFile);
ivaud->total_subsongs = read_u32(0x10,sf);
/* 0x14(4): unknown */
ivaud->stream_offset = read_32bitLE(0x18,streamFile); /* base start_offset */
ivaud->stream_offset = read_u32(0x18,sf); /* base start_offset */
if (target_subsong == 0) target_subsong = 1;
if (target_subsong < 0 || target_subsong > ivaud->total_subsongs || ivaud->total_subsongs < 1) goto fail;
@ -152,37 +203,26 @@ static int parse_ivaud_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ivaud_header* ivaud) {
stream_info_offset = stream_table_offset + 0x10*ivaud->total_subsongs;
/* stream table (one entry per stream, points to stream info) */
stream_entry_offset = read_32bitLE(stream_table_offset + 0x10*(target_subsong-1) + 0x00,streamFile); /* within stream info */
stream_entry_offset = read_u64(stream_table_offset + 0x10*(target_subsong-1) + 0x00,sf); /* within stream info */
/* 0x00(8): offset within stream_info_offset */
/* 0x08(4): hash */
/* 0x0c(4): size */
/* 0x0c(4): some offset/size */
/* stream info (one entry per stream) */
ivaud->stream_offset += read_32bitLE(stream_info_offset+stream_entry_offset+0x00,streamFile); /* 64b, within data */
offset = stream_info_offset + stream_entry_offset;
ivaud->stream_offset += read_u64(offset+0x00,sf); /* within data */
/* 0x08(4): hash */
/* 0x0c(4): half num_samples? */
ivaud->num_samples = read_32bitLE(stream_info_offset+stream_entry_offset+0x10,streamFile);
ivaud->stream_size = read_u32(offset+0x0c,sf);
ivaud->num_samples = read_u32(offset+0x10,sf);
/* 0x14(4): unknown (-1) */
ivaud->sample_rate = (uint16_t)read_16bitLE(stream_info_offset+stream_entry_offset+0x18,streamFile);
ivaud->sample_rate = read_u16(offset+0x18,sf);
/* 0x1a(2): unknown */
ivaud->codec = read_32bitLE(stream_info_offset+stream_entry_offset+0x1c,streamFile);
ivaud->codec = read_u32(offset+0x1c,sf);
/* (when codec is IMA) */
/* 0x20(8): adpcm states offset, 0x38: num states? (reference for seeks?) */
/* rest: unknown data */
ivaud->channel_count = 1;
/* ghetto size calculator (could substract offsets but streams are not ordered) */
switch(ivaud->codec) {
case 0x0001:
ivaud->stream_size = ivaud->num_samples * 2; /* double 16b PCM */
case 0x0400:
ivaud->stream_size = ivaud->num_samples / 2; /* half nibbles */
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ void vgmstream_set_play_forever(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, int enabled) {
* (play config is left untouched, should mix ok as this flag is only used during
* render, while config is always prepared as if play forever wasn't enabled) */
vgmstream->config.play_forever = enabled;
setup_vgmstream(vgmstream); /* update config */
int32_t vgmstream_get_samples(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user