mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 19:19:16 +01:00
Fix some .p3d [Spider-Man 4 beta (X360)]
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,139 +1,152 @@
#include "meta.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
/* P3D - from Radical's Prototype 1/2 (PC/PS3/X360) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_p3d(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
off_t start_offset, parse_offset, name_offset = 0;
/* P3D - from Radical's Prototype 1/2 (PC/PS3/X360), Spider-Man 4 Beta (X360) */
VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_p3d(STREAMFILE* sf) {
VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL;
off_t start_offset, offset, name_offset = 0;
size_t header_size, file_size, data_size;
int loop_flag = 0, channel_count, sample_rate, codec;
int i, name_count, text_len, block_size = 0, block_count = 0, num_samples;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
uint32_t xma2_offset = 0, xma2_size = 0;
int loop_flag, channels, sample_rate, codec;
int i, name_count, text_len, block_size = 0, num_samples;
uint32_t (*read_u32)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
/* checks */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"p3d"))
if (!is_id32be(0x00,sf, "P3D\xFF") && /* LE: PC */
!is_id32le(0x00,sf, "P3D\xFF")) /* BE: PS3, X360 */
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x0,streamFile) != 0x503344FF && /* "P3D"\FF (LE: PC) */
read_32bitBE(0x0,streamFile) != 0xFF443350) /* \FF"D3P" (BE: PS3, X360) */
if (!check_extensions(sf,"p3d"))
goto fail;
read_32bit = read_32bitBE(0x0,streamFile) == 0xFF443350 ? read_32bitBE : read_32bitLE;
file_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile);
read_u32 = guess_endianness32bit(0x04,sf) ? read_u32be : read_u32le;
file_size = get_streamfile_size(sf);
/* base header */
header_size = read_32bit(0x4,streamFile);
if (0x0C != header_size) goto fail;
if (read_32bit(0x08,streamFile) != file_size) goto fail;
if (read_32bit(0x0C,streamFile) != 0xFE000000) goto fail; /* fixed */
if (read_32bit(0x10,streamFile) + header_size != file_size) goto fail;
if (read_32bit(0x14,streamFile) + header_size != file_size) goto fail; /* body size again */
if (read_32bit(0x18,streamFile) != 0x0000000A) goto fail; /* fixed */
header_size = read_u32(0x04,sf);
if (header_size != 0x0C) goto fail;
if (read_u32(0x08,sf) != file_size) goto fail;
if (read_u32(0x0C,sf) != 0xFE000000) goto fail; /* fixed */
if (read_u32(0x10,sf) + header_size != file_size) goto fail;
if (read_u32(0x14,sf) + header_size != file_size) goto fail; /* body size again */
if (read_u32(0x18,sf) != 0x0000000A) goto fail; /* fixed */
/* header text */
parse_offset = 0x1C;
text_len = read_32bit(parse_offset,streamFile);
if (9 != text_len) goto fail;
parse_offset += 4;
offset = 0x1C;
text_len = read_u32(offset,sf);
if (text_len != 9) goto fail;
offset += 0x04;
/* check the type as P3D is just a generic container used in Radical's games */
if (read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x00,streamFile) != 0x41756469 ||
read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x04,streamFile) != 0x6F46696C ||
read_16bitBE(parse_offset+0x08,streamFile) != 0x6500) goto fail; /* "AudioFile\0" */
parse_offset += text_len + 1;
if (!is_id64be(offset+0x00,sf, "AudioFil") || read_u16be(offset+0x08,sf) != 0x6500) /* "AudioFile\0" */
goto fail;
offset += text_len + 0x01;
/* file names: always 2 (repeated); but if it's 3 there is an extra string later */
name_count = read_32bit(parse_offset,streamFile);
name_count = read_u32(offset,sf);
if (name_count != 2 && name_count != 3) goto fail; /* 2: Prototype1, 3: Prototype2 */
parse_offset += 4;
offset += 0x04;
/* skip names */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (!name_offset)
name_offset = parse_offset + 4;
text_len = read_32bit(parse_offset,streamFile) + 1; /* null-terminated */
parse_offset += 4 + text_len;
name_offset = offset + 0x04;
text_len = read_u32(offset,sf) + 1; /* null-terminated */
offset += 0x04 + text_len;
/* info count? */
if (0x01 != read_32bit(parse_offset,streamFile)) goto fail;
parse_offset += 4;
if (0x01 != read_u32(offset,sf)) goto fail;
offset += 0x04;
/* next string can be used as a codec id */
text_len = read_32bit(parse_offset,streamFile);
codec = read_32bitBE(parse_offset+4,streamFile);
parse_offset += 4 + text_len + 1;
text_len = read_u32(offset,sf);
codec = read_u32be(offset+0x04,sf);
offset += 0x04 + text_len + 0x01;
/* extra "Music" string in Prototype 2 */
if (name_count == 3) {
text_len = read_32bit(parse_offset,streamFile) + 1; /* null-terminated */
parse_offset += 4 + text_len;
text_len = read_u32(offset,sf) + 1; /* null-terminated */
offset += 0x04 + text_len;
loop_flag = 0;
/* sub-header per codec */
switch(codec) {
case 0x72616470: /* "radp" (PC) */
if (read_32bitBE(parse_offset,streamFile) != 0x52414450) goto fail; /* "RADP" */
parse_offset += 0x04;
channel_count = read_32bit(parse_offset+0x00,streamFile);
sample_rate = read_32bit(parse_offset+0x04,streamFile);
if (!is_id32be(offset,sf, "RADP"))
goto fail;
offset += 0x04;
channels = read_u32(offset+0x00,sf);
sample_rate = read_u32(offset+0x04,sf);
/* 0x08: ? (0x0F) */
data_size = read_32bit(parse_offset+0x0c,streamFile);
block_size = 0x14;
num_samples = data_size / block_size / channel_count * 32;
start_offset = parse_offset+0x10;
data_size = read_u32(offset+0x0c,sf);
block_size = 0x14;
num_samples = data_size / block_size / channels * 32;
start_offset = offset + 0x10;
case 0x6D703300: /* "mp3\0" (PS3) */
if ((read_32bitBE(parse_offset,streamFile) & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0x6D703300) goto fail; /* "mp3" */
parse_offset += 0x03;
if ((read_u32be(offset,sf) & 0xFFFFFF00) != get_id32be("mp3\0"))
goto fail;
offset += 0x03;
/* all fields LE even though the prev parts were BE */
sample_rate = read_32bitLE(parse_offset+0x00,streamFile);
sample_rate = read_s32le(offset+0x00,sf);
/* 0x04: mp3 sample rate (ex. @0x00 is 47999 and @0x04 is 48000) */
num_samples = read_32bitLE(parse_offset+0x08,streamFile);
data_size = read_32bitLE(parse_offset+0x0c,streamFile);
channel_count = read_32bitLE(parse_offset+0x10,streamFile);
block_size = read_32bitLE(parse_offset+0x14,streamFile);
num_samples = num_samples / channel_count; /* total samples */
start_offset = parse_offset+0x18;
num_samples = read_s32le(offset+0x08,sf);
data_size = read_u32le(offset+0x0c,sf);
channels = read_s32le(offset+0x10,sf);
block_size = read_u32le(offset+0x14,sf);
num_samples = num_samples / channels; /* total samples */
start_offset = offset + 0x18;
case 0x786D6100: /* "xma\0" (X360) */
if (read_32bitBE(parse_offset,streamFile) != 0x584D4132) goto fail; /* "XMA2" */
parse_offset += 0x04;
/* 0x00: subheader size? (0x2c), 0x04: seek table size */
data_size = read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x08,streamFile);
/* 0x0c: ?, 0x10: ?, 0x14/18: 0x0 */
sample_rate = read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x1c,streamFile);
/* 0x20: XMA decoder params, 0x24: abr */
block_size = read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x28,streamFile);
num_samples = read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x2c,streamFile);
/* 0x30: original file's samples */
block_count = read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x34,streamFile);
channel_count = read_8bit(parse_offset+0x38,streamFile);
/* 0x39: channel related? (stream config? channel layout?) */
start_offset = parse_offset + 0x3c + read_32bitBE(parse_offset+0x04,streamFile);
case 0x786D6100: { /* "xma\0" (X360) */
uint32_t seek_size;
if (!is_id32be(offset,sf, "XMA2"))
goto fail;
offset += 0x04;
xma2_size = read_u32be(offset+0x00,sf);
seek_size = read_u32be(offset+0x04,sf);
data_size = read_u32be(offset+0x08,sf);
/* 0x0c: ? */
xma2_offset = offset+0x10;
if (!read_u8(xma2_offset+0x00, sf)) /* needs "xma2" chunk (Spider-Man 4 beta has multi-streams) */
goto fail;
/* loops never set */
xma2_parse_xma2_chunk(sf, xma2_offset, &channels, &sample_rate, &loop_flag, &num_samples, NULL, NULL);
start_offset = offset + 0x10 + xma2_size + seek_size;
VGM_LOG("P3D: unknown codec 0x%04x\n", codec);
vgm_logi("P3D: unknown codec 0x%04x\n", codec);
goto fail;
if (start_offset + data_size != file_size) goto fail;
if (start_offset + data_size != file_size)
goto fail;
/* build the VGMSTREAM */
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,loop_flag);
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channels, loop_flag);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_P3D;
vgmstream->sample_rate = sample_rate;
vgmstream->num_samples = num_samples;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_P3D;
if (name_offset)
read_string(vgmstream->stream_name,STREAM_NAME_SIZE, name_offset,streamFile);
read_string(vgmstream->stream_name,STREAM_NAME_SIZE, name_offset,sf);
/* codec init */
switch(codec) {
case 0x72616470: /* "radp" (PC) */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_RAD_IMA_mono;
@ -149,7 +162,7 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_p3d(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
cfg.data_size = data_size;
/* block_size * 3 = frame size (0x60*3=0x120 or 0x40*3=0xC0) but doesn't seem to have any significance) */
vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(streamFile, start_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_P3D, &cfg);
vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(sf, start_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_P3D, &cfg);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
@ -161,23 +174,24 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_p3d(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
uint8_t buf[0x100];
size_t bytes;
bytes = ffmpeg_make_riff_xma2(buf,0x100, vgmstream->num_samples, data_size, vgmstream->channels, vgmstream->sample_rate, block_count, block_size);
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_header_offset(streamFile, buf,bytes, start_offset,data_size);
if ( !vgmstream->codec_data ) goto fail;
//TODO: some in Spider-Man 4 beta use 18ch but ffmpeg supports max 16ch XMA2
bytes = ffmpeg_make_riff_xma2_from_xma2_chunk(buf, sizeof(buf), xma2_offset, xma2_size, data_size, sf);
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_header_offset(sf, buf,bytes, start_offset,data_size);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
xma_fix_raw_samples(vgmstream, streamFile, start_offset, data_size, 0, 1,1); /* samples needs adjustment */
xma_fix_raw_samples(vgmstream, sf, start_offset, data_size, 0, 1,1); /* samples needs adjustment */
VGM_LOG("P3D: unknown codec 0x%04x\n", codec);
vgm_logi("P3D: unknown codec 0x%04x\n", codec);
goto fail;
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,streamFile,start_offset))
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, sf, start_offset))
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
Reference in New Issue
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