mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:44:18 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' into txtp-misc-title
This commit is contained in:
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ fail:
/* EA ABK - ABK header seems to be same as in the old games but the sound table is different and it contains SNR/SNS sounds instead */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac(STREAMFILE* sf) {
int is_dupe, total_sounds = 0, target_stream = sf->stream_index;
off_t bnk_offset, header_table_offset, base_offset, unk_struct_offset, table_offset, snd_entry_offset, ast_offset;
off_t num_entries_off, base_offset_off, entries_off, sound_table_offset_off;
uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, total_sound_tables;
uint16_t num_tables, bnk_index, bnk_target_index;
uint8_t num_entries, extra_entries;
off_t sound_table_offsets[0x2000];
off_t bnk_offset, modules_table, module_data, player_offset, samples_table, entry_offset, ast_offset;
off_t cfg_num_players_off, cfg_module_data_off, cfg_module_entry_size, cfg_samples_table_off;
uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, num_sample_tables;
uint16_t num_modules, bnk_index, bnk_target_index;
uint8_t num_players;
off_t sample_tables[0x400];
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream;
int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
int16_t(*read_16bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac(STREAMFILE* sf) {
if (target_stream < 0)
goto fail;
num_tables = read_16bit(0x0A, sf);
header_table_offset = read_32bit(0x1C, sf);
num_modules = read_16bit(0x0A, sf);
modules_table = read_32bit(0x1C, sf);
bnk_offset = read_32bit(0x20, sf);
total_sound_tables = 0;
num_sample_tables = 0;
bnk_target_index = 0xFFFF;
ast_offset = 0;
@ -146,36 +146,35 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac(STREAMFILE* sf) {
goto fail;
/* set up some common values */
if (header_table_offset == 0x5C) {
if (modules_table == 0x5C) {
/* the usual variant */
num_entries_off = 0x24;
base_offset_off = 0x2C;
entries_off = 0x3C;
sound_table_offset_off = 0x04;
} else if (header_table_offset == 0x78) {
cfg_num_players_off = 0x24;
cfg_module_data_off = 0x2C;
cfg_module_entry_size = 0x3C;
cfg_samples_table_off = 0x04;
} else if (modules_table == 0x78) {
/* FIFA 08 has a bunch of extra zeroes all over the place, don't know what's up with that */
num_entries_off = 0x40;
base_offset_off = 0x54;
entries_off = 0x68;
sound_table_offset_off = 0x0C;
cfg_num_players_off = 0x40;
cfg_module_data_off = 0x54;
cfg_module_entry_size = 0x68;
cfg_samples_table_off = 0x0C;
} else {
goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < num_tables; i++) {
num_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + num_entries_off, sf);
extra_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + num_entries_off + 0x03, sf);
base_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + base_offset_off, sf);
if (num_entries == 0xff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++) {
num_players = read_8bit(modules_table + cfg_num_players_off, sf);
module_data = read_32bit(modules_table + cfg_module_data_off, sf);
if (num_players == 0xff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (j = 0; j < num_entries; j++) {
unk_struct_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + entries_off + 0x04 * j, sf);
table_offset = read_32bit(base_offset + unk_struct_offset + sound_table_offset_off, sf);
for (j = 0; j < num_players; j++) {
player_offset = read_32bit(modules_table + cfg_module_entry_size + 0x04 * j, sf);
samples_table = read_32bit(module_data + player_offset + cfg_samples_table_off, sf);
/* For some reason, there are duplicate entries pointing at the same sound tables */
/* multiple players may point at the same sound table */
is_dupe = 0;
for (k = 0; k < total_sound_tables; k++) {
if (table_offset == sound_table_offsets[k]) {
for (k = 0; k < num_sample_tables; k++) {
if (samples_table == sample_tables[k]) {
is_dupe = 1;
@ -184,17 +183,17 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac(STREAMFILE* sf) {
if (is_dupe)
sound_table_offsets[total_sound_tables++] = table_offset;
num_sounds = read_32bit(table_offset, sf);
sample_tables[num_sample_tables++] = samples_table;
num_sounds = read_32bit(samples_table, sf);
if (num_sounds == 0xffffffff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (k = 0; k < num_sounds; k++) {
/* 0x00: sound index */
/* 0x02: ??? */
/* 0x04: ??? */
/* 0x02: priority */
/* 0x03: azimuth */
/* 0x08: streamed data offset */
snd_entry_offset = table_offset + 0x04 + 0x0C * k;
bnk_index = read_16bit(snd_entry_offset + 0x00, sf);
entry_offset = samples_table + 0x04 + 0x0C * k;
bnk_index = read_16bit(entry_offset + 0x00, sf);
/* some of these are dummies */
if (bnk_index == 0xFFFF)
@ -203,12 +202,14 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac(STREAMFILE* sf) {
if (target_stream == total_sounds) {
bnk_target_index = bnk_index;
ast_offset = read_32bit(snd_entry_offset + 0x08, sf);
ast_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x08, sf);
header_table_offset += entries_off + num_entries * 0x04 + extra_entries * 0x04;
/* skip class controllers */
num_players += read_8bit(modules_table + cfg_num_players_off + 0x03, sf);
modules_table += cfg_module_entry_size + num_players * 0x04;
if (bnk_target_index == 0xFFFF || ast_offset == 0)
@ -234,7 +235,9 @@ static VGMSTREAM * parse_s10a_header(STREAMFILE* sf, off_t offset, uint16_t targ
/* header is always big endian */
/* 0x00: header magic */
/* 0x04: zero */
/* 0x04: version */
/* 0x05: padding */
/* 0x06: serial number */
/* 0x08: number of files */
/* 0x0C: offsets table */
if (read_32bitBE(offset + 0x00, sf) != 0x53313041) /* "S10A" */
@ -380,13 +383,14 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_sth_dat(STREAMFILE* sf) {
int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
/* 0x00: ID */
/* 0x02: userdata size */
/* 0x02: parameters (userdata size, ...) */
/* 0x03: number of files */
/* 0x04: sub-ID (used for different police voices in NFS games) */
/* 0x08: alt number of files? */
/* 0x09: zero */
/* 0x0A: related to size? */
/* 0x0C: zero */
/* 0x08: sample repeat (alt number of files?) */
/* 0x09: block size (always zero?) */
/* 0x0A: number of blocks (related to size?) */
/* 0x0C: number of sub-banks (always zero?) */
/* 0x0E: padding */
/* 0x10: table start */
if (!check_extensions(sf, "hdr"))
@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ fail:
/* streamed assets are stored externally in AST file (mostly seen in earlier 6th-gen games) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE* sf) {
int bnk_target_stream, is_dupe, total_sounds = 0, target_stream = sf->stream_index;
off_t bnk_offset, header_table_offset, base_offset, value_offset, table_offset, entry_offset, target_entry_offset, schl_offset, schl_loop_offset;
uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, total_sound_tables;
uint16_t num_tables;
uint8_t sound_type, num_entries;
off_t sound_table_offsets[0x2000];
off_t bnk_offset, modules_table, module_data, player_offset, samples_table, entry_offset, target_entry_offset, schl_offset, schl_loop_offset;
uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, num_sample_tables;
uint16_t num_modules;
uint8_t sound_type, num_players;
off_t sample_tables[0x400];
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
segmented_layout_data *data_s = NULL;
@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE* sf) {
if (target_stream < 0)
goto fail;
num_tables = read_16bit(0x0A, sf);
header_table_offset = read_32bit(0x1C, sf);
num_modules = read_16bit(0x0A, sf);
modules_table = read_32bit(0x1C, sf);
bnk_offset = read_32bit(0x20, sf);
target_entry_offset = 0;
total_sound_tables = 0;
num_sample_tables = 0;
/* check to avoid clashing with the newer ABK format */
if (bnk_offset &&
@ -341,19 +341,19 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE* sf) {
read_32bitBE(bnk_offset, sf) != EA_BNK_HEADER_BE)
goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < num_tables; i++) {
num_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + 0x24, sf);
base_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + 0x2C, sf);
if (num_entries == 0xff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++) {
num_players = read_8bit(modules_table + 0x24, sf);
module_data = read_32bit(modules_table + 0x2C, sf);
if (num_players == 0xff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (j = 0; j < num_entries; j++) {
value_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + 0x3C + 0x04 * j, sf);
table_offset = read_32bit(base_offset + value_offset + 0x04, sf);
for (j = 0; j < num_players; j++) {
player_offset = read_32bit(modules_table + 0x3C + 0x04 * j, sf);
samples_table = read_32bit(module_data + player_offset + 0x04, sf);
/* For some reason, there are duplicate entries pointing at the same sound tables */
/* multiple players may point at the same sound table */
is_dupe = 0;
for (k = 0; k < total_sound_tables; k++) {
if (table_offset == sound_table_offsets[k]) {
for (k = 0; k < num_sample_tables; k++) {
if (samples_table == sample_tables[k]) {
is_dupe = 1;
@ -362,12 +362,12 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE* sf) {
if (is_dupe)
sound_table_offsets[total_sound_tables++] = table_offset;
num_sounds = read_32bit(table_offset, sf);
sample_tables[num_sample_tables++] = samples_table;
num_sounds = read_32bit(samples_table, sf);
if (num_sounds == 0xffffffff) goto fail; /* EOF read */
for (k = 0; k < num_sounds; k++) {
entry_offset = table_offset + 0x04 + 0x0C * k;
entry_offset = samples_table + 0x04 + 0x0C * k;
sound_type = read_8bit(entry_offset + 0x00, sf);
/* some of these are dummies pointing at sound 0 in BNK */
@ -380,16 +380,17 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE* sf) {
/* there can be another set of values, don't know what they mean */
num_entries += read_8bit(header_table_offset + 0x27, sf);
header_table_offset += 0x3C + num_entries * 0x04;
/* skip class controllers */
num_players += read_8bit(modules_table + 0x27, sf);
modules_table += 0x3C + num_players * 0x04;
if (target_entry_offset == 0)
goto fail;
/* 0x00: type (0x00 - normal, 0x01 - streamed, 0x02 - streamed looped) */
/* 0x01: ??? */
/* 0x01: priority */
/* 0x02: padding */
/* 0x04: index for normal sounds, offset for streamed sounds */
/* 0x08: loop offset for streamed sounds */
sound_type = read_8bit(target_entry_offset + 0x00, sf);
@ -573,10 +574,11 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_dat_v2(STREAMFILE* sf) {
/* 0x02: parameters (userdata size, ...) */
/* 0x03: number of files */
/* 0x04: sub-ID (used for different police voices in NFS games) */
/* 0x08: alt number of files? */
/* 0x09: offset mult */
/* 0x0a: DAT size divided by offset mult */
/* 0x0c: zero */
/* 0x08: sample repeat (alt number of files?) */
/* 0x09: block size (offset multiplier) */
/* 0x0A: number of blocks (DAT size divided by block size) */
/* 0x0C: number of sub-banks (always zero?) */
/* 0x0E: padding */
/* 0x10: table start */
/* no nice way to validate these so we do what we can */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user