/* originally from nwatowav.cc 2007.7.28 version, which read: */ /* * Copyright 2001-2007 jagarl / Kazunori Ueno * All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted. * * このプログラムの作者は jagarl です。 * * このプログラム、及びコンパイルによって生成したバイナリは * プログラムを変更する、しないにかかわらず再配布可能です。 * その際、上記 Copyright 表示を保持するなどの条件は課しま * せん。対応が面倒なのでバグ報告を除き、メールで連絡をする * などの必要もありません。ソースの一部を流用することを含め、 * ご自由にお使いください。 * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY KAZUNORI 'jagarl' UENO ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL KAZUNORI UENO BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * */ #include #include "nwa_decoder.h" /* can serve up 8 bits at a time */ static int getbits (STREAMFILE *file, off_t *offset, int *shift, int bits) { if (*shift > 8) { ++*offset; *shift -= 8; } int ret = read_16bitLE(*offset,file) >> *shift; *shift += bits; return ret & ((1 << bits) - 1); /* mask */ } NWAData * open_nwa (STREAMFILE * streamFile, const char *filename) { int i; NWAData * const nwa = malloc(sizeof(NWAData)); if (!nwa) goto fail; nwa->channels = read_16bitLE(0x00,streamFile); nwa->bps = read_16bitLE(0x02,streamFile); nwa->freq = read_32bitLE(0x04,streamFile); nwa->complevel = read_32bitLE(0x08,streamFile); nwa->blocks = read_32bitLE(0x10,streamFile); nwa->datasize = read_32bitLE(0x14,streamFile); nwa->compdatasize = read_32bitLE(0x18,streamFile); nwa->samplecount = read_32bitLE(0x1c,streamFile); nwa->blocksize = read_32bitLE(0x20,streamFile); nwa->restsize = read_32bitLE(0x24,streamFile); nwa->offsets = NULL; nwa->buffer = NULL; nwa->buffer_readpos = NULL; nwa->file = NULL; /* PCM not handled here */ if (nwa->complevel < 0 || nwa->complevel > 5) goto fail; if (nwa->channels != 1 && nwa->channels != 2) goto fail; if (nwa->bps != 8 && nwa->bps != 16) goto fail; if (nwa->blocks <= 0) goto fail; if (nwa->compdatasize == 0 || get_streamfile_size(streamFile) != nwa->compdatasize) goto fail; if (nwa->datasize != nwa->samplecount * (nwa->bps/8)) goto fail; if (nwa->samplecount != (nwa->blocks-1) * nwa->blocksize + nwa->restsize) goto fail; nwa->offsets = malloc(sizeof(off_t)*nwa->blocks); if (!nwa->offsets) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < nwa->blocks; i++) { int32_t o = read_32bitLE(0x2c+i*4,streamFile); if (o < 0) goto fail; nwa->offsets[i] = o; } if (nwa->offsets[nwa->blocks-1] >= nwa->compdatasize) goto fail; if (nwa->restsize > nwa->blocksize) nwa->buffer = malloc(sizeof(sample)*nwa->restsize); else nwa->buffer = malloc(sizeof(sample)*nwa->blocksize); if (nwa->buffer == NULL) goto fail; nwa->buffer_readpos = nwa->buffer; nwa->samples_in_buffer = 0; nwa->curblock = 0; /* if we got this far, it's probably safe */ nwa->file = streamFile->open(streamFile,filename,STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!nwa->file) goto fail; return nwa; fail: if (nwa) { close_nwa(nwa); free(nwa); } return NULL; } void close_nwa(NWAData * nwa) { if (!nwa) return; if (nwa->offsets) free (nwa->offsets); nwa->offsets = NULL; if (nwa->buffer) free (nwa->buffer); nwa->buffer = NULL; if (nwa->file) close_streamfile (nwa->file); nwa->file = NULL; free(nwa); } void reset_nwa(NWAData *nwa) { nwa->curblock = 0; nwa->buffer_readpos = nwa->buffer; nwa->samples_in_buffer = 0; } static int use_runlength(NWAData *nwa) { if (nwa->channels == 2 && nwa->bps == 16 && nwa->complevel == 2) { /* sw2 */ return 0; } if (nwa->complevel == 5) { if (nwa->channels == 2) return 0; /* BGM*.nwa in Little Busters! */ return 1; /* Tomoyo After (.nwk koe file) */ } return 0; } static void nwa_decode_block(NWAData *nwa) { /* 今回読み込む/デコードするデータの大きさを得る */ int curblocksize, curcompsize; if (nwa->curblock != nwa->blocks - 1) { curblocksize = nwa->blocksize * (nwa->bps / 8); curcompsize = nwa->offsets[nwa->curblock + 1] - nwa->offsets[nwa->curblock]; } else { curblocksize = nwa->restsize * (nwa->bps / 8); curcompsize = nwa->blocksize * (nwa->bps / 8) * 2; } nwa->samples_in_buffer = 0; nwa->buffer_readpos = nwa->buffer; { sample d[2]; int i; int shift = 0; off_t offset = nwa->offsets[nwa->curblock]; int dsize = curblocksize / (nwa->bps / 8); int flip_flag = 0; /* stereo 用 */ int runlength = 0; /* read initial sample value */ for (i=0;ichannels;i++) { if (nwa->bps == 8) { d[i] = read_8bit(offset,nwa->file); } else /* bps == 16 */ { d[i] = read_16bitLE(offset,nwa->file); offset += 2; } } for (i = 0; i < dsize; i++) { if (runlength == 0) { /* コピーループ中でないならデータ読み込み */ int type = getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, 3); /* type により分岐:0, 1-6, 7 */ if (type == 7) { /* 7 : 大きな差分 */ /* RunLength() 有効時(CompLevel==5, 音声ファイル) では無効 */ if (getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, 1) == 1) { d[flip_flag] = 0; /* 未使用 */ } else { int BITS, SHIFT; if (nwa->complevel >= 3) { BITS = 8; SHIFT = 9; } else { BITS = 8 - nwa->complevel; SHIFT = 2 + 7 + nwa->complevel; } const int MASK1 = (1 << (BITS - 1)); const int MASK2 = (1 << (BITS - 1)) - 1; int b = getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, BITS); if (b & MASK1) d[flip_flag] -= (b & MASK2) << SHIFT; else d[flip_flag] += (b & MASK2) << SHIFT; } } else if (type != 0) { /* 1-6 : 通常の差分 */ int BITS, SHIFT; if (nwa->complevel >= 3) { BITS = nwa->complevel + 3; SHIFT = 1 + type; } else { BITS = 5 - nwa->complevel; SHIFT = 2 + type + nwa->complevel; } const int MASK1 = (1 << (BITS - 1)); const int MASK2 = (1 << (BITS - 1)) - 1; int b = getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, BITS); if (b & MASK1) d[flip_flag] -= (b & MASK2) << SHIFT; else d[flip_flag] += (b & MASK2) << SHIFT; } else { /* type == 0 */ /* ランレングス圧縮なしの場合はなにもしない */ if (use_runlength(nwa)) { /* ランレングス圧縮ありの場合 */ runlength = getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, 1); if (runlength == 1) { runlength = getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, 2); if (runlength == 3) { runlength = getbits(nwa->file, &offset, &shift, 8); } } } } } else { runlength--; } if (nwa->bps == 8) { nwa->buffer[i] = d[flip_flag]*0x100; } else { nwa->buffer[i] = d[flip_flag]; } nwa->samples_in_buffer++; if (nwa->channels == 2) flip_flag ^= 1; /* channel 切り替え */ } } nwa->curblock++; return; } /* interface to vgmstream */ void decode_nwa(NWAData *nwa, sample *outbuf, int32_t samples_to_do) { while (samples_to_do > 0) { int32_t samples_to_read; if (nwa->samples_in_buffer > 0) { samples_to_read = nwa->samples_in_buffer/nwa->channels; if (samples_to_read > samples_to_do) samples_to_read = samples_to_do; memcpy(outbuf,nwa->buffer_readpos, sizeof(sample)*samples_to_read*nwa->channels); nwa->buffer_readpos += samples_to_read*nwa->channels; nwa->samples_in_buffer -= samples_to_read*nwa->channels; outbuf += samples_to_read*nwa->channels; samples_to_do -= samples_to_read; } else { nwa_decode_block(nwa); } } }