@echo off chcp 65001 REM #------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM # VGMSTREAM REGRESSION TESTING SCRIPT REM # REM # Searches for files in a directory (or optionally subdirs) and compares REM # the output of two test.exe versions, both wav and stdout, for regression REM # testing. This creates and deletes temp files, trying to process all REM # extensions found unless specified (except a few). REM # REM # Options: see below. REM #------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM #TODO: escape & ! % in file/folder names setlocal enableDelayedExpansion REM #options REM # -vo <exe> -vn <exe>: path to old/new exe set OP_CMD_OLD=test_old.exe set OP_CMD_NEW=test.exe REM # -f <filename>: search wildcard (ex. -f "*.adx") set OP_SEARCH="*.*" REM # -r: recursive subfolders set OP_RECURSIVE= REM # -nd: don't delete compared files set OP_NODELETE= REM # -nc: don't report correct files set OP_NOCORRECT= REM # parse options :set_options if "%~1"=="" goto end_options if "%~1"=="-vo" set OP_CMD_OLD=%2 if "%~1"=="-vn" set OP_CMD_NEW=%2 if "%~1"=="-f" set OP_SEARCH=%2 if "%~1"=="-r" set OP_RECURSIVE=/s if "%~1"=="-nd" set OP_NODELETE=true if "%~1"=="-nc" set OP_NOCORRECT=true shift goto set_options :end_options REM # output color defs set C_W=0e set C_E=0c set C_O=0f REM # check exe set CMD_CHECK=where "%OP_CMD_OLD%" "%OP_CMD_NEW%" %CMD_CHECK% > nul if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo Old/new exe not found goto error ) if %OP_SEARCH%=="" ( echo Search wildcard not specified goto error ) REM # process start echo VRTS: start @%time% REM # search for files set CMD_DIR=dir /a:-d /b %OP_RECURSIVE% %OP_SEARCH% set CMD_FIND=findstr /i /v "\.exe$ \.dll$ \.zip$ \.7z$ \.rar$ \.bat$ \.sh$ \.txt$ \.lnk$ \.wav$" REM # process files for /f "delims=" %%x in ('%CMD_DIR% ^| %CMD_FIND%') do ( set CMD_FILE=%%x call :process_file "!CMD_FILE!" ) REM # process end (ok) goto done REM # test a single file :process_file outer REM # ignore files starting with dot (no filename) set CMD_SHORTNAME=%~n1 if "%CMD_SHORTNAME%" == "" goto continue REM # get file set CMD_FILE=%1 set CMD_FILE=%CMD_FILE:"=% REM echo VTRS: file %CMD_FILE% REM # old/new temp output set WAV_OLD=%CMD_FILE%.old.wav set TXT_OLD=%CMD_FILE%.old.txt set CMD_VGM_OLD="%OP_CMD_OLD%" -o "%WAV_OLD%" "%CMD_FILE%" %CMD_VGM_OLD% 1> "%TXT_OLD%" 2>&1 & REM || goto error set WAV_NEW=%CMD_FILE%.new.wav set TXT_NEW=%CMD_FILE%.new.txt set CMD_VGM_NEW="%OP_CMD_NEW%" -o "%WAV_NEW%" "%CMD_FILE%" %CMD_VGM_NEW% 1> "%TXT_NEW%" 2>&1 & REM || goto error REM # ignore if no files are created (unsupported formats) if not exist "%WAV_NEW%" ( if not exist "%WAV_OLD%" ( REM echo VRTS: nothing created for file %CMD_FILE% if exist "%TXT_NEW%" del /a:a "%TXT_NEW%" if exist "%TXT_OLD%" del /a:a "%TXT_OLD%" goto continue ) ) REM # compare files (doesn't use /b for speedup, somehow) set CMP_WAV=fc /a /lb1 "%WAV_OLD%" "%WAV_NEW%" set CMP_TXT=fc /a /lb1 "%TXT_OLD%" "%TXT_NEW%" %CMP_WAV% 1> nul 2>&1 set CMP_WAV_ERROR=0 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set CMP_WAV_ERROR=1 %CMP_TXT% 1> nul 2>&1 set CMP_TXT_ERROR=0 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set CMP_TXT_ERROR=1 REM # print output if %CMP_WAV_ERROR% EQU 1 ( if %CMP_TXT_ERROR% EQU 1 ( call :echo_color %C_E% "%CMD_FILE%" "wav and txt diffs" ) else ( call :echo_color %C_E% "%CMD_FILE%" "wav diffs" ) ) else ( if %CMP_TXT_ERROR% EQU 1 ( call :echo_color %C_W% "%CMD_FILE%" "txt diffs" ) else ( if "%OP_NOCORRECT%" == "" ( call :echo_color %C_O% "%CMD_FILE%" "no diffs" ) ) ) REM # delete temp files if "%OP_NODELETE%" == "" ( if exist "%WAV_OLD%" del /a:a "%WAV_OLD%" if exist "%TXT_OLD%" del /a:a "%TXT_OLD%" if exist "%WAV_NEW%" del /a:a "%WAV_NEW%" if exist "%TXT_NEW%" del /a:a "%TXT_NEW%" ) :continue exit /B REM :process_file end, continue from last call REM # hack to get colored output in Windows CMD using findstr + temp file :echo_color set TEMP_FILE=%2-result set TEMP_FILE=%TEMP_FILE:"=% set TEMP_TEXT=%3 set TEMP_TEXT=%TEMP_TEXT:"=% echo %TEMP_TEXT% > "%TEMP_FILE%" REM # show colored filename + any text in temp file findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" "%TEMP_FILE%" nul del "%TEMP_FILE%" exit /B REM :echo_color end, continue from last call :done echo VRTS: done @%time% goto exit :error echo VRTS: error @%time% goto exit :exit