#include "meta.h" #include "../layout/layout.h" #include "../coding/coding.h" /* If these variables are packed properly in the struct (one after another) * then this is actually how they are laid out in the file, albeit big-endian */ struct dsp_header { uint32_t sample_count; /* 0x00 */ uint32_t nibble_count; /* 0x04 (includes frame headers) */ uint32_t sample_rate; /* 0x08 (generally 32/48kz but games like Wario World set 32028hz to adjust for GC's rate) */ uint16_t loop_flag; /* 0x0c */ uint16_t format; /* 0x0e (always 0 for ADPCM) */ uint32_t loop_start_offset; /* 0x10 */ uint32_t loop_end_offset; /* 0x14 */ uint32_t ca; /* 0x18 (always 0) */ int16_t coef[16]; /* 0x1c (eight pairs) */ uint16_t gain; /* 0x3c (always 0 for ADPCM) */ uint16_t initial_ps; /* 0x3e (predictor/scale in frame header) */ int16_t initial_hist1; /* 0x40 */ int16_t initial_hist2; /* 0x42 */ uint16_t loop_ps; /* 0x44 (predictor/scale in loop frame header) */ int16_t loop_hist1; /* 0x46 */ int16_t loop_hist2; /* 0x48 */ int16_t channel_count; /* 0x4a (DSPADPCM.exe ~v2.7 extension) */ int16_t block_size; /* 0x4c */ /* padding/reserved up to 0x60, DSPADPCM.exe from GC adds garbage here (uninitialized MSVC memory?) */ }; /* read the above struct; returns nonzero on failure */ static int read_dsp_header_endian(struct dsp_header *header, off_t offset, STREAMFILE* sf, int big_endian) { uint32_t (*get_u32)(const uint8_t*) = big_endian ? get_u32be : get_u32le; uint16_t (*get_u16)(const uint8_t*) = big_endian ? get_u16be : get_u16le; int16_t (*get_s16)(const uint8_t*) = big_endian ? get_s16be : get_s16le; int i; uint8_t buf[0x60]; if (offset > get_streamfile_size(sf)) return 1; if (read_streamfile(buf, offset, 0x60, sf) != 0x60) return 1; header->sample_count = get_u32(buf+0x00); header->nibble_count = get_u32(buf+0x04); header->sample_rate = get_u32(buf+0x08); header->loop_flag = get_u16(buf+0x0c); header->format = get_u16(buf+0x0e); header->loop_start_offset = get_u32(buf+0x10); header->loop_end_offset = get_u32(buf+0x14); header->ca = get_u32(buf+0x18); for (i=0; i < 16; i++) header->coef[i] = get_s16(buf+0x1c+i*0x02); header->gain = get_u16(buf+0x3c); header->initial_ps = get_u16(buf+0x3e); header->initial_hist1 = get_s16(buf+0x40); header->initial_hist2 = get_s16(buf+0x42); header->loop_ps = get_u16(buf+0x44); header->loop_hist1 = get_s16(buf+0x46); header->loop_hist2 = get_s16(buf+0x48); header->channel_count = get_s16(buf+0x4a); header->block_size = get_s16(buf+0x4c); return 0; } static int read_dsp_header(struct dsp_header *header, off_t offset, STREAMFILE* file) { return read_dsp_header_endian(header, offset, file, 1); } static int read_dsp_header_le(struct dsp_header *header, off_t offset, STREAMFILE* file) { return read_dsp_header_endian(header, offset, file, 0); } /* ********************************* */ typedef struct { /* basic config */ int little_endian; int channel_count; int max_channels; off_t header_offset; /* standard DSP header */ size_t header_spacing; /* distance between DSP header of other channels */ off_t start_offset; /* data start */ size_t interleave; /* distance between data of other channels */ size_t interleave_first; /* same, in the first block */ size_t interleave_first_skip; /* extra info */ size_t interleave_last; /* same, in the last block */ meta_t meta_type; /* hacks */ int force_loop; /* force full loop */ int force_loop_seconds; /* force loop, but must be longer than this (to catch jingles) */ int fix_looping; /* fix loop end going past num_samples */ int fix_loop_start; /* weird files with bad loop start */ int single_header; /* all channels share header, thus totals are off */ int ignore_header_agreement; /* sometimes there are minor differences between headers */ int ignore_loop_ps; /* sometimes has bad loop start ps */ } dsp_meta; #define COMMON_DSP_MAX_CHANNELS 6 /* Common parser for most DSPs that are basically the same with minor changes. * Custom variants will just concatenate or interleave standard DSP headers and data, * so we make sure to validate read vs expected values, based on dsp_meta config. */ static VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_common(STREAMFILE* sf, dsp_meta *dspm) { VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL; int i, j; int loop_flag; struct dsp_header ch_header[COMMON_DSP_MAX_CHANNELS]; if (dspm->channel_count > dspm->max_channels) goto fail; if (dspm->channel_count > COMMON_DSP_MAX_CHANNELS) goto fail; /* load standard DSP header per channel */ { for (i = 0; i < dspm->channel_count; i++) { if (read_dsp_header_endian(&ch_header[i], dspm->header_offset + i*dspm->header_spacing, sf, !dspm->little_endian)) { //;VGM_LOG("DSP: bad header\n"); goto fail; } } } /* fix bad/fixed value in loop start */ if (dspm->fix_loop_start) { for (i = 0; i < dspm->channel_count; i++) { if (ch_header[i].loop_flag) ch_header[i].loop_start_offset = 0x00; } } /* check type==0 and gain==0 */ { for (i = 0; i < dspm->channel_count; i++) { if (ch_header[i].format || ch_header[i].gain) { //;VGM_LOG("DSP: bad type/gain\n"); goto fail; } } } /* check for agreement between channels */ if (!dspm->ignore_header_agreement) { for (i = 0; i < dspm->channel_count - 1; i++) { if (ch_header[i].sample_count != ch_header[i+1].sample_count || ch_header[i].nibble_count != ch_header[i+1].nibble_count || ch_header[i].sample_rate != ch_header[i+1].sample_rate || ch_header[i].loop_flag != ch_header[i+1].loop_flag || ch_header[i].loop_start_offset != ch_header[i+1].loop_start_offset || ch_header[i].loop_end_offset != ch_header[i+1].loop_end_offset) { goto fail; } } } /* check expected initial predictor/scale */ { int channels = dspm->channel_count; if (dspm->single_header) channels = 1; for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) { off_t channel_offset = dspm->start_offset + i*dspm->interleave; if (ch_header[i].initial_ps != read_u8(channel_offset, sf)) { //;VGM_LOG("DSP: bad initial ps\n"); goto fail; } } } /* check expected loop predictor/scale */ if (ch_header[0].loop_flag && !dspm->ignore_loop_ps) { int channels = dspm->channel_count; if (dspm->single_header) channels = 1; for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) { off_t loop_offset = ch_header[i].loop_start_offset; loop_offset = loop_offset / 0x8 * 0x8; /* loop points to a nibble, but we need closest frame header */ if (dspm->interleave) { loop_offset = (loop_offset / dspm->interleave * dspm->interleave * channels) + (loop_offset % dspm->interleave); } if (ch_header[i].loop_ps != read_u8(dspm->start_offset + i*dspm->interleave + loop_offset,sf)) { //;VGM_LOG("DSP: bad loop ps: %x vs at %lx\n", ch_header[i].loop_ps, dspm->start_offset + i*dspm->interleave + loop_offset); goto fail; } } } /* all done, must be DSP */ loop_flag = ch_header[0].loop_flag; if (!loop_flag && dspm->force_loop) { loop_flag = 1; if (dspm->force_loop_seconds && ch_header[0].sample_count < dspm->force_loop_seconds*ch_header[0].sample_rate) { loop_flag = 0; } } /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(dspm->channel_count,loop_flag); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->sample_rate = ch_header[0].sample_rate; vgmstream->num_samples = ch_header[0].sample_count; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(ch_header[0].loop_start_offset); vgmstream->loop_end_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(ch_header[0].loop_end_offset) + 1; vgmstream->meta_type = dspm->meta_type; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP; if (dspm->interleave > 0 && dspm->interleave < 0x08) vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP_subint; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_interleave; if (dspm->interleave == 0 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_NGC_DSP_subint) vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; vgmstream->interleave_block_size = dspm->interleave; vgmstream->interleave_first_block_size = dspm->interleave_first; vgmstream->interleave_first_skip = dspm->interleave_first_skip; vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size = dspm->interleave_last; { /* set coefs and initial history (usually 0) */ for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_coef[j] = ch_header[i].coef[j]; } vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_16 = ch_header[i].initial_hist1; vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history2_16 = ch_header[i].initial_hist2; } } /* don't know why, but it does happen */ if (dspm->fix_looping && vgmstream->loop_end_sample > vgmstream->num_samples) vgmstream->loop_end_sample = vgmstream->num_samples; if (dspm->single_header == 2) { /* double the samples */ vgmstream->num_samples /= dspm->channel_count; vgmstream->loop_start_sample /= dspm->channel_count; vgmstream->loop_end_sample /= dspm->channel_count; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, sf, dspm->start_offset)) goto fail; return vgmstream; fail: close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } /* ********************************* */ /* .dsp - standard dsp as generated by DSPADPCM.exe */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std(STREAMFILE* sf) { VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL; struct dsp_header header; const size_t header_size = 0x60; off_t start_offset; int i, channel_count; /* checks */ /* .dsp: standard * .adp: Dr. Muto/Battalion Wars (GC) mono files * (extensionless): Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Wii) */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp,adp,")) goto fail; if (read_dsp_header(&header, 0x00, sf)) goto fail; channel_count = 1; start_offset = header_size; if (header.initial_ps != (uint8_t)read_8bit(start_offset,sf)) goto fail; /* check initial predictor/scale */ if (header.format || header.gain) goto fail; /* check type==0 and gain==0 */ /* Check for a matching second header. If we find one and it checks * out thoroughly, we're probably not dealing with a genuine mono DSP. * In many cases these will pass all the other checks, including the * predictor/scale check if the first byte is 0 */ //todo maybe this meta should be after others, so they have a chance to detect >1ch .dsp { int ko; struct dsp_header header2; /* ignore headers one after another */ ko = read_dsp_header(&header2, header_size, sf); if (!ko && header.sample_count == header2.sample_count && header.nibble_count == header2.nibble_count && header.sample_rate == header2.sample_rate && header.loop_flag == header2.loop_flag) { goto fail; } /* ignore headers after interleave [Ultimate Board Collection (Wii)] */ ko = read_dsp_header(&header2, 0x10000, sf); if (!ko && header.sample_count == header2.sample_count && header.nibble_count == header2.nibble_count && header.sample_rate == header2.sample_rate && header.loop_flag == header2.loop_flag) { goto fail; } } if (header.loop_flag) { off_t loop_off; /* check loop predictor/scale */ loop_off = header.loop_start_offset/16*8; if (header.loop_ps != (uint8_t)read_8bit(start_offset+loop_off,sf)) { /* rarely won't match (ex ESPN 2002), not sure if header or calc problem, but doesn't seem to matter * (there may be a "click" when looping, or loop values may be too big and loop disabled anyway) */ VGM_LOG("DSP (std): bad loop_predictor\n"); //header.loop_flag = 0; //goto fail; } } /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,header.loop_flag); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->sample_rate = header.sample_rate; vgmstream->num_samples = header.sample_count; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(header.loop_start_offset); vgmstream->loop_end_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(header.loop_end_offset)+1; if (vgmstream->loop_end_sample > vgmstream->num_samples) /* don't know why, but it does happen */ vgmstream->loop_end_sample = vgmstream->num_samples; vgmstream->meta_type = meta_DSP_STD; vgmstream->allow_dual_stereo = 1; /* very common in .dsp */ vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; { /* adpcm coeffs/history */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) vgmstream->ch[0].adpcm_coef[i] = header.coef[i]; vgmstream->ch[0].adpcm_history1_16 = header.initial_hist1; vgmstream->ch[0].adpcm_history2_16 = header.initial_hist2; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,sf,start_offset)) goto fail; return vgmstream; fail: close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } /* .dsp - little endian dsp, possibly main Switch .dsp [LEGO Worlds (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std_le(STREAMFILE* sf) { VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL; struct dsp_header header; const size_t header_size = 0x60; off_t start_offset; int i, channel_count; /* checks */ /* .adpcm: LEGO Worlds */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "adpcm")) goto fail; if (read_dsp_header_le(&header, 0x00, sf)) goto fail; channel_count = 1; start_offset = header_size; if (header.initial_ps != (uint8_t)read_8bit(start_offset,sf)) goto fail; /* check initial predictor/scale */ if (header.format || header.gain) goto fail; /* check type==0 and gain==0 */ /* Check for a matching second header. If we find one and it checks * out thoroughly, we're probably not dealing with a genuine mono DSP. * In many cases these will pass all the other checks, including the * predictor/scale check if the first byte is 0 */ { struct dsp_header header2; read_dsp_header_le(&header2, header_size, sf); if (header.sample_count == header2.sample_count && header.nibble_count == header2.nibble_count && header.sample_rate == header2.sample_rate && header.loop_flag == header2.loop_flag) { goto fail; } } if (header.loop_flag) { off_t loop_off; /* check loop predictor/scale */ loop_off = header.loop_start_offset/16*8; if (header.loop_ps != (uint8_t)read_8bit(start_offset+loop_off,sf)) { /* rarely won't match (ex ESPN 2002), not sure if header or calc problem, but doesn't seem to matter * (there may be a "click" when looping, or loop values may be too big and loop disabled anyway) */ VGM_LOG("DSP (std): bad loop_predictor\n"); //header.loop_flag = 0; //goto fail; } } /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,header.loop_flag); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->sample_rate = header.sample_rate; vgmstream->num_samples = header.sample_count; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(header.loop_start_offset); vgmstream->loop_end_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(header.loop_end_offset)+1; if (vgmstream->loop_end_sample > vgmstream->num_samples) /* don't know why, but it does happen */ vgmstream->loop_end_sample = vgmstream->num_samples; vgmstream->meta_type = meta_DSP_STD; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; vgmstream->allow_dual_stereo = 1; { /* adpcm coeffs/history */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) vgmstream->ch[0].adpcm_coef[i] = header.coef[i]; vgmstream->ch[0].adpcm_history1_16 = header.initial_hist1; vgmstream->ch[0].adpcm_history2_16 = header.initial_hist2; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,sf,start_offset)) goto fail; return vgmstream; fail: close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } /* .dsp - standard multi-channel dsp as generated by DSPADPCM.exe (later revisions) */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_mdsp_std(STREAMFILE* sf) { VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL; struct dsp_header header; const size_t header_size = 0x60; off_t start_offset; int i, c, channel_count; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp,mdsp")) goto fail; if (read_dsp_header(&header, 0x00, sf)) goto fail; channel_count = header.channel_count==0 ? 1 : header.channel_count; start_offset = header_size * channel_count; /* named .dsp and no channels? likely another interleaved dsp */ if (check_extensions(sf,"dsp") && header.channel_count == 0) goto fail; if (header.initial_ps != (uint8_t)read_8bit(start_offset, sf)) goto fail; /* check initial predictor/scale */ if (header.format || header.gain) goto fail; /* check type==0 and gain==0 */ /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count, header.loop_flag); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->sample_rate = header.sample_rate; vgmstream->num_samples = header.sample_count; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(header.loop_start_offset); vgmstream->loop_end_sample = dsp_nibbles_to_samples(header.loop_end_offset) + 1; if (vgmstream->loop_end_sample > vgmstream->num_samples) /* don't know why, but it does happen*/ vgmstream->loop_end_sample = vgmstream->num_samples; vgmstream->meta_type = meta_DSP_STD; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP; vgmstream->layout_type = channel_count == 1 ? layout_none : layout_interleave; vgmstream->interleave_block_size = header.block_size * 8; if (vgmstream->interleave_block_size) vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size = (header.nibble_count / 2 % vgmstream->interleave_block_size + 7) / 8 * 8; for (i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) { if (read_dsp_header(&header, header_size * i, sf)) goto fail; /* adpcm coeffs/history */ for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_coef[c] = header.coef[c]; vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_16 = header.initial_hist1; vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history2_16 = header.initial_hist2; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, sf, start_offset)) goto fail; return vgmstream; fail: close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } /* ********************************* */ /* .stm - Intelligent Systems + others (same programmers) full interleaved dsp [Paper Mario TTYD (GC), Fire Emblem: POR (GC), Cubivore (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_stm(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .lstm/dsp: renamed to avoid hijacking Scream Tracker 2 Modules */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "stm,lstm,dsp")) goto fail; if (read_16bitBE(0x00, sf) != 0x0200) goto fail; /* 0x02(2): sample rate, 0x08+: channel sizes/loop offsets? */ dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x04, sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.fix_looping = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x40; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = 0x100; dspm.interleave = (read_32bitBE(0x08, sf) + 0x20) / 0x20 * 0x20; /* strange rounding, but works */ dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_STM; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .(mp)dsp - single header + interleaved dsp [Monopoly Party! (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_mpdsp(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .mpdsp: renamed since standard .dsp would catch it otherwise */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "mpdsp")) goto fail; /* at 0x48 is extra data that could help differenciating these DSPs, but seems like * memory garbage created by the encoder that other games also have */ /* 0x02(2): sample rate, 0x08+: channel sizes/loop offsets? */ dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.single_header = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x00; /* same header for both channels */ dspm.start_offset = 0x60; dspm.interleave = 0xf000; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_MPDSP; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* various dsp with differing extensions and interleave values */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std_int(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; char filename[PATH_LIMIT]; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp,mss,gcm")) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.fix_looping = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = 0xc0; sf->get_name(sf,filename,sizeof(filename)); if (strlen(filename) > 7 && !strcasecmp("_lr.dsp",filename+strlen(filename)-7)) { //todo improve dspm.interleave = 0x14180; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_JETTERS; /* Bomberman Jetters (GC) */ } else if (check_extensions(sf, "mss")) { dspm.interleave = 0x1000; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_MSS; /* Free Radical GC games */ /* Timesplitters 2 GC's ts2_atom_smasher_44_fx.mss differs slightly in samples but plays ok */ dspm.ignore_header_agreement = 1; } else if (check_extensions(sf, "gcm")) { /* older Traveller's Tales games [Lego Star Wars (GC), The Chronicles of Narnia (GC), Sonic R (GC)] */ dspm.interleave = 0x8000; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_GCM; } else { goto fail; } return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* IDSP - Namco header (from NUB/NUS3) + interleaved dsp [SSB4 (3DS), Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (WiiU)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_idsp_namco(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "idsp")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x49445350) /* "IDSP" */ goto fail; dspm.max_channels = 8; /* games do adjust loop_end if bigger than num_samples (only happens in user-created IDSPs) */ dspm.fix_looping = 1; /* 0x04: null */ dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x08, sf); /* 0x0c: sample rate */ /* 0x10: num_samples */ /* 0x14: loop start */ /* 0x18: loop end */ dspm.interleave = read_32bitBE(0x1c,sf); /* usually 0x10 */ dspm.header_offset = read_32bitBE(0x20,sf); dspm.header_spacing = read_32bitBE(0x24,sf); dspm.start_offset = read_32bitBE(0x28,sf); /* Soul Calibur: Broken destiny (PSP), Taiko no Tatsujin: Atsumete Tomodachi Daisakusen (WiiU) */ if (dspm.interleave == 0) /* half interleave (happens sometimes), use channel size */ dspm.interleave = read_32bitBE(0x2c,sf); dspm.meta_type = meta_IDSP_NAMCO; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* sadb - Procyon Studio header + interleaved dsp [Shiren the Wanderer 3 (Wii), Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_sadb(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "sad")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x73616462) /* "sadb" */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_8bit(0x32, sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x80; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = read_32bitBE(0x48,sf); dspm.interleave = 0x10; dspm.ignore_loop_ps = 1; /* does something strange with offsets/etc, ignore */ dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_SADB; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* IDSP - Traveller's Tales header + interleaved dsps [Lego Batman (Wii), Lego Dimensions (Wii U)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_idsp_tt(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; int version_main, version_sub; /* checks */ /* .gcm: standard * .idsp: header id? * .wua: Lego Dimensions (Wii U) */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "gcm,idsp,wua")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x49445350) /* "IDSP" */ goto fail; version_main = read_32bitBE(0x04, sf); version_sub = read_32bitBE(0x08, sf); /* extra check since there are other IDSPs */ if (version_main == 0x01 && version_sub == 0xc8) { /* Transformers: The Game (Wii) */ dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x10; } else if (version_main == 0x02 && version_sub == 0xd2) { /* Lego Batman (Wii) * The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Wii) * Lego Indiana Jones 2 (Wii) * Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii) * Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Wii) * Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Wii) */ dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x20; /* 0x10+: null */ } else if (version_main == 0x03 && version_sub == 0x12c) { /* Lego The Lord of the Rings (Wii) */ /* Lego Dimensions (Wii U) */ dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x10, sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x20; /* 0x14+: "I_AM_PADDING" */ } else { goto fail; } dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60 * dspm.channel_count; dspm.interleave = read_32bitBE(0x0c, sf); dspm.meta_type = meta_IDSP_TT; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* IDSP - from Next Level games [Super Mario Strikers (GC), Mario Strikers: Charged (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_idsp_nl(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "idsp")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x49445350) /* "IDSP" */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x0c; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.header_spacing*dspm.channel_count; dspm.interleave = read_32bitBE(0x04,sf); /* 0x08: usable channel size */ { size_t stream_size = get_streamfile_size(sf); if (read_32bitBE(stream_size - 0x04,sf) == 0x30303030) stream_size -= 0x14; /* remove padding */ stream_size -= dspm.start_offset; if (dspm.interleave) dspm.interleave_last = (stream_size / dspm.channel_count) % dspm.interleave; } dspm.fix_looping = 1; dspm.force_loop = 1; dspm.force_loop_seconds = 15; dspm.meta_type = meta_IDSP_NL; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .wsd - Custom header + full interleaved dsp [Phantom Brave (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_wii_wsd(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "wsd")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x08,sf) != read_32bitBE(0x0c,sf)) /* channel sizes */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = read_32bitBE(0x00,sf); dspm.header_spacing = read_32bitBE(0x04,sf) - dspm.header_offset; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.interleave = dspm.header_spacing; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_WII_WSD; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .ddsp - full interleaved dsp [The Sims 2 - Pets (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_ddsp(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "ddsp")) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = (get_streamfile_size(sf) / dspm.channel_count); dspm.start_offset = 0x60; dspm.interleave = dspm.header_spacing; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_DDSP; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* iSWS - Sumo Digital header + interleaved dsp [DiRT 2 (Wii), F1 2009 (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_wii_was(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "was,dsp,isws")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x69535753) /* "iSWS" */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x08,sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x08 + read_32bitBE(0x04,sf); dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.channel_count*dspm.header_spacing; dspm.interleave = read_32bitBE(0x10,sf); dspm.meta_type = meta_WII_WAS; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .str - Infogrames raw interleaved dsp [Micro Machines (GC), Superman: Shadow of Apokolips (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_str_ig(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "str")) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x80; dspm.start_offset = 0x800; dspm.interleave = 0x4000; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_STR_IG; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .dsp - Ubisoft interleaved dsp with bad loop start [Speed Challenge: Jacques Villeneuve's Racing Vision (GC), XIII (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_xiii(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp")) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.fix_loop_start = 1; /* loop flag but strange loop start instead of 0 (maybe shouldn't loop) */ dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.header_spacing * dspm.channel_count; dspm.interleave = 0x08; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_XIII; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* NPD - Icon Games header + subinterleaved DSPs [Vertigo (Wii), Build n' Race (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_ndp(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .nds: standard * .ndp: header id */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "nds,ndp")) goto fail; if (!is_id32be(0x00,sf, "NDP\0")) goto fail; if (read_u32le(0x08,sf) + 0x18 != get_streamfile_size(sf)) goto fail; /* 0x0c: sample rate */ dspm.channel_count = read_u32le(0x10,sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x18; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.channel_count*dspm.header_spacing; dspm.interleave = 0x04; dspm.ignore_loop_ps = 1; /* some files loops from 0 but loop ps is null */ dspm.meta_type = meta_WII_NDP; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* Cabela's series (Magic Wand dev?) - header + interleaved dsp * [Cabela's Big Game Hunt 2005 Adventures (GC), Cabela's Outdoor Adventures (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_cabelas(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp")) goto fail; /* has extra stuff in the reserved data, without it this meta may catch other DSPs it shouldn't */ if (read_32bitBE(0x50,sf) == 0 || read_32bitBE(0x54,sf) == 0) goto fail; /* sfx are mono, but standard dsp will catch them tho */ dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) == read_32bitBE(0x60,sf) ? 2 : 1; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.force_loop = (dspm.channel_count > 1); dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.channel_count*dspm.header_spacing; dspm.interleave = 0x10; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_CABELAS; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* AAAp - Acclaim Austin Audio header + interleaved dsp [Vexx (GC), Turok: Evolution (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_aaap(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x41414170) /* "AAAp" */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_16bitBE(0x06,sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x08; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.channel_count*dspm.header_spacing; dspm.interleave = (uint16_t)read_16bitBE(0x04,sf); dspm.meta_type = meta_NGC_DSP_AAAP; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* DSPW - Capcom header + full interleaved DSP [Sengoku Basara 3 (Wii), Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (WiiU)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_dspw(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; size_t data_size; /* check extension */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dspw")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x44535057) /* "DSPW" */ goto fail; /* ignore time marker */ data_size = read_32bitBE(0x08, sf); if (read_32bitBE(data_size - 0x10, sf) == 0x74494D45) /* "tIME" */ data_size -= 0x10; /* (ignore, 2 ints in YYYYMMDD hhmmss00) */ /* some files have a mrkr section with multiple loop regions added at the end (variable size) */ { off_t mrkr_offset = data_size - 0x04; off_t max_offset = data_size - 0x1000; while (mrkr_offset > max_offset) { if (read_32bitBE(mrkr_offset, sf) != 0x6D726B72) { /* "mrkr" */ mrkr_offset -= 0x04; } else { data_size = mrkr_offset; break; } } } data_size -= 0x20; /* header size */ /* 0x10: loop start, 0x14: loop end, 0x1c: num_samples */ dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x18, sf); dspm.max_channels = 6; /* 6ch in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate */ dspm.header_offset = 0x20; dspm.header_spacing = data_size / dspm.channel_count; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.interleave = data_size / dspm.channel_count; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_DSPW; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* iadp - custom header + interleaved dsp [Dr. Muto (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_iadp(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .adp: actual extension, .iadp: header id */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "adp,iadp")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x69616470) /* "iadp" */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_32bitBE(0x04,sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x20; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = read_32bitBE(0x1C,sf); dspm.interleave = read_32bitBE(0x08,sf); dspm.meta_type = meta_NGC_DSP_IADP; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .mcadpcm - Custom header + full interleaved dsp [Skyrim (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_mcadpcm(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "mcadpcm")) goto fail; /* could validate dsp sizes but only for +1ch, check_dsp_samples will do it anyway */ //if (read_32bitLE(0x08,sf) != read_32bitLE(0x10,sf)) // goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_32bitLE(0x00,sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.little_endian = 1; dspm.header_offset = read_32bitLE(0x04,sf); dspm.header_spacing = dspm.channel_count == 1 ? 0 : read_32bitLE(0x0c,sf) - dspm.header_offset; /* channel 2 start, only with Nch */ dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.interleave = dspm.header_spacing; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_MCADPCM; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .switch_audio - UE4 standard LE header + full interleaved dsp [Gal Gun 2 (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_switch_audio(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .switch_audio: possibly UE4 class name rather than extension, .dsp: assumed */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "switch_audio,dsp")) goto fail; /* manual double header test */ if (read_32bitLE(0x00, sf) == read_32bitLE(get_streamfile_size(sf) / 2, sf)) dspm.channel_count = 2; else dspm.channel_count = 1; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.little_endian = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = get_streamfile_size(sf) / dspm.channel_count; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.interleave = dspm.header_spacing; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_SWITCH_AUDIO; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .vag - Nippon Ichi SPS wrapper [Penny-Punching Princess (Switch), Ys VIII (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_sps_n1(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .vag: Penny-Punching Princess (Switch) * .nlsd: Ys VIII (Switch) */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "vag,nlsd")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x08000000) /* file type (see other N1 SPS) */ goto fail; if ((uint16_t)read_16bitLE(0x08,sf) != read_32bitLE(0x24,sf)) /* header has various repeated values */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 1; dspm.max_channels = 1; dspm.little_endian = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x1c; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.header_spacing*dspm.channel_count; dspm.interleave = 0; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_VAG; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .itl - from Chanrinko Hero (GC) */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_itl_ch(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "itl")) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.header_spacing*dspm.channel_count; dspm.interleave = 0x23C0; dspm.fix_looping = 1; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_ITL; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* ADPY - AQUASTYLE wrapper [Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded- (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_adpy(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "adpcmx")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x41445059) /* "ADPY" */ goto fail; /* 0x04(2): 1? */ /* 0x08: some size? */ /* 0x0c: null */ dspm.channel_count = read_16bitLE(0x06,sf); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.little_endian = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x10; dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.header_spacing*dspm.channel_count; dspm.interleave = 0x08; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_ADPY; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* ADPX - AQUASTYLE wrapper [Fushigi no Gensokyo: Lotus Labyrinth (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_adpx(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "adpcmx")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,sf) != 0x41445058) /* "ADPX" */ goto fail; /* from 0x04 *6 are probably channel sizes, so max would be 6ch; this assumes 2ch */ if (read_32bitLE(0x04,sf) != read_32bitLE(0x08,sf) && read_32bitLE(0x0c,sf) != 0) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.little_endian = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x1c; dspm.header_spacing = read_32bitLE(0x04,sf); dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.interleave = dspm.header_spacing; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_ADPX; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .ds2 - LucasArts wrapper [Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (GC)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_ds2(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; size_t file_size, channel_offset; /* checks */ /* .ds2: real extension, dsp: fake/renamed */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "ds2,dsp")) goto fail; if (!(read_32bitBE(0x50,sf) == 0 && read_32bitBE(0x54,sf) == 0 && read_32bitBE(0x58,sf) == 0 && read_32bitBE(0x5c,sf) != 0)) goto fail; file_size = get_streamfile_size(sf); channel_offset = read_32bitBE(0x5c,sf); /* absolute offset to 2nd channel */ if (channel_offset < file_size / 2 || channel_offset > file_size) /* just to make sure */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.single_header = 1; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = 0x00; dspm.start_offset = 0x60; dspm.interleave = channel_offset - dspm.start_offset; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_DS2; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .itl - Incinerator Studios interleaved dsp [Cars Race-o-rama (Wii), MX vs ATV Untamed (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_itl(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; size_t stream_size; /* checks */ /* .itl: standard * .dsp: default to catch a similar file, not sure which devs */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "itl,dsp")) goto fail; stream_size = get_streamfile_size(sf); dspm.channel_count = 2; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.start_offset = 0x60; dspm.interleave = 0x10000; dspm.interleave_first_skip = dspm.start_offset; dspm.interleave_first = dspm.interleave - dspm.interleave_first_skip; dspm.interleave_last = (stream_size / dspm.channel_count) % dspm.interleave; dspm.header_offset = 0x00; dspm.header_spacing = dspm.interleave; //todo some files end in half a frame and may click at the very end //todo when .dsp should refer to Ultimate Board Collection (Wii), not sure about dev dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_ITL_i; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* .wav - Square Enix wrapper [Dragon Quest I-III (Switch)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_sqex(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "wav,lwav")) goto fail; if (read_u32be(0x00,sf) != 0x00000000) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_u32le(0x04,sf); dspm.header_offset = read_u32le(0x08,sf); /* 0x0c: channel size */ dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; if (dspm.channel_count > 1) { dspm.interleave = read_u32le(0x10,sf) - dspm.header_offset; dspm.header_spacing = dspm.interleave; } dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.little_endian = 1; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_SQEX; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* WiiVoice - Koei Tecmo wrapper [Fatal Frame 5 (WiiU)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_wiivoice(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* also see g1l.c for WiiBGM weirder variation */ /* checks */ /* .dsp: assumed */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp")) goto fail; if (read_u32be(0x00,sf) != 0x57696956 && /* "WiiV" */ read_u32be(0x04,sf) != 0x6F696365) /* "oice" */ goto fail; dspm.channel_count = 1; dspm.max_channels = 1; dspm.header_offset = read_u32be(0x08,sf); /* 0x10: file size */ /* 0x14: data size */ dspm.header_spacing = 0x60; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + dspm.header_spacing*dspm.channel_count; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_WIIVOICE; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* WIIADPCM - Exient wrapper [Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (Wii)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_wiiadpcm(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "adpcm")) goto fail; if (!is_id32be(0x00,sf, "WIIA") && !is_id32be(0x00,sf, "DPCM")) goto fail; dspm.interleave = read_u32be(0x08,sf); /* interleave offset */ if (dspm.interleave) { dspm.interleave -= 0x10; } /* 0x0c: 0 when RAM (2 DSP headers), interleave size when stream (2 WIIADPCM headers) */ dspm.channel_count = (dspm.interleave ? 2 : 1); dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_offset = 0x10; dspm.header_spacing = dspm.interleave; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_WIIADPCM; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; } /* CWAC - CRI wrapper [Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (WiiU)] */ VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_dsp_cwac(STREAMFILE* sf) { dsp_meta dspm = {0}; /* checks */ /* .dsp: assumed */ if (!check_extensions(sf, "dsp")) goto fail; if (!is_id32be(0x00,sf, "CWAC")) goto fail; dspm.channel_count = read_u16be(0x04,sf); dspm.header_offset = read_u32be(0x08,sf); dspm.interleave = read_u32be(0x0c,sf) - dspm.header_offset; dspm.max_channels = 2; dspm.header_spacing = dspm.interleave; dspm.start_offset = dspm.header_offset + 0x60; dspm.ignore_loop_ps = 1; /* loop offset seems relative to CWAC? also interleave affects it */ dspm.meta_type = meta_DSP_CWAC; return init_vgmstream_dsp_common(sf, &dspm); fail: return NULL; }