#include #include "meta.h" #include "../layout/layout.h" #include "../coding/coding.h" #include "ea_eaac_streamfile.h" /* EAAudioCore formats, EA's current audio middleware */ #define EAAC_VERSION_V0 0x00 /* SNR/SNS */ #define EAAC_VERSION_V1 0x01 /* SPS */ #define EAAC_CODEC_NONE 0x00 /* XAS v0? */ #define EAAC_CODEC_RESERVED 0x01 /* EALAYER3 V1a? MP30/P6L0/P2B0/P2L0/P8S0/P8U0/PFN0? */ #define EAAC_CODEC_PCM16BE 0x02 #define EAAC_CODEC_EAXMA 0x03 #define EAAC_CODEC_XAS1 0x04 #define EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V1 0x05 #define EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_PCM 0x06 #define EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_SPIKE 0x07 #define EAAC_CODEC_GCADPCM 0x08 #define EAAC_CODEC_EASPEEX 0x09 #define EAAC_CODEC_EATRAX 0x0a #define EAAC_CODEC_EAMP3 0x0b #define EAAC_CODEC_EAOPUS 0x0c #define EAAC_TYPE_RAM 0x00 #define EAAC_TYPE_STREAM 0x01 #define EAAC_LOOP_SET 0x01 #define EAAC_BLOCKID0_DATA 0x00 #define EAAC_BLOCKID0_END 0x80 /* maybe meant to be a bitflag? */ #define EAAC_BLOCKID1_HEADER 0x48 /* 'H' */ #define EAAC_BLOCKID1_DATA 0x44 /* 'D' */ #define EAAC_BLOCKID1_END 0x45 /* 'E' */ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, STREAMFILE * streamData, off_t header_offset, off_t start_offset, meta_t meta_type); static size_t get_snr_size(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset); static VGMSTREAM *parse_s10a_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, uint16_t target_index, off_t ast_offset); VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_gin_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset); /* .SNR+SNS - from EA latest games (~2008-2013), v0 header */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_snr_sns(STREAMFILE * streamFile) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; STREAMFILE * streamData = NULL; /* check extension, case insensitive */ if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"snr")) goto fail; /* SNR headers normally need an external SNS file, but some have data [Burnout Paradise, NFL2013 (iOS)] */ if (get_streamfile_size(streamFile) > 0x10) { off_t start_offset = get_snr_size(streamFile, 0x00); vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, 0x00, start_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; } else { streamData = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile,"sns"); if (!streamData) goto fail; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamData, 0x00, 0x00, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; } close_streamfile(streamData); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(streamData); return NULL; } /* .SPS - from EA latest games (~2014), v1 header */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_sps(STREAMFILE * streamFile) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; off_t start_offset; /* check extension, case insensitive */ if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"sps")) goto fail; /* SPS block start: 0x00(1): block flag (header=0x48); 0x01(3): block size (usually 0x0c-0x14) */ if (read_8bit(0x00, streamFile) != EAAC_BLOCKID1_HEADER) goto fail; start_offset = read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) & 0x00FFFFFF; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, 0x04, start_offset, meta_EA_SPS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; return vgmstream; fail: close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } /* .SNU - from EA Redwood Shores/Visceral games (Dead Space, Dante's Inferno, The Godfather 2), v0 header */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_snu(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; off_t start_offset, header_offset; int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL; /* check extension, case insensitive */ if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"snu")) goto fail; /* EA SNU header (BE/LE depending on platform) */ /* 0x00(1): related to sample rate? (03=48000) * 0x01(1): flags/count? (when set has extra block data before start_offset) * 0x02(1): always 0? * 0x03(1): channels? (usually matches but rarely may be 0) * 0x04(4): some size, maybe >>2 ~= number of frames * 0x08(4): start offset * 0x0c(4): some sub-offset? (0x20, found when @0x01 is set) */ /* use start_offset as endianness flag */ if (guess_endianness32bit(0x08,streamFile)) { read_32bit = read_32bitBE; } else { read_32bit = read_32bitLE; } header_offset = 0x10; /* SNR header */ start_offset = read_32bit(0x08,streamFile); /* SNS blocks */ vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, header_offset, start_offset, meta_EA_SNU); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; return vgmstream; fail: close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } /* EA ABK - ABK header seems to be same as in the old games but the sound table is different and it contains SNR/SNS sounds instead */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { int is_dupe, total_sounds = 0, target_stream = streamFile->stream_index; off_t bnk_offset, header_table_offset, base_offset, unk_struct_offset, table_offset, snd_entry_offset, ast_offset; off_t num_entries_off, base_offset_off, entries_off, sound_table_offset_off; uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, total_sound_tables; uint16_t num_tables, bnk_index, bnk_target_index; uint8_t num_entries, extra_entries; off_t sound_table_offsets[0x2000]; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream; int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*); int16_t(*read_16bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*); /* check extension */ if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "abk")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x41424B43) /* "ABKC" */ goto fail; /* use table offset to check endianness */ if (guess_endianness32bit(0x1C, streamFile)) { read_32bit = read_32bitBE; read_16bit = read_16bitBE; } else { read_32bit = read_32bitLE; read_16bit = read_16bitLE; } if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1; if (target_stream < 0) goto fail; num_tables = read_16bit(0x0A, streamFile); header_table_offset = read_32bit(0x1C, streamFile); bnk_offset = read_32bit(0x20, streamFile); total_sound_tables = 0; bnk_target_index = 0xFFFF; ast_offset = 0; if (!bnk_offset || read_32bitBE(bnk_offset, streamFile) != 0x53313041) /* "S10A" */ goto fail; /* set up some common values */ if (header_table_offset == 0x5C) { /* the usual variant */ num_entries_off = 0x24; base_offset_off = 0x2C; entries_off = 0x3C; sound_table_offset_off = 0x04; } else if (header_table_offset == 0x78) { /* FIFA 08 has a bunch of extra zeroes all over the place, don't know what's up with that */ num_entries_off = 0x40; base_offset_off = 0x54; entries_off = 0x68; sound_table_offset_off = 0x0C; } else { goto fail; } for (i = 0; i < num_tables; i++) { num_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + num_entries_off, streamFile); extra_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + num_entries_off + 0x03, streamFile); base_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + base_offset_off, streamFile); if (num_entries == 0xff) goto fail; /* EOF read */ for (j = 0; j < num_entries; j++) { unk_struct_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + entries_off + 0x04 * j, streamFile); table_offset = read_32bit(base_offset + unk_struct_offset + sound_table_offset_off, streamFile); /* For some reason, there are duplicate entries pointing at the same sound tables */ is_dupe = 0; for (k = 0; k < total_sound_tables; k++) { if (table_offset == sound_table_offsets[k]) { is_dupe = 1; break; } } if (is_dupe) continue; sound_table_offsets[total_sound_tables++] = table_offset; num_sounds = read_32bit(table_offset, streamFile); if (num_sounds == 0xffffffff) goto fail; /* EOF read */ for (k = 0; k < num_sounds; k++) { /* 0x00: sound index */ /* 0x02: ??? */ /* 0x04: ??? */ /* 0x08: streamed data offset */ snd_entry_offset = table_offset + 0x04 + 0x0C * k; bnk_index = read_16bit(snd_entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile); /* some of these are dummies */ if (bnk_index == 0xFFFF) continue; total_sounds++; if (target_stream == total_sounds) { bnk_target_index = bnk_index; ast_offset = read_32bit(snd_entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile); } } } header_table_offset += entries_off + num_entries * 0x04 + extra_entries * 0x04; } if (bnk_target_index == 0xFFFF || ast_offset == 0) goto fail; vgmstream = parse_s10a_header(streamFile, bnk_offset, bnk_target_index, ast_offset); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->num_streams = total_sounds; return vgmstream; fail: return NULL; } /* EA S10A header - seen inside new ABK files. Putting it here in case it's encountered stand-alone. */ static VGMSTREAM * parse_s10a_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, uint16_t target_index, off_t ast_offset) { uint32_t num_sounds; off_t snr_offset, sns_offset; STREAMFILE *astFile = NULL; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream; /* header is always big endian */ /* 0x00: header magic */ /* 0x04: zero */ /* 0x08: number of files */ /* 0x0C: offsets table */ if (read_32bitBE(offset + 0x00, streamFile) != 0x53313041) /* "S10A" */ goto fail; num_sounds = read_32bitBE(offset + 0x08, streamFile); if (num_sounds == 0 || target_index >= num_sounds) goto fail; snr_offset = offset + read_32bitBE(offset + 0x0C + 0x04 * target_index, streamFile); if (ast_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* RAM asset */ sns_offset = snr_offset + get_snr_size(streamFile, snr_offset); //;VGM_LOG("EA S10A: RAM at sns=%lx, sns=%lx\n", snr_offset, sns_offset); vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; } else { /* streamed asset */ astFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "ast"); if (!astFile) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, astFile) != 0x53313053) /* "S10S" */ goto fail; sns_offset = ast_offset; //;VGM_LOG("EA S10A: stream at sns=%lx, sns=%lx\n", snr_offset, sns_offset); vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, astFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; close_streamfile(astFile); } return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(astFile); return NULL; } /* EA SBR/SBS - used in older 7th gen games for storing SFX */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_sbr(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { uint32_t i, num_sounds, type_desc; uint16_t num_metas, meta_type; off_t table_offset, types_offset, entry_offset, metas_offset, data_offset, snr_offset, sns_offset; STREAMFILE *sbsFile = NULL; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL; int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index; if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "sbr")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x53424B52) /* "SBKR" */ goto fail; /* SBR files are always big endian */ num_sounds = read_32bitBE(0x1c, streamFile); table_offset = read_32bitBE(0x24, streamFile); types_offset = read_32bitBE(0x28, streamFile); if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1; if (target_stream < 0 || num_sounds == 0 || target_stream > num_sounds) goto fail; entry_offset = table_offset + 0x0a * (target_stream - 1); num_metas = read_16bitBE(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile); metas_offset = read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x06, streamFile); snr_offset = 0; sns_offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_metas; i++) { entry_offset = metas_offset + 0x06 * i; meta_type = read_16bitBE(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile); data_offset = read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x02, streamFile); type_desc = read_32bitBE(types_offset + 0x06 * meta_type, streamFile); switch (type_desc) { case 0x534E5231: /* "SNR1" */ snr_offset = data_offset; break; case 0x534E5331: /* "SNS1" */ sns_offset = read_32bitBE(data_offset, streamFile); break; default: break; } } if (snr_offset == 0 && sns_offset == 0) goto fail; if (snr_offset == 0) { /* SPS file */ sbsFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sbs"); if (!sbsFile) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, sbsFile) != 0x53424B53) /* "SBKS" */ goto fail; snr_offset = sns_offset; sns_offset = snr_offset + (read_32bitBE(snr_offset, sbsFile) & 0x00FFFFFF); snr_offset += 0x04; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(sbsFile, sbsFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SPS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; } else if (sns_offset == 0) { /* RAM asset */ sns_offset = snr_offset + get_snr_size(streamFile, snr_offset); vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; } else { /* streamed asset */ sbsFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sbs"); if (!sbsFile) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, sbsFile) != 0x53424B53) /* "SBKS" */ goto fail; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, sbsFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; } vgmstream->num_streams = num_sounds; close_streamfile(sbsFile); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(sbsFile); return NULL; } /* EA HDR/STH/DAT - seen in older 7th gen games, used for storing speech */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_sth_dat(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index; uint8_t userdata_size, total_sounds, block_id; off_t snr_offset, sns_offset, sth_offset, sth_offset2; size_t dat_size, block_size; STREAMFILE *datFile = NULL, *sthFile = NULL; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream; int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*); /* 0x00: ID */ /* 0x02: userdata size */ /* 0x03: number of files */ /* 0x04: sub-ID (used for different police voices in NFS games) */ /* 0x08: alt number of files? */ /* 0x09: zero */ /* 0x0A: related to size? */ /* 0x0C: zero */ /* 0x10: table start */ if (read_8bit(0x09, streamFile) != 0) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x0c, streamFile) != 0) goto fail; /* first offset is always zero */ if (read_16bitBE(0x10, streamFile) != 0) goto fail; sthFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sth"); if (!sthFile) goto fail; datFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "dat"); if (!datFile) goto fail; /* STH always starts with the first offset of zero */ sns_offset = read_32bitBE(0x00, sthFile); if (sns_offset != 0) goto fail; /* check if DAT starts with a correct SNS block */ block_id = read_8bit(0x00, datFile); if (block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_DATA && block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_END) goto fail; userdata_size = read_8bit(0x02, streamFile); total_sounds = read_8bit(0x03, streamFile); if (read_8bit(0x08, streamFile) > total_sounds) goto fail; if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1; if (target_stream < 0 || total_sounds == 0 || target_stream > total_sounds) goto fail; /* offsets in HDR are always big endian */ sth_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bitBE(0x10 + (0x02 + userdata_size) * (target_stream - 1), streamFile); #if 0 snr_offset = sth_offset + 0x04; sns_offset = read_32bit(sth_offset + 0x00, sthFile); #else /* we can't reliably detect byte endianness so we're going to find the sound the hacky way */ dat_size = get_streamfile_size(datFile); snr_offset = 0; sns_offset = 0; if (total_sounds == 1) { /* always 0 */ snr_offset = sth_offset + 0x04; sns_offset = 0x00; } else { /* find the first sound size and match it up with the second sound offset to detect endianness */ while (1) { if (sns_offset >= dat_size) goto fail; block_id = read_8bit(sns_offset, datFile); block_size = read_32bitBE(sns_offset, datFile) & 0x00FFFFFF; if (block_size == 0) goto fail; if (block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_DATA && block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_END) goto fail; sns_offset += block_size; if (block_id == EAAC_BLOCKID0_END) break; } sth_offset2 = (uint16_t)read_16bitBE(0x10 + (0x02 + userdata_size) * 1, streamFile); if (sns_offset == read_32bitBE(sth_offset2, sthFile)) { read_32bit = read_32bitBE; } else if (sns_offset == read_32bitLE(sth_offset2, sthFile)) { read_32bit = read_32bitLE; } else { goto fail; } snr_offset = sth_offset + 0x04; sns_offset = read_32bit(sth_offset + 0x00, sthFile); } #endif block_id = read_8bit(sns_offset, datFile); if (block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_DATA && block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_END) goto fail; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(sthFile, datFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->num_streams = total_sounds; close_streamfile(sthFile); close_streamfile(datFile); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(sthFile); close_streamfile(datFile); return NULL; } /* EA MPF/MUS combo - used in older 7th gen games for storing music */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { uint32_t num_sounds; uint8_t version, sub_version, block_id; off_t table_offset, entry_offset, snr_offset, sns_offset; /* size_t snr_size sns_size; */ int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*); STREAMFILE *musFile = NULL; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL; int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index; /* check extension */ if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "mpf")) goto fail; /* detect endianness */ if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x50464478) { /* "PFDx" */ read_32bit = read_32bitBE; } else if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x78444650) { /* "xDFP" */ read_32bit = read_32bitLE; } else { goto fail; } musFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "mus"); if (!musFile) goto fail; /* MPF format is unchanged but we don't really care about its contents since * MUS conveniently contains sound offset table */ version = read_8bit(0x04, streamFile); sub_version = read_8bit(0x05, streamFile); if (version != 0x05 || sub_version != 0x03) goto fail; /* number of files is always little endian */ num_sounds = read_32bitLE(0x04, musFile); table_offset = 0x28; if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1; if (target_stream < 0 || num_sounds == 0 || target_stream > num_sounds) goto fail; /* * 0x00: hash? * 0x04: index * 0x06: zero * 0x08: SNR offset * 0x0c: SNS offset * 0x10: SNR size * 0x14: SNS size * 0x18: zero */ entry_offset = table_offset + (target_stream - 1) * 0x1c; snr_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x08, musFile) * 0x10; sns_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x0c, musFile) * 0x80; /* snr_size = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x10, musFile); sns_size = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x14, musFile); */ block_id = read_8bit(sns_offset, musFile); if (block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_DATA && block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_END) goto fail; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(musFile, musFile, snr_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->num_streams = num_sounds; close_streamfile(musFile); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(musFile); return NULL; } /* EA TMX - used for engine sounds in NFS games (2007-present) */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_tmx(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { uint32_t num_sounds, sound_type; off_t table_offset, data_offset, entry_offset, sound_offset, sns_offset; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL; int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index; if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "tmx")) goto fail; /* always little endian */ if (read_32bitLE(0x0c, streamFile) != 0x30303031) /* "0001" */ goto fail; num_sounds = read_32bitLE(0x20, streamFile); table_offset = read_32bitLE(0x58, streamFile); data_offset = read_32bitLE(0x5c, streamFile); if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1; if (target_stream < 0 || num_sounds == 0 || target_stream > num_sounds) goto fail; entry_offset = table_offset + (target_stream - 1) * 0x24; sound_type = read_32bitLE(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile); sound_offset = read_32bitLE(entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile) + data_offset; switch (sound_type) { case 0x47494E20: /* "GIN " */ /* FIXME: need to get GIN size somehow */ vgmstream = init_vgmstream_gin_header(streamFile, sound_offset); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; break; case 0x534E5220: /* "SNR " */ sns_offset = sound_offset + get_snr_size(streamFile, sound_offset); vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamFile, streamFile, sound_offset, sns_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; break; default: goto fail; } vgmstream->num_streams = num_sounds; return vgmstream; fail: return NULL; } /* EA Harmony Sample Bank - used in 8th gen EA Sports games */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_sbr_harmony(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { uint32_t num_dsets, set_sounds, chunk_id; uint32_t i; uint8_t set_type, flag, offset_size; off_t data_offset, table_offset, dset_offset, base_offset, sound_table_offset, sound_offset, header_offset, start_offset; STREAMFILE *sbsFile = NULL, *streamData = NULL; VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL; int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index, total_sounds, local_target, is_streamed = 0; int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*); int16_t(*read_16bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*); if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "sbr")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x53426C65) { /* "SBle" */ read_32bit = read_32bitLE; read_16bit = read_16bitLE; /* Logically, big endian version starts with SBbe. However, this format is * only used on 8th gen systems so far so big endian version probably doesn't exist. */ #if 0 } else if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x53426265) { /* "SBbe" */ read_32bit = read_32bitBE; read_16bit = read_16bitBE; #endif } else { goto fail; } num_dsets = read_16bit(0x0a, streamFile); data_offset = read_32bit(0x20, streamFile); table_offset = read_32bit(0x24, streamFile); if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1; if (target_stream < 0) goto fail; total_sounds = 0; sound_offset = 0; /* The bank is split into DSET sections each of which references one or multiple sounds. */ /* Each set can contain RAM sounds (stored in SBR in data section) or streamed sounds (stored separately in SBS file). */ for (i = 0; i < num_dsets; i++) { dset_offset = read_32bit(table_offset + 0x08 * i, streamFile); if (read_32bit(dset_offset, streamFile) != 0x44534554) /* "DSET" */ goto fail; set_sounds = read_32bit(dset_offset + 0x38, streamFile); local_target = target_stream - total_sounds - 1; dset_offset += 0x48; /* Find RAM or OFF chunk */ while(1) { chunk_id = read_32bit(dset_offset, streamFile); if (chunk_id == 0x2E52414D) { /* ".RAM" */ break; } else if (chunk_id == 0x2E4F4646) { /* ".OFF" */ break; } else if (chunk_id == 0x2E4C4452 || /* ".LDR" */ chunk_id == 0x2E4F424A || /* ".OBJ" */ (chunk_id & 0xFF00FFFF) == 0x2E00534C) { /* ".?SL */ dset_offset += 0x18; } else { goto fail; } } /* Different set types store offsets differently */ set_type = read_8bit(dset_offset + 0x05, streamFile); if (set_type == 0x00) { total_sounds++; if (local_target < 0 || local_target > 0) continue; sound_offset = read_32bit(dset_offset + 0x08, streamFile); } else if (set_type == 0x01) { total_sounds += 2; if (local_target < 0 || local_target > 1) continue; base_offset = read_32bit(dset_offset + 0x08, streamFile); if (local_target == 0) { sound_offset = base_offset; } else { sound_offset = base_offset + (uint16_t)read_16bit(dset_offset + 0x06, streamFile); } } else if (set_type == 0x02 || set_type == 0x03) { flag = read_8bit(dset_offset + 0x06, streamFile); offset_size = read_8bit(dset_offset + 0x07, streamFile); base_offset = read_32bit(dset_offset + 0x08, streamFile); sound_table_offset = read_32bit(dset_offset + 0x10, streamFile); if (offset_size == 0x04 && flag != 0x00) { set_sounds = base_offset; } total_sounds += set_sounds; if (local_target < 0 || local_target >= set_sounds) continue; if (offset_size == 0x02) { sound_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(sound_table_offset + 0x02 * local_target, streamFile); if (flag != 0x00) sound_offset *= (off_t)pow(2, flag); sound_offset += base_offset; } else if (offset_size == 0x04) { sound_offset = read_32bit(sound_table_offset + 0x04 * local_target, streamFile); if (flag == 0x00) sound_offset += base_offset; } } else if (set_type == 0x04) { total_sounds += set_sounds; if (local_target < 0 || local_target >= set_sounds) continue; sound_table_offset = read_32bit(dset_offset + 0x10, streamFile); sound_offset = read_32bit(sound_table_offset + 0x08 * local_target, streamFile); } else { goto fail; } if (chunk_id == 0x2E52414D) { /* ".RAM" */ is_streamed = 0; } else if (chunk_id == 0x2E4F4646) { /* ".OFF" */ is_streamed = 1; } } if (sound_offset == 0) goto fail; if (!is_streamed) { /* RAM asset */ if (read_32bitBE(data_offset, streamFile) != 0x64617461) /* "data" */ goto fail; streamData = streamFile; sound_offset += data_offset; } else { /* streamed asset */ sbsFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sbs"); if (!sbsFile) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00, sbsFile) != 0x64617461) /* "data" */ goto fail; streamData = sbsFile; if (read_32bitBE(sound_offset, streamData) == 0x736C6F74) { /* skip "slot" section */ sound_offset += 0x30; } } if (read_8bit(sound_offset, streamData) != EAAC_BLOCKID1_HEADER) goto fail; header_offset = sound_offset + 0x04; start_offset = sound_offset + (read_32bitBE(sound_offset, streamData) & 0x00FFFFFF); vgmstream = init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(streamData, streamData, header_offset, start_offset, meta_EA_SNR_SNS); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->num_streams = total_sounds; close_streamfile(sbsFile); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(sbsFile); return NULL; } /* ************************************************************************* */ typedef struct { int version; int codec; int channel_config; int sample_rate; int type; int loop; int streamed; int channels; int num_samples; int loop_start; int loop_end; int loop_flag; off_t stream_offset; off_t loop_offset; } eaac_header; static segmented_layout_data* build_segmented_eaaudiocore_looping(STREAMFILE *sf_data, eaac_header *eaac); static layered_layout_data* build_layered_eaaudiocore(STREAMFILE *streamFile, eaac_header *eaac); static size_t calculate_eaac_size(VGMSTREAM *vgmstream, STREAMFILE *streamFile, eaac_header *eaac, off_t start_offset); /* EA newest header from RwAudioCore (RenderWare?) / EAAudioCore library (still generated by sx.exe). * Audio "assets" come in separate RAM headers (.SNR/SPH) and raw blocked streams (.SNS/SPS), * or together in pseudoformats (.SNU, .SBR+.SBS banks, .AEMS, .MUS, etc). * Some .SNR include stream data, while .SPS have headers so .SPH is optional. */ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_eaaudiocore_header(STREAMFILE * streamHead, STREAMFILE * streamData, off_t header_offset, off_t start_offset, meta_t meta_type) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; STREAMFILE* temp_streamFile = NULL; uint32_t header1, header2; eaac_header eaac = {0}; /* EA SNR/SPH header */ header1 = (uint32_t)read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x00, streamHead); header2 = (uint32_t)read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x04, streamHead); eaac.version = (header1 >> 28) & 0x0F; /* 4 bits */ eaac.codec = (header1 >> 24) & 0x0F; /* 4 bits */ eaac.channel_config = (header1 >> 18) & 0x3F; /* 6 bits */ eaac.sample_rate = (header1 >> 0) & 0x03FFFF; /* 18 bits */ eaac.type = (header2 >> 30) & 0x03; /* 2 bits */ eaac.loop = (header2 >> 29) & 0x01; /* 1 bits */ eaac.num_samples = (header2 >> 0) & 0x1FFFFFFF; /* 29 bits */ /* rest is optional, depends on used flags and codec (handled below) */ eaac.stream_offset = start_offset; /* common channel configs are mono/stereo/quad/5.1/7.1 (from debug strings), while others are quite rare * [Battlefield 4 (X360)-EAXMA: 3/5/7ch, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel (PS3)-EALayer3v2P: 11ch] */ eaac.channels = eaac.channel_config + 1; /* V0: SNR+SNS, V1: SPR+SPS (no apparent differences, other than block flags) */ if (eaac.version != EAAC_VERSION_V0 && eaac.version != EAAC_VERSION_V1) { VGM_LOG("EA EAAC: unknown version\n"); goto fail; } /* accepted max (some Dead Space 2 (PC) do use 96000) */ if (eaac.sample_rate > 200000) { VGM_LOG("EA EAAC: unknown sample rate\n"); goto fail; } /* catch unknown values (0x02: "gigasample"? some kind of memory+stream thing?) */ if (eaac.type != EAAC_TYPE_RAM && eaac.type != EAAC_TYPE_STREAM) { VGM_LOG("EA EAAC: unknown type 0x%02x\n", eaac.type); goto fail; } /* Non-streamed sounds are stored as a single block (may not set block end flags) */ eaac.streamed = (eaac.type == EAAC_TYPE_STREAM); /* get loops (fairly involved due to the multiple layouts and mutant streamfiles) * full loops aren't too uncommon [Dead Space (PC) stream sfx/ambiance, FIFA 98 (PS3) RAM sfx], * while actual looping is very rare [Need for Speed: World (PC)-EAL3, The Simpsons Game (X360)-EAXMA] */ if (eaac.loop == EAAC_LOOP_SET) { eaac.loop_flag = 1; eaac.loop_start = read_32bitBE(header_offset+0x08, streamHead); eaac.loop_end = eaac.num_samples; if (eaac.streamed) { eaac.loop_offset = read_32bitBE(header_offset+0x0c, streamHead); if (eaac.version == EAAC_VERSION_V0) { /* SNR+SNS are separate so offsets are relative to the data start * (first .SNS block, or extra data before the .SNS block in case of .SNU) */ eaac.loop_offset = eaac.stream_offset + eaac.loop_offset; } else { /* SPS have headers+data together so offsets are relative to the file start [ex. FIFA 18 (PC)] */ eaac.loop_offset = header_offset - 0x04 + eaac.loop_offset; } } else if (eaac.loop_start > 0) { /* RAM assets have two blocks in case of actual loops */ /* find the second block by getting the first block size */ eaac.loop_offset = read_32bitBE(eaac.stream_offset, streamData) & 0x00FFFFF; eaac.loop_offset = eaac.stream_offset + eaac.loop_offset; } else { /* RAM assets have only one block in case of full loops */ eaac.loop_offset = eaac.stream_offset; /* implicit */ } //todo EATrax has extra values in header, which would coexist with loop values if (eaac.codec == EAAC_CODEC_EATRAX) { VGM_LOG("EA EAAC: unknown loop header for EATrax\n"); goto fail; } //todo need more cases to test how layout/streamfiles react if (eaac.loop_start > 0 && !( eaac.codec == EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V1 || eaac.codec == EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_PCM || eaac.codec == EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_SPIKE || eaac.codec == EAAC_CODEC_EAXMA || eaac.codec == EAAC_CODEC_XAS1)) { VGM_LOG("EA EAAC: unknown actual looping for codec %x\n", eaac.codec); goto fail; } } /* if type is gigasample there seems to be a field with number of "gigasamples in ram", * that goes after loop_start but before streamed/gigasamples' eaac.loop_offset) */ /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(eaac.channels,eaac.loop_flag); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->sample_rate = eaac.sample_rate; vgmstream->num_samples = eaac.num_samples; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = eaac.loop_start; vgmstream->loop_end_sample = eaac.loop_end; vgmstream->meta_type = meta_type; /* EA decoder list and known internal FourCCs */ switch(eaac.codec) { case EAAC_CODEC_PCM16BE: /* "P6B0": PCM16BE [NBA Jam (Wii)] */ vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PCM16_int; vgmstream->codec_endian = 1; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_blocked_ea_sns; break; #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case EAAC_CODEC_EAXMA: { /* "EXm0": EA-XMA [Dante's Inferno (X360)] */ /* special (if hacky) loop handling, see comments */ if (eaac.loop_start > 0) { segmented_layout_data *data = build_segmented_eaaudiocore_looping(streamData, &eaac); if (!data) goto fail; vgmstream->layout_data = data; vgmstream->coding_type = data->segments[0]->coding_type; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_segmented; } else { vgmstream->layout_data = build_layered_eaaudiocore(streamData, &eaac); if (!vgmstream->layout_data) goto fail; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_layered; } break; } #endif case EAAC_CODEC_XAS1: /* "Xas1": EA-XAS v1 [Dead Space (PC/PS3)] */ /* special (if hacky) loop handling, see comments */ if (eaac.loop_start > 0) { segmented_layout_data *data = build_segmented_eaaudiocore_looping(streamData, &eaac); if (!data) goto fail; vgmstream->layout_data = data; vgmstream->coding_type = data->segments[0]->coding_type; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_segmented; } else { vgmstream->coding_type = coding_EA_XAS_V1; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_blocked_ea_sns; } break; #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V1: /* "EL31": EALayer3 v1 [Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3)] */ case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_PCM: /* "L32P": EALayer3 v2 "PCM" [Battlefield 1943 (PS3)] */ case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_SPIKE: { /* "L32S": EALayer3 v2 "Spike" [Dante's Inferno (PS3)] */ mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0}; mpeg_custom_t type = (eaac.codec == 0x05 ? MPEG_EAL31b : (eaac.codec == 0x06) ? MPEG_EAL32P : MPEG_EAL32S); /* EALayer3 needs custom IO that removes blocks on reads to fix some edge cases in L32P * and to properly apply discard modes (see ealayer3 decoder) * (otherwise, and after removing discard code, it'd work with layout_blocked_ea_sns) */ start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */ /* special (if hacky) loop handling, see comments */ if (eaac.loop_start > 0) { segmented_layout_data *data = build_segmented_eaaudiocore_looping(streamData, &eaac); if (!data) goto fail; vgmstream->layout_data = data; vgmstream->coding_type = data->segments[0]->coding_type; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_segmented; } else { temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, eaac.version, eaac.codec, eaac.streamed,0,0, eaac.stream_offset); if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail; vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(temp_streamFile, start_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, type, &cfg); if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; } break; } #endif case EAAC_CODEC_GCADPCM: /* "Gca0": DSP [Need for Speed: Nitro (Wii) sfx] */ vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_blocked_ea_sns; /* DSP coefs are read in the blocks */ break; #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 case EAAC_CODEC_EATRAX: { /* EATrax (unknown FourCC) [Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Vita)] */ atrac9_config cfg = {0}; /* EATrax is "buffered" ATRAC9, uses custom IO since it's kind of complex to add to the decoder */ start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */ cfg.channels = eaac.channels; cfg.config_data = read_32bitBE(header_offset + 0x08,streamHead); /* 0x10: frame size? (same as config data?) */ /* actual data size without blocks, LE b/c why make sense (but don't use it in case of truncated files) */ //total_size = read_32bitLE(header_offset + 0x0c,streamHead); vgmstream->codec_data = init_atrac9(&cfg); if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_ATRAC9; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, eaac.version, eaac.codec, eaac.streamed,0,0, eaac.stream_offset); if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail; break; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG case EAAC_CODEC_EAMP3: { /* "EM30"?: EAMP3 [Need for Speed 2015 (PS4)] */ mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0}; start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */ temp_streamFile = setup_eaac_streamfile(streamData, eaac.version, eaac.codec, eaac.streamed,0,0, eaac.stream_offset); if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail; vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(temp_streamFile, start_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_EAMP3, &cfg); if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; break; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case EAAC_CODEC_EAOPUS: { /* EAOpus (unknown FourCC) [FIFA 17 (PC), FIFA 19 (Switch)]*/ vgmstream->layout_data = build_layered_eaaudiocore(streamData, &eaac); if (!vgmstream->layout_data) goto fail; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_layered; break; } #endif case EAAC_CODEC_EASPEEX: /* "Esp0"?: EASpeex (libspeex variant, base versions vary: 1.0.5, 1.2beta3) */ //todo default: VGM_LOG("EA EAAC: unknown codec 0x%02x\n", eaac.codec); goto fail; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, temp_streamFile ? temp_streamFile : streamData, start_offset)) goto fail; if (eaac.loop_start == 0) { vgmstream->stream_size = calculate_eaac_size(vgmstream, temp_streamFile ? temp_streamFile : streamData, &eaac, start_offset); } close_streamfile(temp_streamFile); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(temp_streamFile); close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } static size_t get_snr_size(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset) { //const int EAAC_FLAG_LOOPED = 0x02; //const int EAAC_FLAG_STREAMED = 0x04; switch (read_8bit(offset + 0x04, streamFile) >> 4 & 0x0F) { /* flags */ //todo improve case 0x02 | 0x04: return 0x10; case 0x02: return 0x0C; default: return 0x08; } } static size_t calculate_eaac_size(VGMSTREAM *vgmstream, STREAMFILE *streamFile, eaac_header *eaac, off_t start_offset) { uint32_t total_samples; size_t stream_size, file_size; if (streamFile == NULL) return 0; switch (eaac->codec) { case EAAC_CODEC_EAXMA: case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V1: case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_PCM: case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_SPIKE: case EAAC_CODEC_EATRAX: case EAAC_CODEC_EAMP3: case EAAC_CODEC_EAOPUS: stream_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile); break; default: stream_size = 0; total_samples = 0; file_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile); vgmstream->next_block_offset = start_offset; while (vgmstream->next_block_offset < file_size && total_samples != vgmstream->num_samples) { block_update_ea_sns(vgmstream->next_block_offset, vgmstream); if (vgmstream->current_block_samples == 0) continue; /* stream size is almost never provided in bank files so we have to calc it manually */ stream_size += vgmstream->next_block_offset - vgmstream->ch[0].offset; total_samples += vgmstream->current_block_samples; } /* reset once we're done */ block_update(start_offset, vgmstream); break; } return stream_size; } /* Actual looping uses 2 block sections, separated by a block end flag *and* padded. * * We use the segmented layout, since the eaac_streamfile doesn't handle padding, * and the segments seem fully separate (so even skipping would probably decode wrong). */ // todo reorganize code for more standard init static segmented_layout_data* build_segmented_eaaudiocore_looping(STREAMFILE *sf_data, eaac_header *eaac) { segmented_layout_data *data = NULL; STREAMFILE* temp_sf = NULL; off_t offsets[2] = { eaac->stream_offset, eaac->loop_offset }; off_t start_offset; int num_samples[2] = { eaac->loop_start, eaac->num_samples - eaac->loop_start}; int segment_count = 2; /* intro/loop */ int i; /* init layout */ data = init_layout_segmented(segment_count); if (!data) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < segment_count; i++) { data->segments[i] = allocate_vgmstream(eaac->channels, 0); if (!data->segments[i]) goto fail; data->segments[i]->sample_rate = eaac->sample_rate; data->segments[i]->num_samples = num_samples[i]; //data->segments[i]->meta_type = eaac->meta_type; /* bleh */ switch(eaac->codec) { #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case EAAC_CODEC_EAXMA: { eaac_header temp_eaac = *eaac; /* equivalent to memcpy... I think */ temp_eaac.loop_flag = 0; temp_eaac.num_samples = num_samples[i]; temp_eaac.stream_offset = offsets[i]; start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */ /* layers inside segments, how trippy */ data->segments[i]->layout_data = build_layered_eaaudiocore(sf_data, &temp_eaac); if (!data->segments[i]->layout_data) goto fail; data->segments[i]->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg; data->segments[i]->layout_type = layout_layered; break; } #endif case EAAC_CODEC_XAS1: { start_offset = offsets[i]; data->segments[i]->coding_type = coding_EA_XAS_V1; data->segments[i]->layout_type = layout_blocked_ea_sns; break; } #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V1: case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_PCM: case EAAC_CODEC_EALAYER3_V2_SPIKE: { mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0}; mpeg_custom_t type = (eaac->codec == 0x05 ? MPEG_EAL31b : (eaac->codec == 0x06) ? MPEG_EAL32P : MPEG_EAL32S); start_offset = 0x00; /* must point to the custom streamfile's beginning */ temp_sf = setup_eaac_streamfile(sf_data, eaac->version,eaac->codec,eaac->streamed,0,0, offsets[i]); if (!temp_sf) goto fail; data->segments[i]->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(temp_sf, 0x00, &data->segments[i]->coding_type, eaac->channels, type, &cfg); if (!data->segments[i]->codec_data) goto fail; data->segments[i]->layout_type = layout_none; break; } #endif default: goto fail; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(data->segments[i],temp_sf == NULL ? sf_data : temp_sf, start_offset)) goto fail; close_streamfile(temp_sf); temp_sf = NULL; //todo temp_streamFile doesn't contain EAXMA's streamfile data->segments[i]->stream_size = calculate_eaac_size(data->segments[i], temp_sf, eaac, start_offset); } if (!setup_layout_segmented(data)) goto fail; return data; fail: close_streamfile(temp_sf); free_layout_segmented(data); return NULL; } static layered_layout_data* build_layered_eaaudiocore(STREAMFILE *sf_data, eaac_header *eaac) { layered_layout_data* data = NULL; STREAMFILE* temp_sf = NULL; int i, layers = (eaac->channels+1) / 2; /* init layout */ data = init_layout_layered(layers); if (!data) goto fail; /* open each layer subfile (1/2ch streams: 2ch+2ch..+1ch or 2ch+2ch..+2ch). */ for (i = 0; i < layers; i++) { int layer_channels = (i+1 == layers && eaac->channels % 2 == 1) ? 1 : 2; /* last layer can be 1/2ch */ /* build the layer VGMSTREAM */ data->layers[i] = allocate_vgmstream(layer_channels, eaac->loop_flag); if (!data->layers[i]) goto fail; data->layers[i]->sample_rate = eaac->sample_rate; data->layers[i]->num_samples = eaac->num_samples; data->layers[i]->loop_start_sample = eaac->loop_start; data->layers[i]->loop_end_sample = eaac->loop_end; #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG switch(eaac->codec) { /* EA-XMA uses completely separate 1/2ch streams, unlike standard XMA that interleaves 1/2ch * streams with a skip counter to reinterleave (so EA-XMA streams don't have skips set) */ case EAAC_CODEC_EAXMA: { uint8_t buf[0x100]; int bytes, block_size, block_count; size_t stream_size; temp_sf = setup_eaac_streamfile(sf_data, eaac->version, eaac->codec, eaac->streamed,i,layers, eaac->stream_offset); if (!temp_sf) goto fail; stream_size = get_streamfile_size(temp_sf); block_size = 0x10000; /* unused */ block_count = stream_size / block_size + (stream_size % block_size ? 1 : 0); bytes = ffmpeg_make_riff_xma2(buf, 0x100, data->layers[i]->num_samples, stream_size, data->layers[i]->channels, data->layers[i]->sample_rate, block_count, block_size); data->layers[i]->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_header_offset(temp_sf, buf,bytes, 0x00, stream_size); if (!data->layers[i]->codec_data) goto fail; data->layers[i]->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg; data->layers[i]->layout_type = layout_none; data->layers[i]->stream_size = get_streamfile_size(temp_sf); xma_fix_raw_samples(data->layers[i], temp_sf, 0x00,stream_size, 0, 0,0); /* samples are ok? */ break; } /* Opus can do multichannel just fine, but that wasn't weird enough for EA */ case EAAC_CODEC_EAOPUS: { int skip; size_t data_size; /* We'll remove EA blocks and pass raw data to FFmpeg Opus decoder */ temp_sf = setup_eaac_streamfile(sf_data, eaac->version, eaac->codec, eaac->streamed,0,0, eaac->stream_offset); if (!temp_sf) goto fail; //TODO: setup opus frame deinterleave (1 frame per 2ch stream, only seen 4ch and 6ch tho) skip = ea_opus_get_encoder_delay(0x00, temp_sf); data_size = get_streamfile_size(temp_sf); data->layers[i]->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_ea_opus(temp_sf, 0x00,data_size, eaac->channels, skip, eaac->sample_rate); if (!data->layers[i]->codec_data) goto fail; data->layers[i]->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg; data->layers[i]->layout_type = layout_none; break; } } #else goto fail; #endif if ( !vgmstream_open_stream(data->layers[i], temp_sf, 0x00) ) { goto fail; } } if (!setup_layout_layered(data)) goto fail; close_streamfile(temp_sf); return data; fail: close_streamfile(temp_sf); free_layout_layered(data); return NULL; }