#include "meta.h" #include "../coding/coding.h" static STREAMFILE* setup_bmdx_streamfile(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t start_offset, size_t data_size); /* .bmdx - from Beatmania IIDX (PS2) games */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ps2_bmdx(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; STREAMFILE *temp_streamFile = NULL; off_t start_offset; size_t data_size; int loop_flag, channel_count, encryption; /* checks */ if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "bmdx")) goto fail; if (read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x01006408 || read_32bitBE(0x04,streamFile) != 0x00) goto fail; start_offset = read_32bitLE(0x08,streamFile); data_size = read_32bitLE(0x0c,streamFile); loop_flag = (read_32bitLE(0x10,streamFile) != 0x00); channel_count = read_32bitLE(0x1C,streamFile); encryption = (read_32bitLE(0x20,streamFile) == 1); /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,loop_flag); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->sample_rate = read_32bitLE(0x18,streamFile); vgmstream->num_samples = ps_bytes_to_samples(data_size, channel_count); vgmstream->loop_start_sample = ps_bytes_to_samples(read_32bitLE(0x10,streamFile), channel_count); vgmstream->loop_end_sample = vgmstream->num_samples; vgmstream->meta_type = meta_PS2_BMDX; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PSX; vgmstream->layout_type = (channel_count == 1) ? layout_none : layout_interleave; vgmstream->interleave_block_size = read_32bitLE(0x24,streamFile); /* later games are encrypted [beatmaniaIIDX 14 GOLD (PS2)] */ if (encryption) { temp_streamFile = setup_bmdx_streamfile(streamFile, start_offset, data_size); if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail; } if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,encryption ? temp_streamFile : streamFile,start_offset)) goto fail; close_streamfile(temp_streamFile); return vgmstream; fail: close_streamfile(temp_streamFile); close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return NULL; } typedef struct { uint8_t xor; uint8_t add; off_t start_offset; size_t data_size; } bmdx_decryption_data; static size_t bmdx_decryption_read(STREAMFILE *streamfile, uint8_t *dest, off_t offset, size_t length, bmdx_decryption_data* data) { size_t bytes_read; int i; bytes_read = streamfile->read(streamfile, dest, offset, length); /* decrypt data (xor) */ for (i = 0; i < bytes_read; i++) { if (offset+i >= data->start_offset && offset+i < data->start_offset + data->data_size) { if (((offset+i) % 0x10) == 0) /* XOR header byte per frame */ dest[i] = dest[i] ^ data->xor; else if (((offset+i) % 0x10) == 2) /* ADD first data byte per frame */ dest[i] = (uint8_t)(dest[i] + data->add); } } return bytes_read; } static STREAMFILE* setup_bmdx_streamfile(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t start_offset, size_t data_size) { STREAMFILE *temp_streamFile = NULL, *new_streamFile = NULL; bmdx_decryption_data io_data = {0}; size_t io_data_size = sizeof(bmdx_decryption_data); /* setup decryption (usually xor=0xFF and add=0x02) */ io_data.xor = read_8bit(start_offset,streamFile); io_data.add = (~(uint8_t)read_8bit(start_offset+2,streamFile)) + 0x01; io_data.start_offset = start_offset; io_data.data_size = data_size; /* setup custom streamfile */ new_streamFile = open_wrap_streamfile(streamFile); if (!new_streamFile) goto fail; temp_streamFile = new_streamFile; new_streamFile = open_io_streamfile(temp_streamFile, &io_data,io_data_size, bmdx_decryption_read); if (!new_streamFile) goto fail; temp_streamFile = new_streamFile; return temp_streamFile; fail: close_streamfile(temp_streamFile); return NULL; }