# generates changelog # NOTE: this is just a quick fix, feel free to handle releases more cleanly import subprocess, urllib.request, json, datetime USE_GIT = True GIT_MAX_MERGES = 10 JSON_MAX_MERGES = 10 JSON_LOCAL = True MAKE_SHORT_CHANGELOG = False def convert_git(stdout): lines = stdout.split('\n') # split into groups of commit/author/etc/text groups = [] curr = -1 for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('commit '): if curr >= 0: groups.append(lines[curr:idx]) curr = idx groups.append(lines[curr:idx]) # assumed to use --small items = [] for group in groups: item = {} # not consistent (may include 'merge' msgs) for idx, line in enumerate(group): lw = line.lower() #if lw.startswith('author'): # item['author'] = line[7:].strip() if lw.startswith('date'): item['date'] = line[5:].strip().replace('"','') if not line: item['message'] = '\n'.join(group[idx:]) break items.append(item) return items # get lastest commits, examples: # git log --max count 5 --merges # git --no-pager log --after="2020-02-01" --format=medium def load_git(): if not USE_GIT: raise ValueError("git disabled") args = ['git', 'describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=0'] proc = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True) if proc.returncode != 0: raise ValueError("git exception") latest_tag = proc.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() #args = ['git','--no-pager','log', '--merges', '--date=format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"', '--max-count', str(GIT_MAX_MERGES) ] args = ['git','--no-pager','log', '--merges', '--date=format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"', '%s..HEAD' % (latest_tag)] proc = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True) if proc.returncode != 0: raise ValueError("git exception") stdout = proc.stdout.decode('utf-8') return convert_git(stdout) def convert_json(data): merges = 0 items = [] for data_elem in data: commit = data_elem['commit'] # use "merge" messages that (usually) have useful, formatted info message = commit['message'] if not message.lower().strip().startswith('merge'): continue # request date = commit['author']['date'].replace('T',' ').replace('Z','') item = { 'date': date, 'message': message, } items.append(item) merges += 1 if merges > JSON_MAX_MERGES: break return items def load_json(): # see https://docs.github.com/en/rest/commits/commits # for reference (needs to be logged in to get artifacts = useless) # https://api.github.com/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/artifacts # https://api.github.com/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/artifacts/ARTIFACT_ID # https://api.github.com/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/workflows/release.yml/runs if JSON_LOCAL: with open('commits.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) else: contents = urllib.request.urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/vgmstream/vgmstream/commits?per_page=100").read() if len(contents) > 10000000: #? raise ValueError("bad call") data = json.loads(contents) return convert_json(data) def convert_items(items, lines, short_log): for item in items: message = item['message'] date = item['date'] msg_from = None ignore = False subs = [] msg_lines = iter([msg.strip() for msg in message.split('\n')]) for msg in msg_lines: if msg.lower().startswith('merge'): if ' into ' in msg: #Merge branch ... into ... ignore = True break try: pos = msg.index(' from ') msg_from = msg[pos + 6:].strip() except: pass continue if not msg: #always first? continue if not msg.startswith('-'): msg = '- %s' % (msg) if msg.startswith('* '): msg = '- %s' % (msg[2:]) subs.append(msg) if ignore: continue if not subs: subs.append('- (not described)') if short_log: lines.extend(subs) else: header = "#### %s" % (date.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')) if msg_from: header += ' (%s)' % (msg_from) lines.append(header) lines.extend(subs) lines.append('') def write(lines): with open('changelog.txt', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines)) def get_lines(short_log=False): if short_log: lines = [] else: curr_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") lines = [ '### CHANGELOG', '(latest changes from previous release, generated on %s)' % (curr_date), '', ] try: try: items = load_git() except Exception as e: print("error when generating git, using json:", e) items = load_json() convert_items(items, lines, short_log) except Exception as e: print("err", e) lines.append("(couldn't generate changelog)") return lines def main(short_changelog=False): lines = get_lines(short_changelog) write(lines) return lines if __name__ == "__main__": main(MAKE_SHORT_CHANGELOG)