#include "meta.h" #include "hca_keys.h" #include "../coding/coding.h" static void find_hca_key(hca_codec_data * hca_data, uint8_t * header_buffer, int header_size, unsigned int * out_keycode_upper, unsigned int * out_keycode_lower); VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_hca(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; uint8_t header_buffer[0x8000]; /* hca header buffer data (probably max ~0x400) */ hca_codec_data * hca_data = NULL; /* vgmstream HCA context */ unsigned int keycode_upper, keycode_lower; int header_size; /* checks */ if ( !check_extensions(streamFile, "hca")) return NULL; /* init header */ if (read_streamfile(header_buffer, 0x00, 0x08, streamFile) != 0x08) goto fail; header_size = clHCA_isOurFile0(header_buffer); if (header_size < 0 || header_size > 0x8000) goto fail; if (read_streamfile(header_buffer, 0x00, header_size, streamFile) != header_size) goto fail; if (clHCA_isOurFile1(header_buffer, header_size) < 0) goto fail; /* init vgmstream context */ hca_data = init_hca(streamFile); /* find decryption key in external file or preloaded list */ { uint8_t keybuf[8]; if (read_key_file(keybuf, 8, streamFile) == 8) { keycode_upper = get_32bitBE(keybuf+0); keycode_lower = get_32bitBE(keybuf+4); } else { find_hca_key(hca_data, header_buffer, header_size, &keycode_upper, &keycode_lower); } } /* re-init decoder with key (as it must be supplied on header read) */ clHCA_clear(hca_data->handle, keycode_lower, keycode_upper); if (clHCA_Decode(hca_data->handle, header_buffer, header_size, 0) < 0) /* read header at 0x00 */ goto fail; if (clHCA_getInfo(hca_data->handle, &hca_data->info) < 0) /* copy important header values to info struct */ goto fail; reset_hca(hca_data); /* build the VGMSTREAM */ vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(hca_data->info.channelCount, hca_data->info.loopEnabled); if (!vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->meta_type = meta_HCA; vgmstream->sample_rate = hca_data->info.samplingRate; vgmstream->num_samples = hca_data->info.blockCount * hca_data->info.samplesPerBlock - hca_data->info.encoderDelay - hca_data->info.encoderPadding; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = hca_data->info.loopStartBlock * hca_data->info.samplesPerBlock - hca_data->info.encoderDelay + hca_data->info.loopStartDelay; vgmstream->loop_end_sample = hca_data->info.loopEndBlock * hca_data->info.samplesPerBlock - hca_data->info.encoderDelay + (hca_data->info.samplesPerBlock - hca_data->info.loopEndPadding); /* After loop end CRI's encoder removes the rest of the original samples and puts some * garbage in the last frame that should be ignored. Optionally it can encode fully preserving * the file too, but it isn't detectable, so we'll allow the whole thing just in case */ //if (vgmstream->loop_end_sample && vgmstream->num_samples > vgmstream->loop_end_sample) // vgmstream->num_samples = vgmstream->loop_end_sample; vgmstream->coding_type = coding_CRI_HCA; vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none; vgmstream->codec_data = hca_data; return vgmstream; fail: free_hca(hca_data); return NULL; } #define HCA_KEY_MAX_TEST_CLIPS 400 /* hopefully nobody masters files with more that a handful... */ #define HCA_KEY_MAX_TEST_FRAMES 100 /* ~102400 samples */ #define HCA_KEY_MAX_TEST_SAMPLES 10240 /* ~10 frames of non-blank samples */ /* Tries to find the decryption key from a list. Simply decodes a few frames and checks if there aren't too many * clipped samples, as it's common for invalid keys (though possible with valid keys in poorly mastered files). */ static void find_hca_key(hca_codec_data * hca_data, uint8_t * header_buffer, int header_size, unsigned int * out_keycode_upper, unsigned int * out_keycode_lower) { sample *testbuf = NULL; int i, j, bufsize = 0, tempsize; size_t keys_length = sizeof(hcakey_list) / sizeof(hcakey_info); int min_clip_count = -1; /* defaults to PSO2 key, most common */ unsigned int best_keycode_upper = 0xCC554639; unsigned int best_keycode_lower = 0x30DBE1AB; /* find a candidate key */ for (i = 0; i < keys_length; i++) { int clip_count = 0, sample_count = 0; int frame = 0, s; unsigned int keycode_upper, keycode_lower; uint64_t key = hcakey_list[i].key; keycode_upper = (key >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; keycode_lower = (key >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF; /* re-init HCA with the current key as buffer becomes invalid (probably can be simplified) */ reset_hca(hca_data); if (read_streamfile(header_buffer, 0x00, header_size, hca_data->streamfile) != header_size) continue; clHCA_clear(hca_data->handle, keycode_lower, keycode_upper); if (clHCA_Decode(hca_data->handle, header_buffer, header_size, 0) < 0) continue; if (clHCA_getInfo(hca_data->handle, &hca_data->info) < 0) continue; tempsize = sizeof(sample) * clHCA_samplesPerBlock * hca_data->info.channelCount; if (tempsize > bufsize) { /* should happen once */ sample *temp = (sample *)realloc(testbuf, tempsize); if (!temp) goto end; testbuf = temp; bufsize = tempsize; } /* test enough frames, but not too many */ while (frame < HCA_KEY_MAX_TEST_FRAMES && frame < hca_data->info.blockCount) { j = clHCA_samplesPerBlock; decode_hca(hca_data, testbuf, j); j *= hca_data->info.channelCount; for (s = 0; s < j; s++) { if (testbuf[s] != 0x0000 && testbuf[s] != 0xFFFF) sample_count++; /* ignore upper/lower blank samples */ if (testbuf[s] == 0x7FFF || testbuf[s] == 0x8000) clip_count++; /* upper/lower clip */ } if (clip_count > HCA_KEY_MAX_TEST_CLIPS) break; /* too many, don't bother */ if (sample_count >= HCA_KEY_MAX_TEST_SAMPLES) break; /* enough non-blank samples tested */ frame++; } if (min_clip_count < 0 || clip_count < min_clip_count) { min_clip_count = clip_count; best_keycode_upper = keycode_upper; best_keycode_lower = keycode_lower; } if (min_clip_count == 0) break; /* can't get better than this */ /* a few clips is normal, but some invalid keys may give low numbers too */ //if (clip_count < 10) // break; } /* reset HCA header */ hca_data->current_block = 0; read_streamfile(header_buffer, 0x00, header_size, hca_data->streamfile); end: VGM_ASSERT(min_clip_count > 0, "HCA: best key=%08x%08x (clips=%i)\n", best_keycode_upper,best_keycode_lower, min_clip_count); *out_keycode_upper = best_keycode_upper; *out_keycode_lower = best_keycode_lower; free(testbuf); }