#include "../vgmstream.h" #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG #include #include #include "coding.h" #include "../util.h" /* mono, mpg123 expects frames of 0x414 (160kbps, 22050Hz) but they * actually vary and are much shorter */ void decode_fake_mpeg2_l2(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL *stream, mpeg_codec_data * data, sample * outbuf, int32_t samples_to_do) { int samples_done = 0; while (samples_done < samples_to_do) { size_t bytes_done; int rc; if (!data->buffer_full) { /* fill buffer up to next frame ending (or file ending) */ int bytes_into_header = 0; const uint8_t header[4] = {0xff,0xf5,0xe0,0xc0}; off_t frame_offset = 0; /* assume that we are starting at a header, skip it and look for the * next one */ read_streamfile(data->buffer, stream->offset+frame_offset, 4, stream->streamfile); frame_offset += 4; do { uint8_t byte; byte = read_8bit(stream->offset+frame_offset,stream->streamfile); data->buffer[frame_offset] = byte; frame_offset++; if (byte == header[bytes_into_header]) { bytes_into_header++; } else { /* This might have been the first byte of the header, so * we need to check again. * No need to get more complicated than this, though, since * there are no repeated characters in the search string. */ if (bytes_into_header>0) { frame_offset--; } bytes_into_header=0; } if (bytes_into_header==4) { break; } } while (frame_offset < AHX_EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE); if (bytes_into_header==4) frame_offset-=4; memset(data->buffer+frame_offset,0, AHX_EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE-frame_offset); data->buffer_full = 1; data->buffer_used = 0; stream->offset += frame_offset; } if (!data->buffer_used) { rc = mpg123_decode(data->m, data->buffer,AHX_EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE, (unsigned char *)(outbuf+samples_done), (samples_to_do-samples_done)*sizeof(sample), &bytes_done); data->buffer_used = 1; } else { rc = mpg123_decode(data->m, NULL,0, (unsigned char *)(outbuf+samples_done), (samples_to_do-samples_done)*sizeof(sample), &bytes_done); } if (rc == MPG123_NEED_MORE) data->buffer_full = 0; samples_done += bytes_done/sizeof(sample); } } mpeg_codec_data *init_mpeg_codec_data(STREAMFILE *streamfile, off_t start_offset, long given_sample_rate, int given_channels, coding_t *coding_type, int * actual_sample_rate, int * actual_channels) { int rc; off_t read_offset; mpeg_codec_data *data = NULL; data = calloc(1,sizeof(mpeg_codec_data)); if (!data) goto mpeg_fail; data->m = mpg123_new(NULL,&rc); if (rc==MPG123_NOT_INITIALIZED) { if (mpg123_init()!=MPG123_OK) goto mpeg_fail; data->m = mpg123_new(NULL,&rc); if (rc!=MPG123_OK) goto mpeg_fail; } else if (rc!=MPG123_OK) { goto mpeg_fail; } mpg123_param(data->m,MPG123_REMOVE_FLAGS,MPG123_GAPLESS,0.0); if (mpg123_open_feed(data->m)!=MPG123_OK) { goto mpeg_fail; } /* check format */ read_offset=0; do { size_t bytes_done; if (read_streamfile(data->buffer, start_offset+read_offset, MPEG_BUFFER_SIZE,streamfile) != MPEG_BUFFER_SIZE) goto mpeg_fail; read_offset+=1; rc = mpg123_decode(data->m,data->buffer,MPEG_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL,0,&bytes_done); if (rc != MPG123_OK && rc != MPG123_NEW_FORMAT && rc != MPG123_NEED_MORE) goto mpeg_fail; } while (rc != MPG123_NEW_FORMAT); { long rate; int channels,encoding; struct mpg123_frameinfo mi; rc = mpg123_getformat(data->m,&rate,&channels,&encoding); if (rc != MPG123_OK) goto mpeg_fail; //fprintf(stderr,"getformat ok, sr=%ld (%ld) ch=%d (%d) enc=%d (%d)\n",rate,given_sample_rate,channels,vgmstream->channels,encoding,MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16); if ((given_sample_rate != -1 && rate != given_sample_rate) || (given_channels != -1 && channels != given_channels) || encoding != MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16) goto mpeg_fail; mpg123_info(data->m,&mi); if (given_sample_rate != -1 && mi.rate != given_sample_rate) goto mpeg_fail; //fprintf(stderr,"mi.version=%d, mi.layer=%d\n",mi.version,mi.layer); if (mi.version == MPG123_1_0 && mi.layer == 1) *coding_type = coding_MPEG1_L1; else if (mi.version == MPG123_1_0 && mi.layer == 2) *coding_type = coding_MPEG1_L2; else if (mi.version == MPG123_1_0 && mi.layer == 3) *coding_type = coding_MPEG1_L3; else if (mi.version == MPG123_2_0 && mi.layer == 1) *coding_type = coding_MPEG2_L1; else if (mi.version == MPG123_2_0 && mi.layer == 2) *coding_type = coding_MPEG2_L2; else if (mi.version == MPG123_2_0 && mi.layer == 3) *coding_type = coding_MPEG2_L3; else if (mi.version == MPG123_2_5 && mi.layer == 1) *coding_type = coding_MPEG25_L1; else if (mi.version == MPG123_2_5 && mi.layer == 2) *coding_type = coding_MPEG25_L2; else if (mi.version == MPG123_2_5 && mi.layer == 3) *coding_type = coding_MPEG25_L3; else goto mpeg_fail; if ( actual_sample_rate ) *actual_sample_rate = rate; if ( actual_channels ) *actual_channels = channels; } /* reinit, to ignore the reading we've done so far */ mpg123_open_feed(data->m); return data; mpeg_fail: fprintf(stderr, "mpeg_fail start_offset=%x\n",(unsigned int)start_offset); if (data) { mpg123_delete(data->m); free(data); } return NULL; } /* decode anything mpg123 can */ void decode_mpeg(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL *stream, mpeg_codec_data * data, sample * outbuf, int32_t samples_to_do, int channels) { int samples_done = 0; while (samples_done < samples_to_do) { size_t bytes_done; int rc; if (!data->buffer_full) { data->bytes_in_buffer = read_streamfile(data->buffer, stream->offset,MPEG_BUFFER_SIZE,stream->streamfile); if (!data->bytes_in_buffer) { memset(outbuf + samples_done * channels, 0, (samples_to_do - samples_done) * sizeof(sample)); break; } data->buffer_full = 1; data->buffer_used = 0; stream->offset += data->bytes_in_buffer; } if (!data->buffer_used) { rc = mpg123_decode(data->m, data->buffer,data->bytes_in_buffer, (unsigned char *)(outbuf+samples_done*channels), (samples_to_do-samples_done)*sizeof(sample)*channels, &bytes_done); data->buffer_used = 1; } else { rc = mpg123_decode(data->m, NULL,0, (unsigned char *)(outbuf+samples_done*channels), (samples_to_do-samples_done)*sizeof(sample)*channels, &bytes_done); } if (rc == MPG123_NEED_MORE) data->buffer_full = 0; samples_done += bytes_done/sizeof(sample)/channels; } } long mpeg_bytes_to_samples(long bytes, const struct mpg123_frameinfo *mi) { return (int64_t)bytes * mi->rate * 8 / (mi->bitrate * 1000); } #endif