#ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #endif #include #include #include #include "vgmstream.h" #include "meta/meta.h" #include "layout/layout.h" #include "coding/coding.h" static void try_dual_file_stereo(VGMSTREAM * opened_vgmstream, STREAMFILE *streamFile, VGMSTREAM* (*init_vgmstream_function)(STREAMFILE*)); /* list of metadata parser functions that will recognize files, used on init */ VGMSTREAM * (*init_vgmstream_functions[])(STREAMFILE *streamFile) = { init_vgmstream_adx, init_vgmstream_brstm, init_vgmstream_bfwav, init_vgmstream_bfstm, init_vgmstream_mca, init_vgmstream_btsnd, init_vgmstream_nds_strm, init_vgmstream_agsc, init_vgmstream_ngc_adpdtk, init_vgmstream_rsf, init_vgmstream_afc, init_vgmstream_ast, init_vgmstream_halpst, init_vgmstream_rs03, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std_le, init_vgmstream_ngc_mdsp_std, init_vgmstream_csmp, init_vgmstream_rfrm, init_vgmstream_cstr, init_vgmstream_gcsw, init_vgmstream_ps2_ads, init_vgmstream_ps2_npsf, init_vgmstream_rwsd, init_vgmstream_xa, init_vgmstream_ps2_rxws, init_vgmstream_ps2_rxw, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_stm, init_vgmstream_ps2_exst, init_vgmstream_ps2_svag, init_vgmstream_mib_mih, init_vgmstream_ngc_mpdsp, init_vgmstream_ps2_mic, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std_int, init_vgmstream_vag, init_vgmstream_psx_gms, init_vgmstream_ps2_ild, init_vgmstream_ps2_pnb, init_vgmstream_xbox_wavm, init_vgmstream_ngc_str, init_vgmstream_ea_schl, init_vgmstream_caf, init_vgmstream_ps2_vpk, init_vgmstream_genh, #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS init_vgmstream_ogg_vorbis, #endif init_vgmstream_sli_ogg, init_vgmstream_sfl_ogg, #if 0 init_vgmstream_mp4_aac, #endif #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) init_vgmstream_akb_mp4, #endif init_vgmstream_sadb, init_vgmstream_ps2_bmdx, init_vgmstream_wsi, init_vgmstream_aifc, init_vgmstream_str_snds, init_vgmstream_ws_aud, init_vgmstream_ahx, init_vgmstream_ivb, init_vgmstream_svs, init_vgmstream_riff, init_vgmstream_rifx, init_vgmstream_pos, init_vgmstream_nwa, init_vgmstream_ea_1snh, init_vgmstream_ea_eacs, init_vgmstream_xss, init_vgmstream_sl3, init_vgmstream_hgc1, init_vgmstream_aus, init_vgmstream_rws, init_vgmstream_fsb, init_vgmstream_fsb4_wav, init_vgmstream_fsb5, init_vgmstream_rwx, init_vgmstream_xwb, init_vgmstream_ps2_xa30, init_vgmstream_musc, init_vgmstream_musx_v004, init_vgmstream_musx_v005, init_vgmstream_musx_v006, init_vgmstream_musx_v010, init_vgmstream_musx_v201, init_vgmstream_leg, init_vgmstream_filp, init_vgmstream_ikm, init_vgmstream_sfs, init_vgmstream_bg00, init_vgmstream_sat_dvi, init_vgmstream_dc_kcey, init_vgmstream_ps2_rstm, init_vgmstream_acm, init_vgmstream_mus_acm, init_vgmstream_ps2_kces, init_vgmstream_ps2_dxh, init_vgmstream_vsv, init_vgmstream_scd_pcm, init_vgmstream_ps2_pcm, init_vgmstream_ps2_rkv, init_vgmstream_ps2_vas, init_vgmstream_ps2_tec, init_vgmstream_ps2_enth, init_vgmstream_sdt, init_vgmstream_aix, init_vgmstream_ngc_tydsp, init_vgmstream_ngc_swd, init_vgmstream_capdsp, init_vgmstream_xbox_wvs, init_vgmstream_ngc_wvs, init_vgmstream_dc_str, init_vgmstream_dc_str_v2, init_vgmstream_xbox_matx, init_vgmstream_dec, init_vgmstream_vs, init_vgmstream_dc_str, init_vgmstream_dc_str_v2, init_vgmstream_xbox_xmu, init_vgmstream_xbox_xvas, init_vgmstream_ngc_bh2pcm, init_vgmstream_sat_sap, init_vgmstream_dc_idvi, init_vgmstream_ps2_rnd, init_vgmstream_idsp_tt, init_vgmstream_kraw, init_vgmstream_ps2_omu, init_vgmstream_ps2_xa2, init_vgmstream_nub_idsp, init_vgmstream_idsp_nl, init_vgmstream_idsp_ie, init_vgmstream_ngc_ymf, init_vgmstream_sadl, init_vgmstream_ps2_ccc, init_vgmstream_fag, init_vgmstream_ps2_mihb, init_vgmstream_ngc_pdt_split, init_vgmstream_ngc_pdt, init_vgmstream_wii_mus, init_vgmstream_dc_asd, init_vgmstream_naomi_spsd, init_vgmstream_rsd2vag, init_vgmstream_rsd2pcmb, init_vgmstream_rsd2xadp, init_vgmstream_rsd3vag, init_vgmstream_rsd3gadp, init_vgmstream_rsd3pcm, init_vgmstream_rsd3pcmb, init_vgmstream_rsd4pcmb, init_vgmstream_rsd4pcm, init_vgmstream_rsd4radp, init_vgmstream_rsd4vag, init_vgmstream_rsd6vag, init_vgmstream_rsd6wadp, init_vgmstream_rsd6xadp, init_vgmstream_rsd6radp, init_vgmstream_bgw, init_vgmstream_spw, init_vgmstream_ps2_ass, init_vgmstream_ubi_jade, init_vgmstream_ubi_jade_container, init_vgmstream_seg, init_vgmstream_nds_strm_ffta2, init_vgmstream_str_asr, init_vgmstream_zwdsp, init_vgmstream_gca, init_vgmstream_spt_spd, init_vgmstream_ish_isd, init_vgmstream_gsp_gsb, init_vgmstream_ydsp, init_vgmstream_msvp, init_vgmstream_ngc_ssm, init_vgmstream_ps2_joe, init_vgmstream_vgs, init_vgmstream_dc_dcsw_dcs, init_vgmstream_mul, init_vgmstream_thp, init_vgmstream_wii_sts, init_vgmstream_ps2_p2bt, init_vgmstream_ps2_gbts, init_vgmstream_wii_sng, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_iadp, init_vgmstream_aax, init_vgmstream_utf_dsp, init_vgmstream_ngc_ffcc_str, init_vgmstream_sat_baka, init_vgmstream_nds_swav, init_vgmstream_ps2_vsf, init_vgmstream_nds_rrds, init_vgmstream_ps2_tk5, init_vgmstream_ps2_vsf_tta, init_vgmstream_ads, init_vgmstream_ps2_mcg, init_vgmstream_zsd, init_vgmstream_ps2_vgs, init_vgmstream_redspark, init_vgmstream_ivaud, init_vgmstream_wii_wsd, init_vgmstream_wii_ndp, init_vgmstream_ps2_sps, init_vgmstream_ps2_xa2_rrp, init_vgmstream_nds_hwas, init_vgmstream_ngc_lps, init_vgmstream_ps2_snd, init_vgmstream_naomi_adpcm, init_vgmstream_sd9, init_vgmstream_2dx9, init_vgmstream_dsp_ygo, init_vgmstream_ps2_vgv, init_vgmstream_ngc_gcub, init_vgmstream_maxis_xa, init_vgmstream_ngc_sck_dsp, init_vgmstream_apple_caff, init_vgmstream_pc_mxst, init_vgmstream_sab, init_vgmstream_exakt_sc, init_vgmstream_wii_bns, init_vgmstream_wii_was, init_vgmstream_pona_3do, init_vgmstream_pona_psx, init_vgmstream_xbox_hlwav, init_vgmstream_stx, init_vgmstream_myspd, init_vgmstream_his, init_vgmstream_ps2_ast, init_vgmstream_dmsg, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_aaap, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_konami, init_vgmstream_ps2_ster, init_vgmstream_ps2_wb, init_vgmstream_bnsf, init_vgmstream_s14_sss, init_vgmstream_ps2_gcm, init_vgmstream_ps2_smpl, init_vgmstream_ps2_msa, init_vgmstream_ps2_voi, init_vgmstream_ngc_rkv, init_vgmstream_dsp_ddsp, init_vgmstream_p3d, init_vgmstream_ps2_tk1, init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_mpds, init_vgmstream_dsp_str_ig, init_vgmstream_ea_swvr, init_vgmstream_ps2_b1s, init_vgmstream_ps2_wad, init_vgmstream_dsp_xiii, init_vgmstream_dsp_cabelas, init_vgmstream_ps2_adm, init_vgmstream_ps2_lpcm, init_vgmstream_dsp_bdsp, init_vgmstream_ps2_vms, init_vgmstream_xau, init_vgmstream_bar, init_vgmstream_ffw, init_vgmstream_dsp_dspw, init_vgmstream_ps2_jstm, init_vgmstream_xvag, init_vgmstream_ps3_cps, init_vgmstream_sqex_scd, init_vgmstream_ngc_nst_dsp, init_vgmstream_baf, init_vgmstream_baf_badrip, init_vgmstream_ps3_msf, init_vgmstream_nub_vag, init_vgmstream_ps3_past, init_vgmstream_sgxd, init_vgmstream_ngca, init_vgmstream_wii_ras, init_vgmstream_ps2_spm, init_vgmstream_x360_tra, init_vgmstream_ps2_iab, init_vgmstream_vs_str, init_vgmstream_lsf_n1nj4n, init_vgmstream_vawx, init_vgmstream_ps2_wmus, init_vgmstream_hyperscan_kvag, init_vgmstream_ios_psnd, init_vgmstream_pc_adp_bos, init_vgmstream_pc_adp_otns, init_vgmstream_eb_sfx, init_vgmstream_eb_sf0, init_vgmstream_ps2_mtaf, init_vgmstream_tun, init_vgmstream_wpd, init_vgmstream_mn_str, init_vgmstream_mss, init_vgmstream_ps2_hsf, init_vgmstream_ps3_ivag, init_vgmstream_ps2_2pfs, init_vgmstream_xnb, init_vgmstream_rsd6oogv, init_vgmstream_ubi_ckd, init_vgmstream_ps2_vbk, init_vgmstream_otm, init_vgmstream_bcstm, init_vgmstream_idsp_nus3, init_vgmstream_kt_g1l, init_vgmstream_kt_wiibgm, init_vgmstream_ktss, init_vgmstream_hca, init_vgmstream_ps2_svag_snk, init_vgmstream_ps2_vds_vdm, init_vgmstream_x360_cxs, init_vgmstream_dsp_adx, init_vgmstream_akb, init_vgmstream_akb2, #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG init_vgmstream_mp4_aac_ffmpeg, #endif init_vgmstream_bik, init_vgmstream_x360_ast, init_vgmstream_wwise, init_vgmstream_ubi_raki, init_vgmstream_x360_pasx, init_vgmstream_nub_xma, init_vgmstream_xma, init_vgmstream_sxd, init_vgmstream_ogl, init_vgmstream_mc3, init_vgmstream_gtd, init_vgmstream_rsd6xma, init_vgmstream_ta_aac_x360, init_vgmstream_ta_aac_ps3, init_vgmstream_ta_aac_mobile, init_vgmstream_ta_aac_mobile_vorbis, init_vgmstream_ta_aac_vita, init_vgmstream_va3, init_vgmstream_ps3_mta2, init_vgmstream_ngc_ulw, init_vgmstream_pc_xa30, init_vgmstream_wii_04sw, init_vgmstream_ea_bnk, init_vgmstream_ea_abk, init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_dat, init_vgmstream_ea_map_mus, init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus, init_vgmstream_ea_schl_fixed, init_vgmstream_sk_aud, init_vgmstream_stm, init_vgmstream_ea_snu, init_vgmstream_awc, init_vgmstream_opus_std, init_vgmstream_opus_n1, init_vgmstream_opus_capcom, init_vgmstream_opus_nop, init_vgmstream_opus_shinen, init_vgmstream_opus_nus3, init_vgmstream_opus_sps_n1, init_vgmstream_opus_nxa, init_vgmstream_pc_al2, init_vgmstream_pc_ast, init_vgmstream_naac, init_vgmstream_ubi_sb, init_vgmstream_ubi_sm, init_vgmstream_ezw, init_vgmstream_vxn, init_vgmstream_ea_snr_sns, init_vgmstream_ea_sps, init_vgmstream_ea_abk_eaac, init_vgmstream_ea_hdr_sth_dat, init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac, init_vgmstream_ea_sbr, init_vgmstream_ea_sbr_harmony, init_vgmstream_ngc_vid1, init_vgmstream_flx, init_vgmstream_mogg, init_vgmstream_kma9, init_vgmstream_fsb_encrypted, init_vgmstream_xwc, init_vgmstream_atsl, init_vgmstream_sps_n1, init_vgmstream_atx, init_vgmstream_sqex_sead, init_vgmstream_waf, init_vgmstream_wave, init_vgmstream_wave_segmented, init_vgmstream_rsd6at3p, init_vgmstream_rsd6wma, init_vgmstream_smv, init_vgmstream_nxap, init_vgmstream_ea_wve_au00, init_vgmstream_ea_wve_ad10, init_vgmstream_sthd, init_vgmstream_pcm_sre, init_vgmstream_dsp_mcadpcm, init_vgmstream_ubi_lyn, init_vgmstream_ubi_lyn_container, init_vgmstream_msb_msh, init_vgmstream_txtp, init_vgmstream_smc_smh, init_vgmstream_ppst, init_vgmstream_opus_sps_n1_segmented, init_vgmstream_ubi_bao_pk, init_vgmstream_ubi_bao_atomic, init_vgmstream_dsp_switch_audio, init_vgmstream_sadf, init_vgmstream_h4m, init_vgmstream_ps2_ads_container, init_vgmstream_asf, init_vgmstream_xmd, init_vgmstream_cks, init_vgmstream_ckb, init_vgmstream_wv6, init_vgmstream_str_wav, init_vgmstream_wavebatch, init_vgmstream_hd3_bd3, init_vgmstream_bnk_sony, init_vgmstream_nus3bank, init_vgmstream_scd_sscf, init_vgmstream_dsp_sps_n1, init_vgmstream_dsp_itl_ch, init_vgmstream_a2m, init_vgmstream_ahv, init_vgmstream_msv, init_vgmstream_sdf, init_vgmstream_svg, init_vgmstream_vis, init_vgmstream_vai, init_vgmstream_aif_asobo, init_vgmstream_ao, init_vgmstream_apc, init_vgmstream_wv2, init_vgmstream_xau_konami, init_vgmstream_derf, init_vgmstream_utk, init_vgmstream_adpcm_capcom, init_vgmstream_ue4opus, init_vgmstream_xwma, init_vgmstream_xopus, init_vgmstream_vs_square, init_vgmstream_msf_banpresto_wmsf, init_vgmstream_msf_banpresto_2msf, init_vgmstream_nwav, init_vgmstream_xpcm, init_vgmstream_msf_tamasoft, init_vgmstream_xps_dat, init_vgmstream_xps, init_vgmstream_zsnd, init_vgmstream_opus_opusx, init_vgmstream_dsp_adpcmx, init_vgmstream_ogg_opus, init_vgmstream_nus3audio, init_vgmstream_imc, init_vgmstream_imc_container, init_vgmstream_smp, init_vgmstream_gin, init_vgmstream_dsf, init_vgmstream_208, init_vgmstream_dsp_ds2, /* lowest priority metas (should go after all metas, and TXTH should go before raw formats) */ init_vgmstream_txth, /* proper parsers should supersede TXTH, once added */ init_vgmstream_ps2_int, /* .int raw PS-ADPCM */ init_vgmstream_ps_headerless, /* tries to detect a bunch of PS-ADPCM formats */ init_vgmstream_pc_snds, /* .snds PC, after ps_headerless */ init_vgmstream_raw, /* .raw PCM */ #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG init_vgmstream_ffmpeg, /* may play anything incorrectly, since FFmpeg doesn't check extensions */ #endif }; /* internal version with all parameters */ static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_internal(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { int i, fcns_size; if (!streamFile) return NULL; fcns_size = (sizeof(init_vgmstream_functions)/sizeof(init_vgmstream_functions[0])); /* try a series of formats, see which works */ for (i =0; i < fcns_size; i++) { /* call init function and see if valid VGMSTREAM was returned */ VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = (init_vgmstream_functions[i])(streamFile); if (!vgmstream) continue; /* fail if there is nothing to play (without this check vgmstream can generate empty files) */ if (vgmstream->num_samples <= 0) { VGM_LOG("VGMSTREAM: wrong num_samples (ns=%i / 0x%08x)\n", vgmstream->num_samples, vgmstream->num_samples); close_vgmstream(vgmstream); continue; } /* everything should have a reasonable sample rate (300 is Wwise min) */ if (vgmstream->sample_rate < 300 || vgmstream->sample_rate > 96000) { VGM_LOG("VGMSTREAM: wrong sample rate (sr=%i)\n", vgmstream->sample_rate); close_vgmstream(vgmstream); continue; } /* sanify loops and remove bad metadata */ if (vgmstream->loop_flag) { if (vgmstream->loop_end_sample <= vgmstream->loop_start_sample || vgmstream->loop_end_sample > vgmstream->num_samples || vgmstream->loop_start_sample < 0) { VGM_LOG("VGMSTREAM: wrong loops ignored (lss=%i, lse=%i, ns=%i)\n", vgmstream->loop_start_sample, vgmstream->loop_end_sample, vgmstream->num_samples); vgmstream->loop_flag = 0; vgmstream->loop_start_sample = 0; vgmstream->loop_end_sample = 0; } } /* test if candidate for dual stereo */ if (vgmstream->channels == 1 && vgmstream->allow_dual_stereo == 1) { try_dual_file_stereo(vgmstream, streamFile, init_vgmstream_functions[i]); } /* clean as loops are readable metadata but loop fields may contain garbage * (done *after* dual stereo as it needs loop fields to match) */ if (!vgmstream->loop_flag) { vgmstream->loop_start_sample = 0; vgmstream->loop_end_sample = 0; } #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG /* check FFmpeg streams here, for lack of a better place */ if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) { ffmpeg_codec_data *data = (ffmpeg_codec_data *) vgmstream->codec_data; if (data && data->streamCount && !vgmstream->num_streams) { vgmstream->num_streams = data->streamCount; } } #endif /* files can have thousands subsongs, but let's put a limit */ if (vgmstream->num_streams < 0 || vgmstream->num_streams > 65535) { VGM_LOG("VGMSTREAM: wrong num_streams (ns=%i)\n", vgmstream->num_streams); close_vgmstream(vgmstream); continue; } /* save info */ /* stream_index 0 may be used by plugins to signal "vgmstream default" (IOW don't force to 1) */ if (vgmstream->stream_index == 0) { vgmstream->stream_index = streamFile->stream_index; } setup_vgmstream(vgmstream); /* final setup */ return vgmstream; } /* not supported */ return NULL; } void setup_vgmstream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { /* save start things so we can restart when seeking */ memcpy(vgmstream->start_ch, vgmstream->ch, sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)*vgmstream->channels); memcpy(vgmstream->start_vgmstream, vgmstream, sizeof(VGMSTREAM)); /* layout's sub-VGMSTREAM are expected to setup externally and maybe call this, * as they can be created using init_vgmstream or manually */ } /* format detection and VGMSTREAM setup, uses default parameters */ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream(const char * const filename) { VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL; STREAMFILE *streamFile = open_stdio_streamfile(filename); if (streamFile) { vgmstream = init_vgmstream_from_STREAMFILE(streamFile); close_streamfile(streamFile); } return vgmstream; } VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_from_STREAMFILE(STREAMFILE *streamFile) { return init_vgmstream_internal(streamFile); } /* Reset a VGMSTREAM to its state at the start of playback (when a plugin seeks back to zero). */ void reset_vgmstream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { /* reset the VGMSTREAM and channels back to their original state */ memcpy(vgmstream, vgmstream->start_vgmstream, sizeof(VGMSTREAM)); memcpy(vgmstream->ch, vgmstream->start_ch, sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)*vgmstream->channels); /* loop_ch is not reset here because there is a possibility of the * init_vgmstream_* function doing something tricky and precomputing it. * Otherwise hit_loop will be 0 and it will be copied over anyway when we * really hit the loop start. */ /* reset custom codec */ #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_OGG_VORBIS) { reset_ogg_vorbis(vgmstream); } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_VORBIS_custom) { reset_vorbis_custom(vgmstream); } #endif if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CRI_HCA) { reset_hca(vgmstream->codec_data); } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_EA_MT) { reset_ea_mt(vgmstream); } #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MP4_AAC) { reset_mp4_aac(vgmstream); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_custom || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_ealayer3 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer1 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer2 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer3) { reset_mpeg(vgmstream); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G7221 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_G7221C) { reset_g7221(vgmstream); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G719 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_G719) { reset_g719(vgmstream->codec_data, vgmstream->channels); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MAIATRAC3PLUS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_AT3plus) { reset_at3plus(vgmstream); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ATRAC9) { reset_atrac9(vgmstream); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_CELT if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CELT_FSB) { reset_celt_fsb(vgmstream); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) { reset_ffmpeg(vgmstream); } #endif if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ACM) { reset_acm(vgmstream->codec_data); } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_NWA) { nwa_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; if (data) reset_nwa(data->nwa); } /* reset custom layouts */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_segmented) { reset_layout_segmented(vgmstream->layout_data); } if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) { reset_layout_layered(vgmstream->layout_data); } /* note that this does not reset the constituent STREAMFILES * (vgmstream->ch[N].streamfiles' internal state, though shouldn't matter) */ } /* Allocate memory and setup a VGMSTREAM */ VGMSTREAM * allocate_vgmstream(int channel_count, int loop_flag) { VGMSTREAM * vgmstream; /* up to ~16-24 aren't too rare for multilayered files, more is probably a bug */ if (channel_count <= 0 || channel_count > 64) { VGM_LOG("VGMSTREAM: error allocating %i channels\n", channel_count); return NULL; } /* VGMSTREAM's alloc'ed internals work as follows: * - vgmstream: main struct (config+state) modified by metas, layouts and codings as needed * - ch: config+state per channel, also modified by those * - start_vgmstream: vgmstream clone copied on init_vgmstream and restored on reset_vgmstream * - start_ch: ch clone copied on init_vgmstream and restored on reset_vgmstream * - loop_ch: ch clone copied on loop start and restored on loop end (vgmstream_do_loop) * - codec/layout_data: custom state for complex codecs or layouts, handled externally * * Here we only create the basic structs to be filled, and only after init_vgmstream it * can be considered ready. Clones are shallow copies, in that they share alloc'ed struts * (like, vgmstream->ch and start_vgmstream->ch will be the same after init_vgmstream, or * start_vgmstream->start_vgmstream will end up pointing to itself) * * This is all a bit too brittle, so code alloc'ing or changing anything sensitive should * take care clones are properly synced. */ /* create vgmstream + main structs (other data is 0'ed) */ vgmstream = calloc(1,sizeof(VGMSTREAM)); if (!vgmstream) return NULL; vgmstream->start_vgmstream = calloc(1,sizeof(VGMSTREAM)); if (!vgmstream->start_vgmstream) goto fail; vgmstream->ch = calloc(channel_count,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!vgmstream->ch) goto fail; vgmstream->start_ch = calloc(channel_count,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!vgmstream->start_ch) goto fail; if (loop_flag) { vgmstream->loop_ch = calloc(channel_count,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!vgmstream->loop_ch) goto fail; } vgmstream->channels = channel_count; vgmstream->loop_flag = loop_flag; #ifdef VGMSTREAM_MIXING /* fixed arrays, for now */ vgmstream->mixing_size = 64; vgmstream->stream_name_size = STREAM_NAME_SIZE; #endif return vgmstream; fail: if (vgmstream) { free(vgmstream->ch); free(vgmstream->start_ch); free(vgmstream->loop_ch); free(vgmstream->start_vgmstream); } free(vgmstream); return NULL; } void close_vgmstream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { if (!vgmstream) return; /* free custom codecs */ #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_OGG_VORBIS) { free_ogg_vorbis(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_VORBIS_custom) { free_vorbis_custom(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CRI_HCA) { free_hca(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_EA_MT) { free_ea_mt(vgmstream->codec_data, vgmstream->channels); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) { free_ffmpeg(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MP4_AAC) { free_mp4_aac(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_custom || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_ealayer3 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer1 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer2 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer3) { free_mpeg(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G7221 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_G7221C) { free_g7221(vgmstream); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G719 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_G719) { free_g719(vgmstream->codec_data, vgmstream->channels); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MAIATRAC3PLUS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_AT3plus) { free_at3plus(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ATRAC9) { free_atrac9(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_CELT if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CELT_FSB) { free_celt_fsb(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } #endif if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ACM) { free_acm(vgmstream->codec_data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_NWA) { if (vgmstream->codec_data) { nwa_codec_data *data = (nwa_codec_data *) vgmstream->codec_data; if (data->nwa) close_nwa(data->nwa); free(data); vgmstream->codec_data = NULL; } } /* free custom layouts */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_segmented) { free_layout_segmented(vgmstream->layout_data); vgmstream->layout_data = NULL; } if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) { free_layout_layered(vgmstream->layout_data); vgmstream->layout_data = NULL; } /* now that the special cases have had their chance, clean up the standard items */ { int i,j; for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) { if (vgmstream->ch[i].streamfile) { close_streamfile(vgmstream->ch[i].streamfile); /* Multiple channels might have the same streamfile. Find the others * that are the same as this and clear them so they won't be closed again. */ for (j = 0; j < vgmstream->channels; j++) { if (i != j && vgmstream->ch[j].streamfile == vgmstream->ch[i].streamfile) { vgmstream->ch[j].streamfile = NULL; } } vgmstream->ch[i].streamfile = NULL; } } } free(vgmstream->ch); free(vgmstream->start_ch); free(vgmstream->loop_ch); free(vgmstream->start_vgmstream); free(vgmstream); } /* calculate samples based on player's config */ int32_t get_vgmstream_play_samples(double looptimes, double fadeseconds, double fadedelayseconds, VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { if (vgmstream->loop_flag) { if (vgmstream->loop_target == (int)looptimes) { /* set externally, as this function is info-only */ /* Continue playing the file normally after looping, instead of fading. * Most files cut abruply after the loop, but some do have proper endings. * With looptimes = 1 this option should give the same output vs loop disabled */ int loop_count = (int)looptimes; /* no half loops allowed */ return vgmstream->loop_start_sample + (vgmstream->loop_end_sample - vgmstream->loop_start_sample) * loop_count + (vgmstream->num_samples - vgmstream->loop_end_sample); } else { return vgmstream->loop_start_sample + (vgmstream->loop_end_sample - vgmstream->loop_start_sample) * looptimes + (fadedelayseconds + fadeseconds) * vgmstream->sample_rate; } } else { return vgmstream->num_samples; } } void vgmstream_force_loop(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, int loop_flag, int loop_start_sample, int loop_end_sample) { if (!vgmstream) return; /* this requires a bit more messing with the VGMSTREAM than I'm comfortable with... */ if (loop_flag && !vgmstream->loop_flag && !vgmstream->loop_ch) { vgmstream->loop_ch = calloc(vgmstream->channels,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!vgmstream->loop_ch) loop_flag = 0; /* ??? */ } else if (!loop_flag && vgmstream->loop_flag) { free(vgmstream->loop_ch); /* not important though */ vgmstream->loop_ch = NULL; } vgmstream->loop_flag = loop_flag; if (loop_flag) { vgmstream->loop_start_sample = loop_start_sample; vgmstream->loop_end_sample = loop_end_sample; } #if 0 /* keep metadata as it's may be shown (with 'loop disabled' info) */ else { vgmstream->loop_start_sample = 0; vgmstream->loop_end_sample = 0; } #endif /* propagate changes to layouts that need them */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) { int i; layered_layout_data *data = vgmstream->layout_data; for (i = 0; i < data->layer_count; i++) { vgmstream_force_loop(data->layers[i], loop_flag, loop_start_sample, loop_end_sample); /* layer's force_loop also calls setup_vgmstream, no need to do it here */ } } /* segmented layout loops with standard loop start/end values and works ok */ /* notify of new initial state */ setup_vgmstream(vgmstream); } void vgmstream_set_loop_target(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, int loop_target) { if (!vgmstream) return; vgmstream->loop_target = loop_target; /* loop count must be rounded (int) as otherwise target is meaningless */ /* propagate changes to layouts that need them */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) { int i; layered_layout_data *data = vgmstream->layout_data; for (i = 0; i < data->layer_count; i++) { vgmstream_set_loop_target(data->layers[i], loop_target); } } } /* Decode data into sample buffer */ void render_vgmstream(sample * buffer, int32_t sample_count, VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { switch (vgmstream->layout_type) { case layout_interleave: render_vgmstream_interleave(buffer,sample_count,vgmstream); break; case layout_none: render_vgmstream_flat(buffer,sample_count,vgmstream); break; case layout_blocked_mxch: case layout_blocked_ast: case layout_blocked_halpst: case layout_blocked_xa: case layout_blocked_ea_schl: case layout_blocked_ea_1snh: case layout_blocked_caf: case layout_blocked_wsi: case layout_blocked_str_snds: case layout_blocked_ws_aud: case layout_blocked_matx: case layout_blocked_dec: case layout_blocked_vs: case layout_blocked_mul: case layout_blocked_gsb: case layout_blocked_xvas: case layout_blocked_thp: case layout_blocked_filp: case layout_blocked_ivaud: case layout_blocked_ea_swvr: case layout_blocked_adm: case layout_blocked_bdsp: case layout_blocked_tra: case layout_blocked_ps2_iab: case layout_blocked_vs_str: case layout_blocked_rws: case layout_blocked_hwas: case layout_blocked_ea_sns: case layout_blocked_awc: case layout_blocked_vgs: case layout_blocked_vawx: case layout_blocked_xvag_subsong: case layout_blocked_ea_wve_au00: case layout_blocked_ea_wve_ad10: case layout_blocked_sthd: case layout_blocked_h4m: case layout_blocked_xa_aiff: case layout_blocked_vs_square: render_vgmstream_blocked(buffer,sample_count,vgmstream); break; case layout_segmented: render_vgmstream_segmented(buffer,sample_count,vgmstream); break; case layout_layered: render_vgmstream_layered(buffer,sample_count,vgmstream); break; default: break; } /* swap channels if set, to create custom channel mappings */ if (vgmstream->channel_mappings_on) { int ch_from,ch_to,s; sample_t temp; for (s = 0; s < sample_count; s++) { for (ch_from = 0; ch_from < vgmstream->channels; ch_from++) { if (ch_from > 32) continue; ch_to = vgmstream->channel_mappings[ch_from]; if (ch_to < 1 || ch_to > 32 || ch_to > vgmstream->channels-1 || ch_from == ch_to) continue; temp = buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch_from]; buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch_from] = buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch_to]; buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch_to] = temp; } } } /* channel bitmask to silence non-set channels (up to 32) * can be used for 'crossfading subsongs' or layered channels, where a set of channels make a song section */ if (vgmstream->channel_mask) { int ch,s; for (s = 0; s < sample_count; s++) { for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { if ((vgmstream->channel_mask >> ch) & 1) continue; buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch] = 0; } } } } /* Get the number of samples of a single frame (smallest self-contained sample group, 1/N channels) */ int get_vgmstream_samples_per_frame(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { case coding_CRI_ADX: case coding_CRI_ADX_fixed: case coding_CRI_ADX_exp: case coding_CRI_ADX_enc_8: case coding_CRI_ADX_enc_9: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 2) * 2; case coding_NGC_DSP: case coding_NGC_DSP_subint: return 14; case coding_NGC_AFC: return 16; case coding_NGC_DTK: return 28; case coding_G721: return 1; case coding_PCM16LE: case coding_PCM16BE: case coding_PCM16_int: case coding_PCM8: case coding_PCM8_int: case coding_PCM8_U: case coding_PCM8_U_int: case coding_PCM8_SB: case coding_ULAW: case coding_ULAW_int: case coding_ALAW: case coding_PCMFLOAT: return 1; #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS case coding_OGG_VORBIS: case coding_VORBIS_custom: #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG case coding_MPEG_custom: case coding_MPEG_ealayer3: case coding_MPEG_layer1: case coding_MPEG_layer2: case coding_MPEG_layer3: #endif case coding_SDX2: case coding_SDX2_int: case coding_CBD2: case coding_ACM: case coding_DERF: case coding_NWA: case coding_SASSC: case coding_CIRCUS_ADPCM: return 1; case coding_IMA: case coding_DVI_IMA: case coding_SNDS_IMA: case coding_OTNS_IMA: case coding_UBI_IMA: case coding_OKI16: return 1; case coding_IMA_int: case coding_DVI_IMA_int: case coding_3DS_IMA: case coding_WV6_IMA: case coding_ALP_IMA: case coding_FFTA2_IMA: case coding_BLITZ_IMA: case coding_PCFX: return 2; case coding_XBOX_IMA: case coding_XBOX_IMA_mch: case coding_XBOX_IMA_int: case coding_FSB_IMA: case coding_WWISE_IMA: return 64; case coding_APPLE_IMA4: return 64; case coding_MS_IMA: case coding_REF_IMA: return ((vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 0x04*vgmstream->channels) * 2 / vgmstream->channels) + 1; case coding_RAD_IMA: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 0x04*vgmstream->channels) * 2 / vgmstream->channels; case coding_NDS_IMA: case coding_DAT4_IMA: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 0x04) * 2; case coding_AWC_IMA: return (0x800 - 0x04) * 2; case coding_RAD_IMA_mono: return 32; case coding_H4M_IMA: return 0; /* variable (block-controlled) */ case coding_XA: return 28*8 / vgmstream->channels; /* 8 subframes per frame, mono/stereo */ case coding_PSX: case coding_PSX_badflags: case coding_HEVAG: return 28; case coding_PSX_cfg: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 1) * 2; /* decodes 1 byte into 2 bytes */ case coding_EA_XA: case coding_EA_XA_int: case coding_EA_XA_V2: case coding_MAXIS_XA: return 28; case coding_EA_XAS_V0: return 32; case coding_EA_XAS_V1: return 128; case coding_MSADPCM: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 0x07*vgmstream->channels)*2 / vgmstream->channels + 2; case coding_MSADPCM_int: case coding_MSADPCM_ck: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 0x07)*2 + 2; case coding_WS: /* only works if output sample size is 8 bit, which always is for WS ADPCM */ return vgmstream->ws_output_size; case coding_AICA: return 1; case coding_AICA_int: return 2; case coding_YAMAHA: return (0x40-0x04*vgmstream->channels) * 2 / vgmstream->channels; case coding_YAMAHA_NXAP: return (0x40-0x04) * 2; case coding_NDS_PROCYON: return 30; case coding_L5_555: return 32; case coding_LSF: return 54; #ifdef VGM_USE_G7221 case coding_G7221C: return 32000/50; /* Siren7: 16000/50 */ #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G719 case coding_G719: return 48000/50; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case coding_FFmpeg: if (vgmstream->codec_data) { ffmpeg_codec_data *data = (ffmpeg_codec_data*)vgmstream->codec_data; return data->sampleBufferBlock; /* must know the full block size for edge loops */ } else { return 0; } break; #endif case coding_MTAF: return 128*2; case coding_MTA2: return 128*2; case coding_MC3: return 10; case coding_FADPCM: return 256; /* (0x8c - 0xc) * 2 */ case coding_ASF: return 32; /* (0x11 - 0x1) * 2 */ case coding_DSA: return 14; /* (0x08 - 0x1) * 2 */ case coding_XMD: return (vgmstream->interleave_block_size - 0x06)*2 + 2; case coding_EA_MT: return 0; /* 432, but variable in looped files */ case coding_CRI_HCA: return 0; /* 1024 - delay/padding (which can be bigger than 1024) */ #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) case coding_MP4_AAC: return ((mp4_aac_codec_data*)vgmstream->codec_data)->samples_per_frame; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MAIATRAC3PLUS case coding_AT3plus: return 2048 - ((maiatrac3plus_codec_data*)vgmstream->codec_data)->samples_discard; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 case coding_ATRAC9: return 0; /* varies with config data, usually 256 or 1024 */ #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_CELT case coding_CELT_FSB: return 0; /* 512? */ #endif default: return 0; } } /* Get the number of bytes of a single frame (smallest self-contained byte group, 1/N channels) */ int get_vgmstream_frame_size(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { case coding_CRI_ADX: case coding_CRI_ADX_fixed: case coding_CRI_ADX_exp: case coding_CRI_ADX_enc_8: case coding_CRI_ADX_enc_9: return vgmstream->interleave_block_size; case coding_NGC_DSP: return 0x08; case coding_NGC_DSP_subint: return 0x08 * vgmstream->channels; case coding_NGC_AFC: return 0x09; case coding_NGC_DTK: return 0x20; case coding_G721: return 0; case coding_PCM16LE: case coding_PCM16BE: case coding_PCM16_int: return 0x02; case coding_PCM8: case coding_PCM8_int: case coding_PCM8_U: case coding_PCM8_U_int: case coding_PCM8_SB: case coding_ULAW: case coding_ULAW_int: case coding_ALAW: return 0x01; case coding_PCMFLOAT: return 0x04; case coding_SDX2: case coding_SDX2_int: case coding_CBD2: case coding_DERF: case coding_NWA: case coding_SASSC: case coding_CIRCUS_ADPCM: return 0x01; case coding_IMA: case coding_IMA_int: case coding_DVI_IMA: case coding_DVI_IMA_int: case coding_3DS_IMA: case coding_WV6_IMA: case coding_ALP_IMA: case coding_FFTA2_IMA: case coding_BLITZ_IMA: case coding_PCFX: case coding_OKI16: return 0x01; case coding_MS_IMA: case coding_RAD_IMA: case coding_NDS_IMA: case coding_DAT4_IMA: case coding_REF_IMA: return vgmstream->interleave_block_size; case coding_AWC_IMA: return 0x800; case coding_RAD_IMA_mono: return 0x14; case coding_SNDS_IMA: case coding_OTNS_IMA: return 0; //todo: 0x01? case coding_UBI_IMA: /* variable (PCM then IMA) */ return 0; case coding_XBOX_IMA: //todo should be 0x48 when stereo, but blocked/interleave layout don't understand stereo codecs return 0x24; //vgmstream->channels==1 ? 0x24 : 0x48; case coding_XBOX_IMA_int: case coding_WWISE_IMA: return 0x24; case coding_XBOX_IMA_mch: case coding_FSB_IMA: return 0x24 * vgmstream->channels; case coding_APPLE_IMA4: return 0x22; case coding_H4M_IMA: return 0x00; /* variable (block-controlled) */ case coding_XA: return 0x80; case coding_PSX: case coding_PSX_badflags: case coding_HEVAG: return 0x10; case coding_PSX_cfg: return vgmstream->interleave_block_size; case coding_EA_XA: return 0x1E; case coding_EA_XA_int: return 0x0F; case coding_MAXIS_XA: return 0x0F*vgmstream->channels; case coding_EA_XA_V2: return 0; /* variable (ADPCM frames of 0x0f or PCM frames of 0x3d) */ case coding_EA_XAS_V0: return 0xF+0x02+0x02; case coding_EA_XAS_V1: return 0x4c*vgmstream->channels; case coding_MSADPCM: case coding_MSADPCM_int: case coding_MSADPCM_ck: return vgmstream->interleave_block_size; case coding_WS: return vgmstream->current_block_size; case coding_AICA: case coding_AICA_int: return 0x01; case coding_YAMAHA: case coding_YAMAHA_NXAP: return 0x40; case coding_NDS_PROCYON: return 0x10; case coding_L5_555: return 0x12; case coding_LSF: return 0x1C; #ifdef VGM_USE_G7221 case coding_G7221C: #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G719 case coding_G719: #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MAIATRAC3PLUS case coding_AT3plus: #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case coding_FFmpeg: #endif case coding_MTAF: return vgmstream->interleave_block_size; case coding_MTA2: return 0x90; case coding_MC3: return 0x04; case coding_FADPCM: return 0x8c; case coding_ASF: return 0x11; case coding_DSA: return 0x08; case coding_XMD: return vgmstream->interleave_block_size; case coding_EA_MT: return 0; /* variable (frames of bit counts or PCM frames) */ #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 case coding_ATRAC9: return 0; /* varies with config data, usually 0x100-200 */ #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_CELT case coding_CELT_FSB: return 0; /* varies, usually 0x80-100 */ #endif default: /* Vorbis, MPEG, ACM, etc */ return 0; } } /* In NDS IMA the frame size is the block size, so the last one is short */ int get_vgmstream_samples_per_shortframe(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { case coding_NDS_IMA: return (vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size-4)*2; default: return get_vgmstream_samples_per_frame(vgmstream); } } int get_vgmstream_shortframe_size(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { case coding_NDS_IMA: return vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size; default: return get_vgmstream_frame_size(vgmstream); } } /* Decode samples into the buffer. Assume that we have written samples_written into the * buffer already, and we have samples_to_do consecutive samples ahead of us. */ void decode_vgmstream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream, int samples_written, int samples_to_do, sample_t * buffer) { int ch; switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { case coding_CRI_ADX: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_adx(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_CRI_ADX_exp: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_adx_exp(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_CRI_ADX_fixed: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_adx_fixed(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_CRI_ADX_enc_8: case coding_CRI_ADX_enc_9: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_adx_enc(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_NGC_DSP: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ngc_dsp(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_NGC_DSP_subint: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ngc_dsp_subint(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_PCM16LE: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm16le(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM16BE: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm16be(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM16_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm16_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->codec_endian); } break; case coding_PCM8: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm8(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM8_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm8_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM8_U: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm8_unsigned(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM8_U_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm8_unsigned_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM8_SB: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm8_sb(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCM4: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm4(vgmstream,&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do,ch); } break; case coding_PCM4_U: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcm4_unsigned(vgmstream, &vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do,ch); } break; case coding_ULAW: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ulaw(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_ULAW_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ulaw_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_ALAW: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_alaw(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PCMFLOAT: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcmfloat(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->codec_endian); } break; case coding_NDS_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_nds_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_DAT4_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_dat4_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_XBOX_IMA: case coding_XBOX_IMA_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { int is_stereo = (vgmstream->channels > 1 && vgmstream->coding_type == coding_XBOX_IMA); decode_xbox_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch, is_stereo); } break; case coding_XBOX_IMA_mch: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_xbox_ima_mch(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_MS_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ms_ima(vgmstream,&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_RAD_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_rad_ima(vgmstream,&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_RAD_IMA_mono: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_rad_ima_mono(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_NGC_DTK: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ngc_dtk(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_G721: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_g721(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_NGC_AFC: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ngc_afc(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_PSX: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_psx(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, 0); } break; case coding_PSX_badflags: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_psx(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, 1); } break; case coding_PSX_cfg: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_psx_configurable(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_HEVAG: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_hevag(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_XA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_xa(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_EA_XA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ea_xa(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_EA_XA_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ea_xa_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_EA_XA_V2: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ea_xa_v2(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_MAXIS_XA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_maxis_xa(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_EA_XAS_V0: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ea_xas_v0(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_EA_XAS_V1: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ea_xas_v1(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS case coding_OGG_VORBIS: decode_ogg_vorbis(vgmstream->codec_data, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; case coding_VORBIS_custom: decode_vorbis_custom(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; #endif case coding_CRI_HCA: decode_hca(vgmstream->codec_data, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do); break; #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case coding_FFmpeg: decode_ffmpeg(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels,samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; #endif #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) case coding_MP4_AAC: decode_mp4_aac(vgmstream->codec_data, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; #endif case coding_SDX2: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_sdx2(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_SDX2_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_sdx2_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_CBD2: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_cbd2(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_CBD2_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_cbd2_int(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_DERF: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_derf(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_CIRCUS_ADPCM: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_circus_adpcm(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_IMA: case coding_IMA_int: case coding_DVI_IMA: case coding_DVI_IMA_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { int is_stereo = (vgmstream->channels > 1 && vgmstream->coding_type == coding_IMA) || (vgmstream->channels > 1 && vgmstream->coding_type == coding_DVI_IMA); int is_high_first = vgmstream->coding_type == coding_DVI_IMA || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_DVI_IMA_int; decode_standard_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch, is_stereo, is_high_first); } break; case coding_3DS_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_3ds_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_WV6_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_wv6_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_ALP_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_alp_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_FFTA2_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ffta2_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_BLITZ_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_blitz_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_APPLE_IMA4: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_apple_ima4(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_SNDS_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_snds_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_OTNS_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_otns_ima(vgmstream, &vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_FSB_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_fsb_ima(vgmstream, &vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_WWISE_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_wwise_ima(vgmstream,&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_REF_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ref_ima(vgmstream,&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_AWC_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_awc_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_UBI_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ubi_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_H4M_IMA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { uint16_t frame_format = (uint16_t)((vgmstream->codec_config >> 8) & 0xFFFF); decode_h4m_ima(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch, frame_format); } break; case coding_WS: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ws(vgmstream,ch,buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG case coding_MPEG_custom: case coding_MPEG_ealayer3: case coding_MPEG_layer1: case coding_MPEG_layer2: case coding_MPEG_layer3: decode_mpeg(vgmstream,buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G7221 case coding_G7221C: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_g7221(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,samples_to_do, ch); } break; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_G719 case coding_G719: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_g719(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,samples_to_do, ch); } break; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MAIATRAC3PLUS case coding_AT3plus: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_at3plus(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,samples_to_do, ch); } break; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 case coding_ATRAC9: decode_atrac9(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_CELT case coding_CELT_FSB: decode_celt_fsb(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do,vgmstream->channels); break; #endif case coding_ACM: decode_acm(vgmstream->codec_data, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do, vgmstream->channels); break; case coding_NWA: decode_nwa(((nwa_codec_data*)vgmstream->codec_data)->nwa, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do); break; case coding_MSADPCM: case coding_MSADPCM_int: if (vgmstream->channels == 1 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MSADPCM_int) { for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_msadpcm_mono(vgmstream,buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block, samples_to_do, ch); } } else if (vgmstream->channels == 2) { decode_msadpcm_stereo(vgmstream,buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels, vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_MSADPCM_ck: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_msadpcm_ck(vgmstream,buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block, samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_AICA: case coding_AICA_int: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { int is_stereo = (vgmstream->channels > 1 && vgmstream->coding_type == coding_AICA); decode_aica(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch, is_stereo); } break; case coding_YAMAHA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_yamaha(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_YAMAHA_NXAP: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_yamaha_nxap(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_NDS_PROCYON: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_nds_procyon(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_L5_555: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_l5_555(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_SASSC: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_sassc(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_LSF: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_lsf(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_MTAF: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_mtaf(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels, vgmstream->samples_into_block, samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_MTA2: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_mta2(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels, vgmstream->samples_into_block, samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_MC3: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_mc3(vgmstream, &vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels, vgmstream->samples_into_block, samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_FADPCM: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_fadpcm(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_ASF: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_asf(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_DSA: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_dsa(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do); } break; case coding_XMD: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_xmd(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->interleave_block_size); } break; case coding_PCFX: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_pcfx(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, vgmstream->codec_config); } break; case coding_OKI16: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_oki16(&vgmstream->ch[ch],buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->samples_into_block,samples_to_do, ch); } break; case coding_EA_MT: for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { decode_ea_mt(vgmstream, buffer+samples_written*vgmstream->channels+ch, vgmstream->channels, samples_to_do, ch); } break; default: break; } } /* Calculate number of consecutive samples to do (taking into account stopping for loop start and end) */ int vgmstream_samples_to_do(int samples_this_block, int samples_per_frame, VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { int samples_to_do; int samples_left_this_block; samples_left_this_block = samples_this_block - vgmstream->samples_into_block; samples_to_do = samples_left_this_block; /* fun loopy crap */ /* Why did I think this would be any simpler? */ if (vgmstream->loop_flag) { /* are we going to hit the loop end during this block? */ if (vgmstream->current_sample + samples_left_this_block > vgmstream->loop_end_sample) { /* only do to just before it */ samples_to_do = vgmstream->loop_end_sample - vgmstream->current_sample; } /* are we going to hit the loop start during this block? */ if (!vgmstream->hit_loop && vgmstream->current_sample + samples_left_this_block > vgmstream->loop_start_sample) { /* only do to just before it */ samples_to_do = vgmstream->loop_start_sample - vgmstream->current_sample; } } /* if it's a framed encoding don't do more than one frame */ if (samples_per_frame > 1 && (vgmstream->samples_into_block % samples_per_frame) + samples_to_do > samples_per_frame) samples_to_do = samples_per_frame - (vgmstream->samples_into_block % samples_per_frame); return samples_to_do; } /* Detect loop start and save values, or detect loop end and restore (loop back). Returns 1 if loop was done. */ int vgmstream_do_loop(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { /*if (!vgmstream->loop_flag) return 0;*/ /* is this the loop end? = new loop, continue from loop_start_sample */ if (vgmstream->current_sample==vgmstream->loop_end_sample) { /* disable looping if target count reached and continue normally * (only needed with the "play stream end after looping N times" option enabled) */ vgmstream->loop_count++; if (vgmstream->loop_target && vgmstream->loop_target == vgmstream->loop_count) { vgmstream->loop_flag = 0; /* could be improved but works ok, will be restored on resets */ return 0; } /* against everything I hold sacred, preserve adpcm * history through loop for certain types */ if (vgmstream->meta_type == meta_DSP_STD || vgmstream->meta_type == meta_DSP_RS03 || vgmstream->meta_type == meta_DSP_CSTR || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_PSX || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_PSX_badflags) { int i; for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) { vgmstream->loop_ch[i].adpcm_history1_16 = vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_16; vgmstream->loop_ch[i].adpcm_history2_16 = vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history2_16; vgmstream->loop_ch[i].adpcm_history1_32 = vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_32; vgmstream->loop_ch[i].adpcm_history2_32 = vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history2_32; } } /* prepare certain codecs' internal state for looping */ if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CRI_HCA) { loop_hca(vgmstream->codec_data); } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_EA_MT) { seek_ea_mt(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_OGG_VORBIS) { seek_ogg_vorbis(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_VORBIS_custom) { seek_vorbis_custom(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) { seek_ffmpeg(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MP4_AAC) { seek_mp4_aac(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MAIATRAC3PLUS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_AT3plus) { seek_at3plus(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_ATRAC9 if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ATRAC9) { seek_atrac9(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_CELT if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CELT_FSB) { seek_celt_fsb(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif #ifdef VGM_USE_MPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_custom || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_ealayer3 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer1 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer2 || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MPEG_layer3) { seek_mpeg(vgmstream, vgmstream->loop_sample); } #endif if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_NWA) { nwa_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; if (data) seek_nwa(data->nwa, vgmstream->loop_sample); } /* restore! */ memcpy(vgmstream->ch, vgmstream->loop_ch, sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)*vgmstream->channels); vgmstream->current_sample = vgmstream->loop_sample; vgmstream->samples_into_block = vgmstream->loop_samples_into_block; vgmstream->current_block_size = vgmstream->loop_block_size; vgmstream->current_block_samples = vgmstream->loop_block_samples; vgmstream->current_block_offset = vgmstream->loop_block_offset; vgmstream->next_block_offset = vgmstream->loop_next_block_offset; return 1; /* looped */ } /* is this the loop start? */ if (!vgmstream->hit_loop && vgmstream->current_sample == vgmstream->loop_start_sample) { /* save! */ memcpy(vgmstream->loop_ch, vgmstream->ch, sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)*vgmstream->channels); vgmstream->loop_sample = vgmstream->current_sample; vgmstream->loop_samples_into_block = vgmstream->samples_into_block; vgmstream->loop_block_size = vgmstream->current_block_size; vgmstream->loop_block_samples = vgmstream->current_block_samples; vgmstream->loop_block_offset = vgmstream->current_block_offset; vgmstream->loop_next_block_offset = vgmstream->next_block_offset; vgmstream->hit_loop = 1; } return 0; /* not looped */ } /* Write a description of the stream into array pointed by desc, which must be length bytes long. * Will always be null-terminated if length > 0 */ void describe_vgmstream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream, char * desc, int length) { #define TEMPSIZE (256+32) char temp[TEMPSIZE]; const char* description; if (!vgmstream) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "NULL VGMSTREAM"); concatn(length,desc,temp); return; } snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "sample rate: %d Hz\n", vgmstream->sample_rate); concatn(length,desc,temp); snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "channels: %d\n", vgmstream->channels); concatn(length,desc,temp); if (vgmstream->loop_start_sample >= 0 && vgmstream->loop_end_sample > vgmstream->loop_start_sample) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "looping: %s\n" "loop start: %d samples (%.4f seconds)\n" "loop end: %d samples (%.4f seconds)\n", vgmstream->loop_flag ? "enabled" : "disabled", vgmstream->loop_start_sample, (double)vgmstream->loop_start_sample/vgmstream->sample_rate, vgmstream->loop_end_sample, (double)vgmstream->loop_end_sample/vgmstream->sample_rate); concatn(length,desc,temp); } snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "stream total samples: %d (%.4f seconds)\n", vgmstream->num_samples, (double)vgmstream->num_samples/vgmstream->sample_rate); concatn(length,desc,temp); snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "encoding: "); concatn(length,desc,temp); switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { //todo codec bugs with layout inside layouts (ex. TXTP) #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG case coding_FFmpeg: { ffmpeg_codec_data *data = NULL; if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) { layered_layout_data* layout_data = vgmstream->layout_data; if (layout_data->layers[0]->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) data = layout_data->layers[0]->codec_data; } else if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_segmented) { segmented_layout_data* layout_data = vgmstream->layout_data; if (layout_data->segments[0]->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) data = layout_data->segments[0]->codec_data; } else { data = vgmstream->codec_data; } if (data) { if (data->codec && data->codec->long_name) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s",data->codec->long_name); } else if (data->codec && data->codec->name) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s",data->codec->name); } else { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"FFmpeg (unknown codec)"); } } else { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"FFmpeg"); } break; } #endif default: description = get_vgmstream_coding_description(vgmstream->coding_type); if (!description) description = "CANNOT DECODE"; snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s",description); break; } concatn(length,desc,temp); snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "\nlayout: "); concatn(length,desc,temp); description = get_vgmstream_layout_description(vgmstream->layout_type); if (!description) description = "INCONCEIVABLE"; switch (vgmstream->layout_type) { case layout_layered: snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s (%i layers)",description, ((layered_layout_data*)vgmstream->layout_data)->layer_count); break; case layout_segmented: snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s (%i segments)",description, ((segmented_layout_data*)vgmstream->layout_data)->segment_count); break; default: snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s",description); break; } concatn(length,desc,temp); snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "\n"); concatn(length,desc,temp); if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_interleave && vgmstream->channels > 1) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "interleave: %#x bytes\n", (int32_t)vgmstream->interleave_block_size); concatn(length,desc,temp); if (vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "interleave last block: %#x bytes\n", (int32_t)vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size); concatn(length,desc,temp); } } /* codecs with configurable frame size */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_none && vgmstream->interleave_block_size > 0) { switch (vgmstream->coding_type) { case coding_MSADPCM: case coding_MSADPCM_int: case coding_MSADPCM_ck: case coding_MS_IMA: case coding_MC3: case coding_WWISE_IMA: case coding_REF_IMA: case coding_PSX_cfg: snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "frame size: %#x bytes\n", (int32_t)vgmstream->interleave_block_size); concatn(length,desc,temp); break; default: break; } } snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "metadata from: "); concatn(length,desc,temp); switch (vgmstream->meta_type) { default: description = get_vgmstream_meta_description(vgmstream->meta_type); if (!description) description = "THEY SHOULD HAVE SENT A POET"; snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE,"%s",description); break; } concatn(length,desc,temp); snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "\nbitrate: %d kbps", get_vgmstream_average_bitrate(vgmstream) / 1000); concatn(length,desc,temp); /* only interesting if more than one */ if (vgmstream->num_streams > 1) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "\nstream count: %d", vgmstream->num_streams); concatn(length,desc,temp); } if (vgmstream->num_streams > 1) { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "\nstream index: %d", vgmstream->stream_index == 0 ? 1 : vgmstream->stream_index); concatn(length,desc,temp); } if (vgmstream->stream_name[0] != '\0') { snprintf(temp,TEMPSIZE, "\nstream name: %s", vgmstream->stream_name); concatn(length,desc,temp); } } /* See if there is a second file which may be the second channel, given an already opened mono vgmstream. * If a suitable file is found, open it and change opened_vgmstream to a stereo vgmstream. */ static void try_dual_file_stereo(VGMSTREAM * opened_vgmstream, STREAMFILE *streamFile, VGMSTREAM*(*init_vgmstream_function)(STREAMFILE *)) { /* filename search pairs for dual file stereo */ static const char * const dfs_pairs[][2] = { {"L","R"}, {"l","r"}, {"left","right"}, {"Left","Right"}, {".V0",".V1"}, /* Homura (PS2) */ {".L",".R"}, /* Crash Nitro Racing (PS2), Gradius V (PS2) */ {"_0","_1"}, //fake for Homura/unneeded? }; char new_filename[PATH_LIMIT]; char * ext; int dfs_pair = -1; /* -1=no stereo, 0=opened_vgmstream is left, 1=opened_vgmstream is right */ VGMSTREAM *new_vgmstream = NULL; STREAMFILE *dual_streamFile = NULL; int i,j, dfs_pair_count; if (opened_vgmstream->channels != 1) return; /* vgmstream's layout stuff currently assumes a single file */ // fastelbja : no need ... this one works ok with dual file //if (opened_vgmstream->layout != layout_none) return; //todo force layout_none if layout_interleave? streamFile->get_name(streamFile,new_filename,sizeof(new_filename)); if (strlen(new_filename) < 2) return; /* we need at least a base and a name ending to replace */ ext = (char *)filename_extension(new_filename); if (ext-new_filename >= 1 && ext[-1]=='.') ext--; /* including "." */ /* find pair from base name and modify new_filename with the opposite */ dfs_pair_count = (sizeof(dfs_pairs)/sizeof(dfs_pairs[0])); for (i = 0; dfs_pair == -1 && i < dfs_pair_count; i++) { for (j = 0; dfs_pair == -1 && j < 2; j++) { const char * this_suffix = dfs_pairs[i][j]; size_t this_suffix_len = strlen(dfs_pairs[i][j]); const char * other_suffix = dfs_pairs[i][j^1]; size_t other_suffix_len = strlen(dfs_pairs[i][j^1]); /* if suffix matches copy opposite to ext pointer (thus to new_filename) */ if (this_suffix[0] == '.' && strlen(ext) == this_suffix_len) { /* dual extension (ex. Homura PS2) */ if ( !memcmp(ext,this_suffix,this_suffix_len) ) { dfs_pair = j; memcpy (ext, other_suffix,other_suffix_len); /* overwrite with new extension */ } } else { /* dual suffix */ if ( !memcmp(ext - this_suffix_len,this_suffix,this_suffix_len) ) { dfs_pair = j; memmove(ext + other_suffix_len - this_suffix_len, ext,strlen(ext)+1); /* move the extension and terminator, too */ memcpy (ext - this_suffix_len, other_suffix,other_suffix_len); /* overwrite with new suffix */ } } } } /* see if the filename had a suitable L/R-pair name */ if (dfs_pair == -1) goto fail; /* try to init other channel (new_filename now has the opposite name) */ dual_streamFile = streamFile->open(streamFile,new_filename,STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!dual_streamFile) goto fail; new_vgmstream = init_vgmstream_function(dual_streamFile); /* use the init that just worked, no other should work */ close_streamfile(dual_streamFile); /* see if we were able to open the file, and if everything matched nicely */ if (!(new_vgmstream && new_vgmstream->channels == 1 && /* we have seen legitimate pairs where these are off by one... * but leaving it commented out until I can find those and recheck */ /* abs(new_vgmstream->num_samples-opened_vgmstream->num_samples <= 1) && */ new_vgmstream->num_samples == opened_vgmstream->num_samples && new_vgmstream->sample_rate == opened_vgmstream->sample_rate && new_vgmstream->meta_type == opened_vgmstream->meta_type && new_vgmstream->coding_type == opened_vgmstream->coding_type && new_vgmstream->layout_type == opened_vgmstream->layout_type && /* check even if the layout doesn't use them, because it is * difficult to determine when it does, and they should be zero otherwise, anyway */ new_vgmstream->interleave_block_size == opened_vgmstream->interleave_block_size && new_vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size == opened_vgmstream->interleave_last_block_size)) { goto fail; } /* check these even if there is no loop, because they should then be zero in both * Homura PS2 right channel doesn't have loop points so it's ignored */ if (new_vgmstream->meta_type != meta_PS2_SMPL && !(new_vgmstream->loop_flag == opened_vgmstream->loop_flag && new_vgmstream->loop_start_sample== opened_vgmstream->loop_start_sample && new_vgmstream->loop_end_sample == opened_vgmstream->loop_end_sample)) { goto fail; } /* We seem to have a usable, matching file. Merge in the second channel. */ { VGMSTREAMCHANNEL * new_chans; VGMSTREAMCHANNEL * new_loop_chans = NULL; VGMSTREAMCHANNEL * new_start_chans = NULL; /* build the channels */ new_chans = calloc(2,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!new_chans) goto fail; memcpy(&new_chans[dfs_pair],&opened_vgmstream->ch[0],sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); memcpy(&new_chans[dfs_pair^1],&new_vgmstream->ch[0],sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); /* loop and start will be initialized later, we just need to allocate them here */ new_start_chans = calloc(2,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!new_start_chans) { free(new_chans); goto fail; } if (opened_vgmstream->loop_ch) { new_loop_chans = calloc(2,sizeof(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL)); if (!new_loop_chans) { free(new_chans); free(new_start_chans); goto fail; } } /* remove the existing structures */ /* not using close_vgmstream as that would close the file */ free(opened_vgmstream->ch); free(new_vgmstream->ch); free(opened_vgmstream->start_ch); free(new_vgmstream->start_ch); if (opened_vgmstream->loop_ch) { free(opened_vgmstream->loop_ch); free(new_vgmstream->loop_ch); } /* fill in the new structures */ opened_vgmstream->ch = new_chans; opened_vgmstream->start_ch = new_start_chans; opened_vgmstream->loop_ch = new_loop_chans; /* stereo! */ opened_vgmstream->channels = 2; /* discard the second VGMSTREAM */ free(new_vgmstream); } fail: return; } /* average bitrate helper to get STREAMFILE for a channel, since some codecs may use their own */ static STREAMFILE * get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_channel_streamfile(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream, int channel) { if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_NWA) { nwa_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; return (data && data->nwa) ? data->nwa->file : NULL; } if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ACM) { acm_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; return (data && data->handle) ? data->streamfile : NULL; } #ifdef VGM_USE_VORBIS if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_OGG_VORBIS) { ogg_vorbis_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; return data ? data->ov_streamfile.streamfile : NULL; } #endif if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CRI_HCA) { hca_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; return data ? data->streamfile : NULL; } #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) { ffmpeg_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; return data ? data->streamfile : NULL; } #endif #if defined(VGM_USE_MP4V2) && defined(VGM_USE_FDKAAC) if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_MP4_AAC) { mp4_aac_codec_data *data = vgmstream->codec_data; return data ? data->if_file.streamfile : NULL; } #endif return vgmstream->ch[channel].streamfile; } static int get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_from_size(size_t size, int sample_rate, int length_samples) { return (int)((int64_t)size * 8 * sample_rate / length_samples); } static int get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_from_streamfile(STREAMFILE * streamfile, int sample_rate, int length_samples) { return get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_from_size(get_streamfile_size(streamfile), sample_rate, length_samples); } /* Return the average bitrate in bps of all unique files contained within this stream. */ int get_vgmstream_average_bitrate(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream) { STREAMFILE *streamfiles[64]; const size_t streamfiles_max = 64; /* arbitrary max, */ size_t streamfiles_size = 0; size_t streams_size = 0; unsigned int ch, sub; int bitrate = 0; int sample_rate = vgmstream->sample_rate; int length_samples = vgmstream->num_samples; if (!sample_rate || !length_samples) return 0; /* subsongs need to report this to properly calculate */ if (vgmstream->stream_size) { return get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_from_size(vgmstream->stream_size, sample_rate, length_samples); } //todo bitrate bugs with layout inside layouts (ex. TXTP) /* make a list of used streamfiles (repeats will be filtered below) */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_segmented) { segmented_layout_data *data = (segmented_layout_data *) vgmstream->layout_data; for (sub = 0; sub < data->segment_count; sub++) { streams_size += data->segments[sub]->stream_size; for (ch = 0; ch < data->segments[sub]->channels; ch++) { if (streamfiles_size >= streamfiles_max) continue; streamfiles[streamfiles_size] = get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_channel_streamfile(data->segments[sub], ch); streamfiles_size++; } } } else if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) { layered_layout_data *data = vgmstream->layout_data; for (sub = 0; sub < data->layer_count; sub++) { streams_size += data->layers[sub]->stream_size; for (ch = 0; ch < data->layers[sub]->channels; ch++) { if (streamfiles_size >= streamfiles_max) continue; streamfiles[streamfiles_size] = get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_channel_streamfile(data->layers[sub], ch); streamfiles_size++; } } } else { for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { if (streamfiles_size >= streamfiles_max) continue; streamfiles[streamfiles_size] = get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_channel_streamfile(vgmstream, ch); streamfiles_size++; } } /* could have a sum of all sub-VGMSTREAMs */ if (streams_size) { return get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_from_size(streams_size, sample_rate, length_samples); } /* compare files by absolute paths, so bitrate doesn't multiply when the same STREAMFILE is * reopened per channel, also skipping repeated pointers. */ { char path_current[PATH_LIMIT]; char path_compare[PATH_LIMIT]; unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < streamfiles_size; i++) { STREAMFILE * currentFile = streamfiles[i]; if (!currentFile) continue; get_streamfile_name(currentFile, path_current, sizeof(path_current)); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { STREAMFILE * compareFile = streamfiles[j]; if (!compareFile) continue; if (currentFile == compareFile) break; get_streamfile_name(compareFile, path_compare, sizeof(path_compare)); if (strcmp(path_current, path_compare) == 0) break; } if (i == j) { /* current STREAMFILE hasn't appeared previously */ bitrate += get_vgmstream_average_bitrate_from_streamfile(currentFile, sample_rate, length_samples); } } } return bitrate; } /** * Inits vgmstream, doing two things: * - sets the starting offset per channel (depending on the layout) * - opens its own streamfile from on a base one. One streamfile per channel may be open (to improve read/seeks). * Should be called in metas before returning the VGMSTREAM. */ int vgmstream_open_stream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream, STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t start_offset) { STREAMFILE * file = NULL; char filename[PATH_LIMIT]; int ch; int use_streamfile_per_channel = 0; int use_same_offset_per_channel = 0; int is_stereo_codec = 0; /* stream/offsets not needed, managed by layout */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_segmented || vgmstream->layout_type == layout_layered) return 1; /* stream/offsets not needed, managed by decoder */ if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_NWA || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_ACM || vgmstream->coding_type == coding_CRI_HCA) return 1; #ifdef VGM_USE_FFMPEG /* stream/offsets not needed, managed by decoder */ if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_FFmpeg) return 1; #endif /* if interleave is big enough keep a buffer per channel */ if (vgmstream->interleave_block_size * vgmstream->channels >= STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) { use_streamfile_per_channel = 1; } /* if blocked layout (implicit) use multiple streamfiles; using only one leads to * lots of buffer-trashing, with all the jumping around in the block layout */ if (vgmstream->layout_type != layout_none && vgmstream->layout_type != layout_interleave) { use_streamfile_per_channel = 1; } /* for mono or codecs like IMA (XBOX, MS IMA, MS ADPCM) where channels work with the same bytes */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_none) { use_same_offset_per_channel = 1; } /* stereo codecs interleave in 2ch pairs (interleave size should still be: full_block_size / channels) */ if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_interleave && vgmstream->coding_type == coding_XBOX_IMA) { is_stereo_codec = 1; } streamFile->get_name(streamFile,filename,sizeof(filename)); /* open the file for reading by each channel */ { if (!use_streamfile_per_channel) { file = streamFile->open(streamFile,filename, STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!file) goto fail; } for (ch = 0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) { off_t offset; if (use_same_offset_per_channel) { offset = start_offset; } else if (is_stereo_codec) { int ch_mod = (ch & 1) ? ch - 1 : ch; /* adjust odd channels (ch 0,1,2,3,4,5 > ch 0,0,2,2,4,4) */ offset = start_offset + vgmstream->interleave_block_size*ch_mod; } else { offset = start_offset + vgmstream->interleave_block_size*ch; } /* open new one if needed */ if (use_streamfile_per_channel) { file = streamFile->open(streamFile,filename, STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!file) goto fail; } vgmstream->ch[ch].streamfile = file; vgmstream->ch[ch].channel_start_offset = vgmstream->ch[ch].offset = offset; } } /* init first block for blocked layout (if not blocked this will do nothing) */ block_update(start_offset, vgmstream); /* EA-MT decoder is a bit finicky and needs this when channel offsets change */ if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_EA_MT) { flush_ea_mt(vgmstream); } return 1; fail: /* open streams will be closed in close_vgmstream(), hopefully called by the meta */ return 0; }