#define POSIXLY_CORRECT #include #include "../src/vgmstream.h" #include "../src/plugins.h" #include "../src/util.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #else #include #endif #ifndef STDOUT_FILENO #define STDOUT_FILENO 1 #endif #ifndef VERSION #include "version.h" #endif #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "(unknown version)" #endif /* low values are ok as there is very little performance difference, but higher * may improve write I/O in some systems as this*channels doubles as output buffer */ #define SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE 32768 /* getopt globals (the horror...) */ extern char* optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; static size_t make_wav_header(uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size, int32_t sample_count, int32_t sample_rate, int channels, int smpl_chunk, int32_t loop_start, int32_t loop_end); static void usage(const char* name, int is_full) { fprintf(stderr,"vgmstream CLI decoder " VERSION " " __DATE__ "\n" "Usage: %s [-o outfile.wav] [options] infile\n" "Options:\n" " -o outfile.wav: name of output .wav file, default infile.wav\n" " -l loop count: loop count, default 2.0\n" " -f fade time: fade time in seconds after N loops, default 10.0\n" " -d fade delay: fade delay in seconds, default 0.0\n" " -F: don't fade after N loops and play the rest of the stream\n" " -i: ignore looping information and play the whole stream once\n" " -e: force end-to-end looping\n" " -E: force end-to-end looping even if file has real loop points\n" " -s N: select subsong N, if the format supports multiple subsongs\n" " -m: print metadata only, don't decode\n" " -L: append a smpl chunk and create a looping wav\n" " -2 N: only output the Nth (first is 0) set of stereo channels\n" " -p: output to stdout (for piping into another program)\n" " -P: output to stdout even if stdout is a terminal\n" " -c: loop forever (continuously) to stdout\n" " -x: decode and print adxencd command line to encode as ADX\n" " -g: decode and print oggenc command line to encode as OGG\n" " -b: decode and print batch variable commands\n" " -h: print extra commands\n" , name); if (is_full) { fprintf(stderr, " -r: output a second file after resetting (for reset testing)\n" " -k N: seeks to N samples before decoding (for seek testing)\n" " -t file: print tags found in file (for tag testing)\n" " -O: decode but don't write to file (for performance testing)\n" ); } } typedef struct { char* infilename; char* outfilename; char* tag_filename; int decode_only; int play_forever; int play_sdtout; int play_wreckless; int print_metaonly; int print_adxencd; int print_oggenc; int print_batchvar; int test_reset; int write_lwav; int only_stereo; int stream_index; double loop_count; double fade_time; double fade_delay; int ignore_fade; int ignore_loop; int force_loop; int really_force_loop; int seek_samples; /* not quite config but eh */ int lwav_loop_start; int lwav_loop_end; } cli_config; static int parse_config(cli_config* cfg, int argc, char** argv) { int opt; /* non-zero defaults */ cfg->only_stereo = -1; cfg->loop_count = 2.0; cfg->fade_time = 10.0; /* don't let getopt print errors to stdout automatically */ opterr = 0; /* read config */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "o:l:f:d:ipPcmxeLEFrgb2:s:t:k:hO")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'o': cfg->outfilename = optarg; break; case 'l': cfg->loop_count = atof(optarg); break; case 'f': cfg->fade_time = atof(optarg); break; case 'd': cfg->fade_delay = atof(optarg); break; case 'i': cfg->ignore_loop = 1; break; case 'p': cfg->play_sdtout = 1; break; case 'P': cfg->play_wreckless = 1; cfg->play_sdtout = 1; break; case 'c': cfg->play_forever = 1; break; case 'm': cfg->print_metaonly = 1; break; case 'x': cfg->print_adxencd = 1; break; case 'g': cfg->print_oggenc = 1; break; case 'b': cfg->print_batchvar = 1; break; case 'e': cfg->force_loop = 1; break; case 'E': cfg->really_force_loop = 1; break; case 'L': cfg->write_lwav = 1; break; case 'r': cfg->test_reset = 1; break; case '2': cfg->only_stereo = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': cfg->ignore_fade = 1; break; case 's': cfg->stream_index = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': cfg->tag_filename= optarg; break; case 'k': cfg->seek_samples = atoi(optarg); break; case 'O': cfg->decode_only = 1; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0], 1); goto fail; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option -%c found\n", optopt); goto fail; default: usage(argv[0], 0); goto fail; } } /* filename goes last */ if (optind != argc - 1) { usage(argv[0], 0); goto fail; } cfg->infilename = argv[optind]; return 1; fail: return 0; } static int validate_config(cli_config* cfg) { if (cfg->play_sdtout && (!cfg->play_wreckless && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))) { fprintf(stderr,"Are you sure you want to output wave data to the terminal?\nIf so use -P instead of -p.\n"); goto fail; } if (cfg->play_forever && !cfg->play_sdtout) { fprintf(stderr,"-c must use -p or -P\n"); goto fail; } if (cfg->play_sdtout && cfg->outfilename) { fprintf(stderr,"use either -p or -o\n"); goto fail; } /* other options have built-in priority defined */ return 1; fail: return 0; } static void print_info(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, cli_config* cfg) { int channels = vgmstream->channels; if (!cfg->play_sdtout) { if (cfg->print_adxencd) { printf("adxencd"); if (!cfg->print_metaonly) printf(" \"%s\"",cfg->outfilename); if (vgmstream->loop_flag) printf(" -lps%d -lpe%d",vgmstream->loop_start_sample,vgmstream->loop_end_sample); printf("\n"); } else if (cfg->print_oggenc) { printf("oggenc"); if (!cfg->print_metaonly) printf(" \"%s\"",cfg->outfilename); if (vgmstream->loop_flag) printf(" -c LOOPSTART=%d -c LOOPLENGTH=%d",vgmstream->loop_start_sample, vgmstream->loop_end_sample-vgmstream->loop_start_sample); printf("\n"); } else if (cfg->print_batchvar) { if (!cfg->print_metaonly) printf("set fname=\"%s\"\n",cfg->outfilename); printf("set tsamp=%d\nset chan=%d\n", vgmstream->num_samples, channels); if (vgmstream->loop_flag) printf("set lstart=%d\nset lend=%d\nset loop=1\n", vgmstream->loop_start_sample, vgmstream->loop_end_sample); else printf("set loop=0\n"); } else if (cfg->print_metaonly) { printf("metadata for %s\n",cfg->infilename); } else { printf("decoding %s\n",cfg->infilename); } } if (!cfg->play_sdtout && !cfg->print_adxencd && !cfg->print_oggenc && !cfg->print_batchvar) { char description[1024]; description[0] = '\0'; describe_vgmstream(vgmstream,description,1024); printf("%s",description); } } static void apply_config(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, cli_config* cfg) { vgmstream_cfg_t vcfg = {0}; /* write loops in the wav, but don't actually loop it */ if (cfg->write_lwav) { vcfg.disable_config_override = 1; cfg->ignore_loop = 1; cfg->lwav_loop_start = vgmstream->loop_start_sample; cfg->lwav_loop_end = vgmstream->loop_end_sample; } /* only allowed if manually active */ if (cfg->play_forever) { vcfg.allow_play_forever = 1; } vcfg.play_forever = cfg->play_forever; vcfg.fade_period = cfg->fade_time; vcfg.loop_times = cfg->loop_count; vcfg.fade_delay = cfg->fade_delay; vcfg.ignore_loop = cfg->ignore_loop; vcfg.force_loop = cfg->force_loop; vcfg.really_force_loop = cfg->really_force_loop; vcfg.ignore_fade = cfg->ignore_fade; vgmstream_apply_config(vgmstream, &vcfg); } static void apply_seek(sample_t* buf, VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, int len_samples) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len_samples; i += SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) { int to_get = SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE; if (i + SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE > len_samples) to_get = len_samples - i; render_vgmstream(buf, to_get, vgmstream); } } static void print_tags(cli_config* cfg) { VGMSTREAM_TAGS* tags = NULL; STREAMFILE* sf_tags = NULL; const char *tag_key, *tag_val; if (!cfg->tag_filename) return; sf_tags = open_stdio_streamfile(cfg->tag_filename); if (!sf_tags) { printf("tag file %s not found\n", cfg->tag_filename); return; } printf("tags:\n"); tags = vgmstream_tags_init(&tag_key, &tag_val); vgmstream_tags_reset(tags, cfg->infilename); while (vgmstream_tags_next_tag(tags, sf_tags)) { printf("- '%s'='%s'\n", tag_key, tag_val); } vgmstream_tags_close(tags); close_streamfile(sf_tags); } /* ************************************************************ */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL; FILE* outfile = NULL; char outfilename_temp[PATH_LIMIT]; sample_t* buf = NULL; int channels, input_channels; int32_t len_samples; int i, j; cli_config cfg = {0}; int res; /* read args */ res = parse_config(&cfg, argc, argv); if (!res) goto fail; #ifdef WIN32 /* make stdout output work with windows */ if (cfg.play_sdtout) { _setmode(fileno(stdout),_O_BINARY); } #endif res = validate_config(&cfg); if (!res) goto fail; #if 0 /* CLI has no need to check */ { int valid; vgmstream_ctx_valid_cfg vcfg = {0}; vcfg.skip_standard = 1; vcfg.reject_extensionless = 0; vcfg.accept_unknown = 0; vcfg.accept_common = 0; VGM_LOG("CLI: valid %s\n", cfg.infilename); valid = vgmstream_ctx_is_valid(cfg.infilename, &vcfg); if (!valid) { VGM_LOG("CLI: valid ko\n"); goto fail; } VGM_LOG("CLI: valid ok\n"); } #endif /* open streamfile and pass subsong */ { STREAMFILE* sf = open_stdio_streamfile(cfg.infilename); if (!sf) { fprintf(stderr,"file %s not found\n",cfg.infilename); goto fail; } sf->stream_index = cfg.stream_index; vgmstream = init_vgmstream_from_STREAMFILE(sf); close_streamfile(sf); if (!vgmstream) { fprintf(stderr,"failed opening %s\n",cfg.infilename); goto fail; } } /* modify the VGMSTREAM if needed (before printing file info) */ apply_config(vgmstream, &cfg); channels = vgmstream->channels; input_channels = vgmstream->channels; /* enable after config but before outbuf */ vgmstream_mixing_enable(vgmstream, SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE, &input_channels, &channels); if (cfg.play_forever && !vgmstream_get_play_forever(vgmstream)) { fprintf(stderr,"File can't be played forever"); goto fail; } /* prepare output */ if (cfg.play_sdtout) { outfile = stdout; } else if (!cfg.print_metaonly && !cfg.decode_only) { if (!cfg.outfilename) { /* note that outfilename_temp must persist outside this block, hence the external array */ strcpy(outfilename_temp, cfg.infilename); strcat(outfilename_temp, ".wav"); cfg.outfilename = outfilename_temp; /* maybe should avoid overwriting with this auto-name, for the unlikely * case of file header-body pairs (file.ext+file.ext.wav) */ } outfile = fopen(cfg.outfilename,"wb"); if (!outfile) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to open %s for output\n",cfg.outfilename); goto fail; } /* no improvement */ //setvbuf(outfile, NULL, _IOFBF, SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(sample_t) * input_channels); //setvbuf(outfile, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } /* print file info (or batch commands, depending on config) */ print_info(vgmstream, &cfg); /* print tags info */ print_tags(&cfg); /* prints done */ if (cfg.print_metaonly) { if (!cfg.play_sdtout) { if (outfile != NULL) fclose(outfile); } close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* get final play config */ len_samples = vgmstream_get_samples(vgmstream); if (cfg.seek_samples >= len_samples) cfg.seek_samples = 0; len_samples -= cfg.seek_samples; /* last init */ buf = malloc(SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(sample_t) * input_channels); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr,"failed allocating output buffer\n"); goto fail; } /* slap on a .wav header */ if (!cfg.decode_only) { uint8_t wav_buf[0x100]; int channels_write = (cfg.only_stereo != -1) ? 2 : channels; size_t bytes_done; bytes_done = make_wav_header(wav_buf,0x100, len_samples, vgmstream->sample_rate, channels_write, cfg.write_lwav, cfg.lwav_loop_start, cfg.lwav_loop_end); fwrite(wav_buf,sizeof(uint8_t),bytes_done,outfile); } /* decode forever */ while (cfg.play_forever) { int to_get = SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE; render_vgmstream(buf, to_get, vgmstream); swap_samples_le(buf, channels * to_get); /* write PC endian */ if (cfg.only_stereo != -1) { for (j = 0; j < to_get; j++) { fwrite(buf + j*channels + (cfg.only_stereo*2), sizeof(sample_t), 2, outfile); } } else { fwrite(buf, sizeof(sample_t) * channels, to_get, outfile); } } apply_seek(buf, vgmstream, cfg.seek_samples); /* decode */ for (i = 0; i < len_samples; i += SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) { int to_get = SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE; if (i + SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE > len_samples) to_get = len_samples - i; render_vgmstream(buf, to_get, vgmstream); if (!cfg.decode_only) { swap_samples_le(buf, channels * to_get); /* write PC endian */ if (cfg.only_stereo != -1) { for (j = 0; j < to_get; j++) { fwrite(buf + j*channels + (cfg.only_stereo*2), sizeof(sample_t), 2, outfile); } } else { fwrite(buf, sizeof(sample_t), to_get * channels, outfile); } } } if (outfile != NULL) { fclose(outfile); outfile = NULL; } /* try again with (for testing reset_vgmstream, simulates a seek to 0 after changing internal state) */ if (cfg.test_reset) { char outfilename_reset[PATH_LIMIT]; strcpy(outfilename_reset, cfg.outfilename); strcat(outfilename_reset, ".reset.wav"); outfile = fopen(outfilename_reset,"wb"); if (!outfile) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to open %s for output\n",outfilename_reset); goto fail; } reset_vgmstream(vgmstream); apply_seek(buf, vgmstream, cfg.seek_samples); /* slap on a .wav header */ if (!cfg.decode_only) { uint8_t wav_buf[0x100]; int channels_write = (cfg.only_stereo != -1) ? 2 : channels; size_t bytes_done; bytes_done = make_wav_header(wav_buf,0x100, len_samples, vgmstream->sample_rate, channels_write, cfg.write_lwav, cfg.lwav_loop_start, cfg.lwav_loop_end); fwrite(wav_buf,sizeof(uint8_t),bytes_done,outfile); } /* decode */ for (i = 0; i < len_samples; i += SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) { int to_get = SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE; if (i + SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE > len_samples) to_get = len_samples - i; render_vgmstream(buf, to_get, vgmstream); if (!cfg.decode_only) { swap_samples_le(buf, channels * to_get); /* write PC endian */ if (cfg.only_stereo != -1) { for (j = 0; j < to_get; j++) { fwrite(buf + j*channels + (cfg.only_stereo*2), sizeof(sample_t), 2, outfile); } } else { fwrite(buf, sizeof(sample_t) * channels, to_get, outfile); } } } if (outfile != NULL) { fclose(outfile); outfile = NULL; } } close_vgmstream(vgmstream); free(buf); return EXIT_SUCCESS; fail: if (!cfg.play_sdtout) { if (outfile != NULL) fclose(outfile); } close_vgmstream(vgmstream); free(buf); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static void make_smpl_chunk(uint8_t* buf, int32_t loop_start, int32_t loop_end) { int i; memcpy(buf+0, "smpl", 0x04); /* header */ put_s32le(buf+0x04, 0x3c); /* size */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) put_s32le(buf+0x08 + i * 0x04, 0); put_s32le(buf+0x24, 1); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) put_s32le(buf+0x28 + i * 0x04, 0); put_s32le(buf+0x34, loop_start); put_s32le(buf+0x38, loop_end); put_s32le(buf+0x3C, 0); put_s32le(buf+0x40, 0); } /* make a RIFF header for .wav */ static size_t make_wav_header(uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size, int32_t sample_count, int32_t sample_rate, int channels, int smpl_chunk, int32_t loop_start, int32_t loop_end) { size_t data_size, header_size; data_size = sample_count * channels * sizeof(sample_t); header_size = 0x2c; if (smpl_chunk && loop_end) header_size += 0x3c+ 0x08; if (header_size > buf_size) goto fail; memcpy(buf+0x00, "RIFF", 0x04); /* RIFF header */ put_32bitLE(buf+0x04, (int32_t)(header_size - 0x08 + data_size)); /* size of RIFF */ memcpy(buf+0x08, "WAVE", 4); /* WAVE header */ memcpy(buf+0x0c, "fmt ", 0x04); /* WAVE fmt chunk */ put_s32le(buf+0x10, 0x10); /* size of WAVE fmt chunk */ put_s16le(buf+0x14, 0x0001); /* codec PCM */ put_s16le(buf+0x16, channels); /* channel count */ put_s32le(buf+0x18, sample_rate); /* sample rate */ put_s32le(buf+0x1c, sample_rate * channels * sizeof(sample_t)); /* bytes per second */ put_s16le(buf+0x20, (int16_t)(channels * sizeof(sample_t))); /* block align */ put_s16le(buf+0x22, sizeof(sample_t) * 8); /* significant bits per sample */ if (smpl_chunk && loop_end) { make_smpl_chunk(buf+0x24, loop_start, loop_end); memcpy(buf+0x24+0x3c+0x08, "data", 0x04); /* WAVE data chunk */ put_u32le(buf+0x28+0x3c+0x08, (int32_t)data_size); /* size of WAVE data chunk */ } else { memcpy(buf+0x24, "data", 0x04); /* WAVE data chunk */ put_s32le(buf+0x28, (int32_t)data_size); /* size of WAVE data chunk */ } /* could try to add channel_layout, but would need to write WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE (maybe only if arg flag?) */ return header_size; fail: return 0; }