/* Winamp plugin interface for vgmstream */ /* Based on: */ /* ** Example Winamp .RAW input plug-in ** Copyright (c) 1998, Justin Frankel/Nullsoft Inc. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "../src/vgmstream.h" #include "../src/util.h" #include "in2.h" #include "wa_ipc.h" #include "resource.h" #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION #endif #define APP_NAME "vgmstream plugin" #define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "vgmstream plugin " VERSION " " __DATE__ #define INI_NAME "plugin.ini" /* post when playback stops */ #define WM_WA_MPEG_EOF WM_USER+2 In_Module input_module; /* the input module, declared at the bottom of this file */ DWORD WINAPI __stdcall decode(void *arg); char lastfn[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; /* name of the currently playing file */ short sample_buffer[576*2*2]; /* 576 16-bit samples, stereo, possibly doubled in size for DSP */ #define DEFAULT_FADE_SECONDS "10.00" #define DEFAULT_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS "0.00" #define DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT "2.00" #define DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY 3 #define DEFAULT_LOOP_FOREVER 0 #define DEFAULT_IGNORE_LOOP 0 #define FADE_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY "fade_seconds" #define FADE_DELAY_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY "fade_delay" #define LOOP_COUNT_INI_ENTRY "loop_count" #define THREAD_PRIORITY_INI_ENTRY "thread_priority" #define LOOP_FOREVER_INI_ENTRY "loop_forever" #define IGNORE_LOOP_INI_ENTRY "ignore_loop" double fade_seconds; double fade_delay_seconds; double loop_count; int thread_priority; int loop_forever; int ignore_loop; char *priority_strings[] = {"Idle","Lowest","Below Normal","Normal","Above Normal","Highest (not recommended)","Time Critical (not recommended)"}; int priority_values[] = {THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE,THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST,THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL,THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST,THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL}; VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL; HANDLE decode_thread_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; int paused = 0; int decode_abort = 0; int seek_needed_samples = -1; int decode_pos_ms = 0; int decode_pos_samples = 0; int stream_length_samples = 0; int fade_samples = 0; #define EXTENSION_LIST_SIZE 4096 char working_extension_list[EXTENSION_LIST_SIZE] = {0}; char * extension_list[] = { "adx\0ADX Audio File (*.ADX)\0", "afc\0AFC Audio File (*.AFC)\0", "agsc\0AGSC Audio File (*.AGSC)\0", "ast\0AST Audio File (*.AST)\0", "brstm;brstmspm\0BRSTM Audio File (*.BRSTM)\0", "hps\0HALPST Audio File (*.HPS)\0", "strm\0STRM Audio File (*.STRM)\0", "adp\0ADP Audio File (*.ADP)\0", "rsf\0RSF Audio File (*.RSF)\0", "dsp\0DSP Audio File (*.DSP)\0", "gcw\0GCW Audio File (*.GCW)\0", "ads\0PS2 ADS Audio File (*.ADS)\0", "ss2\0PS2 SS2 Audio File (*.SS2)\0", "npsf\0PS2 NPSF Audio File (*.NPSF)\0", "rwsd\0RWSD Audio File (*.RWSD)\0", "xa\0PSX CD-XA File (*.XA)\0", "rxw\0PS2 RXWS File (*.RXW)\0", "int\0PS2 RAW Interleaved PCM (*.INT)\0", "sts\0PS2 EXST Audio File (*.STS)\0", "svag\0PS2 SVAG Audio File (*.SVAG)\0", "mib\0PS2 MIB Audio File (*.MIB)\0", "mi4\0PS2 MI4 Audio File (*.MI4)\0", "mpdsp\0MPDSP Audio File (*.MPDSP)\0", "mic\0PS2 MIC Audio File (*.MIC)\0", "gcm\0GCM Audio File (*.GCM)\0", "mss\0MSS Audio File (*.MSS)\0", "raw\0RAW Audio File (*.RAW)\0", "vag\0VAG Audio File (*.VAG)\0", "gms\0GMS Audio File (*.GMS)\0", "str\0STR Audio File (*.STR)\0", "ild\0ILD Audio File (*.ILD)\0", "pnb\0PNB Audio File (*.PNB)\0", "wavm\0WAVM Audio File (*.WAVM)\0", "xwav\0XWAV Audio File (*.XWAV)\0", "wp2\0WP2 Audio File (*.WP2)\0", "sng\0SNG Audio File (*.SNG)\0", "asf\0ASF Audio File (*.ASF)\0", "eam\0EAM Audio File (*.EAM)\0", "cfn\0CFN Audio File (*.CFN)\0", "vpk\0VPK Audio File (*.VPK)\0", "genh\0GENH Audio File (*.GENH)\0", "logg\0LOGG Audio File (*.LOGG)\0", "sad\0SAD Audio File (*.SAD)\0", "bmdx\0BMDX Audio File (*.BMDX)\0", "wsi\0WSI Audio File (*.WSI)\0", "aifc\0AIFC Audio File (*.AIFC)\0", "aud\0AUD Audio File (*.AUD)\0", "ahx\0AHX Audio File (*.AHX)\0", "ivb\0IVB Audio File (*.IVB)\0", "amts\0AMTS Audio File (*.AMTS)\0", "svs\0SVS Audio File (*.SVS)\0", "pos\0POS Audio File (*.POS)\0", "nwa\0NWA Audio File (*.NWA)\0", "cnk\0CNK Audio File (*.CNK)\0", "as4\0AS4 Audio File (*.AS4)\0", "xss\0XSS Audio File (*.XSS)\0", "sl3\0SL3 Audio File (*.SL3)\0", "hgc1\0HGC1 Audio File (*.HGC1)\0", "aus\0AUS Audio File (*.AUS)\0", "rws\0RWS Audio File (*.RWS)\0", "rsd\0RSD Audio File (*.RSD)\0", "fsb\0FSB Audio File (*.FSB)\0", "rwx\0RWX Audio File (*.RWX)\0", "xwb\0XWB Audio File (*.XWB)\0", "xa30\0XA30 Audio File (*.XA30)\0", "musc\0MUSC Audio File (*.MUSC)\0", "musx\0MUSX Audio File (*.MUSX)\0", "leg\0LEG Audio File (*.LEG)\0", "filp\0FILP Audio File (*.FILP)\0", "ikm\0IKM Audio File (*.IKM)\0", "sfs\0SFS Audio File (*.SFS)\0", "bg00\0BG00 Audio File (*.BG00)\0", "dvi\0DVI Audio File (*.DVI)\0", "kcey\0KCEY Audio File (*.KCEY)\0", "rstm\0RSTM Audio File (*.RSTM)\0", "acm\0ACM Audio File (*.ACM)\0", "mus\0MUS Playlist File (*.MUS)\0", "kces\0KCES Audio File (*.KCES)\0", "dxh\0DXH Audio File (*.DXH)\0", "psh\0PSH Audio File (*.PSH)\0", "sli\0SLI Audio File (*.SLI)\0", "lwav\0LWAV Audio File (*.LWAV)\0", "vig\0VIG Audio File (*.VIG)\0", "sfl\0SFL Audio File (*.SFL)\0", "um3\0UM3 Audio File (*.UM3)\0", "pcm\0PCM Audio File (*.PCM)\0", "rkv\0RKV Audio File (*.RKV)\0", "psw\0PSW Audio File (*.PSW)\0", "vas\0VAS Audio File (*.VAS)\0", "tec\0TEC Audio File (*.TEC)\0", "enth\0ENTH Audio File (*.ENTH)\0", "sdt\0SDT Audio File (*.SDT)\0", "aix\0AIX Audio File (*.AIX)\0", "tydsp\0TYDSP Audio File (*.TYDSP)\0", "swd\0SWD Audio File (*.SWD)\0", "vjdsp\0VJDSP Audio File (*.VJDSP)\0", "wvs\0WVS Audio File (*.WVS)\0", "stma\0STMA Audio File (*.STMA)\0", "matx\0MATX Audio File (*.MATX)\0", "de2\0DE2 Audio File (*.DE2)\0", "xmu\0XMU Audio File (*.XMU)\0", "xvas\0XVAS Audio File (*.XVAS)\0", "bh2pcm\0BH2PCM Audio File (*.BH2PCM)\0", "sap\0SAP Audio File (*.SAP)\0", "idvi\0IDVI Audio File (*.IDVI)\0", "rnd\0RND Audio File (*.RND)\0", "kraw\0KRAW Audio File (*.KRAW)\0", "omu\0OMU Audio File (*.OMU)\0", "xa2\0XA2 Audio File (*.XA2)\0", "idsp\0IDSP Audio File (*.IDSP)\0", "xsf\0XSF Audio File (*.XSF)\0", "ymf\0YMF Audio File (*.YMF)\0", "ccc\0CCC Audio File (*.CCC)\0", "fag\0FAG Audio File (*.FAG)\0", "mihb\0MIHB Audio File (*.MIHB)\0", "pdt\0PDT Audio File (*.PDT)\0", "asd\0ASD Audio File (*.ASD)\0", "spsd\0SPSD Audio File (*.SPSD)\0", "bgw\0BGW Audio File (*.BGW)\0", }; void about(HWND hwndParent) { MessageBox(hwndParent, PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "\n" "by hcs and FastElbja\n\n" "http://sourceforge.net/projects/vgmstream" ,"about in_vgmstream",MB_OK); } void quit() {} void build_extension_list() { int i; working_extension_list[0]='\0'; working_extension_list[1]='\0'; for (i=0;i= 0x5000) { char * iniDir = (char *)SendMessage(input_module.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETINIDIRECTORY); strncpy(iniFile, iniDir, MAX_PATH); strncat(iniFile, "\\Plugins\\", MAX_PATH); /* can't be certain that \Plugins already exists in the user dir */ CreateDirectory(iniFile,NULL); strncat(iniFile, INI_NAME, MAX_PATH); } else { char * lastSlash; GetModuleFileName(NULL, iniFile, MAX_PATH); lastSlash = strrchr(iniFile, '\\'); *(lastSlash + 1) = 0; strncat(iniFile, "Plugins\\" INI_NAME,MAX_PATH); } } void init() { char iniFile[MAX_PATH+1]; char buf[256]; int consumed; GetINIFileName(iniFile); thread_priority=GetPrivateProfileInt(APP_NAME,THREAD_PRIORITY_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY,iniFile); if (thread_priority < 0 || thread_priority > 6) { sprintf(buf,"%d",DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,THREAD_PRIORITY_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); thread_priority = DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY; } GetPrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,FADE_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_FADE_SECONDS,buf,sizeof(buf),iniFile); if (sscanf(buf,"%lf%n",&fade_seconds,&consumed)<1 || consumed!=strlen(buf) || fade_seconds < 0) { WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,FADE_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_FADE_SECONDS,iniFile); sscanf(DEFAULT_FADE_SECONDS,"%lf",&fade_seconds); } GetPrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,FADE_DELAY_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS,buf,sizeof(buf),iniFile); if (sscanf(buf,"%lf%n",&fade_delay_seconds,&consumed)<1 || consumed!=strlen(buf)) { WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,FADE_DELAY_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS,iniFile); sscanf(DEFAULT_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS,"%lf",&fade_delay_seconds); } GetPrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,LOOP_COUNT_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT,buf,sizeof(buf),iniFile); if (sscanf(buf,"%lf%n",&loop_count,&consumed)!=1 || consumed!=strlen(buf) || loop_count < 0) { WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,LOOP_COUNT_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT,iniFile); sscanf(DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT,"%lf",&loop_count); } loop_forever=GetPrivateProfileInt(APP_NAME,LOOP_FOREVER_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_LOOP_FOREVER,iniFile); ignore_loop=GetPrivateProfileInt(APP_NAME,IGNORE_LOOP_INI_ENTRY,DEFAULT_IGNORE_LOOP,iniFile); if (loop_forever && ignore_loop) { sprintf(buf,"%d",DEFAULT_LOOP_FOREVER); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,LOOP_FOREVER_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); loop_forever = DEFAULT_LOOP_FOREVER; sprintf(buf,"%d",DEFAULT_IGNORE_LOOP); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,IGNORE_LOOP_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); ignore_loop = DEFAULT_IGNORE_LOOP; } build_extension_list(); } /* we don't recognize protocols */ int isourfile(char *fn) { return 0; } /* request to start playing a file */ int play(char *fn) { int max_latency; /* don't lose a pointer! */ if (vgmstream) { /* TODO: this should either pop up an error box or close the file */ return 1; } /* open the stream, set up */ vgmstream = init_vgmstream(fn); /* were we able to open it? */ if (!vgmstream) { return 1; } if (ignore_loop) vgmstream->loop_flag = 0; /* will we be able to play it? */ if (vgmstream->channels <= 0) { close_vgmstream(vgmstream); vgmstream=NULL; return 1; } /* Remember that name, friends! */ strncpy(lastfn,fn,MAX_PATH); /* open the output plugin */ max_latency = input_module.outMod->Open(vgmstream->sample_rate,vgmstream->channels, 16, 0, 0); /* were we able to open it? */ if (max_latency < 0) { close_vgmstream(vgmstream); vgmstream=NULL; return 1; } /* Set info display */ /* TODO: actual bitrate */ input_module.SetInfo(100,vgmstream->sample_rate/1000,vgmstream->channels,1); /* setup visualization */ input_module.SAVSAInit(max_latency,vgmstream->sample_rate); input_module.VSASetInfo(vgmstream->sample_rate,vgmstream->channels); decode_abort = 0; seek_needed_samples = -1; decode_pos_ms = 0; decode_pos_samples = 0; paused = 0; stream_length_samples = get_vgmstream_play_samples(loop_count,fade_seconds,fade_delay_seconds,vgmstream); fade_samples = (int)(fade_seconds * vgmstream->sample_rate); decode_thread_handle = CreateThread( NULL, /* handle cannot be inherited */ 0, /* stack size, 0=default */ decode, /* thread start routine */ NULL, /* no parameter to start routine */ 0, /* run thread immediately */ NULL); /* don't keep track of the thread id */ SetThreadPriority(decode_thread_handle,priority_values[thread_priority]); return 0; } /* pausing... */ void pause() { paused=1; input_module.outMod->Pause(1); } void unpause() {paused=0; input_module.outMod->Pause(0); } int ispaused() { return paused; } /* stop playback */ void stop() { if (decode_thread_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { decode_abort=1; /* arbitrary wait length */ if (WaitForSingleObject(decode_thread_handle,1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* TODO: error? */ TerminateThread(decode_thread_handle,0); } CloseHandle(decode_thread_handle); decode_thread_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (vgmstream) { close_vgmstream(vgmstream); vgmstream=NULL; } input_module.outMod->Close(); input_module.SAVSADeInit(); } /* get current stream length */ int getlength() { return stream_length_samples*1000LL/vgmstream->sample_rate; } /* get current output time */ int getoutputtime() { return decode_pos_ms+(input_module.outMod->GetOutputTime()-input_module.outMod->GetWrittenTime()); } /* seek */ void setoutputtime(int t) { if (vgmstream) seek_needed_samples = (long long)t * vgmstream->sample_rate / 1000LL; } /* pass these commands through */ void setvolume(int volume) { input_module.outMod->SetVolume(volume); } void setpan(int pan) { input_module.outMod->SetPan(pan); } /* display information */ int infoDlg(char *fn, HWND hwnd) { VGMSTREAM * infostream = NULL; char description[1024]; description[0]='\0'; concatn(sizeof(description),description,PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "\n\n"); if (!fn || !*fn) { if (!vgmstream) return 0; describe_vgmstream(vgmstream,description,sizeof(description)); } else { infostream = init_vgmstream(fn); if (!infostream) return 0; describe_vgmstream(infostream,description,sizeof(description)); close_vgmstream(infostream); infostream=NULL; } MessageBox(hwnd,description,"Stream info",MB_OK); return 0; } /* retrieve information on this or possibly another file */ void getfileinfo(char *filename, char *title, int *length_in_ms) { if (!filename || !*filename) /* currently playing file*/ { if (!vgmstream) return; if (length_in_ms) *length_in_ms=getlength(); if (title) { char *p=lastfn+strlen(lastfn); while (*p != '\\' && p >= lastfn) p--; strcpy(title,++p); } } else /* some other file */ { VGMSTREAM * infostream; if (length_in_ms) { *length_in_ms=-1000; if ((infostream=init_vgmstream(filename))) { *length_in_ms = get_vgmstream_play_samples(loop_count,fade_seconds,fade_delay_seconds,infostream)*1000LL/infostream->sample_rate; close_vgmstream(infostream); infostream=NULL; } } if (title) { char *p=filename+strlen(filename); while (*p != '\\' && p >= filename) p--; strcpy(title,++p); } } } /* nothin' */ void eq_set(int on, char data[10], int preamp) {} /* the decode thread */ DWORD WINAPI __stdcall decode(void *arg) { /* channel count shouldn't change during decode */ int max_buffer_samples = sizeof(sample_buffer)/sizeof(sample_buffer[0])/2/vgmstream->channels; while (!decode_abort) { int samples_to_do; int l; if (decode_pos_samples+max_buffer_samples>stream_length_samples && (!loop_forever || !vgmstream->loop_flag)) samples_to_do=stream_length_samples-decode_pos_samples; else samples_to_do=max_buffer_samples; /* play 'till the end of this seek, or note if we're done seeking */ if (seek_needed_samples != -1) { /* reset if we need to seek backwards */ if (seek_needed_samples < decode_pos_samples) { reset_vgmstream(vgmstream); if (ignore_loop) vgmstream->loop_flag = 0; decode_pos_samples = 0; decode_pos_ms = 0; } if (decode_pos_samples < seek_needed_samples) { samples_to_do=seek_needed_samples-decode_pos_samples; if (samples_to_do>max_buffer_samples) samples_to_do=max_buffer_samples; } else seek_needed_samples = -1; input_module.outMod->Flush((int)decode_pos_ms); } l = (samples_to_do*vgmstream->channels*2)<<(input_module.dsp_isactive()?1:0); if (samples_to_do == 0) { input_module.outMod->CanWrite(); /* ? */ if (!input_module.outMod->IsPlaying()) { PostMessage(input_module.hMainWindow, /* message dest */ WM_WA_MPEG_EOF, /* message id */ 0,0); /* no parameters */ return 0; } Sleep(10); } else if (seek_needed_samples != -1) { render_vgmstream(sample_buffer,samples_to_do,vgmstream); decode_pos_samples+=samples_to_do; decode_pos_ms=decode_pos_samples*1000LL/vgmstream->sample_rate; } else if (input_module.outMod->CanWrite() >= l) { /* let vgmstream do its thing */ render_vgmstream(sample_buffer,samples_to_do,vgmstream); /* fade! */ if (vgmstream->loop_flag && fade_samples > 0 && !loop_forever) { int samples_into_fade = decode_pos_samples - (stream_length_samples - fade_samples); if (samples_into_fade + samples_to_do > 0) { int j,k; for (j=0;j 0) { double fadedness = (double)(fade_samples-samples_into_fade)/fade_samples; for (k=0;kchannels;k++) { sample_buffer[j*vgmstream->channels+k] = (short)(sample_buffer[j*vgmstream->channels+k]*fadedness); } } } } } input_module.SAAddPCMData((char*)sample_buffer,vgmstream->channels,16,decode_pos_ms); input_module.VSAAddPCMData((char*)sample_buffer,vgmstream->channels,16,decode_pos_ms); decode_pos_samples+=samples_to_do; decode_pos_ms=decode_pos_samples*1000LL/vgmstream->sample_rate; if (input_module.dsp_isactive()) l =input_module.dsp_dosamples(sample_buffer,samples_to_do,16,vgmstream->channels,vgmstream->sample_rate) * 2 * vgmstream->channels; input_module.outMod->Write((char*)sample_buffer,l); } /* if we can write enough */ else Sleep(20); } /* main loop */ return 0; } INT_PTR CALLBACK configDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char buf[256]; char iniFile[MAX_PATH+1]; static int mypri; HANDLE hSlider; switch (uMsg) { case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(hDlg,TRUE); return TRUE; case WM_INITDIALOG: GetINIFileName(iniFile); /* set CPU Priority slider */ hSlider=GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SLIDER); SendMessage(hSlider, TBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM) TRUE, /* redraw flag */ (LPARAM) MAKELONG(1, 7)); /* min. & max. positions */ SendMessage(hSlider, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) TRUE, /* redraw flag */ (LPARAM) thread_priority+1); mypri=thread_priority; SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_TEXT,priority_strings[thread_priority]); sprintf(buf,"%.2lf",fade_seconds); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FADE_SECONDS,buf); sprintf(buf,"%.2lf",fade_delay_seconds); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS,buf); sprintf(buf,"%.2lf",loop_count); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_COUNT,buf); if (loop_forever) CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_FOREVER,BST_CHECKED); else if (ignore_loop) CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_IGNORE_LOOP,BST_CHECKED); else CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_NORMALLY,BST_CHECKED); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: { double temp_fade_seconds; double temp_fade_delay_seconds; double temp_loop_count; int consumed; /* read and verify */ GetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FADE_SECONDS,buf,sizeof(buf)); if (sscanf(buf,"%lf%n",&temp_fade_seconds,&consumed)<1 || consumed!=strlen(buf) || temp_fade_seconds<0) { MessageBox(hDlg, "Invalid value for Fade Length\n" "Must be a number greater than or equal to zero", "Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); break; } GetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS,buf,sizeof(buf)); if (sscanf(buf,"%lf%n",&temp_fade_delay_seconds, &consumed)<1 || consumed!=strlen(buf)) { MessageBox(hDlg, "Invalid valid for Fade Delay\n" "Must be a number", "Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); break; } GetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_COUNT,buf,sizeof(buf)); if (sscanf(buf,"%lf%n",&temp_loop_count,&consumed)<1 || consumed!=strlen(buf) || temp_loop_count<0) { MessageBox(hDlg, "Invalid value for Loop Count\n" "Must be a number greater than or equal to zero", "Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); break; } GetINIFileName(iniFile); thread_priority=mypri; sprintf(buf,"%d",thread_priority); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,THREAD_PRIORITY_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); fade_seconds = temp_fade_seconds; sprintf(buf,"%.2lf",fade_seconds); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,FADE_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); fade_delay_seconds = temp_fade_delay_seconds; sprintf(buf,"%.2lf",fade_delay_seconds); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,FADE_DELAY_SECONDS_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); loop_count = temp_loop_count; sprintf(buf,"%.2lf",loop_count); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,LOOP_COUNT_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); loop_forever = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_FOREVER) == BST_CHECKED); sprintf(buf,"%d",loop_forever); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,LOOP_FOREVER_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); ignore_loop = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_IGNORE_LOOP) == BST_CHECKED); sprintf(buf,"%d",ignore_loop); WritePrivateProfileString(APP_NAME,IGNORE_LOOP_INI_ENTRY,buf,iniFile); } EndDialog(hDlg,TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg,TRUE); break; case IDC_DEFAULT_BUTTON: /* set CPU Priority slider */ hSlider=GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SLIDER); SendMessage(hSlider, TBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM) TRUE, /* redraw flag */ (LPARAM) MAKELONG(1, 7)); /* min. & max. positions */ SendMessage(hSlider, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) TRUE, /* redraw flag */ (LPARAM) DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY+1); mypri=DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY; SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_TEXT,priority_strings[mypri]); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FADE_SECONDS,DEFAULT_FADE_SECONDS); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS,DEFAULT_FADE_DELAY_SECONDS); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_COUNT,DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_FOREVER,BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_IGNORE_LOOP,BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_LOOP_NORMALLY,BST_CHECKED); break; default: return FALSE; } case WM_HSCROLL: if ((struct HWND__ *)lParam==GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SLIDER)) { if (LOWORD(wParam)==TB_THUMBPOSITION || LOWORD(wParam)==TB_THUMBTRACK) mypri=HIWORD(wParam)-1; else mypri=SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SLIDER),TBM_GETPOS,0,0)-1; SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_THREAD_PRIORITY_TEXT,priority_strings[mypri]); } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void config(HWND hwndParent) { DialogBox(input_module.hDllInstance, (const char *)IDD_CONFIG, hwndParent, configDlgProc); } In_Module input_module = { IN_VER, PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, 0, /* hMainWindow */ 0, /* hDllInstance */ working_extension_list, 1, /* is_seekable */ 1, /* uses output */ config, about, init, quit, getfileinfo, infoDlg, isourfile, play, pause, unpause, ispaused, stop, getlength, getoutputtime, setoutputtime, setvolume, setpan, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // vis stuff 0,0, // dsp eq_set, NULL, // setinfo 0 // out_mod }; __declspec( dllexport ) In_Module * winampGetInModule2() { return &input_module; }