# - Find mpg123 # Find the native mpg123 includes and library # # MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find mpg123.h # MPG123_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using mpg123. # MPG123_FOUND - True if mpg123 found. # Comes from https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom/blob/master/cmake/FindMPG123.cmake if(MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR AND MPG123_LIBRARIES) # Already in cache, be silent set(MPG123_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() find_path(MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR mpg123.h PATHS "${MPG123_DIR}" PATH_SUFFIXES include) find_library(MPG123_LIBRARIES NAMES mpg123 mpg123-0 PATHS "${MPG123_DIR}" PATH_SUFFIXES lib) # MARK_AS_ADVANCED(MPG123_LIBRARIES MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set MPG123_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(MPG123 DEFAULT_MSG MPG123_LIBRARIES MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR)