#include #include #include #include "vgmstream_cli.h" #include "vjson.h" #include "../src/api.h" #include "../src/vgmstream.h" static void clean_filename(char* dst, int clean_paths) { for (int i = 0; i < strlen(dst); i++) { char c = dst[i]; bool is_badchar = (clean_paths && (c == '\\' || c == '/')) || c == '*' || c == '?' || c == ':' /*|| c == '|'*/ || c == '<' || c == '>'; if (is_badchar) dst[i] = '_'; } } /* replaces a filename with "?n" (stream name), "?f" (infilename) or "?s" (subsong) wildcards * ("?" was chosen since it's not a valid Windows filename char and hopefully nobody uses it on Linux) */ void replace_filename(char* dst, size_t dstsize, cli_config_t* cfg, VGMSTREAM* vgmstream) { int subsong; char stream_name[CLI_PATH_LIMIT]; char buf[CLI_PATH_LIMIT]; char tmp[CLI_PATH_LIMIT]; /* file has a "%" > temp replace for sprintf */ strcpy(buf, cfg->outfilename_config); for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++) { if (buf[i] == '%') buf[i] = '|'; /* non-valid filename, not used in format */ } /* init config */ subsong = vgmstream->stream_index; if (subsong > vgmstream->num_streams || subsong != cfg->subsong_current_index) { subsong = 0; /* for games without subsongs / bad config */ } if (vgmstream->stream_name[0] != '\0') { snprintf(stream_name, sizeof(stream_name), "%s", vgmstream->stream_name); clean_filename(stream_name, 1); /* clean subsong name's subdirs */ } else { snprintf(stream_name, sizeof(stream_name), "%s", cfg->infilename); clean_filename(stream_name, 0); /* don't clean user's subdirs */ } /* do controlled replaces of each wildcard (in theory could appear N times) */ do { char* pos = strchr(buf, '?'); if (!pos) break; /* use buf as format and copy formatted result to tmp (assuming sprintf's format must not overlap with dst) */ if (pos[1] == 'n') { pos[0] = '%'; pos[1] = 's'; /* use %s */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), buf, stream_name); } else if (pos[1] == 'f') { pos[0] = '%'; pos[1] = 's'; /* use %s */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), buf, cfg->infilename); } else if (pos[1] == 's') { pos[0] = '%'; pos[1] = 'i'; /* use %i */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), buf, subsong); } else if ((pos[1] == '0' && pos[2] >= '1' && pos[2] <= '9' && pos[3] == 's')) { pos[0] = '%'; pos[3] = 'i'; /* use %0Ni */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), buf, subsong); } else { /* not recognized */ // TO-DO: should move buf or swap "?" with "_"? may happen with non-ascii on Windows; for now break to avoid infinite loops break; } /* copy result to buf again, so it can be used as format in next replace * (can be optimized with some pointer swapping but who cares about a few extra nanoseconds) */ strcpy(buf, tmp); } while (1); /* replace % back */ for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++) { if (buf[i] == '|') buf[i] = '%'; } snprintf(dst, dstsize, "%s", buf); } void print_info(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, cli_config_t* cfg) { int channels = vgmstream->channels; bool loop_flag = vgmstream->loop_flag; int64_t num_samples = vgmstream->num_samples; int64_t loop_start = vgmstream->loop_start_sample; int64_t loop_end = vgmstream->loop_start_sample; if (!cfg->play_sdtout) { if (cfg->print_adxencd) { printf("adxencd"); if (!cfg->print_metaonly) printf(" \"%s\"", cfg->outfilename); if (loop_flag) printf(" -lps%"PRId64" -lpe%"PRId64, loop_start, loop_end); printf("\n"); } else if (cfg->print_oggenc) { printf("oggenc"); if (!cfg->print_metaonly) printf(" \"%s\"", cfg->outfilename); if (loop_flag) printf(" -c LOOPSTART=%"PRId64" -c LOOPLENGTH=%"PRId64, loop_start, loop_end - loop_start); printf("\n"); } else if (cfg->print_batchvar) { if (!cfg->print_metaonly) printf("set fname=\"%s\"\n", cfg->outfilename); printf("set tsamp=%"PRId64"\nset chan=%d\n", num_samples, channels); if (loop_flag) printf("set lstart=%"PRId64"\nset lend=%"PRId64"\nset loop=1\n", loop_start, loop_end); else printf("set loop=0\n"); } else if (cfg->print_metaonly) { printf("metadata for %s\n", cfg->infilename); } else { printf("decoding %s\n", cfg->infilename); } } if (!cfg->play_sdtout && !cfg->print_adxencd && !cfg->print_oggenc && !cfg->print_batchvar) { char description[1024]; describe_vgmstream(vgmstream, description, 1024); printf("%s", description); } } void print_tags(cli_config_t* cfg) { VGMSTREAM_TAGS* tags = NULL; STREAMFILE* sf_tags = NULL; const char *tag_key, *tag_val; if (!cfg->tag_filename) return; sf_tags = open_stdio_streamfile(cfg->tag_filename); if (!sf_tags) { printf("tag file %s not found\n", cfg->tag_filename); return; } printf("tags:\n"); tags = vgmstream_tags_init(&tag_key, &tag_val); vgmstream_tags_reset(tags, cfg->infilename); while (vgmstream_tags_next_tag(tags, sf_tags)) { printf("- '%s'='%s'\n", tag_key, tag_val); } vgmstream_tags_close(tags); close_streamfile(sf_tags); } void print_title(VGMSTREAM* vgmstream, cli_config_t* cfg) { char title[1024]; vgmstream_title_t tcfg = {0}; if (!cfg->print_title) return; tcfg.force_title = false; tcfg.subsong_range = false; tcfg.remove_extension = true; vgmstream_get_title(title, sizeof(title), cfg->infilename, vgmstream, &tcfg); printf("title: %s\n", title); } void print_json_version(const char* vgmstream_version) { size_t extension_list_len = 0; const char** extension_list; vjson_t j = {0}; char buf[0x4000]; // exts need ~0x1400 vjson_init(&j, buf, sizeof(buf)); vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_keystr(&j, "version", vgmstream_version); vjson_key(&j, "extensions"); vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_key(&j, "vgm"); vjson_arr_open(&j); extension_list = vgmstream_get_formats(&extension_list_len); for (int i = 0; i < extension_list_len; i++) { vjson_str(&j, extension_list[i]); } vjson_arr_close(&j); vjson_key(&j, "common"); vjson_arr_open(&j); extension_list = vgmstream_get_common_formats(&extension_list_len); for (int i = 0; i < extension_list_len; i++) { vjson_str(&j, extension_list[i]); } vjson_arr_close(&j); vjson_obj_close(&j); vjson_obj_close(&j); printf("%s\n", buf); } void print_json_info(VGMSTREAM* vgm, cli_config_t* cfg, const char* vgmstream_version) { char buf[0x1000]; // probably fine with ~0x400 vjson_t j = {0}; vjson_init(&j, buf, sizeof(buf)); vgmstream_info info; describe_vgmstream_info(vgm, &info); vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_keystr(&j, "version", vgmstream_version); vjson_keyint(&j, "sampleRate", info.sample_rate); vjson_keyint(&j, "channels", info.channels); vjson_key(&j, "mixingInfo"); if (info.mixing_info.input_channels > 0) { vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_keyint(&j, "inputChannels", info.mixing_info.input_channels); vjson_keyint(&j, "outputChannels", info.mixing_info.output_channels); vjson_obj_close(&j); } else { vjson_null(&j); } vjson_keyintnull(&j, "channelLayout", info.channel_layout); vjson_key(&j, "loopingInfo"); if (info.loop_info.end > info.loop_info.start) { vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_keyint(&j, "start", info.loop_info.start); vjson_keyint(&j, "end", info.loop_info.end); vjson_obj_close(&j); } else { vjson_null(&j); } vjson_key(&j, "interleaveInfo"); if (info.interleave_info.last_block > info.interleave_info.first_block) { vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_keyint(&j, "firstBlock", info.interleave_info.last_block); vjson_keyint(&j, "lastBlock", info.interleave_info.first_block); vjson_obj_close(&j); } else { vjson_null(&j); } vjson_keyint(&j, "numberOfSamples", info.num_samples); vjson_keystr(&j, "encoding", info.encoding); vjson_keystr(&j, "layout", info.layout); vjson_keyintnull(&j, "frameSize", info.frame_size); vjson_keystr(&j, "metadataSource", info.metadata); vjson_keyint(&j, "bitrate", info.bitrate); vjson_key(&j, "streamInfo"); vjson_obj_open(&j); vjson_keyint(&j, "index", info.stream_info.current); vjson_keystr(&j, "name", info.stream_info.name); vjson_keyint(&j, "total", info.stream_info.total); vjson_obj_close(&j); vjson_obj_close(&j); printf("%s\n", buf); }