2020-01-03 22:50:56 +03:00

350 lines
13 KiB

#include "meta.h"
#include "../layout/layout.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
static int xa_read_subsongs(STREAMFILE *sf, int target_subsong, off_t start, uint16_t *p_stream_config, off_t *p_stream_offset, size_t *p_stream_size, int *p_form2);
static int xa_check_format(STREAMFILE *sf, off_t offset, int is_blocked);
/* XA - from Sony PS1 and Philips CD-i CD audio, also Saturn streams */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_xa(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
off_t start_offset;
int loop_flag = 0, channel_count, sample_rate;
int is_riff = 0, is_blocked = 0, is_form2 = 0;
size_t stream_size = 0;
int total_subsongs = 0, target_subsong = streamFile->stream_index;
uint16_t target_config = 0;
/* checks */
/* .xa: common
* .str: often videos and sometimes speech/music
* .adp: Phantasy Star Collection (SAT) raw XA
* .pxa: Mortal Kombat 4 (PS1)
* (extensionless): bigfiles [Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)] */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"xa,str,adp,pxa,"))
goto fail;
/* Proper XA comes in raw (BIN 2352 mode2/form2) CD sectors, that contain XA subheaders.
* Also has minimal support for headerless (ISO 2048 mode1/data) mode. */
/* check RIFF header = raw (optional, added when ripping and not part of the CD data) */
if (read_u32be(0x00,streamFile) == 0x52494646 && /* "RIFF" */
read_u32be(0x08,streamFile) == 0x43445841 && /* "CDXA" */
read_u32be(0x0C,streamFile) == 0x666D7420) { /* "fmt " */
is_blocked = 1;
is_riff = 1;
start_offset = 0x2c; /* after "data", ignore RIFF values as often are wrong */
else {
/* sector sync word = raw */
if (read_u32be(0x00,streamFile) == 0x00FFFFFF &&
read_u32be(0x04,streamFile) == 0xFFFFFFFF &&
read_u32be(0x08,streamFile) == 0xFFFFFF00) {
is_blocked = 1;
start_offset = 0x00;
else {
/* headerless or possibly incorrectly ripped */
start_offset = 0x00;
/* test for XA data, since format is raw-ish (with RIFF it's assumed to be ok) */
if (!is_riff && !xa_check_format(streamFile, start_offset, is_blocked))
goto fail;
/* find subsongs as XA can interleave sectors using 'file' and 'channel' makers (see blocked_xa.c) */
if (/*!is_riff &&*/ is_blocked) {
total_subsongs = xa_read_subsongs(streamFile, target_subsong, start_offset, &target_config, &start_offset, &stream_size, &is_form2);
if (total_subsongs <= 0) goto fail;
else {
stream_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile) - start_offset;
/* data is ok: parse header */
if (is_blocked) {
/* parse 0x18 sector header (also see blocked_xa.c) */
uint8_t xa_header = read_u8(start_offset + 0x13,streamFile);
switch((xa_header >> 0) & 3) { /* 0..1: mono/stereo */
case 0: channel_count = 1; break;
case 1: channel_count = 2; break;
default: goto fail;
switch((xa_header >> 2) & 3) { /* 2..3: sample rate */
case 0: sample_rate = 37800; break;
case 1: sample_rate = 18900; break;
default: goto fail;
switch((xa_header >> 4) & 3) { /* 4..5: bits per sample (0=4-bit ADPCM, 1=8-bit ADPCM) */
case 0: break;
default: /* PS1 games only do 4-bit */
VGM_LOG("XA: unknown bits per sample found\n");
goto fail;
switch((xa_header >> 6) & 1) { /* 6: emphasis (applies a filter) */
case 0: break;
default: /* shouldn't be used by games */
VGM_LOG("XA: unknown emphasis found\n");
switch((xa_header >> 7) & 1) { /* 7: reserved */
case 0: break;
VGM_LOG("XA: unknown reserved bit found\n");
else {
/* headerless */
if (check_extensions(streamFile,"adp")) {
/* Phantasy Star Collection (SAT) raw files */
/* most are stereo, though a few (mainly sfx banks, sometimes using .bin) are mono */
char filename[PATH_LIMIT] = {0};
get_streamfile_filename(streamFile, filename,PATH_LIMIT);
/* detect PS1 mono files, very lame but whatevs, no way to detect XA mono/stereo */
if (filename[0]=='P' && filename[1]=='S' && filename[2]=='1' && filename[3]=='S') {
channel_count = 1;
sample_rate = 22050;
else {
channel_count = 2;
sample_rate = 44100;
else {
/* incorrectly ripped standard XA */
channel_count = 2;
sample_rate = 37800;
/* build the VGMSTREAM */
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channel_count,loop_flag);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_XA;
vgmstream->sample_rate = sample_rate;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_XA;
vgmstream->layout_type = is_blocked ? layout_blocked_xa : layout_none;
if (is_blocked) {
vgmstream->codec_config = target_config;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_subsongs;
vgmstream->stream_size = stream_size;
if (total_subsongs > 1) {
/* useful at times if game uses many file+channel */
snprintf(vgmstream->stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE, "%04x", target_config);
vgmstream->num_samples = xa_bytes_to_samples(stream_size, channel_count, is_blocked, is_form2);
if ( !vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, streamFile, start_offset) )
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
static int xa_check_format(STREAMFILE *sf, off_t offset, int is_blocked) {
int i, j, sector = 0, skip = 0;
off_t test_offset = offset;
const size_t sector_size = (is_blocked ? 0x900 : 0x800);
const size_t extra_size = (is_blocked ? 0x18 : 0x00);
const size_t frame_size = 0x80;
const int sector_max = 3;
const int skip_max = 32; /* videos interleave 7 or 15 sectors + 1 audio sector, maybe 31 too */
/* test frames inside CD sectors */
while (sector < sector_max) {
uint8_t xa_submode = read_u8(test_offset + 0x12, sf);
int is_audio = !(xa_submode & 0x08) && (xa_submode & 0x04) && !(xa_submode & 0x02);
if (is_blocked && !is_audio) {
if (sector == 0 && skip > skip_max) /* no a single audio sector found */
goto fail;
test_offset += sector_size + extra_size + extra_size;
test_offset += extra_size; /* header */
for (i = 0; i < (sector_size / frame_size); i++) {
/* XA frame checks: filter indexes should be 0..3, and shifts 0..C */
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
uint8_t header = read_u8(test_offset + j, sf);
if (((header >> 4) & 0xF) > 0x03)
goto fail;
if (((header >> 0) & 0xF) > 0x0c)
goto fail;
/* XA headers pairs are repeated */
if (read_u32be(test_offset+0x00, sf) != read_u32be(test_offset+0x04, sf) ||
read_u32be(test_offset+0x08, sf) != read_u32be(test_offset+0x0c, sf))
goto fail;
/* blank frames should always use 0x0c0c0c0c (due to how shift works) */
if (read_u32be(test_offset+0x00, sf) == 0 &&
read_u32be(test_offset+0x04, sf) == 0 &&
read_u32be(test_offset+0x08, sf) == 0 &&
read_u32be(test_offset+0x0c, sf) == 0)
goto fail;
test_offset += 0x80;
test_offset += extra_size; /* footer */
return 1;
return 0;
#define XA_SUBSONG_MAX 1024 /* +500 found in bigfiles like Castlevania SOTN */
typedef struct xa_subsong_t {
uint16_t config;
off_t start;
int form2;
int sectors;
int end_flag;
} xa_subsong_t;
/* Get subsong info, as real XA data interleaves N sectors/subsongs (often 8/16). Extractors deinterleave
* but we parse interleaved too for completeness. Even if we have a single deint'd XA this is useful to get
* usable sectors for bytes-to-samples.
* Bigfiles that paste tons of XA together are slow to parse since we need to read every sector to
* count totals, but XA subsong handling is mainly for educational purposes. */
static int xa_read_subsongs(STREAMFILE *sf, int target_subsong, off_t start, uint16_t *p_stream_config, off_t *p_stream_offset, size_t *p_stream_size, int *p_form2) {
xa_subsong_t *cur_subsong = NULL;
xa_subsong_t subsongs[XA_SUBSONG_MAX] = {0};
const size_t sector_size = 0x930;
uint16_t prev_config;
int i, subsongs_count = 0;
size_t file_size;
off_t offset;
uint8_t header[4];
/* buffer to speed up header reading; bigger (+0x8000) is actually faster than very small (~0x10),
* even though we only need sector headers and will end up reading the whole file that way */
sf_test = reopen_streamfile(sf, 0x10000);
if (!sf_test) goto fail;
prev_config = 0xFFFFu;
file_size = get_streamfile_size(sf);
offset = start;
/* read XA sectors */
while (offset < file_size) {
uint16_t xa_config;
uint8_t xa_submode;
int is_audio, is_eof;
read_streamfile(header, offset + 0x10, sizeof(header), sf_test);
xa_config = get_u16be(header + 0x00); /* file+channel markers */
xa_submode = get_u8 (header + 0x02); /* flags */
is_audio = !(xa_submode & 0x08) && (xa_submode & 0x04) && !(xa_submode & 0x02);
is_eof = (xa_submode & 0x80);
VGM_ASSERT((xa_submode & 0x01), "XA: end of audio at %lx\n", offset); /* used? */
//;VGM_ASSERT(is_eof, "XA: eof at %lx\n", offset);
//;VGM_ASSERT(!is_audio, "XA: not audio at %lx\n", offset);
if (!is_audio) {
offset += sector_size;
/* detect file+channel change = sector of new subsong or existing subsong
* (happens on every sector for interleaved XAs but only once for deint'd or video XAs) */
if (xa_config != prev_config)
/* find if this sector/config belongs to known subsong that hasn't ended
* (unsure if repeated configs+end flag is possible but probably in giant XAs) */
cur_subsong = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < subsongs_count; i++) { /* search algo could be improved, meh */
if (subsongs[i].config == xa_config && !subsongs[i].end_flag) {
cur_subsong = &subsongs[i];
/* old subsong not found = add new to list */
if (cur_subsong == NULL) {
uint8_t xa_channel = get_u8(header + 0x01);
/* when file+channel changes mark prev subsong of the same channel as finished
* (this ensures reused ids in bigfiles are handled properly, ex.: 0101... 0201... 0101...) */
for (i = subsongs_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint16_t subsong_config = subsongs[i].config;
uint8_t subsong_channel = subsong_config & 0xFF;
if (xa_config != subsong_config && xa_channel == subsong_channel) {
subsongs[i].end_flag = 1;
cur_subsong = &subsongs[subsongs_count];
if (subsongs_count >= XA_SUBSONG_MAX) goto fail;
cur_subsong->config = xa_config;
cur_subsong->form2 = (xa_submode & 0x20);
cur_subsong->start = offset;
//cur_subsong->sectors = 0;
//cur_subsong->end_flag = 0;
//;VGM_LOG("XA: new subsong %i with config %04x at %lx\n", subsongs_count, xa_config, offset);
prev_config = xa_config;
else {
if (cur_subsong == NULL) goto fail;
if (is_eof)
cur_subsong->end_flag = 1;
offset += sector_size;
VGM_ASSERT(subsongs_count < 1, "XA: no audio found\n");
if (target_subsong == 0) target_subsong = 1;
if (target_subsong < 0 || target_subsong > subsongs_count || subsongs_count < 1) goto fail;
cur_subsong = &subsongs[target_subsong - 1];
*p_stream_config = cur_subsong->config;
*p_stream_offset = cur_subsong->start;
*p_stream_size = cur_subsong->sectors * sector_size;
*p_form2 = cur_subsong->form2;
//;VGM_LOG("XA: subsong config=%x, offset=%lx, size=%x, form2=%i\n", *p_stream_config, *p_stream_offset, *p_stream_size, *p_form2);
return subsongs_count;
return 0;