mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:52:34 +01:00
607 lines
23 KiB
607 lines
23 KiB
* vgmstream for foobar2000
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <foobar2000.h>
#include <ATLHelpers/ATLHelpersLean.h>
#include <shared.h>
extern "C" {
#include "../src/vgmstream.h"
#include "../src/plugins.h"
#include "foo_vgmstream.h"
#include "foo_filetypes.h"
#ifndef VERSION
#include "../version.h"
#ifndef VERSION
#define APP_NAME "vgmstream plugin"
#define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "vgmstream plugin " VERSION " " __DATE__ "\n" \
"by hcs, FastElbja, manakoAT, bxaimc, snakemeat, soneek, kode54, bnnm and many others\n" \
"\n" \
"foobar2000 plugin by Josh W, kode54\n" \
"\n" \
"https://github.com/kode54/vgmstream/\n" \
"https://sourceforge.net/projects/vgmstream/ (original)"
input_vgmstream::input_vgmstream() {
vgmstream = NULL;
subsong = 0; // 0 = not set, will be properly changed on first setup_vgmstream
direct_subsong = false;
decoding = false;
paused = 0;
decode_pos_ms = 0;
decode_pos_samples = 0;
stream_length_samples = 0;
fade_samples = 0;
seek_pos_samples = 0;
fade_seconds = 10.0f;
fade_delay_seconds = 0.0f;
loop_count = 2.0f;
loop_forever = false;
ignore_loop = 0;
disable_subsongs = false;
downmix_channels = 0;
tagfile_disable = false;
tagfile_name = "!tags.m3u"; //todo make configurable
override_title = false;
input_vgmstream::~input_vgmstream() {
vgmstream = NULL;
// called first when a new file is opened
void input_vgmstream::open(service_ptr_t<file> p_filehint,const char * p_path,t_input_open_reason p_reason,abort_callback & p_abort) {
if (!p_path) { // shouldn't be possible
throw exception_io_data();
filename = p_path;
// keep file stats around (timestamp, filesize)
if ( p_filehint.is_empty() )
input_open_file_helper( p_filehint, filename, p_reason, p_abort );
stats = p_filehint->get_stats( p_abort );
switch(p_reason) {
case input_open_decode: // prepare to retrieve info and decode
case input_open_info_read: // prepare to retrieve info
setup_vgmstream(p_abort); // must init vgmstream to get subsongs
case input_open_info_write: // prepare to retrieve info and tag
throw exception_io_data();
default: // nothing else should be possible
throw exception_io_data();
// called after opening file (possibly per subsong too)
unsigned input_vgmstream::get_subsong_count() {
// if the plugin uses input_factory_t template and returns > 1 here when adding a song to the playlist,
// foobar will automagically "unpack" it by calling decode_initialize/get_info with all subsong indexes.
// There is no need to add any playlist code, only properly handle the subsong index.
if (disable_subsongs)
return 1;
// vgmstream ready as method is valid after open() with any reason
int subsong_count = vgmstream->num_streams;
if (subsong_count == 0)
subsong_count = 1; // most formats don't have subsongs
// pretend we don't have subsongs as we don't want foobar to unpack the rest
if (direct_subsong)
subsong_count = 1;
return subsong_count;
t_uint32 input_vgmstream::get_subsong(unsigned p_index) {
return p_index + 1; // translates index (0..N < subsong_count) for vgmstream: 1=first
void input_vgmstream::get_info(t_uint32 p_subsong, file_info & p_info, abort_callback & p_abort) {
int length_in_ms=0, channels = 0, samplerate = 0;
int total_samples = -1;
int bitrate = 0;
int loop_start = -1, loop_end = -1;
pfc::string8 description;
pfc::string8_fast temp;
get_subsong_info(p_subsong, temp, &length_in_ms, &total_samples, &loop_start, &loop_end, &samplerate, &channels, &bitrate, description, p_abort);
/* set tag info (metadata tab in file properties) */
/* Shows a custom subsong title by default with subsong name, to simplify for average users.
* This can be overriden and extended and using the exported STREAM_x below and foobar's formatting.
* foobar defaults to filename minus extension if there is no meta "title" value. */
if (!override_title && get_subsong_count() > 1) {
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"stream count: ")) p_info.meta_set("stream_count",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"stream index: ")) p_info.meta_set("stream_index",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"stream name: ")) p_info.meta_set("stream_name",temp);
/* get external file tags */
//todo optimize and don't parse tags again for this session (not sure how), seems foobar
// calls get_info on every play even if the file hasn't changes, and won't refresh "meta"
// unless forced or closing playlist+exe
if (!tagfile_disable) {
//todo use foobar's fancy-but-arcane string functions
char tagfile_path[PATH_LIMIT];
strcpy(tagfile_path, filename);
char *path = strrchr(tagfile_path,'\\');
if (path!=NULL) {
path[1] = '\0'; /* includes "\", remove after that from tagfile_path */
else { /* ??? */
STREAMFILE *tagFile = open_foo_streamfile(tagfile_path, &p_abort, &stats);
if (tagFile != NULL) {
vgmstream_tags_reset(&tag, filename);
while (vgmstream_tags_next_tag(&tag, tagFile)) {
/* set technical info (details tab in file properties) */
p_info.info_set_int("samplerate", samplerate);
p_info.info_set_int("channels", channels);
/* not quite accurate but some people are confused by "lossless"
* (could set lossless if PCM, but then again PCMFloat or PCM8 are converted/"lossy" in vgmstream) */
p_info.info_set_bitrate(bitrate / 1000);
if (total_samples > 0)
p_info.info_set_int("stream_total_samples", total_samples);
if (loop_start >= 0 && loop_end >= loop_start) {
p_info.info_set_int("loop_start", loop_start);
p_info.info_set_int("loop_end", loop_end);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"encoding: ")) p_info.info_set("codec",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"layout: ")) p_info.info_set("layout",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"interleave: ",' ')) p_info.info_set("interleave",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"interleave last block:",' ')) p_info.info_set("interleave_last_block",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"block size: ")) p_info.info_set("block_size",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"metadata from: ")) p_info.info_set("metadata_source",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"stream count: ")) p_info.info_set("stream_count",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"stream index: ")) p_info.info_set("stream_index",temp);
if (get_description_tag(temp,description,"stream name: ")) p_info.info_set("stream_name",temp);
t_filestats input_vgmstream::get_file_stats(abort_callback & p_abort) {
return stats;
// called right before actually playing (decoding) a song/subsong
void input_vgmstream::decode_initialize(t_uint32 p_subsong, unsigned p_flags, abort_callback & p_abort) {
force_ignore_loop = !!(p_flags & input_flag_no_looping);
// if subsong changes recreate vgmstream
if (subsong != p_subsong && !direct_subsong) {
subsong = p_subsong;
decode_seek( 0, p_abort );
bool input_vgmstream::decode_run(audio_chunk & p_chunk,abort_callback & p_abort) {
if (!decoding) return false;
if (!vgmstream) return false;
int max_buffer_samples = sizeof(sample_buffer)/sizeof(sample_buffer[0])/vgmstream->channels;
int samples_to_do = max_buffer_samples;
t_size bytes;
bool loop_okay = config.song_play_forever && vgmstream->loop_flag && !config.song_ignore_loop && !force_ignore_loop;
if (decode_pos_samples+max_buffer_samples>stream_length_samples && !loop_okay)
if (samples_to_do /*< DECODE_SIZE*/ == 0) {
decoding = false;
return false; /* EOF, didn't decode samples in this call */
/* fade! */
if (vgmstream->loop_flag && fade_samples > 0 && !loop_okay) {
int samples_into_fade = decode_pos_samples - (stream_length_samples - fade_samples);
if (samples_into_fade + samples_to_do > 0) {
int j,k;
for (j=0;j<samples_to_do;j++,samples_into_fade++) {
if (samples_into_fade > 0) {
double fadedness = (double)(fade_samples-samples_into_fade)/fade_samples;
for (k=0;k<vgmstream->channels;k++) {
sample_buffer[j*vgmstream->channels+k] =
/* downmix enabled (foobar refuses to do more than 8 channels) */
if (downmix_channels > 0 && downmix_channels < vgmstream->channels) {
short temp_buffer[SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE];
int s, ch;
for (s = 0; s < samples_to_do; s++) {
/* copy channels up to max */
for (ch = 0; ch < downmix_channels; ch++) {
temp_buffer[s*downmix_channels + ch] = sample_buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch];
/* then mix the rest */
for (ch = downmix_channels; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) {
int downmix_ch = ch % downmix_channels;
int new_sample = ((int)temp_buffer[s*downmix_channels + downmix_ch] + (int)sample_buffer[s*vgmstream->channels + ch]);
new_sample = (int)(new_sample * 0.7); /* limit clipping without removing too much loudness... hopefully */
if (new_sample > 32767) new_sample = 32767;
else if (new_sample < -32768) new_sample = -32768;
temp_buffer[s*downmix_channels + downmix_ch] = (short)new_sample;
/* copy back to global buffer... in case of multithreading stuff? */
memcpy(sample_buffer,temp_buffer, samples_to_do*downmix_channels*sizeof(short));
bytes = (samples_to_do*downmix_channels * sizeof(sample_buffer[0]));
p_chunk.set_data_fixedpoint((char*)sample_buffer, bytes, vgmstream->sample_rate, downmix_channels, 16, audio_chunk::g_guess_channel_config(downmix_channels));
else {
bytes = (samples_to_do*vgmstream->channels * sizeof(sample_buffer[0]));
p_chunk.set_data_fixedpoint((char*)sample_buffer, bytes, vgmstream->sample_rate, vgmstream->channels, 16, audio_chunk::g_guess_channel_config(vgmstream->channels));
return true; /* decoded in this call (sample_buffer or less) */
void input_vgmstream::decode_seek(double p_seconds,abort_callback & p_abort) {
seek_pos_samples = (int) audio_math::time_to_samples(p_seconds, vgmstream->sample_rate);
int max_buffer_samples = sizeof(sample_buffer)/sizeof(sample_buffer[0])/vgmstream->channels;
bool loop_okay = config.song_play_forever && vgmstream->loop_flag && !config.song_ignore_loop && !force_ignore_loop;
int corrected_pos_samples = seek_pos_samples;
// adjust for correct position within loop
if(vgmstream->loop_flag && (vgmstream->loop_end_sample - vgmstream->loop_start_sample) && seek_pos_samples >= vgmstream->loop_end_sample) {
corrected_pos_samples -= vgmstream->loop_start_sample;
corrected_pos_samples %= (vgmstream->loop_end_sample - vgmstream->loop_start_sample);
corrected_pos_samples += vgmstream->loop_start_sample;
// Allow for delta seeks forward, by up to the total length of the stream, if the delta is less than the corrected offset
if(decode_pos_samples > corrected_pos_samples && decode_pos_samples <= seek_pos_samples &&
(seek_pos_samples - decode_pos_samples) < stream_length_samples) {
if (corrected_pos_samples > (seek_pos_samples - decode_pos_samples))
corrected_pos_samples = seek_pos_samples;
// Reset of backwards seek
else if(corrected_pos_samples < decode_pos_samples) {
apply_config(vgmstream, &config); /* config is undone by reset */
decode_pos_samples = 0;
// seeking overrun = bad
if(corrected_pos_samples > stream_length_samples) corrected_pos_samples = stream_length_samples;
while(decode_pos_samples<corrected_pos_samples) {
int seek_samples = max_buffer_samples;
if((decode_pos_samples+max_buffer_samples>=stream_length_samples) && !loop_okay)
// remove seek loop correction from counter so file ends correctly
decoding = loop_okay || decode_pos_samples < stream_length_samples;
bool input_vgmstream::decode_can_seek() {return true;}
bool input_vgmstream::decode_get_dynamic_info(file_info & p_out, double & p_timestamp_delta) { return false; }
bool input_vgmstream::decode_get_dynamic_info_track(file_info & p_out, double & p_timestamp_delta) {return false;}
void input_vgmstream::decode_on_idle(abort_callback & p_abort) {/*m_file->on_idle(p_abort);*/}
void input_vgmstream::retag_set_info(t_uint32 p_subsong, const file_info & p_info, abort_callback & p_abort) { /*throw exception_io_data();*/ }
void input_vgmstream::retag_commit(abort_callback & p_abort) { /*throw exception_io_data();*/ }
bool input_vgmstream::g_is_our_content_type(const char * p_content_type) {return false;}
bool input_vgmstream::g_is_our_path(const char * p_path,const char * p_extension) {
const char ** ext_list;
size_t ext_list_len;
int i;
ext_list = vgmstream_get_formats(&ext_list_len);
for (i=0; i < ext_list_len; i++) {
if (!stricmp_utf8(p_extension, ext_list[i]))
return 1;
/* some extensionless files can be handled by vgmstream, try to play */
if (strlen(p_extension) <= 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
VGMSTREAM * input_vgmstream::init_vgmstream_foo(t_uint32 p_subsong, const char * const filename, abort_callback & p_abort) {
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL;
STREAMFILE *streamFile = open_foo_streamfile(filename, &p_abort, &stats);
if (streamFile) {
streamFile->stream_index = p_subsong;
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_from_STREAMFILE(streamFile);
return vgmstream;
void input_vgmstream::setup_vgmstream(abort_callback & p_abort) {
// close first in case of changing subsongs
if (vgmstream) {
// subsong and filename are always defined before this
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_foo(subsong, filename, p_abort);
if (!vgmstream) {
throw exception_io_data();
// default subsong is 0, meaning first init (vgmstream should open first stream, but not set stream_index).
// if the stream_index is already set, then the subsong was opened directly by some means (txtp, playlist, etc).
// add flag as in that case we only want to play the subsong but not unpack subsongs (which foobar does by default).
if (subsong == 0 && vgmstream->stream_index > 0) {
subsong = vgmstream->stream_index;
direct_subsong = true;
if (subsong == 0)
subsong = 1;
apply_config(vgmstream, &config);
decode_pos_ms = 0;
decode_pos_samples = 0;
paused = 0;
stream_length_samples = get_vgmstream_play_samples(config.song_loop_count,config.song_fade_time,config.song_fade_delay,vgmstream);
fade_samples = (int)(config.song_fade_time * vgmstream->sample_rate);
void input_vgmstream::get_subsong_info(t_uint32 p_subsong, pfc::string_base & title, int *length_in_ms, int *total_samples, int *loop_start, int *loop_end, int *sample_rate, int *channels, int *bitrate, pfc::string_base & description, abort_callback & p_abort) {
VGMSTREAM * infostream = NULL;
bool is_infostream = false;
foobar_song_config infoconfig;
char temp[1024];
// reuse current vgmstream if not querying a new subsong
// if it's a direct subsong then subsong may be N while p_subsong 1
// there is no need to recreate the infostream, there is only one subsong used
if (subsong != p_subsong && !direct_subsong) {
infostream = init_vgmstream_foo(p_subsong, filename, p_abort);
if (!infostream) {
throw exception_io_data();
is_infostream = true;
} else {
// vgmstream ready as get_info is valid after open() with any reason
infostream = vgmstream;
infoconfig = config;
if (length_in_ms) {
*length_in_ms = -1000;
if (infostream) {
int num_samples = get_vgmstream_play_samples(infoconfig.song_loop_count,infoconfig.song_fade_time,infoconfig.song_fade_delay,infostream);
*length_in_ms = num_samples*1000LL / infostream->sample_rate;
*sample_rate = infostream->sample_rate;
*channels = infostream->channels;
*total_samples = infostream->num_samples;
*bitrate = get_vgmstream_average_bitrate(infostream);
if (infostream->loop_flag) {
*loop_start = infostream->loop_start_sample;
*loop_end = infostream->loop_end_sample;
char temp[1024];
describe_vgmstream(infostream, temp, 1024);
description = temp;
if (title) {
const char *p = filename + strlen(filename);
while (*p != '\\' && p >= filename) p--;
const char *e = filename + strlen(filename);
while (*e != '.' && e >= filename) e--;
title.set_string(p, e - p);
if (!disable_subsongs && infostream && infostream->num_streams > 1) {
int info_subsong = infostream->stream_index;
if (info_subsong==0)
info_subsong = 1;
title += temp;
if (infostream->stream_name[0] != '\0') {
sprintf(temp," (%s)",infostream->stream_name);
title += temp;
// and only close if was querying a new subsong
if (is_infostream) {
infostream = NULL;
bool input_vgmstream::get_description_tag(pfc::string_base & temp, pfc::string_base const& description, const char *tag, char delimiter) {
// extract a "tag" from the description string
t_size pos = description.find_first(tag);
t_size eos;
if (pos != pfc::infinite_size) {
pos += strlen(tag);
eos = description.find_first(delimiter, pos);
if (eos == pfc::infinite_size) eos = description.length();
temp.set_string(description + pos, eos - pos);
//console::formatter() << "tag=" << tag << ", delim=" << delimiter << "temp=" << temp << ", pos=" << pos << "" << eos;
return true;
return false;
void input_vgmstream::set_config_defaults(foobar_song_config *current) {
current->song_play_forever = loop_forever;
current->song_loop_count = loop_count;
current->song_fade_time = fade_seconds;
current->song_fade_delay = fade_delay_seconds;
current->song_ignore_loop = ignore_loop;
current->song_really_force_loop = 0;
current->song_ignore_fade = 0;
void input_vgmstream::apply_config(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream, foobar_song_config *current) {
/* honor suggested config, if any (defined order matters)
* note that ignore_fade and play_forever should take priority */
if (vgmstream->config_loop_count) {
current->song_loop_count = vgmstream->config_loop_count;
if (vgmstream->config_fade_delay) {
current->song_fade_delay = vgmstream->config_fade_delay;
if (vgmstream->config_fade_time) {
current->song_fade_time = vgmstream->config_fade_time;
if (vgmstream->config_force_loop) {
current->song_really_force_loop = 1;
if (vgmstream->config_ignore_loop) {
current->song_ignore_loop = 1;
if (vgmstream->config_ignore_fade) {
current->song_ignore_fade = 1;
/* remove non-compatible options */
if (current->song_play_forever) {
current->song_ignore_fade = 0;
current->song_ignore_loop = 0;
/* change loop stuff, in no particular order */
if (current->song_really_force_loop) {
vgmstream_force_loop(vgmstream, 1, 0,vgmstream->num_samples);
if (current->song_ignore_loop) {
vgmstream_force_loop(vgmstream, 0, 0,0);
current->song_fade_time = 0;
/* loop N times, but also play stream end instead of fading out */
if (current->song_loop_count > 0 && current->song_ignore_fade) {
vgmstream_set_loop_target(vgmstream, (int)current->song_loop_count);
GUID input_vgmstream::g_get_guid()
static const GUID guid = { 0x9e7263c7, 0x4cdd, 0x482c,{ 0x9a, 0xec, 0x5e, 0x71, 0x28, 0xcb, 0xc3, 0x4 } };
return guid;
const char * input_vgmstream::g_get_name()
return "vgmstream";
GUID input_vgmstream::g_get_preferences_guid()
static const GUID guid = { 0x2b5d0302, 0x165b, 0x409c,{ 0x94, 0x74, 0x2c, 0x8c, 0x2c, 0xd7, 0x6a, 0x25 } };;
return guid;
bool input_vgmstream::g_is_low_merit()
return true;
/* foobar plugin defs */
static input_factory_t<input_vgmstream> g_input_vgmstream_factory;