2022-07-14 23:08:42 +02:00

267 lines
8.9 KiB

#include "meta.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
#include "../util/chunks.h"
/* BKHD - Wwise soundbank container */
VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_bkhd(STREAMFILE* sf) {
VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL;
uint32_t subfile_offset, subfile_size, base_offset = 0;
uint32_t subfile_id;
int big_endian, version, is_dummy = 0, is_wmid = 0;
uint32_t (*read_u32)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
float (*read_f32)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
int total_subsongs, target_subsong = sf->stream_index;
int prefetch = 0;
/* checks */
if (!check_extensions(sf,"bnk"))
goto fail;
if (is_id32be(0x00, sf, "AKBK")) /* [Shadowrun (X360)] */
base_offset = 0x0c;
if (!is_id32be(base_offset + 0x00, sf, "BKHD"))
goto fail;
big_endian = guess_endianness32bit(base_offset + 0x04, sf);
read_u32 = big_endian ? read_u32be : read_u32le;
read_f32 = big_endian ? read_f32be : read_f32le;
/* Wwise banks have event/track/sequence/etc info in the HIRC chunk, as well
* as other chunks, and may have a DATA/DIDX index to memory .wem in DATA.
* We support the internal .wem mainly for quick tests, as the HIRC is
* complex and better handled with TXTP (some info from Nicknine's script).
* Use this to explore HIRC and covert to .txtp: */
version = read_u32(base_offset + 0x08, sf);
if (version == 0 || version == 1) { /* early games */
version = read_u32(base_offset + 0x10, sf);
/* first chunk also follows standard chunk sizes unlike RIFF */
if (version <= 26) {
off_t data_offset_off;
uint32_t data_offset, data_start, offset;
if (!find_chunk(sf, 0x44415441, base_offset, 0, &data_offset_off, NULL, big_endian, 0)) /* "DATA" */
goto fail;
data_offset = data_offset_off;
/* index:
* 00: entries
* 04: null
* 08: entries size
* 0c: padding size after entries
* 10: data size
* 14: size? or null
* 18: data start
* 1c: data size
* per entry:
* 00: always -1
* 04: always 0
* 08: index number or -1
* 0c: 5 or -1?
* 0c: 5 or -1?
* 0c: 5 or -1?
* 10: stream offset (from data start) or -1 if none
* 14: stream size or 0 if none
total_subsongs = read_u32(data_offset + 0x00, sf);
if (target_subsong == 0) target_subsong = 1;
if (target_subsong < 0 || target_subsong > total_subsongs || total_subsongs < 1) goto fail;
data_start = read_u32(data_offset + 0x18, sf);
offset = data_offset + 0x20 + (target_subsong - 1) * 0x18;
subfile_id = read_u32(offset + 0x08, sf);
subfile_offset = read_u32(offset + 0x10, sf) + data_offset + 0x20 + data_start;
subfile_size = read_u32(offset + 0x14, sf);
else {
enum {
CHUNK_DIDX = 0x44494458, /* "DIDX" */
CHUNK_DATA = 0x44415441, /* "DATA" */
uint32_t didx_offset = 0, data_offset = 0, didx_size = 0, offset;
chunk_t rc = {0};
rc.be_size = big_endian;
rc.current = 0x00;
while (next_chunk(&rc, sf)) {
switch(rc.type) {
didx_offset = rc.offset;
didx_size = rc.size;
data_offset = rc.offset;
if (!didx_offset || !data_offset)
goto fail;
total_subsongs = didx_size / 0x0c;
if (total_subsongs < 1) {
vgm_logi("BKHD: bank has no subsongs (ignore)\n");
goto fail;
if (target_subsong == 0) target_subsong = 1;
if (target_subsong > total_subsongs) goto fail;
offset = didx_offset + (target_subsong - 1) * 0x0c;
subfile_id = read_u32(offset + 0x00, sf);
subfile_offset = read_u32(offset + 0x04, sf) + data_offset;
subfile_size = read_u32(offset + 0x08, sf);
//;VGM_LOG("BKHD: %x, %x\n", subfile_offset, subfile_size);
/* detect format */
if (subfile_offset <= 0 || subfile_size <= 0) {
is_dummy = 1;
/* rarely some indexes don't have data (early bnk)
* for now leave a dummy song for easier .bnk index-to-subsong mapping */
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_silence(0, 0, 0);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
else {
/* could pass .wem extension but few files need memory .wem detection */
temp_sf = setup_subfile_streamfile(sf, subfile_offset, subfile_size, NULL);
if (!temp_sf) goto fail;
/* read using temp_sf in case of >2GB .bnk */
if (is_id32be(0x00, temp_sf, "RIFF") || is_id32be(0x00, temp_sf, "RIFX")) {
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_wwise_bnk(temp_sf, &prefetch);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
else if (read_f32(subfile_offset + 0x02, temp_sf) >= 30.0 &&
read_f32(subfile_offset + 0x02, temp_sf) <= 250.0) {
is_wmid = 1;
/* ignore Wwise's custom .wmid (similar to a regular midi but with simplified
* chunks and custom fields: 0x00=MThd's division, 0x02: bpm (new), etc) */
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_silence(0, 0, 0);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
else {
/* may fail if not an actual wfx */
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_bkhd_fx(temp_sf);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_subsongs;
const char* info = NULL;
if (is_dummy)
info = "dummy";
else if (is_wmid)
info = "wmid";
/* old Wwise shows index or (more often) -1, unify to index*/
if (subfile_id == 0xFFFFFFFF)
subfile_id = target_subsong - 1;
if (info)
snprintf(vgmstream->stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE, "%u/%s", subfile_id, info);
snprintf(vgmstream->stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE, "%u", subfile_id);
if (prefetch)
concatn(STREAM_NAME_SIZE, vgmstream->stream_name, " [pre]");
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* BKHD mini format, for FX plugins [Borderlands 2 (X360), Warhammer 40000 (PC)] */
VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_bkhd_fx(STREAMFILE* sf) {
VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL;
uint32_t start_offset, data_size;
int big_endian, loop_flag, channels, sample_rate, entries;
uint32_t (*read_u32)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
/* checks */
/* .wem: used when (rarely) external */
if (!check_extensions(sf,"wem,bnk"))
goto fail;
big_endian = guess_endianness32bit(0x00, sf);
read_u32 = big_endian ? read_u32be : read_u32le;
/* Not an actual stream but typically convolution reverb models and other FX plugin helpers.
* Useless but to avoid "subsong not playing" complaints. */
/* Wwise Convolution Reverb */
if ((read_u32(0x00, sf) == 0x00000400 || /* common */
read_u32(0x00, sf) == 0x00020400 ) && /* Elden Ring */
read_u32(0x04, sf) == 0x0800) {
sample_rate = read_u32(0x08, sf);
channels = read_u32(0x0c, sf) & 0xFF; /* 0x31 at 0x0d in PC, field is 32b vs X360 */
/* 0x10: some id or small size? (related to entries?) */
/* 0x14/18: some float? */
entries = read_u32(0x1c, sf);
/* 0x20 data size / 0x10 */
/* 0x24 usually 4, sometimes higher values? */
/* 0x30: unknown table of 16b that goes up and down, or is fixed */
start_offset = 0x30 + align_size_to_block(entries * 0x02, 0x10);
data_size = get_streamfile_size(sf) - start_offset;
else if (read_u32be(0x04, sf) == 0x00004844 && /* floats actually? */
read_u32be(0x08, sf) == 0x0000FA45 &&
read_u32be(0x1c, sf) == 0x80000000) {
/* seen in Crucible banks */
sample_rate = 48000; /* meh */
channels = 1;
start_offset = 0;
data_size = get_streamfile_size(sf);
big_endian = 0;
else {
goto fail;
loop_flag = 0;
/* data seems divided in chunks of 0x2000 */
/* build the VGMSTREAM */
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channels, loop_flag);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_WWISE_FX;
vgmstream->sample_rate = sample_rate;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PCMFLOAT;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_interleave;
vgmstream->codec_endian = big_endian;
vgmstream->interleave_block_size = 0x4;
vgmstream->num_samples = pcm_bytes_to_samples(data_size, channels, 32);
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, sf, start_offset))
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;