2024-05-03 13:48:23 +02:00

278 lines
11 KiB

#include "deblock_streamfile.h"
#include "../util/endianness.h"
#define AWC_MAX_MUSIC_CHANNELS 32 /* seen ~24 */
#define AWC_FRAME_SIZE 0x800
/* ************************************************************************* */
typedef struct {
int start_entry; /* inaccurate! */
int entries;
int32_t channel_skip;
int32_t channel_samples;
uint32_t channel_size; /* size of this channel's data (not including padding) */
uint32_t frame_size;
/* derived */
uint32_t chunk_start; /* relative to block offset */
uint32_t chunk_size; /* size of this channel's data (may include padding) */
} awc_block_t;
typedef struct {
int big_endian;
uint8_t codec;
int channels;
uint32_t block_offset;
awc_block_t blk[AWC_MAX_MUSIC_CHANNELS];
} awc_block_info_t;
/* Block format:
* - block header for all channels (needed to find frame start)
* - frames from channel 1
* - ...
* - frames from channel N
* - usually there is padding between channels or blocks (usually 0s but seen 0x97 in AT9)
* Header format:
* - channel info (per channel)
* 0x00: start entry/frame for that channel? (-1 in vorbis, innacurate in MPEG/AT9, ? in XMA)
* Unlike RAGE-aud, this value isn't useful to calculate data offsets and possibly just used for seek table.
* ex. on block 0, ch0/1 have 0x02A9 frames, start entry is: ch0=0x0000, ch1=0x02AA (AT9) !! (would be 1 frame into ch2)
* 0x04: entries/frames in this channel (may be different between channels)
* This refers to 1 logical chunk of N sub-frames
* MPEG padding works differently vs RAGE-aud too.
* 0x08: samples to discard in the beginning of this block (MPEG/XMA2/Vorbis only?)
* When this is set, channel repeats XMA/MPEG super-frames from prev block. However discard doesn't seem to match
* repeated samples, and skip value may be smaller (ex. just 1152 skip samples but repeats make 4608 samples).
* So maybe they just skip data like we do below and don't actually use this value.
* 0x0c: samples in channel (for MPEG/XMA2 can vary between channels)
* full samples without removing samples to discard
* (next fields only exists for MPEG, Vorbis or some IMA versions)
* 0x10: (MPEG only, empty otherwise) close to number of frames but varies a bit?
* 0x14: (MPEG only, empty otherwise) channel chunk size (not counting padding)
* - seek table (entries for all channels, 1 per frame)
* 0x00: global samples per frame in each block (for MPEG probably per full frame)
* (AT9 doesn't have a seek table as it's CBR)
* - extra info (per channel, ATRAC9/DSP ony):
* 0x00: "D11A"
* 0x04: frame size
* 0x06: frame samples
* 0x08: flags? (0x0103=AT9, 0x0104=DSP)
* 0x0a: sample rate
* 0x0c: ATRAC9 config (repeated but same for all blocks) or "D11E" (DSP)
* 0x10-0x70: padding with 0x77 (ATRAC3) or standard DSP header for original full file (DSP)
* - padding up to data start, depending on codec (DSP/ATRAC9: none, others: aligned to 0x800)
static bool read_awc_block(STREAMFILE* sf, awc_block_info_t* bi) {
read_s32_t read_s32 = bi->big_endian ? read_s32be : read_s32le;
read_u16_t read_u16 = bi->big_endian ? read_u16be : read_u16le;
uint32_t channel_entry_size, seek_entry_size, extra_entry_size, header_padding;
uint32_t offset = bi->block_offset;
int channels = bi->channels;
/* read stupid block crap + derived info at once so hopefully it's a bit easier to understand */
switch(bi->codec) {
case 0x05: /* XMA2 */
channel_entry_size = 0x10;
seek_entry_size = 0x04;
extra_entry_size = 0x00;
header_padding = 0x800;
case 0x07: /* MPEG */
case 0x08: /* Vorbis */
channel_entry_size = 0x18;
seek_entry_size = 0x04;
extra_entry_size = 0x00;
header_padding = 0x800;
case 0x0F: /* ATRAC9 */
channel_entry_size = 0x10;
seek_entry_size = 0x00;
extra_entry_size = 0x70;
header_padding = 0x00;
return false;
/* channel info table */
for (int ch = 0; ch < bi->channels; ch++) {
bi->blk[ch].start_entry = read_s32(offset + 0x00, sf);
bi->blk[ch].entries = read_s32(offset + 0x04, sf);
bi->blk[ch].channel_skip = read_s32(offset + 0x08, sf);
bi->blk[ch].channel_samples = read_s32(offset + 0x0c, sf);
if (bi->codec == 0x07) { /* MPEG */
bi->blk[ch].channel_size = read_s32(offset + 0x14, sf);
offset += channel_entry_size;
/* seek table */
for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) {
offset += bi->blk[ch].entries * seek_entry_size;
/* extra table and derived info */
for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) {
switch(bi->codec) {
case 0x05: /* XMA2 */
case 0x08: /* Vorbis */
/* each 'frame'/entry in Vorbis is actually N vorbis frames then padding up to 0x800
* (more or less like a big Ogg page or XMA 'frame'). Padding is considered part of
* the data and handled by the decoder, since sfx (non-blocked) algo have it. */
bi->blk[ch].frame_size = AWC_FRAME_SIZE;
bi->blk[ch].chunk_size = bi->blk[ch].entries * bi->blk[ch].frame_size;
bi->blk[ch].channel_size = bi->blk[ch].chunk_size;
case 0x07: /* MPEG */
bi->blk[ch].frame_size = AWC_FRAME_SIZE; /* approximate but not used like RAGE-aud */
bi->blk[ch].chunk_size = align_size_to_block(bi->blk[ch].channel_size, 0x10);
//bi->blk[ch].channel_size = (pre-loaded);
case 0x0F: /* ATRAC9 */
bi->blk[ch].frame_size = read_u16(offset + 0x04, sf);
bi->blk[ch].chunk_size = bi->blk[ch].entries * bi->blk[ch].frame_size;
bi->blk[ch].channel_size = bi->blk[ch].chunk_size;
return false;
offset += extra_entry_size;
/* header done, move into data start */
if (header_padding) {
/* padding on the current size rather than file offset (block meant to be read into memory, probably) */
uint32_t header_size = offset - bi->block_offset;
offset = bi->block_offset + align_size_to_block(header_size, header_padding);
/* set frame starts per channel */
for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) {
bi->blk[ch].chunk_start = offset - bi->block_offset;
offset += bi->blk[ch].chunk_size;
/* beyond this is padding until chunk_start */
return true;
/* Find data that repeats in the beginning of a new block at the end of last block.
* When a new block starts there is some repeated data + channel_skip (for seeking + encoder delay?).
* Detect it so decoder may ignore it. */
static uint32_t get_block_repeated_size(STREAMFILE* sf, awc_block_info_t* bi, int channel, bool is_alt) {
if (bi->blk[channel].channel_skip == 0)
return 0;
switch(bi->codec) {
case 0x05: /* XMA2 */
case 0x08: /* Vorbis */
/* when data repeats seems to clone the last (super-)frame */
return bi->blk[channel].frame_size;
case 0x07: { /* MPEG */
/* first super-frame will repeat N VBR old sub-frames, without crossing frame_size.
* In GTA5 repeated sub-frames seems to match exactly repeated samples, while RDR seems to match 1 full frame (like RAGE-aud).
* ex. RDR: repeated frames' size could be set to 0x774 (7 sub-frames) if adding 1 more would take >0x800.
* ex. GTA5: repeated frames' samples could be set to 3456 = 3 * 1152 = size 0x420
* This behavior may be hardcoded but seems detectable by a flag set in every(?) streamed GTA5 file (all platforms though). */
uint8_t frame[AWC_FRAME_SIZE];
uint32_t offset = bi->block_offset + bi->blk[channel].chunk_start;
read_streamfile(frame, offset, sizeof(frame), sf);
int frames = 0;
int max_frames = is_alt ? bi->blk[channel].channel_skip / 1152 : 999;
/* read sub-frames until padding or end */
int skip_size = 0x00;
while (skip_size < sizeof(frame) - 0x04) {
if (frames == max_frames)
return skip_size;
if (frame[skip_size] == 0x00) /* possible? */
mpeg_frame_info info = {0};
uint32_t header = get_u32be(frame + skip_size);
if (!mpeg_get_frame_info_h(header, &info)) /* ? */
if (skip_size + info.frame_size > sizeof(frame)) /* not a repeated frame */
return skip_size;
skip_size += info.frame_size;
return skip_size; /* skip_size fills frame size */
case 0x0F: /* ATRAC9 */
VGM_LOG("AWC: found channel skip in codec %x\n", bi->codec); /* not seen */
return 0;
/* ************************************************************************* */
static void block_callback(STREAMFILE *sf, deblock_io_data* data) {
int channel = data->cfg.track_number;
awc_block_info_t bi = {0};
bi.big_endian = data->cfg.big_endian;
bi.block_offset = data->physical_offset;
bi.channels = data->cfg.track_count;
bi.codec = data->cfg.track_type;
if (bi.block_offset >= get_streamfile_size(sf))
if (!read_awc_block(sf, &bi))
return; //???
uint32_t repeat_size = get_block_repeated_size(sf, &bi, channel, data->cfg.config);
data->block_size = data->cfg.chunk_size;
data->skip_size = bi.blk[channel].chunk_start + repeat_size;
data->data_size = bi.blk[channel].channel_size - repeat_size;
/* deblocks AWC blocks */
static STREAMFILE* setup_awc_streamfile(STREAMFILE* sf, uint32_t stream_offset, uint32_t stream_size, uint32_t block_size, int channels, int channel, uint8_t codec, bool big_endian, bool is_alt) {
deblock_config_t cfg = {0};
if (channels > AWC_MAX_MUSIC_CHANNELS || channel >= channels)
return NULL;
cfg.track_number = channel;
cfg.track_count = channels;
cfg.stream_start = stream_offset;
cfg.stream_size = stream_size;
cfg.chunk_size = block_size;
cfg.track_type = codec;
cfg.big_endian = big_endian;
cfg.config = is_alt;
//cfg.physical_offset = stream_offset;
//cfg.logical_size = awc_io_size(sf, &cfg); /* force init */
cfg.block_callback = block_callback;
new_sf = open_wrap_streamfile(sf);
new_sf = open_io_deblock_streamfile_f(new_sf, &cfg);
//new_sf = open_buffer_streamfile_f(new_sf, 0);
return new_sf;