mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 01:42:33 +01:00
185 lines
5.5 KiB
185 lines
5.5 KiB
#include "meta.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
/* XSH+XSD/XSS - from Treyarch games */
VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_xsh_xsd_xss(STREAMFILE* sf) {
VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = NULL;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t stream_type, stream_offset, stream_size;
uint32_t name_offset, name_size;
uint32_t flags;
int32_t num_samples;
int version = 0;
int loop_flag, channels, codec, sample_rate;
int total_subsongs, target_subsong = sf->stream_index;
/* checks */
if (!check_extensions(sf, "xsh"))
goto fail;
version = read_u32le(0x00, sf);
if (read_u32le(0x04, sf) != 0)
goto fail;
total_subsongs = read_u32le(0x08, sf);
if (target_subsong == 0) target_subsong = 1;
if (target_subsong < 0 || target_subsong > total_subsongs || total_subsongs < 1) goto fail;
switch(version) {
case 0x009D: /* Spider-Man 2002 (Xbox) */
offset = 0x0c + (target_subsong-1) * 0x60;
name_offset = offset + 0x00;
name_size = 0x20;
offset += 0x20;
stream_type = read_u32le(offset + 0x00,sf);
stream_offset = read_u32le(offset + 0x04,sf);
stream_size = read_u32le(offset + 0x08,sf);
flags = read_u32le(offset + 0x14,sf);
/* 0x18: flags? */
num_samples = 0;
offset += 0x1c;
case 0x0100: /* Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Xbox) */
case 0x0101: /* Minority Report: Everybody Runs (Xbox), NHL 2K3 (Xbox) */
/* NHL has stream IDs instead of names */
if (read_u32le(0x0c,sf) > 0x1000) {
offset = 0x0c + (target_subsong-1) * 0x64;
name_offset = offset + 0x00;
name_size = 0x20;
offset += 0x20;
else {
offset = 0x0c + (target_subsong-1) * 0x48;
name_offset = offset + 0x00;
name_size = 0x00;
offset += 0x04;
stream_type = read_u32le(offset + 0x00,sf);
stream_offset = read_u32le(offset + 0x04,sf);
stream_size = read_u32le(offset + 0x08,sf);
flags = read_u32le(offset + 0x14,sf);
num_samples = read_u32le(offset + 0x18,sf);
/* 0x1c: flags? */
offset += 0x20;
goto fail;
loop_flag = 0;
if (stream_type < 0 || stream_type > 2)
goto fail;
/* 0x00: floats x4 (volume/pan/etc? usually 1.0, 1.0, 10.0, 10.0) */
codec = read_u16le(offset + 0x10,sf);
channels = read_u16le(offset + 0x12,sf);
sample_rate = read_u32le(offset + 0x14,sf);
/* 0x18: avg bitrate */
/* 0x1c: block size */
/* 0x1e: bps */
/* 0x20: 2? */
if (stream_type == 0) {
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_silence_container(total_subsongs);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
return vgmstream;
if (flags & 0x04) {
char filename[255];
switch (version) {
case 0x009D:
/* stream is a named .xss, with stream_offset/size = 0 */
read_string(filename, name_size, name_offset,sf);
strcat(filename, ".xss");
sf_body = open_streamfile_by_filename(sf,filename);
if (!sf_body) {
vgm_logi("XSH: external file '%s' not found (put together)\n", filename);
goto fail;
/* xss is playable externally, so this is mostly for show */
vgmstream = init_vgmstream_riff(sf_body);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_subsongs;
read_string(vgmstream->stream_name, name_size, name_offset,sf);
return vgmstream;
case 0x0100:
case 0x0101:
/* bigfile with all streams */
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s", "STREAMS.XSS");
sf_body = open_streamfile_by_filename(sf,filename);
if (!sf_body) {
vgm_logi("XSH: external file '%s' not found (put together)\n", filename);
goto fail;
goto fail;
else {
sf_body = open_streamfile_by_ext(sf,"xsd");
if (!sf_body) {
VGM_LOG("XSH: can't find XSD");
goto fail;
/* build the VGMSTREAM */
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(channels, loop_flag);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_XSH_XSD_XSS;
vgmstream->sample_rate = sample_rate;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_subsongs;
vgmstream->stream_size = stream_size;
switch(codec) {
case 0x0069:
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_XBOX_IMA;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
if (!num_samples)
num_samples = xbox_ima_bytes_to_samples(stream_size, channels);
vgmstream->num_samples = num_samples;
read_string(vgmstream->stream_name, name_size, name_offset,sf);
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream, sf_body, stream_offset))
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;