2018-07-20 10:17:25 +03:00

1084 lines
43 KiB

#include "meta.h"
#include "../layout/layout.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
/* header version */
#define EA_VERSION_NONE -1
#define EA_VERSION_V0 0x00 // ~early PC (when codec1 was used)
#define EA_VERSION_V1 0x01 // ~PC
#define EA_VERSION_V2 0x02 // ~PS era
#define EA_VERSION_V3 0x03 // ~PS2 era
/* platform constants (unasigned values seem internal only) */
#define EA_PLATFORM_GENERIC -1 // typically Wii/X360/PS3/videos
#define EA_PLATFORM_PC 0x00
#define EA_PLATFORM_PSX 0x01
#define EA_PLATFORM_N64 0x02
#define EA_PLATFORM_MAC 0x03
#define EA_PLATFORM_SAT 0x04
#define EA_PLATFORM_PS2 0x05
#define EA_PLATFORM_GC_WII 0x06 // reused later for Wii
#define EA_PLATFORM_XBOX 0x07
#define EA_PLATFORM_X360 0x09 // also "Xenon"
#define EA_PLATFORM_PSP 0x0A
#define EA_PLATFORM_PS3 0x0E // very rare [Need for Speed: Carbon (PS3)]
#define EA_PLATFORM_3DS 0x14
/* codec constants (undefined are probably reserved, ie.- sx.exe encodes PCM24/DVI but no platform decodes them) */
/* CODEC1 values were used early, then they migrated to CODEC2 values */
#define EA_CODEC1_NONE -1
#define EA_CODEC1_PCM 0x00
#define EA_CODEC1_VAG 0x01 // unsure
#define EA_CODEC1_EAXA 0x07 // Need for Speed 2 PC, FIFA 98 SAT
#define EA_CODEC1_MT10 0x09
//#define EA_CODEC1_N64 ?
#define EA_CODEC2_NONE -1
#define EA_CODEC2_MT10 0x04
#define EA_CODEC2_VAG 0x05
#define EA_CODEC2_S16BE 0x07
#define EA_CODEC2_S16LE 0x08
#define EA_CODEC2_S8 0x09
#define EA_CODEC2_EAXA 0x0A
#define EA_CODEC2_LAYER2 0x0F
#define EA_CODEC2_LAYER3 0x10
#define EA_CODEC2_GCADPCM 0x12
#define EA_CODEC2_XBOXADPCM 0x14
#define EA_CODEC2_MT5 0x16
#define EA_CODEC2_EALAYER3 0x17
#define EA_CODEC2_ATRAC3PLUS 0x1B /* Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (PSP) */
//todo #define EA_CODEC2_ATRAC9 0x-- /* supposedly exists */
typedef struct {
int32_t num_samples;
int32_t sample_rate;
int32_t channels;
int32_t platform;
int32_t version;
int32_t bps;
int32_t codec1;
int32_t codec2;
int32_t loop_start;
int32_t loop_end;
off_t offsets[EA_MAX_CHANNELS];
off_t coefs[EA_MAX_CHANNELS];
int big_endian;
int loop_flag;
int codec_version;
} ea_header;
static VGMSTREAM * parse_schl_block(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int total_streams);
static VGMSTREAM * parse_bnk_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int target_stream, int total_streams);
static int parse_variable_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ea_header* ea, off_t begin_offset, int max_length);
static uint32_t read_patch(STREAMFILE* streamFile, off_t* offset);
static int get_ea_stream_total_samples(STREAMFILE* streamFile, off_t start_offset, VGMSTREAM* vgmstream);
static off_t get_ea_stream_mpeg_start_offset(STREAMFILE* streamFile, off_t start_offset, const ea_header* ea);
static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, ea_header *ea, off_t start_offset, int is_bnk, int total_streams);
/* EA SCHl with variable header - from EA games (roughly 1997~2010); generated by EA Canada's sx.exe/Sound eXchange */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_schl(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
/* check extension; exts don't seem enforced by EA's tools, but usually:
* STR/ASF/MUS ~early, EAM ~mid, SNG/AUD ~late, rest uncommon/one game (ex. STRM: MySims Kingdom Wii) */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"str,asf,mus,eam,sng,aud,sx,strm,xa,xsf,exa,stm,ast,trj,trm"))
goto fail;
/* check header */
if (read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x5343486C && /* "SCHl" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x5348454E && /* "SHEN" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x53484652 && /* "SHFR" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x53484745 && /* "SHGE" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x53484954 && /* "SHIT" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x53485350 && /* "SHSP" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x53485255 && /* "SHRU" */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x53484A41) /* "SHJA" */
goto fail;
/* Stream is divided into blocks/chunks: SCHl=audio header, SCCl=count of SCDl, SCDl=data xN, SCLl=loop end, SCEl=end.
* Video uses picture blocks (MVhd/MV0K/etc) and sometimes multiaudio blocks (SHxx/SCxx/SDxx/SExx where xx=language=EN/FR/GE/IT/SP/RU/JA).
* The number/size is affected by: block rate setting, sample rate, channels, CPU location (SPU/main/DSP/others), etc */
return parse_schl_block(streamFile, 0x00, 0);
return NULL;
/* EA BNK with variable header - from EA games SFXs; also created by sx.exe */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_bnk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
off_t offset;
/* check extension */
/* .bnk: sfx, .sdt: speech, .mus: streams/jingles (rare) */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"bnk,sdt,mus"))
goto fail;
/* check header (doesn't use EA blocks, otherwise very similar to SCHl) */
if (read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) == 0x424E4B6C || /* "BNKl" (common) */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) == 0x424E4B62) /* "BNKb" (FIFA 98 SS) */
offset = 0;
else if (read_32bitBE(0x100,streamFile) == 0x424E4B6C) /* "BNKl" (common) */
offset = 0x100; /* Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (PS2) .mus have weird extra 0x100 bytes */
goto fail;
return parse_bnk_header(streamFile, offset, streamFile->stream_index, 0);
return NULL;
/* EA ABK - contains embedded BNK file or references streams in AST file */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_abk(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int bnk_target_stream, is_dupe, total_sounds = 0, target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
off_t bnk_offset, header_table_offset, base_offset, value_offset, table_offset, entry_offset, target_entry_offset, schl_offset;
uint32_t i, j, k, num_sounds, total_sound_tables;
uint16_t num_tables;
uint8_t version, sound_type, num_entries;
off_t sound_table_offsets[0x2000];
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
/* check extension */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "abk"))
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x41424B43) /* "ABKC" */
goto fail;
version = read_8bit(0x06, streamFile);
if (version > 0x01)
goto fail;
/* use table offset to check endianness */
if (guess_endianness32bit(0x1C,streamFile)) {
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0) goto fail;
num_tables = read_16bit(0x0A, streamFile);
header_table_offset = read_32bit(0x1C, streamFile);
bnk_offset = read_32bit(0x20, streamFile);
target_entry_offset = 0;
total_sound_tables = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_tables; i++) {
num_entries = read_8bit(header_table_offset + 0x24, streamFile);
base_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + 0x2C, streamFile);
for (j = 0; j < num_entries; j++) {
value_offset = read_32bit(header_table_offset + 0x3C + 0x04 * j, streamFile);
table_offset = read_32bit(base_offset + value_offset + 0x04, streamFile);
/* For some reason, there are duplicate entries pointing at the same sound tables */
is_dupe = 0;
for (k = 0; k < total_sound_tables; k++)
if (table_offset==sound_table_offsets[k])
is_dupe = 1;
if (is_dupe) continue;
sound_table_offsets[total_sound_tables++] = table_offset;
num_sounds = read_32bit(table_offset, streamFile);
for (k = 0; k < num_sounds; k++) {
entry_offset = table_offset + 0x04 + 0x0C * k;
sound_type = read_8bit(entry_offset, streamFile);
/* some of these dummies pointing at sound 0 in BNK */
if (sound_type == 0x00 && read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) == 0)
if (target_stream == total_sounds)
target_entry_offset = entry_offset;
header_table_offset += 0x3C + num_entries * 0x04;
if (target_entry_offset == 0) goto fail;
/* 0x00: type (0x00 - normal, 0x01 - streamed, 0x02 - streamed and prefetched(?) */
/* 0x01: ??? */
/* 0x04: index for normal sounds, offset for streamed sounds */
/* 0x08: offset for prefetched sounds */
sound_type = read_8bit(target_entry_offset, streamFile);
switch (sound_type) {
case 0x00:
if (!bnk_offset) goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(bnk_offset, streamFile) != 0x424E4B6C && /* "BNKl" */
read_32bitBE(bnk_offset,streamFile) != 0x424E4B62) /* BNKb */
goto fail;
bnk_target_stream = read_32bit(target_entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) + 1;
vgmstream = parse_bnk_header(streamFile, bnk_offset, bnk_target_stream, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
astData = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "ast");
if (!astData) goto fail;
if (sound_type == 0x01)
schl_offset = read_32bit(target_entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile);
schl_offset = read_32bit(target_entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile);
if (read_32bitBE(schl_offset, astData) != 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl */
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(astData, schl_offset, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* EA HDR/DAT combo - frequently used for storing speech */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_hdr(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
uint8_t userdata_size, total_sounds;
size_t total_size;
off_t schl_offset;
STREAMFILE *datFile = NULL, *sthFile = NULL;
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*);
/* No nice way to validate these so we do what we can */
sthFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "sth");
if (sthFile) goto fail; /* newer version using SNR/SNS */
datFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "dat");
if (!datFile) goto fail;
/* 0x00: hash */
/* 0x02: sub-ID (used for different police voices in NFS games) */
/* 0x04: userdata size (low nibble) */
/* 0x05: number of files */
/* 0x06: ??? */
/* 0x08: combined size of all sounds without padding divided by 0x0100 */
/* 0x0C: table start */
userdata_size = read_8bit(0x04, streamFile) & 0x0F;
total_sounds = read_8bit(0x05, streamFile);
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0 || total_sounds == 0 || target_stream > total_sounds) goto fail;
if (guess_endianness16bit(0x08,streamFile)) {
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
total_size = (size_t)read_16bit(0x08, streamFile) * 0x0100;
if (total_size > get_streamfile_size(datFile)) goto fail;
/* offsets are always big endian */
schl_offset = (off_t)read_16bitBE(0x0C + (0x02+userdata_size) * (target_stream-1), streamFile) * 0x0100;
if (read_32bitBE(schl_offset, datFile) != 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl */
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(datFile, schl_offset, total_sounds);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* EA SCHl with variable header - from EA games (roughly 1997~2010); generated by EA Canada's sx.exe/Sound eXchange */
static VGMSTREAM * parse_schl_block(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int total_streams) {
off_t start_offset, header_offset;
size_t header_size;
ea_header ea = { 0 };
if (guess_endianness32bit(offset + 0x04, streamFile)) /* size is always LE, except in early SS/MAC */
header_size = read_32bitBE(offset + 0x04, streamFile);
header_size = read_32bitLE(offset + 0x04, streamFile);
header_offset = offset + 0x08;
if (!parse_variable_header(streamFile, &ea, header_offset, header_size))
goto fail;
start_offset = offset + header_size; /* starts in "SCCl" (skipped in block layout) or very rarely "SCDl" and maybe movie blocks */
/* rest is common */
return init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(streamFile, &ea, start_offset, 0, total_streams);
return NULL;
/* EA BNK with variable header - from EA games SFXs; also created by sx.exe */
static VGMSTREAM * parse_bnk_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, off_t offset, int target_stream, int total_streams) {
off_t header_offset, start_offset, test_offset, table_offset;
size_t header_size;
ea_header ea = {0};
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
int i, bnk_version;
int total_bnk_sounds, real_bnk_sounds = 0;
/* use header size as endianness flag */
if (guess_endianness32bit(offset + 0x08,streamFile)) {
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
bnk_version = read_8bit(offset + 0x04,streamFile);
total_bnk_sounds = read_16bit(offset + 0x06,streamFile);
/* check multi-streams */
switch(bnk_version) {
case 0x02: /* early (Need For Speed PC, Fifa 98 SS) */
table_offset = 0x0c;
header_size = read_32bit(offset + 0x08,streamFile); /* full size */
case 0x04: /* mid (last used in PSX banks) */
case 0x05: /* late (generated by sx.exe ~v2+) */
/* 0x08: header/file size, 0x0C: file size/null, 0x10: always null */
table_offset = 0x14;
header_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile); /* unknown (header is variable and may have be garbage until data) */
VGM_LOG("EA BNK: unknown version %x\n", bnk_version);
goto fail;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
header_offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < total_bnk_sounds; i++) {
/* some of these are dummies with zero offset */
test_offset = read_32bit(offset + table_offset + 0x04 * i, streamFile);
if (test_offset != 0) {
/* ABK points at absolute indexes, i.e. with dummies included */
if (total_streams != 0) {
if (target_stream - 1 == i)
header_offset = offset + table_offset + 0x04 * i + test_offset;
else {
/* Ignore dummy streams when opening standalone BNK files */
if (target_stream == real_bnk_sounds)
header_offset = offset + table_offset + 0x04 * i + test_offset;
if (target_stream < 0 || header_offset == 0 || real_bnk_sounds < 1) goto fail;
if (!parse_variable_header(streamFile,&ea, header_offset, header_size - header_offset))
goto fail;
/* fix absolute offsets so it works in next funcs */
if (offset) {
for (i = 0; i < ea.channels; i++) {
ea.offsets[i] += offset;
start_offset = ea.offsets[0]; /* first channel, presumably needed for MPEG */
/* special case found in some tests (pcstream had hist, pcbnk no hist, no patch diffs)
* I think this works but what decides if hist is used or not a secret to everybody */
if (ea.codec2 == EA_CODEC2_EAXA && ea.codec1 == EA_CODEC1_NONE && ea.version >= EA_VERSION_V1) {
ea.codec_version = 0;
/* rest is common */
return init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(streamFile, &ea, start_offset, bnk_version, total_streams ? total_streams : real_bnk_sounds);
return NULL;
/* inits VGMSTREAM from a EA header */
static VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_variable_header(STREAMFILE *streamFile, ea_header * ea, off_t start_offset, int bnk_version, int total_streams) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
int i, ch;
int is_bnk = bnk_version;
/* build the VGMSTREAM */
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(ea->channels, ea->loop_flag);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->sample_rate = ea->sample_rate;
vgmstream->num_samples = ea->num_samples;
vgmstream->loop_start_sample = ea->loop_start;
vgmstream->loop_end_sample = ea->loop_end;
vgmstream->codec_endian = ea->big_endian;
vgmstream->codec_version = ea->codec_version;
vgmstream->meta_type = is_bnk ? meta_EA_BNK : meta_EA_SCHL;
if (is_bnk) {
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
/* BNKs usually have absolute offsets for all channels ("full" interleave) except in some versions */
if (vgmstream->channels > 1 && ea->codec1 == EA_CODEC1_PCM) {
int interleave = (vgmstream->num_samples * (ea->bps == 8 ? 0x01 : 0x02)); /* full interleave */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
ea->offsets[i] = ea->offsets[0] + interleave*i;
else if (vgmstream->channels > 1 && ea->codec1 == EA_CODEC1_VAG) {
int interleave = (vgmstream->num_samples / 28 * 16); /* full interleave */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
ea->offsets[i] = ea->offsets[0] + interleave*i;
else if (vgmstream->channels > 1 && ea->codec2 == EA_CODEC2_GCADPCM && ea->offsets[0] == ea->offsets[1]) {
/* pcstream+gcadpcm with sx.exe v2, this is probably an bug (even with this parts of the wave are off) */
int interleave = (vgmstream->num_samples / 14 * 8); /* full interleave */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
ea->offsets[i] = ea->offsets[0] + interleave*i;
else {
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_blocked_ea_schl;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_streams;
/* EA usually implements their codecs in all platforms (PS2/WII do EAXA/MT/EALAYER3) and
* favors them over platform's natives (ex. EAXA vs VAG/DSP).
* Unneeded codecs are removed over time (ex. LAYER3 when EALAYER3 was introduced). */
switch (ea->codec2) {
case EA_CODEC2_EAXA: /* EA-XA, CDXA ADPCM variant */
if (ea->codec1 == EA_CODEC1_EAXA) {
if (ea->platform != EA_PLATFORM_SAT && ea->channels > 1)
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_EA_XA; /* original version, stereo stream */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_EA_XA_int; /* interleaved mono streams */
else { /* later revision with PCM blocks and slighty modified decoding */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_EA_XA_V2;
case EA_CODEC2_S8: /* PCM8 */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PCM8;
case EA_CODEC2_S16BE: /* PCM16BE */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PCM16BE;
case EA_CODEC2_S16LE: /* PCM16LE */
if (ea->version > 0) {
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PCM16LE;
} else { /* Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PC) */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PCM16_int;
case EA_CODEC2_VAG: /* PS-ADPCM */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_PSX;
case EA_CODEC2_XBOXADPCM: /* XBOX IMA (interleaved mono) */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_XBOX_IMA_int;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_NGC_DSP;
/* get them coefs (start offsets are not necessarily ordered) */
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = ea->big_endian ? read_16bitBE : read_16bitLE;
for (ch=0; ch < vgmstream->channels; ch++) {
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { /* actual size 0x21, last byte unknown */
vgmstream->ch[ch].adpcm_coef[i] = read_16bit(ea->coefs[ch] + i*2, streamFile);
case EA_CODEC2_LAYER2: /* MPEG Layer II, aka MP2 */
case EA_CODEC2_LAYER3: { /* MPEG Layer III, aka MP3 */
mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0};
off_t mpeg_start_offset = is_bnk ?
start_offset :
get_ea_stream_mpeg_start_offset(streamFile, start_offset, ea);
if (!mpeg_start_offset) goto fail;
/* layout is still blocks, but should work fine with the custom mpeg decoder */
vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(streamFile, mpeg_start_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_EA, &cfg);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
case EA_CODEC2_EALAYER3: { /* MP3 variant */
mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0};
off_t mpeg_start_offset = is_bnk ?
start_offset :
get_ea_stream_mpeg_start_offset(streamFile, start_offset, ea);
if (!mpeg_start_offset) goto fail;
/* layout is still blocks, but should work fine with the custom mpeg decoder */
vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(streamFile, mpeg_start_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_EAL31, &cfg);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
case EA_CODEC2_MT10: /* MicroTalk (10:1 compression) */
case EA_CODEC2_MT5: { /* MicroTalk (5:1 compression) */
int use_pcm_blocks = 0;
if (ea->version == EA_VERSION_V3 || (ea->version == EA_VERSION_V2 &&
(ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_PC || ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_MAC))) {
use_pcm_blocks = 1;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_EA_MT;
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ea_mt(vgmstream->channels, use_pcm_blocks);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
case EA_CODEC2_ATRAC3PLUS: /* regular ATRAC3plus chunked in SCxx blocks, including RIFF header */
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown codec2 0x%02x for platform 0x%02x\n", ea->codec2, ea->platform);
goto fail;
/* open files; channel offsets are updated below */
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,streamFile,start_offset))
goto fail;
if (is_bnk) {
/* setup channel offsets */
if (vgmstream->coding_type == coding_EA_XA) { /* shared */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
vgmstream->ch[i].offset = ea->offsets[0];
//} else if (vgmstream->layout_type == layout_interleave) { /* interleaved */
// for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
// vgmstream->ch[i].offset = ea->offsets[0] + vgmstream->interleave_block_size*i;
// }
} else { /* absolute */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
vgmstream->ch[i].offset = ea->offsets[i];
/* setup ADPCM hist */
switch(vgmstream->coding_type) {
/* id, size, samples, hists-per-channel, stereo/interleaved data */
case coding_EA_XA:
/* read ADPCM history from all channels before data (not actually read in sx.exe) */
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_32 = read_16bit(block_offset + 0x0C + (i*0x04) + 0x00,streamFile);
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history2_32 = read_16bit(block_offset + 0x0C + (i*0x04) + 0x02,streamFile);
vgmstream->ch[i].offset += vgmstream->channels*0x04;
/* read ADPCM history before each channel if needed (not actually read in sx.exe) */
if (vgmstream->codec_version == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < vgmstream->channels; i++) {
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history1_32 = read_16bit(vgmstream->ch[i].offset+0x00,streamFile);
//vgmstream->ch[i].adpcm_history3_32 = read_16bit(vgmstream->ch[i].offset+0x02,streamFile);
vgmstream->ch[i].offset += 4;
else {
if (total_streams == 0) {
/* HACK: fix num_samples for streams with multiple SCHl. Need to eventually get rid of this */
int total_samples = get_ea_stream_total_samples(streamFile, start_offset, vgmstream);
if (total_samples > vgmstream->num_samples)
vgmstream->num_samples = total_samples;
/* setup first block to update offsets */
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
static uint32_t read_patch(STREAMFILE* streamFile, off_t* offset) {
uint32_t result = 0;
uint8_t byte_count = read_8bit(*offset, streamFile);
if (byte_count == 0xFF) { /* signals 32b size (ex. custom user data) */
(*offset) += 4 + read_32bitBE(*offset, streamFile);
return 0;
if (byte_count > 4) { /* uncommon (ex. coef patches) */
(*offset) += byte_count;
return 0;
for ( ; byte_count > 0; byte_count--) { /* count of 0 is also possible, means value 0 */
result <<= 8;
result += (uint8_t)read_8bit(*offset, streamFile);
return result;
/* decodes EA's GSTR/PT header (mostly cross-referenced with sx.exe) */
static int parse_variable_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, ea_header* ea, off_t begin_offset, int max_length) {
off_t offset = begin_offset;
uint32_t platform_id;
int is_header_end = 0;
/* null defaults as 0 can be valid */
ea->version = EA_VERSION_NONE;
ea->codec1 = EA_CODEC1_NONE;
ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_NONE;
/* get platform info */
platform_id = read_32bitBE(offset, streamFile);
if (platform_id != 0x47535452 && (platform_id & 0xFFFF0000) != 0x50540000) {
offset += 4; /* skip unknown field (related to blocks/size?) in "nbapsstream" (NBA2000 PS, FIFA2001 PS) */
platform_id = read_32bitBE(offset, streamFile);
if (platform_id == 0x47535452) { /* "GSTR" = Generic STReam */
ea->platform = EA_PLATFORM_GENERIC;
offset += 4 + 4; /* GSTRs have an extra field (config?): ex. 0x01000000, 0x010000D8 BE */
else if ((platform_id & 0xFFFF0000) == 0x50540000) { /* "PT" = PlaTform */
ea->platform = (uint16_t)read_16bitLE(offset + 2,streamFile);
offset += 4;
else {
goto fail;
/* parse mini-chunks/tags (variable, ommited if default exists; some are removed in later versions of sx.exe) */
while (!is_header_end && offset - begin_offset < max_length) {
uint8_t patch_type = read_8bit(offset,streamFile);
switch(patch_type) {
case 0x00: /* signals non-default block rate and maybe other stuff; or padding after 0xFF */
if (!is_header_end)
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x05: /* unknown (usually 0x50 except Madden NFL 3DS: 0x3e800) */
case 0x06: /* priority (0..100, always 0x65 for streams, others for BNKs; rarely ommited) */
case 0x07: /* unknown (BNK only: 36|3A) */
case 0x08: /* release envelope (BNK only) */
case 0x09: /* related to playback envelope (BNK only) */
case 0x0A: /* bend range (BNK only) */
case 0x0B: /* unknown (always 0x02) */
case 0x0C: /* pan offset (BNK only) */
case 0x0D: /* random pan offset range (BNK only) */
case 0x0E: /* volume (BNK only) */
case 0x0F: /* random volume range (BNK only) */
case 0x10: /* detune (BNK only) */
case 0x11: /* random detune range (BNK only) */
case 0x12: /* unknown, rare (BNK only) [Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PS1)] */
case 0x13: /* effect bus (0..127) */
case 0x14: /* emdedded user data (free size/value) */
case 0x15: /* unknown, rare (BNK only) [Need for Speed: High Stakes (PS1)] */
case 0x19: /* related to playback envelope (BNK only) */
case 0x1A: /* unknown and very rare (BNK only) [SSX 3 (PS2)] */
case 0x1B: /* unknown (movie only?) */
case 0x1C: /* initial envelope volume (BNK only) */
case 0x1D: /* unknown, rare [NASCAR 06 (Xbox)] */
case 0x1E:
case 0x1F:
case 0x20:
case 0x21:
case 0x22:
case 0x23:
case 0x24: /* master random detune range (BNK only) */
case 0x25: /* unknown */
case 0x26: /* unknown, rare [FIFA 07 (Xbox)] */
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xFC: /* padding for alignment between patches */
case 0xFE: /* padding? (actually exists?) */
case 0xFD: /* info section start marker */
case 0x83: /* codec1 defines, used early revisions */
ea->codec1 = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xA0: /* codec2 defines */
ea->codec2 = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x80: /* version, affecting some codecs */
ea->version = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x81: /* bits per sample for codec1 PCM */
ea->bps = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x82: /* channel count */
ea->channels = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x84: /* sample rate */
ea->sample_rate = read_patch(streamFile,&offset);
case 0x85: /* sample count */
ea->num_samples = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x86: /* loop start sample */
ea->loop_start = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x87: /* loop end sample */
ea->loop_end = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
/* channel offsets (BNK only), can be the equal for all channels or interleaved; not necessarily contiguous */
case 0x88: /* absolute offset of ch1 (or ch1+ch2 for stereo EAXA) */
ea->offsets[0] = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x89: /* absolute offset of ch2 */
ea->offsets[1] = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x94: /* absolute offset of ch3 */
ea->offsets[2] = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x95: /* absolute offset of ch4 */
ea->offsets[3] = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xA2: /* absolute offset of ch5 */
ea->offsets[4] = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xA3: /* absolute offset of ch6 */
ea->offsets[5] = read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x8F: /* DSP/N64BLK coefs ch1 */
ea->coefs[0] = offset+1;
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x90: /* DSP/N64BLK coefs ch2 */
ea->coefs[1] = offset+1;
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x91: /* DSP coefs ch3, and unknown in older versions */
ea->coefs[2] = offset+1;
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xAB: /* DSP coefs ch4 */
ea->coefs[3] = offset+1;
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xAC: /* DSP coefs ch5 */
ea->coefs[4] = offset+1;
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xAD: /* DSP coefs ch6 */
ea->coefs[5] = offset+1;
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0x8A: /* long padding (always 0x00000000) */
case 0x8C: /* flags (ex. play type = 01=static/02=dynamic | spatialize = 20=pan/etc) */
/* (ex. PS1 VAG=0, PS2 PCM/LAYER2=4, GC EAXA=4, 3DS DSP=512, Xbox EAXA=36, N64 BLK=05E800, N64 MT10=01588805E800) */
case 0x8D: /* unknown, rare [FIFA 07 (GC)] */
case 0x8E:
case 0x92: /* bytes per sample? */
case 0x93: /* unknown (BNK only) [Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PC)] */
case 0x98: /* embedded time stretch 1 (long data for who-knows-what) */
case 0x99: /* embedded time stretch 2 */
case 0x9C: /* azimuth ch1 */
case 0x9D: /* azimuth ch2 */
case 0x9E: /* azimuth ch3 */
case 0x9F: /* azimuth ch4 */
case 0xA6: /* azimuth ch5 */
case 0xA7: /* azimuth ch6 */
case 0xA1: /* unknown and very rare, always 0x02 [FIFA 2001 (PS2)] */
read_patch(streamFile, &offset);
case 0xFF: /* header end (then 0-padded so it's 32b aligned) */
is_header_end = 1;
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown patch 0x%02x at 0x%04lx\n", patch_type, (offset-1));
goto fail;
if (ea->channels > EA_MAX_CHANNELS)
goto fail;
/* Set defaults per platform, as the header ommits them when possible */
ea->loop_flag = (ea->loop_end);
/* affects blocks/codecs */
if (ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_N64
|| ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_MAC
|| ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_SAT
|| ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_GC_WII
|| ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_X360
|| ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_PS3
|| ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_GENERIC) {
ea->big_endian = 1;
if (!ea->channels) {
ea->channels = 1;
/* version mainly affects defaults and minor stuff, can come with all codecs */
/* V0 is often just null but it's specified in some files (uncommon, with patch size 0x00) */
if (ea->version == EA_VERSION_NONE) {
switch(ea->platform) {
case EA_PLATFORM_PC: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V0; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSX: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V0; break; // assumed
case EA_PLATFORM_N64: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V0; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_MAC: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V0; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_SAT: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V0; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PS2: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V1; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_GC_WII: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V2; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_XBOX: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V2; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_X360: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V3; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSP: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V3; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PS3: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V3; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_3DS: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V3; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_GENERIC: ea->version = EA_VERSION_V2; break;
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown default version for platform 0x%02x\n", ea->platform);
goto fail;
/* codec1 defaults */
if (ea->codec1 == EA_CODEC1_NONE && ea->version == EA_VERSION_V0) {
switch(ea->platform) {
case EA_PLATFORM_PC: ea->codec1 = EA_CODEC1_PCM; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSX: ea->codec1 = EA_CODEC1_VAG; break; // assumed
//case EA_PLATFORM_N64: ea->codec1 = EA_CODEC1_N64; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_MAC: ea->codec1 = EA_CODEC1_PCM; break; // assumed
case EA_PLATFORM_SAT: ea->codec1 = EA_CODEC1_PCM; break;
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown default codec1 for platform 0x%02x\n", ea->platform);
goto fail;
/* codec1 to codec2 to simplify later parsing */
if (ea->codec1 != EA_CODEC1_NONE && ea->codec2 == EA_CODEC2_NONE) {
switch (ea->codec1) {
ea->codec2 = ea->bps==8 ? EA_CODEC2_S8 : (ea->big_endian ? EA_CODEC2_S16BE : EA_CODEC2_S16LE);
case EA_CODEC1_VAG: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_VAG; break;
case EA_CODEC1_EAXA: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_CODEC1_MT10: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_MT10; break;
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown codec1 0x%02x\n", ea->codec1);
goto fail;
/* codec2 defaults */
if (ea->codec2 == EA_CODEC2_NONE) {
switch(ea->platform) {
case EA_PLATFORM_GENERIC: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PC: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSX: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_VAG; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_MAC: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PS2: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_VAG; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_GC_WII: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_S16BE; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_XBOX: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_S16LE; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_X360: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSP: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PS3: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_EAXA; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_3DS: ea->codec2 = EA_CODEC2_GCADPCM; break;
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown default codec2 for platform 0x%02x\n", ea->platform);
goto fail;
/* somehow doesn't follow machine's sample rate or anything sensical */
if (!ea->sample_rate) {
switch(ea->platform) {
case EA_PLATFORM_GENERIC: ea->sample_rate = 48000; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PC: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSX: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_N64: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_MAC: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_SAT: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PS2: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_GC_WII: ea->sample_rate = 24000; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_XBOX: ea->sample_rate = 24000; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_X360: ea->sample_rate = 44100; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PSP: ea->sample_rate = 22050; break;
case EA_PLATFORM_PS3: ea->sample_rate = 44100; break;
//case EA_PLATFORM_3DS: ea->sample_rate = 44100; break;//todo (not 22050/16000)
VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: unknown default sample rate for platform 0x%02x\n", ea->platform);
goto fail;
/* special flag: 1=has ADPCM history per block, 0=doesn't */
if (ea->codec2 == EA_CODEC2_GCADPCM && ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_3DS) {
ea->codec_version = 1;
else if (ea->codec2 == EA_CODEC2_EAXA && ea->codec1 == EA_CODEC1_NONE) {
/* console V2 uses hist, as does PC/MAC V1 (but not later versions) */
if (ea->version <= EA_VERSION_V1 ||
((ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_PS2 || ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_GC_WII || ea->platform == EA_PLATFORM_XBOX)
&& ea->version == EA_VERSION_V2)) {
ea->codec_version = 1;
return offset;
return 0;
/* Get total samples by parsing block headers, needed when multiple files are stitched together.
* Some EA files (.mus/eam/sng/etc) concat many small subfiles, used for interactive/mapped
* music (.map/lin). Subfiles always share header, except num_samples. */
static int get_ea_stream_total_samples(STREAMFILE* streamFile, off_t start_offset, VGMSTREAM* vgmstream) {
int num_samples = 0;
int new_schl = 0;
/* calc num_samples as playable data size varies between files/blocks */
vgmstream->next_block_offset = start_offset;
do {
uint32_t block_id = read_32bitBE(vgmstream->next_block_offset+0x00,streamFile);
if (block_id == 0x5343486C) /* "SCHl" start block (movie "SHxx" shouldn't use multi files) */
new_schl = 1;
num_samples += vgmstream->current_block_samples;
while (vgmstream->next_block_offset < get_streamfile_size(streamFile));
/* only use calculated samples with multiple subfiles (rarely header samples may be less due to padding) */
if (new_schl) {
;VGM_LOG("EA SCHl: multiple SCHl found\n");
return num_samples;
else {
return 0;
/* find data start offset inside the first SCDl; not very elegant but oh well */
static off_t get_ea_stream_mpeg_start_offset(STREAMFILE* streamFile, off_t start_offset, const ea_header* ea) {
size_t file_size = get_streamfile_size(streamFile);
off_t block_offset = start_offset;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = ea->big_endian ? read_32bitBE : read_32bitLE;
while (block_offset < file_size) {
uint32_t block_id, block_size;
off_t offset;
block_id = read_32bitBE(block_offset+0x00,streamFile);
block_size = read_32bitLE(block_offset+0x04,streamFile);
if (block_size > 0x00F00000) /* size is always LE, except in early SAT/MAC */
block_size = read_32bitBE(block_offset+0x04,streamFile);
switch(block_id) {
case 0x5343446C: /* "SCDl" */
case 0x5344454E: /* "SDEN" */
case 0x53444652: /* "SDFR" */
case 0x53444745: /* "SDGE" */
case 0x53444954: /* "SDIT" */
case 0x53445350: /* "SDSP" */
case 0x53445255: /* "SDRU" */
case 0x53444A41: /* "SDJA" */
offset = read_32bit(block_offset+0x0c,streamFile); /* first value seems ok, second is something else in EALayer3 */
return block_offset + 0x0c + ea->channels*0x04 + offset;
case 0x00000000:
goto fail; /* just in case */
block_offset += block_size; /* size includes header */
return 0;