mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 18:05:52 +01:00
350 lines
14 KiB
350 lines
14 KiB
#include "meta.h"
#include "../coding/coding.h"
#include "../layout/layout.h"
#include "awc_xma_streamfile.h"
typedef struct {
int big_endian;
int is_encrypted;
int is_music;
int total_subsongs;
int channel_count;
int sample_rate;
int codec;
int num_samples;
int block_chunk;
off_t stream_offset;
size_t stream_size;
} awc_header;
static int parse_awc_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, awc_header* awc);
/* AWC - from RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) audio (Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3, GTA5) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_awc(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
VGMSTREAM * vgmstream = NULL;
awc_header awc = {0};
/* check extension */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile,"awc"))
goto fail;
/* check header */
if (!parse_awc_header(streamFile, &awc))
goto fail;
/* build the VGMSTREAM */
vgmstream = allocate_vgmstream(awc.channel_count, 0);
if (!vgmstream) goto fail;
vgmstream->sample_rate = awc.sample_rate;
vgmstream->num_samples = awc.num_samples;
vgmstream->num_streams = awc.total_subsongs;
vgmstream->stream_size = awc.stream_size;
vgmstream->meta_type = meta_AWC;
switch(awc.codec) {
case 0x01: /* PCM (PC/PS3) [sfx, rarely] */
if (awc.is_music) goto fail; /* blocked_awc needs to be prepared */
vgmstream->coding_type = awc.big_endian ? coding_PCM16BE : coding_PCM16LE;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_interleave;
vgmstream->interleave_block_size = 0x02;
case 0x04: /* IMA (PC) */
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_AWC_IMA;
vgmstream->layout_type = awc.is_music ? layout_blocked_awc : layout_none;
vgmstream->full_block_size = awc.block_chunk;
vgmstream->codec_endian = awc.big_endian;
case 0x05: { /* XMA2 (X360) */
uint8_t buf[0x100];
size_t bytes, block_size, block_count, substream_size;
off_t substream_offset;
if (awc.is_music) {
/* 1ch XMAs in blocks, we'll use layered layout + custom IO to get multi-FFmpegs working */
int i;
layered_layout_data * data = NULL;
/* init layout */
data = init_layout_layered(awc.channel_count);
if (!data) goto fail;
vgmstream->layout_data = data;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_layered;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg;
/* open each layer subfile */
for (i = 0; i < awc.channel_count; i++) {
STREAMFILE* temp_streamFile;
int layer_channels = 1;
/* build the layer VGMSTREAM */
data->layers[i] = allocate_vgmstream(layer_channels, 0);
if (!data->layers[i]) goto fail;
data->layers[i]->sample_rate = awc.sample_rate;
data->layers[i]->meta_type = meta_AWC;
data->layers[i]->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg;
data->layers[i]->layout_type = layout_none;
data->layers[i]->num_samples = awc.num_samples;
/* setup custom IO streamfile, pass to FFmpeg and hope it's fooled */
temp_streamFile = setup_awc_xma_streamfile(streamFile, awc.stream_offset, awc.stream_size, awc.block_chunk, awc.channel_count, i);
if (!temp_streamFile) goto fail;
substream_offset = 0; /* where FFmpeg thinks data starts, which our custom streamFile will clamp */
substream_size = get_streamfile_size(temp_streamFile); /* data of one XMA substream without blocks */
block_size = 0x8000; /* no idea */
block_count = substream_size / block_size; /* not accurate but not needed */
bytes = ffmpeg_make_riff_xma2(buf, 0x100, awc.num_samples, substream_size, layer_channels, awc.sample_rate, block_count, block_size);
data->layers[i]->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_header_offset(temp_streamFile, buf,bytes, substream_offset,substream_size);
xma_fix_raw_samples(data->layers[i], temp_streamFile, substream_offset,substream_size, 0, 0,0); /* samples are ok? */
if (!data->layers[i]->codec_data) goto fail;
/* setup layered VGMSTREAMs */
if (!setup_layout_layered(data))
goto fail;
else {
/* regular XMA for sfx */
block_size = 0x8000; /* no idea */
block_count = awc.stream_size / block_size; /* not accurate but not needed */
bytes = ffmpeg_make_riff_xma2(buf, 0x100, awc.num_samples, awc.stream_size, awc.channel_count, awc.sample_rate, block_count, block_size);
vgmstream->codec_data = init_ffmpeg_header_offset(streamFile, buf,bytes, awc.stream_offset,awc.stream_size);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->coding_type = coding_FFmpeg;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
xma_fix_raw_samples(vgmstream, streamFile, awc.stream_offset,awc.stream_size, 0, 0,0); /* samples are ok? */
case 0x07: { /* MPEG (PS3) */
mpeg_custom_config cfg = {0};
cfg.chunk_size = awc.block_chunk;
cfg.big_endian = awc.big_endian;
vgmstream->codec_data = init_mpeg_custom(streamFile, awc.stream_offset, &vgmstream->coding_type, vgmstream->channels, MPEG_AWC, &cfg);
if (!vgmstream->codec_data) goto fail;
vgmstream->layout_type = layout_none;
VGM_LOG("AWC: unknown codec 0x%02x\n", awc.codec);
goto fail;
if (!vgmstream_open_stream(vgmstream,streamFile,awc.stream_offset))
goto fail;
return vgmstream;
return NULL;
/* Parse Rockstar's AWC header (much info from LibertyV: https://github.com/koolkdev/libertyv).
* Made of entries for N streams, each with a number of tags pointing to chunks (header, data, events, etc). */
static int parse_awc_header(STREAMFILE* streamFile, awc_header* awc) {
int64_t (*read_64bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
int32_t (*read_32bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
int16_t (*read_16bit)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = NULL;
int i, ch, entries;
uint32_t flags, info_header, tag_count = 0, tags_skip = 0;
off_t off;
int target_subsong = streamFile->stream_index;
/* check header */
if (read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x41444154 && /* "ADAT" (LE) */
read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) != 0x54414441) /* "TADA" (BE) */
goto fail;
awc->big_endian = read_32bitBE(0x00,streamFile) == 0x54414441;
if (awc->big_endian) {
read_64bit = read_64bitBE;
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
} else {
read_64bit = read_64bitLE;
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
flags = read_32bit(0x04,streamFile);
entries = read_32bit(0x08,streamFile);
//header_size = read_32bit(0x0c,streamFile); /* after to stream id/tags, not including chunks */
off = 0x10;
if ((flags & 0xFF00FFFF) != 0xFF000001 || (flags & 0x00F00000)) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: unknown flags 0x%08x\n", flags);
goto fail;
if (flags & 0x00010000) /* some kind of mini offset table */
off += 0x2 * entries;
//if (flags % 0x00020000) /* seems to indicate chunks are not ordered (ie. header may go after data) */
// ...
//if (flags % 0x00040000) /* music/multichannel flag? (GTA5, not seen in RDR) */
// awc->is_music = 1;
if (flags & 0x00080000) /* encrypted data chunk (most of GTA5 PC) */
awc->is_encrypted = 1;
if (awc->is_encrypted) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: encrypted data found\n");
goto fail;
/* Music when the first id is 0 (base/fake entry with info for all channels), sfx pack otherwise.
* sfx = N single streams, music = N-1 interleaved mono channels (even for MP3/XMA).
* Music seems layered (N-1/2 stereo pairs), maybe set with events? */
awc->is_music = (read_32bit(off + 0x00,streamFile) & 0x1FFFFFFF) == 0x00000000;
if (awc->is_music) { /* all streams except id 0 is a channel */
awc->total_subsongs = 1;
target_subsong = 1; /* we only need id 0, though channels may have its own tags/chunks */
else { /* each stream is a single sound */
awc->total_subsongs = entries;
if (target_subsong == 0) target_subsong = 1;
if (target_subsong < 0 || target_subsong > awc->total_subsongs || awc->total_subsongs < 1) goto fail;
/* get stream base info */
for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
info_header = read_32bit(off + 0x04*i, streamFile);
tag_count = (info_header >> 29) & 0x7; /* 3b */
//id = (info_header >> 0) & 0x1FFFFFFF; /* 29b */
if (target_subsong-1 == i)
tags_skip += tag_count; /* tags to skip to reach target's tags, in the next header */
off += 0x04*entries;
off += 0x08*tags_skip;
/* get stream tags */
for (i = 0; i < tag_count; i++) {
uint64_t tag_header;
uint8_t tag;
size_t size;
off_t offset;
tag_header = (uint64_t)read_64bit(off + 0x08*i,streamFile);
tag = (uint8_t)((tag_header >> 56) & 0xFF); /* 8b */
size = (size_t)((tag_header >> 28) & 0x0FFFFFFF); /* 28b */
offset = (off_t)((tag_header >> 0) & 0x0FFFFFFF); /* 28b */
/* Tags are apparently part of a hash derived from a word ("data", "format", etc).
* If music + 1ch, the header and data chunks can repeat for no reason (sometimes not even pointed). */
switch(tag) {
case 0x55: /* data */
awc->stream_offset = offset;
awc->stream_size = size;
case 0x48: /* music header */
if (!awc->is_music) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: music header found in sfx\n");
goto fail;
/* 0x00(32): unknown (some count?) */
awc->block_chunk = read_32bit(offset + 0x04,streamFile);
awc->channel_count = read_32bit(offset + 0x08,streamFile);
if (awc->channel_count != entries - 1) { /* not counting id-0 */
VGM_LOG("AWC: number of music channels doesn't match entries\n");
goto fail;
for (ch = 0; ch < awc->channel_count; ch++) {
int num_samples, sample_rate, codec;
/* 0x00(32): stream id (not always in the header entries order) */
/* 0x08(16): headroom?, 0x0d(8): round size?, 0x0e(16): unknown (zero?) */
num_samples = read_32bit(offset + 0x0c + 0x10*ch + 0x04,streamFile);
sample_rate = (uint16_t)read_16bit(offset + 0x0c + 0x10*ch + 0x0a,streamFile);
codec = read_8bit(offset + 0x0c + 0x10*ch + 0x0c, streamFile);
/* validate as all channels should repeat this (when channels is even and > 2 seems
* it's stereo pairs, and num_samples can vary slightly but no matter) */
if ((awc->num_samples && !(awc->num_samples >= num_samples - 10 && awc->num_samples <= num_samples + 10)) ||
(awc->sample_rate && awc->sample_rate != sample_rate) ||
(awc->codec && awc->codec != codec)) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: found header diffs in channel %i, ns=%i vs %i, sr=%i vs %i, c=%i vs %i\n",
ch, awc->num_samples, num_samples, awc->sample_rate, sample_rate, awc->codec, codec);
goto fail;
awc->num_samples = num_samples;
awc->sample_rate = sample_rate;
awc->codec = codec;
case 0xFA: /* sfx header */
if (awc->is_music) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: sfx header found in music\n");
goto fail;
/* 0x04(32): -1?, 0x0a(16x4): unknown x4, 0x12: null? */
awc->num_samples = read_32bit(offset + 0x00,streamFile);
awc->sample_rate = (uint16_t)read_16bit(offset + 0x08,streamFile);
awc->codec = read_8bit(offset + 0x13, streamFile);
awc->channel_count = 1;
case 0xA3: /* block-to-sample table (32b x number of blocks w/ num_samples at the start of each block) */
case 0xBD: /* events (32bx4): type_hash, params_hash, timestamp_ms, flags */
default: /* 0x5C=animation/RSC?, 0x68=midi?, 0x36/0x2B/0x5A/0xD9=? */
//VGM_LOG("AWC: ignoring unknown tag 0x%02x\n", tag);
if (!awc->stream_offset) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: stream offset not found\n");
goto fail;
/* If music, data is divided into blocks of block_chunk size with padding.
* Each block has a header/seek table and interleaved data for all channels */
if (awc->is_music && read_32bit(awc->stream_offset, streamFile) != 0) {
VGM_LOG("AWC: music found, but block doesn't start with seek table at %x\n", (uint32_t)awc->stream_offset);
goto fail;
return 1;
return 0;