2016-01-14 20:16:51 +01:00
< ? php
require 'info.php' ;
function rss_recentposts_build ( $action , $settings , $board ) {
// Possible values for $action:
// - all (rebuild everything, initialization)
// - news (news has been updated)
// - boards (board list changed)
// - post (a post has been made)
// - post-thread (a thread has been made)
$b = new RSSRecentPosts ();
$b -> build ( $action , $settings );
// Wrap functions in a class so they don't interfere with normal Tinyboard operations
class RSSRecentPosts {
public function build ( $action , $settings ) {
2020-01-19 16:39:10 -05:00
global $config ;
2016-01-14 20:16:51 +01:00
/* if ( $action == 'all' ) {
copy ( 'templates/themes/recent/' . $settings [ 'basecss' ], $config [ 'dir' ][ 'home' ] . $settings [ 'css' ]);
} */
$this -> excluded = explode ( ' ' , $settings [ 'exclude' ]);
if ( $action == 'all' || $action == 'post' || $action == 'post-thread' || $action == 'post-delete' )
file_write ( $config [ 'dir' ][ 'home' ] . $settings [ 'xml' ], $this -> homepage ( $settings ));
// Build news page
public function homepage ( $settings ) {
global $config , $board ;
//$recent_images = Array();
$recent_posts = Array ();
//$stats = Array();
$boards = listBoards ();
/* $query = '' ;
foreach ( $boards as & $_board ) {
if ( in_array ( $_board [ 'uri' ], $this -> excluded ))
continue ;
$query .= sprintf ( " SELECT *, '%s' AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `file` IS NOT NULL AND `file` != 'deleted' AND `thumb` != 'spoiler' UNION ALL " , $_board [ 'uri' ], $_board [ 'uri' ]);
$query = preg_replace ( '/UNION ALL $/' , 'ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ' . ( int ) $settings [ 'limit_images' ], $query );
$query = query ( $query ) or error ( db_error ());
while ( $post = $query -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC )) {
openBoard ( $post [ 'board' ]);
// board settings won't be available in the template file, so generate links now
$post [ 'link' ] = $config [ 'root' ] . $board [ 'dir' ] . $config [ 'dir' ][ 'res' ] . sprintf ( $config [ 'file_page' ], ( $post [ 'thread' ] ? $post [ 'thread' ] : $post [ 'id' ])) . '#' . $post [ 'id' ];
$post [ 'src' ] = $config [ 'uri_thumb' ] . $post [ 'thumb' ];
//$recent_images[] = $post;
} */
$query = '' ;
foreach ( $boards as & $_board ) {
if ( in_array ( $_board [ 'uri' ], $this -> excluded ))
continue ;
$query .= sprintf ( " SELECT *, '%s' AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` UNION ALL " , $_board [ 'uri' ], $_board [ 'uri' ]);
$query = preg_replace ( '/UNION ALL $/' , 'ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ' . ( int ) $settings [ 'limit_posts' ], $query );
$query = query ( $query ) or error ( db_error ());
while ( $post = $query -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC )) {
openBoard ( $post [ 'board' ]);
$post [ 'link' ] = $config [ 'root' ] . $board [ 'dir' ] . $config [ 'dir' ][ 'res' ] . sprintf ( $config [ 'file_page' ], ( $post [ 'thread' ] ? $post [ 'thread' ] : $post [ 'id' ])) . '#' . $post [ 'id' ];
$post [ 'snippet' ] = pm_snippet ( $post [ 'body' ], 30 );
$post [ 'board_name' ] = $board [ 'name' ];
$recent_posts [] = $post ;
// Total posts
/* $query = 'SELECT SUM(`top`) FROM (' ;
foreach ( $boards as & $_board ) {
if ( in_array ( $_board [ 'uri' ], $this -> excluded ))
continue ;
$query .= sprintf ( " SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `top` FROM ``posts_%s`` UNION ALL " , $_board [ 'uri' ]);
$query = preg_replace ( '/UNION ALL $/' , ') AS `posts_all`' , $query );
$query = query ( $query ) or error ( db_error ()); */
//$stats['total_posts'] = number_format($query->fetchColumn());
// Unique IPs
/* $query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`ip`)) FROM (' ;
foreach ( $boards as & $_board ) {
if ( in_array ( $_board [ 'uri' ], $this -> excluded ))
continue ;
$query .= sprintf ( " SELECT `ip` FROM ``posts_%s`` UNION ALL " , $_board [ 'uri' ]);
$query = preg_replace ( '/UNION ALL $/' , ') AS `posts_all`' , $query );
$query = query ( $query ) or error ( db_error ());
//$stats['unique_posters'] = number_format($query->fetchColumn());*/
// Active content
/* $query = 'SELECT SUM(`filesize`) FROM (' ;
foreach ( $boards as & $_board ) {
if ( in_array ( $_board [ 'uri' ], $this -> excluded ))
continue ;
$query .= sprintf ( " SELECT `filesize` FROM ``posts_%s`` UNION ALL " , $_board [ 'uri' ]);
$query = preg_replace ( '/UNION ALL $/' , ') AS `posts_all`' , $query );
$query = query ( $query ) or error ( db_error ());
//$stats['active_content'] = $query->fetchColumn();*/
return Element ( 'themes/rss/rss.xml' , Array (
'settings' => $settings ,
'config' => $config ,
//'boardlist' => createBoardlist(),
//'recent_images' => $recent_images,
'recent_posts' => $recent_posts ,
//'stats' => $stats