2015-04-06 22:37:47 +02:00
< ? php
require_once ( " inc/8chan-functions.php " );
2015-04-06 22:42:15 +02:00
require_once ( " inc/8chan-mod-pages.php " );
2015-04-06 22:37:47 +02:00
2015-04-06 22:55:52 +02:00
require_once " lib/htmlpurifier-4.6.0/library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php " ;
2015-04-06 22:37:47 +02:00
function max_posts_per_hour ( $post ) {
global $config , $board ;
if ( ! $config [ 'hour_max_threads' ]) return false ;
if ( $post [ 'op' ]) {
2015-04-06 22:44:48 +02:00
$query = prepare ( sprintf ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL AND FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`) > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR);' , $board [ 'uri' ]));
2015-04-06 22:37:47 +02:00
$query -> bindValue ( ':ip' , $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]);
$query -> execute () or error ( db_error ( $query ));
$r = $query -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
return ( $r [ 'count' ] > $config [ 'hour_max_threads' ]);
2015-04-07 01:44:55 +02:00
function page_404 () {
include ( '404.php' );
2015-04-23 05:18:43 +02:00
function filename_func ( $a ) {
$f = basename ( $a [ 'filename' ], '.' . $a [ 'extension' ]);
$f = str_replace ( array ( " \0 " , " \n " , " < " , " > " , " / " , " & " ), array ( " ? " , " ? " , " « " , " » " , " ⁄ " , " and " ), $f );
return $f ;