2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
// We want to return a value if we're included.
// Otherwise, we will be printing a JSON object-array.
$Included = defined("TINYBOARD");
if (!$Included) {
include "inc/functions.php";
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
$CanViewUnindexed = isset($mod["type"]) && $mod["type"] <= GlobalVolunteer;
/* The expected output of this page is JSON. */
$response = array();
/* Determine search parameters from $_GET */
$search = array(
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
'lang' => false,
'nsfw' => true,
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
'page' => 0,
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
'tags' => false,
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
'time' => ( (int)( time() / 3600 ) * 3600 ) - 3600,
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
'title' => false,
2015-04-15 22:02:11 +10:00
'index' => count( $_GET ) == 0,
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// Include NSFW boards?
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
if (isset( $_GET['sfw'] ) && $_GET['sfw'] != "") {
$search['nsfw'] = !$_GET['sfw'];
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
// Bringing up more results
if (isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] != "") {
$search['page'] = (int) $_GET['page'];
if ($search['page'] < 0) {
$search['page'] = 0;
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// Include what language (if the language is not blank and we recognize it)?
2015-04-19 13:10:13 +10:00
if (isset( $_GET['lang'] ) && $_GET['lang'] != "" && isset($config['languages'][$_GET['lang']])) {
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
$search['lang'] = $_GET['lang'];
// Include what tag?
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
if (isset( $_GET['tags'] ) && $_GET['tags'] != "") {
2015-04-20 14:41:28 +10:00
if (!is_array($_GET['tags'])) {
$search['tags'] = explode( " ", (string) $_GET['tags'] );
else {
$search['tags'] = $_GET['tags'];
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
$search['tags'] = array_splice( $search['tags'], 0, 5 );
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
// What time range?
if (isset( $_GET['time'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['time'] ) ) {
$search['time'] = ( (int)( $_GET['time'] / 3600 ) * 3600 );
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
// Include what in the uri / title / subtitle?
if (isset( $_GET['title'] ) && $_GET['title'] != "") {
$search['title'] = $_GET['title'];
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
/* Search boards */
$boards = listBoards();
$response['boards'] = array();
// Loop through our available boards and filter out inapplicable ones based on standard filtering.
foreach ($boards as $board) {
// Checks we can do without looking at config.
if (
// Indexed, or we are staff,
( $CanViewUnindexed !== true && !$board['indexed'] )
// Not filtering NSFW, or board is SFW.
|| ( $search['nsfw'] !== true && $board['sfw'] != 1 )
) {
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
// Are we searching by title?
if ($search['title'] !== false) {
// This checks each component of the board's identity against our search terms.
// The weight determines order.
// "left" would match /leftypol/ and /nkvd/ which has /leftypol/ in the title.
// /leftypol/ would always appear above it but it would match both.
if (strpos("/{$board['uri']}/", $search['title']) !== false) {
$board['weight'] = 30;
else if (strpos($board['title'], $search['title']) !== false) {
$board['weight'] = 20;
else if (strpos($board['subtitle'], $search['title']) !== false) {
$board['weight'] = 10;
else {
unset( $boardTitleString );
else {
$board['weight'] = 0;
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// Load board config.
$boardConfig = loadBoardConfig( $board['uri'] );
// Determine language/locale and tags.
$boardLang = strtolower( array_slice( explode( "_", $boardConfig['locale'] ?: "" ), 0 )[0] ); // en_US -> en OR en -> en
// Check against our config search options.
2015-04-19 13:10:13 +10:00
if ($search['lang'] !== false && $search['lang'] != $boardLang) {
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-19 13:10:13 +10:00
if (isset($config['languages'][$boardLang])) {
$board['locale'] = $config['languages'][$boardLang];
else {
$board['locale'] = $boardLang;
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
$response['boards'][ $board['uri'] ] = $board;
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
unset( $boards );
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
/* Tag Fetching */
// (We have do this even if we're not filtering by tags so that we know what each board's tags are)
// Fetch all board tags for our boards.
$boardTags = fetchBoardTags( array_keys( $response['boards'] ) );
// Loop through each board and determine if there are tag matches.
foreach ($response['boards'] as $boardUri => &$board) {
// If we are filtering by tag and there is no match, remove from the response.
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
if ( $search['tags'] !== false && ( !isset( $boardTags[ $boardUri ] ) || count(array_intersect($search['tags'], $boardTags[ $boardUri ])) !== count($search['tags']) ) ) {
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
unset( $response['boards'][$boardUri] );
2015-04-19 22:11:56 +10:00
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// If we aren't filtering / there is a match AND we have tags, set the tags.
else if ( isset( $boardTags[ $boardUri ] ) && $boardTags[ $boardUri ] ) {
$board['tags'] = $boardTags[ $boardUri ];
// Othrwise, just declare our tag array blank.
else {
$board['tags'] = array();
2015-04-19 22:11:56 +10:00
// Legacy support for API readers.
$board['max'] = &$board['posts_total'];
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
unset( $boardTags );
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
/* Activity Fetching */
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
$boardActivity = fetchBoardActivity( array_keys( $response['boards'] ), $search['time'], true );
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// Loop through each board and record activity to it.
// We will also be weighing and building a tag list.
foreach ($response['boards'] as $boardUri => &$board) {
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
$board['active'] = 0;
$board['pph'] = 0;
2015-04-19 22:11:56 +10:00
$board['ppd'] = 0;
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
if (isset($boardActivity['active'][ $boardUri ])) {
$board['active'] = (int) $boardActivity['active'][ $boardUri ];
if (isset($boardActivity['average'][ $boardUri ])) {
2015-04-21 11:08:47 +10:00
$precision = 0;
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
2015-04-21 11:08:47 +10:00
if ($boardActivity['average'][ $boardUri ] > 0 && $boardActivity['average'][ $boardUri ] < 10) {
$precision = 1;
$board['pph_average'] = round( $boardActivity['average'][ $boardUri ], $precision );
2015-04-21 12:00:29 +10:00
$board['pph'] = (int) $boardActivity['last'][ $boardUri ];
2015-04-20 02:30:51 +10:00
$board['ppd'] = round( $boardActivity['today'][ $boardUri ], $precision );
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
unset( $precision );
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
// Sort boards by their popularity, then by their total posts.
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
$boardActivityValues = array();
$boardTotalPostsValues = array();
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
$boardWeightValues = array();
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
foreach ($response['boards'] as $boardUri => &$board) {
$boardActivityValues[$boardUri] = (int) $board['active'];
$boardTotalPostsValues[$boardUri] = (int) $board['posts_total'];
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
$boardWeightValues[$boardUri] = (int) $board['weight'];
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
$boardWeightValues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, // Sort by weight
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
$boardActivityValues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, // Sort by number of active posters
$boardTotalPostsValues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, // Then, sort by total number of posts
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
2015-04-19 22:11:56 +10:00
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
2015-04-19 23:00:39 +10:00
$response['boardsFull'] = $response['boards'];
2015-04-19 22:11:56 +10:00
2015-04-15 22:02:11 +10:00
2015-04-19 23:00:39 +10:00
$boardLimit = $search['index'] ? 50 : 100;
$response['omitted'] = count( $response['boards'] ) - $boardLimit;
$response['omitted'] = $response['omitted'] < 0 ? 0 : $response['omitted'];
$response['boards'] = array_splice( $response['boards'], $search['page'], $boardLimit );
2015-04-15 22:02:11 +10:00
$response['order'] = array_keys( $response['boards'] );
2015-04-16 00:35:36 +10:00
// Loop through the truncated array to compile tags.
$response['tags'] = array();
$tagUsage = array( 'boards' => array(), 'users' => array() );
foreach ($response['boards'] as $boardUri => &$board) {
if (isset($board['tags']) && count($board['tags']) > 0) {
foreach ($board['tags'] as $tag) {
if (!isset($tagUsage['boards'][$tag])) {
$tagUsage['boards'][$tag] = 0;
if (!isset($tagUsage['users'][$tag])) {
$tagUsage['users'][$tag] = 0;
$response['tags'][$tag] = true;
$tagUsage['users'][$tag] += $board['active'];
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// Get the top most popular tags.
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
if (count($response['tags']) > 0) {
2015-04-16 00:35:36 +10:00
arsort( $tagUsage['boards'] );
arsort( $tagUsage['users'] );
$tagUsage['boards'], SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
$tagUsage['users'], SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
// Get the first n most active tags.
2015-04-15 22:02:11 +10:00
$response['tags'] = array_splice( $response['tags'], 0, 100 );
2015-04-16 00:35:36 +10:00
$response['tagOrder'] = array_keys( $response['tags'] );
$response['tagWeight'] = array();
$tagsMostUsers = max( $tagUsage['users'] );
$tagsLeastUsers = min( $tagUsage['users'] );
$tagsAvgUsers = array_sum( $tagUsage['users'] ) / count( $tagUsage['users'] );
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-16 00:35:36 +10:00
$weightDepartureFurthest = 0;
foreach ($tagUsage['users'] as $tagUsers) {
$weightDeparture = abs( $tagUsers - $tagsAvgUsers );
if( $weightDeparture > $weightDepartureFurthest ) {
$weightDepartureFurthest = $weightDeparture;
foreach ($tagUsage['users'] as $tagName => $tagUsers) {
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
if ($weightDepartureFurthest != 0) {
$weightDeparture = abs( $tagUsers - $tagsAvgUsers );
$response['tagWeight'][$tagName] = 75 + round( 100 * ( $weightDeparture / $weightDepartureFurthest ), 0);
else {
2015-04-16 19:41:52 +10:00
$response['tagWeight'][$tagName] = 100;
2015-04-16 05:46:48 +10:00
2015-04-16 00:35:36 +10:00
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
2015-04-15 01:01:32 +10:00
/* Include our interpreted search terms. */
$response['search'] = $search;
2015-04-13 14:24:55 +10:00
/* (Please) Respond */
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
if (!$Included) {
$json = json_encode( $response );
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
// Error Handling
switch (json_last_error()) {
$jsonError = false;
$jsonError = 'Maximum stack depth exceeded';
$jsonError = 'Underflow or the modes mismatch';
$jsonError = 'Unexpected control character found';
$jsonError = 'Syntax error, malformed JSON';
$jsonError = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded';
$jsonError = 'Unknown error';
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
if ($jsonError) {
$json = "{\"error\":\"{$jsonError}\"}";
2015-04-14 05:36:38 +10:00
2015-04-14 01:40:45 +10:00
// Successful output
echo $json;
else {
return $response;