2014-09-23 23:26:27 +00:00
< ? php
include " inc/functions.php " ;
include " inc/mod/auth.php " ;
$admin = isset ( $mod [ " type " ]) && $mod [ " type " ] <= 30 ;
if ( php_sapi_name () == 'fpm-fcgi' && ! $admin ) {
error ( 'Cannot be run directly.' );
$boards = listBoards ();
$body = <<< CSS
< style >
th . header {
background - image : url ( / static / bg . gif );
cursor : pointer ;
background - repeat : no - repeat ;
background - position : center right ;
padding - left : 20 px ;
margin - left : - 1 px ;
th . headerSortUp {
background - image : url ( / static / asc . gif );
th . headerSortDown {
background - image : url ( / static / desc . gif );
. flag - eo {
background - image : url ( / static / eo . png );
. flag - en {
background - image : url ( / static / en . png );
</ style >
2014-09-23 20:46:33 -03:00
$body .= '<table class="modlog" style="width:auto"><thead><tr><th>L</th><th>Board</th><th>Posts in last hour</th><th>Total posts</th><th>Created</th></tr></thead><tbody>' ;
2014-09-23 23:26:27 +00:00
$total_posts_hour = 0 ;
$total_posts = 0 ;
foreach ( $boards as $i => $board ) {
//$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT (SELECT MAX(id) from ``posts_%s``) AS max, (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(time) < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)) AS oldmax, (SELECT MAX(id) from ``posts_%s``) AS max_d, (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(time) < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)) AS oldmax_d, (SELECT count(id) FROM ``posts_%s``) AS count;", $board['uri'], $board['uri'], $board['uri'], $board['uri'], $board['uri']));
$query = prepare ( sprintf ( "
SELECT MAX ( id ) max , ( SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM `` posts_ % s `` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME ( time ) > DATE_SUB ( NOW (), INTERVAL 1 DAY )) ppd ,
( SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM `` posts_ % s `` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME ( time ) > DATE_SUB ( NOW (), INTERVAL 1 HOUR )) pph ,
( SELECT count ( id ) FROM `` posts_ % s `` ) count FROM `` posts_ % s ``
" , $board['uri'] , $board['uri'] , $board['uri'] , $board['uri'] ));
$query -> execute () or error ( db_error ( $query ));
$r = $query -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
$pph = $r [ 'pph' ];
$ppd = $r [ 'ppd' ];
$total_posts_hour += $pph ;
$total_posts += $r [ 'max' ];
$boards [ $i ][ 'pph' ] = $pph ;
$boards [ $i ][ 'ppd' ] = $ppd ;
$boards [ $i ][ 'max' ] = $r [ 'max' ];
usort ( $boards ,
function ( $a , $b ) {
$x = $b [ 'ppd' ] - $a [ 'ppd' ];
if ( $x ) { return $x ;
//} else { return strcmp($a['uri'], $b['uri']); }
} else { return $b [ 'max' ] - $a [ 'max' ]; }
$hidden_boards_total = 0 ;
foreach ( $boards as $i => & $board ) {
$board_config = @ file_get_contents ( $board [ 'uri' ] . '/config.php' );
$boardCONFIG = array ();
if ( $board_config && $board [ 'uri' ] !== 'int' ) {
$board_config = str_replace ( '$config' , '$boardCONFIG' , $board_config );
$board_config = str_replace ( '<?php' , '' , $board_config );
eval ( $board_config );
$showboard = ( ! isset ( $boardCONFIG [ 'meta_noindex' ]) || ! $boardCONFIG [ 'meta_noindex' ]);
$locale = isset ( $boardCONFIG [ 'locale' ]) ? $boardCONFIG [ 'locale' ] : 'en' ;
$board [ 'title' ] = htmlentities ( utf8tohtml ( $board [ 'title' ]));
$locale_arr = explode ( '_' , $locale );
$locale_short = isset ( $locale_arr [ 1 ]) ? strtolower ( $locale_arr [ 1 ]) : strtolower ( $locale_arr [ 0 ]);
$locale_short = str_replace ( '.utf-8' , '' , $locale_short );
if ( $board [ 'uri' ] === 'int' ) { $locale_short = 'eo' ; $locale = 'eo' ;}
$img = " <img class= \" flag flag- $locale_short\ " src = \ " /static/blank.gif \" style= \" width:16px;height:11px; \" alt= \" $locale\ " title = \ " $locale\ " > " ;
if ( $showboard || $admin ) {
if ( ! $showboard ) {
$lock = ' <i class="fa fa-lock" title="No index"></i>' ;
} else {
$lock = '' ;
$board [ 'ago' ] = human_time_diff ( strtotime ( $board [ 'time' ]));
2014-09-23 20:49:59 -03:00
$body .= " <tr> " ;
$body .= " <td> $img </td> " ;
$body .= " <td><a href='/ { $board [ 'uri' ] } /' title= \" { $board [ 'title' ] } \" >/ { $board [ 'uri' ] } /</a> $lock </td> " ;
$body .= " <td style='text-align:right'> { $board [ 'pph' ] } </td> " ;
$body .= " <td style='text-align:right'> { $board [ 'max' ] } </td> " ;
$body .= " <td> { $board [ 'time' ] } ( { $board [ 'ago' ] } ago)</td></tr> " ;
2014-09-23 23:26:27 +00:00
} else {
unset ( $boards [ $i ]);
$hidden_boards_total += 1 ;
$body .= <<< FOOTER
</ tbody ></ table >< script >
/* $ . tablesorter . addParser ({
id : 'flags' ,
is : function ( s ) {
return false ;
format : function ( s ) {
return 0 ;
type : 'text'
}); */
$ ( function () {
$ ( 'table' ) . tablesorter ({ sortList : [[ 2 , 1 ]],
textExtraction : function ( node ) {
childNode = node . childNodes [ 0 ];
if ( ! childNode ) { return node . innerHTML ; }
if ( childNode . tagName == 'IMG' ) {
return childNode . getAttribute ( 'class' );
} else {
return ( childNode . innerHTML ? childNode . innerHTML : childNode . textContent );
</ script >
$n_boards = sizeof ( $boards );
$t_boards = $hidden_boards_total + $n_boards ;
$body = " <p style='text-align:center'>There are currently <strong> { $n_boards } </strong> boards + <strong> $hidden_boards_total </strong> unindexed boards = <strong> $t_boards </strong> total boards. Site-wide, { $total_posts_hour } posts have been made in the last hour, with { $total_posts } being made on all active boards since October 23, 2013.</p> " . $body ;
$body .= " <p style='text-align:center'><em>Page last updated: " . date ( 'r' ) . " </em></p> " ;
$body .= " <p style='text-align:center'> " . shell_exec ( 'uptime -p' ) . " without interruption</p> " ;
$config [ 'additional_javascript' ] = array ( 'js/jquery.min.js' , 'js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js' );
$html = Element ( " page.html " , array ( " config " => $config , " body " => $body , " title " => " Boards on ∞chan " ));
if ( $admin ) {
echo $html ;
} else {
file_write ( " boards.json " , json_encode ( $boards ));
file_write ( " boards.html " , $html );
echo 'Done' ;