mirror of https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan.git synced 2025-01-31 20:25:32 +01:00

140 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{% filter remove_whitespace %}
{# tabs and new lines will be ignored #}
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
{% if index %}
2011-11-16 20:45:04 +11:00
<div id="thread_{{ post.id }}" itemscope itemid="/{{ board.uri }}/{{ post.id }}">
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
{% endif %}
{% if post.embed %}
{{ post.embed }}
{% elseif post.file == 'deleted' %}
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
<img itemprop="image" src="{{ config.image_deleted }}" alt="" />
{% elseif post.file and post.file %}
<p class="fileinfo">File: <a href="{{ config.uri_img }}{{ post.file }}">{{ post.file }}</a> <span class="unimportant">
{% if post.thumb == 'spoiler' %}
Spoiler Image,
{% endif %}
{{ post.filesize|filesize }}
{% if post.filex and post.filey %}
, {{ post.filex}}x{{ post.filey }}
{% if config.show_ratio %}
, {{ post.ratio }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if config.show_filename %}
{% if post.filename|length > config.max_filename_display %}
<span title="{{ post.filename }}">{{ post.filename|truncate(config.max_filename_display) }}</span>
{% else %}
{{ post.filename }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ config.uri_img }}{{ post.file }}" target="_blank"{% if this.thumb == 'file' %} class="file"{% endif %}>
<img src="
{% if post.thumb == 'file' %}
{{ config.root }}
{% if config.file_icons[post.filename|extension] %}
{{ config.file_thumb|sprintf(config.file_icons[post.filename|extension]) }}
{% else %}
{{ config.file_thumb|sprintf(config.file_icons.default) }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif post.thumb == 'spoiler' %}
{{ config.root }}{{ config.spoiler_image }}
{% else %}
{{ config.uri_thumb }}{{ post.thumb }}
{% endif %}" style="width:{{ post.thumbx }}px;height:{{ post.thumby }}px" alt="" /></a>
{% endif %}
2011-11-16 20:45:04 +11:00
<div class="post op"{% if not index %} itemscope itemid="/{{ board.uri }}/{{ post.id }}"{% endif %}><p class="intro"{% if not index %} id="{{ post.id }}"{% endif %}>
<input type="checkbox" class="delete" name="delete_{{ post.id }}" id="delete_{{ post.id }}" />
<label for="delete_{{ post.id }}">
{% if post.subject|length > 0 %}
{# show subject #}
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
<span itemprop="title" class="subject">{{ post.subject }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if post.email|length > 0 %}
{# start email #}
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
<a itemprop="email" class="email" href="mailto:{{ post.email }}">
{% endif %}
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
<span itemprop="name" class="name">{{ post.name }}</span>
{% if post.trip|length > 0 %}
<span class="trip">{{ post.trip }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if post.email|length > 0 %}
{# end email #}
{% endif %}
{% if post.capcode|length > 0 %}
{# show capcode #}
{{ post.capcode|capcode }}
{% endif %}
{% if post.mod and post.mod|hasPermission(config.mod.show_ip, board.uri) %}
[<a style="margin:0;" href="?/IP/{{ post.ip }}">{{ post.ip }}</a>]
{% endif %}
{{ post.time|date(config.post_date) }}
{% if config.poster_ids %}
ID: {{ post.ip|poster_id(post.id) }}
{% endif %}
<a class="post_no" href="{{ post.link }}">No.</a>
<a class="post_no"
{% if not index %}
onclick="citeReply({{ post.id }});"
{% endif %}
href="{% if index %}
{{ post.link('q') }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}">
{{ post.id }}
{% if post.sticky %}
<img class="icon" title="Sticky" src="{{ config.image_sticky }}" alt="Sticky" />
{% endif %}
{% if post.locked %}
<img class="icon" title="Locked" src="{{ config.image_locked }}" alt="Locked" />
{% endif %}
2011-10-10 22:37:39 +11:00
{% if post.bumplocked and (config.mod.view_bumplock < 0 or (post.mod and post.mod|hasPermission(config.mod.view_bumplock, board.uri))) %}
<img class="icon" title="Bumplocked" src="{{ config.image_bumplocked }}" alt="Locked" />
{% endif %}
{% if index %}
2011-10-11 21:49:14 +11:00
<a href="{{ post.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.dir.res }}{{ config.file_page|sprintf(post.id) }}">[{% trans %}Reply{% endtrans %}]</a>
{% endif %}
{{ post.postControls }}
2011-10-07 20:15:57 +11:00
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
<p itemprop="desc" class="body">
{% endfilter %}{% if index %}{{ post.body|truncate_body(post.link) }}{% else %}{{ post.body }}{% endif %}{% filter remove_whitespace %}
{% if post.omitted or post.omitted_images %}
<span class="omitted">
{% if post.omitted %}
{{ post.omitted }} post
{% if post.omitted != 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.omitted_images %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.omitted_images %}
{{ post.omitted_images }} image repl
{% if post.omitted_images == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} omitted. Click reply to view.
{% endif %}
</div>{% endfilter %}
2011-10-06 00:42:27 +11:00
{% set hr = post.hr %}
{% for post in post.posts %}
{% include 'post_reply.html' %}
{% endfor %}
2011-10-06 00:42:27 +11:00
<br class="clear"/>{% if hr %}<hr/>{% endif %}
2011-11-16 20:41:16 +11:00
{% if index %}
{% endif %}