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synced 2025-03-01 16:20:36 +01:00
134 lines
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134 lines
5.2 KiB
require 'info.php';
function favelog_build($action, $settings, $board) {
global $config;
// Possible values for $action:
// - all (rebuild everything, initialization)
// - news (news has been updated)
// - boards (board list changed)
// - post (a reply has been made)
// - post-thread (a thread has been made)
$boards = explode(' ', $settings['boards']);
if ($action == 'all') {
copy('templates/themes/favelog/catalog.css', 'stylesheets/' . $settings['css']);
if($settings['use_tooltipster']) {
copy('templates/themes/favelog/tooltipster.css', 'stylesheets/tooltipster.css');
copy('templates/themes/favelog/jquery.tooltipster.min.js', 'js/jquery.tooltipster.min.js');
copy('templates/themes/favelog/jquery.mixitup.min.js', 'js/jquery.mixitup.min.js');
copy('templates/themes/favelog/favelog.js', 'js/favelog.js');
foreach ($boards as $board) {
$b = new Favelog();
$b->build($settings, $board);
} elseif ($action == 'post-thread' || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post') || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post-delete') && in_array($board, $boards)) {
$b = new Favelog();
$b->build($settings, $board);
// Wrap functions in a class so they don't interfere with normal Tinyboard operations
class Favelog {
public function build($settings, $board_name) {
global $config, $board;
$recent_images = array();
$recent_posts = array();
$stats = array();
$query = query(sprintf("SELECT *, `id` AS `thread_id`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = `thread_id`) AS `reply_count`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = `thread_id` AND `filesize` IS NOT NULL) AS `image_count`, (SELECT `time` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = `thread_id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1) AS `last_reply`, (SELECT `name` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = `thread_id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1) AS `last_reply_name`, (SELECT `subject` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = `thread_id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1) AS `last_reply_subject`, '%s' AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `bump` DESC", $board_name, $board_name, $board_name, $board_name, $board_name, $board_name, $board_name)) or error(db_error());
while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$post['link'] = $config['root'] . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], ($post['thread'] ? $post['thread'] : $post['id']));
$post['board_name'] = $board['name'];
$post['file'] = $config['uri_thumb'] . $post['thumb'];
if ($settings['use_tooltipster']) {
$post['muhdifference'] = $this->getDiferenca($post['time']);
if ($post['last_reply'])
$post['last_reply_difference'] = $this->getDiferenca($post['last_reply']);
$recent_posts[] = $post;
file_write($config['dir']['home'] . $board_name . '/catalog.html', Element('themes/favelog/catalog.html', Array(
'settings' => $settings,
'config' => $config,
'boardlist' => createBoardlist(),
'recent_images' => $recent_images,
'recent_posts' => $recent_posts,
'stats' => $stats,
'board' => $board_name,
'link' => $config['root'] . $board['dir']
public function getDiferenca($muhtime)
$postagem = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $muhtime));
$agora = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$intervalo = $postagem->diff($agora);
$anos = $intervalo->format('%y');
$meses = $intervalo->format('%m');
$dias = $intervalo->format('%d');
$horas = $intervalo->format('%h');
$minutos = $intervalo->format('%i');
$segundos = $intervalo->format('%s');
$diferenca = ""; // adicionar o 'há' depois
if ($anos) {
if ($meses) {
$diferenca.= ($anos>1)? $anos.' anos e ' : $anos.' ano e ';
$diferenca.= ($meses>1)? $meses.' meses.' : $meses.' mês.';
} else {
$diferenca.= ($anos>1)? $anos.' anos.' : $anos.' ano.';
} elseif($meses) {
if ($dias) {
$diferenca.= ($meses>1)? $meses.' meses e ' : $meses.' mês e ';
$diferenca.= ($dias>1)? $dias.' dias.' : $dias.' dia.';
} else {
$diferenca.= ($meses>1)? $meses.' meses.' : $meses.' mês.';
} elseif ($dias) {
if ($horas) {
$diferenca.= ($dias>1)? $dias.' dias e ' : $dias.' dia e ';
$diferenca.= ($horas>1)? $horas.' horas.' : $horas.' hora.';
} else {
$diferenca.= ($dias>1)? $dias.' dias.' : $dias.' dia.';
} elseif ($horas) {
if ($minutos) {
$diferenca.= ($horas>1)? $horas.' horas e ' : $horas.' hora e ';
$diferenca.= ($minutos>1)? $minutos.' minutos.' : $minutos.' minuto.';
} else {
$diferenca.= ($horas>1)? $horas.' horas.' : $horas.' hora.';
} elseif ($minutos) {
if ($segundos) {
$diferenca.= ($minutos>1)? $minutos.' minutos e ' : $minutos.' minuto e ';
$diferenca.= ($segundos>1)? $segundos.' segundos.' : $segundos.' segundo.';
} else {
$diferenca.= ($minutos>1)? $minutos.' minutos.' : $minutos.' minuto.';
} elseif ($segundos) {
$diferenca.= ($segundos>1)? $segundos.' segundos.' : $segundos.' segundo.';
if (!empty($diferenca))
$diferenca = 'há '.$diferenca;
return $diferenca;