mirror of https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan.git synced 2025-03-03 08:46:09 +01:00

New mod.php pages: ?/tags and ?/reassign

This commit is contained in:
8chan 2014-12-03 00:11:48 -08:00
parent fa9a3da913
commit b9dace7563

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
$config['mod']['noticeboard_post'] = GLOBALVOLUNTEER;
$config['mod']['search'] = GLOBALVOLUNTEER;
$config['mod']['clean_global'] = GLOBALVOLUNTEER;
$config['mod']['view_notes'] = GLOBALVOLUNTEER;
$config['mod']['create_notes'] = GLOBALVOLUNTEER;
$config['mod']['debug_recent'] = ADMIN;
$config['mod']['debug_antispam'] = ADMIN;
$config['mod']['noticeboard_post'] = ADMIN;
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@
$config['mod']['edit_flags'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['edit_settings'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['edit_volunteers'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['edit_tags'] = MOD;
$config['mod']['clean'] = BOARDVOLUNTEER;
// new perms
@ -51,6 +54,55 @@
$config['mod']['view_ban'] = BOARDVOLUNTEER;
$config['mod']['reassign_board'] = ADMIN;
$config['mod']['custom_pages']['/tags/(\%b)'] = function ($b) {
global $board, $config;
if (!openBoard($b))
error("Could not open board!");
if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_tags'], $b))
if (isset($_POST['tags'])) {
if (sizeof($_POST['tags']) > 5)
error(_('Too many tags.'));
$delete = prepare('DELETE FROM ``board_tags`` WHERE uri = :uri');
$delete->bindValue(':uri', $b);
foreach ($_POST['tags'] as $i => $tag) {
if ($tag) {
if (strlen($tag) > 255)
$insert = prepare('INSERT INTO ``board_tags``(uri, tag) VALUES (:uri, :tag)');
$insert->bindValue(':uri', $b);
$insert->bindValue(':tag', utf8tohtml($tag));
$update = prepare('UPDATE ``boards`` SET sfw = :sfw WHERE uri = :uri');
$update->bindValue(':uri', $b);
$update->bindValue(':sfw', isset($_POST['sfw']));
$query = prepare('SELECT * FROM ``board_tags`` WHERE uri = :uri');
$query->bindValue(':uri', $b);
$tags = $query->fetchAll();
$query = prepare('SELECT `sfw` FROM ``boards`` WHERE uri = :uri');
$query->bindValue(':uri', $b);
$sfw = $query->fetchColumn();
mod_page(_('Edit tags'), 'mod/tags.html', array('board'=>$board,'token'=>make_secure_link_token('reassign/'.$board['uri']), 'tags'=>$tags, 'sfw'=>$sfw));
$config['mod']['custom_pages']['/reassign/(\%b)'] = function($b) {
global $board, $config;
@ -435,10 +487,39 @@ $locale
// Clean up our CSS...no more expression() or off-site URLs.
$clean_css = preg_replace('/expression\s*\(/', '', $_POST['css']);
// URL matcher from SO:
$match_urls = '(?xi)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))';
$matched = array();
preg_match_all("#$match_urls#im", $clean_css, $matched);
$allowed_urls = array('https://i.imgur.com/', 'https://media.8chan.co/', 'https://a.pomf.se/', 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/', 'http://8ch.net/');
$error = false;
if (isset($matched[0])) {
foreach ($matched[0] as $i => $v) {
$error = true;
foreach ($allowed_urls as $ii => $url) {
if (strpos($v, $url) === 0) {
$error = false;
if ($error) {
error(_('Off-site links are not allowed in board stylesheets!'));
$query = query('SELECT `uri`, `title`, `subtitle` FROM ``boards`` WHERE `8archive` = TRUE');
file_write('8archive.json', json_encode($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)));
file_write($b.'/config.php', $config_file);
file_write('stylesheets/board/'.$b.'.css', $_POST['css']);
file_write('stylesheets/board/'.$b.'.css', $clean_css);
file_write($b.'/rules.html', Element('page.html', array('title'=>'Rules', 'subtitle'=>'', 'config'=>$config, 'body'=>'<div class="ban">'.purify($_POST['rules']).'</div>')));
file_write($b.'/rules.txt', $_POST['rules']);
@ -446,7 +527,7 @@ EOT;
// Faster than openBoard and bypasses cache...we're trusting the PHP output
// to be safe enough to run with every request, we can eval it here.
eval(preg_replace('/^\<\?php$/m', '', $config_file));
eval(str_replace('flags.php', "$b/flags.php", preg_replace('/^\<\?php$/m', '', $config_file)));
// be smarter about rebuilds...only some changes really require us to rebuild all threads
if ($_config['captcha']['enabled'] != $config['captcha']['enabled']