- Increased memory management in all of my recent work.
- board-search.php Fetches activity from board_stats and now includes timestamp as a search option.
- boards.php Correctly fetches board activity and formats numbers.
- inc/functions.php Completely reworked activity fetching.
- inc/functions Wrote updateStatisticsForPost() which streams new posts in statistics.
- post.php Writes into updateStatisticsForPost() for streaming new posts.
- Added styling for tags (in progress work).
- tools/migrate_board_stats.php Now correcty defines author_ip_count.
Signed-off-by: 8n-tech <8n-tech@users.noreply.github.com>
For country flags, a "?" will now show if the flag is unknown (for example, if the user is using Tor or just has an IP that is not in the GeoIP database)
For board owner-defined flags, "None" option disappears and posting is impossible without choosing a valid flag.
This commit is for /fringe/.
Note: In a previous commit, I began making inc/mod/auth.php more modular with the check_login() function. Including it does NOT check mod login by default anymore like it does on vichan. You have to call check_login(). I've finally included it in inc/functions.php. If you have any custom pages that use inc/mod/auth.php, just including functions.php is enough now.
This allows pages like create.php to not include inc/mod/pages.php while still being able to use the mod auth functions (like generating salts and passwords)
- Resolved warnings would be thrown if inc/dnsbls.php did not exist.
- Resolved problem where shell_exec_error was incorrectly reporting a success in instances where 'md5sum' was not supported, resulting in "'md5sum'" literally being recorded as the file hash. This then lead to hex2bin throwing an error on page load, preventing access to threads (among other problems).