bindValue(':id', $ban_ids[0], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error()); Vichan\Functions\Theme\rebuild_themes('bans'); } elseif ($len >= 1) { // Build the query. $query = 'DELETE FROM ``bans`` WHERE `id` IN ('; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $query .= ":id{$i},"; } // Substitute the last comma with a parenthesis. substr_replace($query, ')', strlen($query) - 1); // Bind the params $query = prepare($query); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $query->bindValue(":id{$i}", (int)$ban_ids[$i], PDO::PARAM_INT); } $query->execute() or error(db_error()); Vichan\Functions\Theme\rebuild_themes('bans'); } } static private function findSingleAutoGc(string $ip, int $ban_id, bool $require_ban_view) { // Use OR in the query to also garbage collect bans. $query = prepare( 'SELECT ``bans``.* FROM ``bans`` WHERE ((`ipstart` = :ip OR (:ip >= `ipstart` AND :ip <= `ipend`)) OR (``bans``.id = :id)) ORDER BY `expires` IS NULL, `expires` DESC' ); $query->bindValue(':id', $ban_id); $query->bindValue(':ip', inet_pton($ip)); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $found_ban = null; $to_delete_list = []; while ($ban = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (self::shouldDelete($ban, $require_ban_view)) { $to_delete_list[] = $ban['id']; } elseif ($ban['id'] === $ban_id) { if ($ban['post']) { $ban['post'] = json_decode($ban['post'], true); } $ban['mask'] = self::range_to_string([$ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']]); $found_ban = $ban; } } self::deleteBans($to_delete_list); return $found_ban; } static private function findSingleNoGc(int $ban_id) { $query = prepare( 'SELECT ``bans``.* FROM ``bans`` WHERE ``bans``.id = :id ORDER BY `expires` IS NULL, `expires` DESC LIMIT 1' ); $query->bindValue(':id', $ban_id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $ret = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($query->rowCount() == 0) { return null; } else { if ($ret['post']) { $ret['post'] = json_decode($ret['post'], true); } $ret['mask'] = self::range_to_string([$ret['ipstart'], $ret['ipend']]); return $ret; } } static private function findAutoGc(?string $ip, $board, bool $get_mod_info, bool $require_ban_view, ?int $ban_id): array { $query = prepare('SELECT ``bans``.*' . ($get_mod_info ? ', `username`' : '') . ' FROM ``bans`` ' . ($get_mod_info ? 'LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `creator`' : '') . ' WHERE (' . ($board !== false ? '(`board` IS NULL OR `board` = :board) AND' : '') . ' (`ipstart` = :ip OR (:ip >= `ipstart` AND :ip <= `ipend`)) OR (``bans``.id = :id)) ORDER BY `expires` IS NULL, `expires` DESC'); if ($board !== false) { $query->bindValue(':board', $board, PDO::PARAM_STR); } $query->bindValue(':id', $ban_id); $query->bindValue(':ip', inet_pton($ip)); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $ban_list = []; $to_delete_list = []; while ($ban = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (self::shouldDelete($ban, $require_ban_view)) { $to_delete_list[] = $ban['id']; } else { if ($ban['post']) { $ban['post'] = json_decode($ban['post'], true); } $ban['mask'] = self::range_to_string([$ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']]); $ban_list[] = $ban; } } self::deleteBans($to_delete_list); return $ban_list; } static private function findNoGc(?string $ip, string $board, bool $get_mod_info, ?int $ban_id): array { $query = prepare('SELECT ``bans``.*' . ($get_mod_info ? ', `username`' : '') . ' FROM ``bans`` ' . ($get_mod_info ? 'LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `creator`' : '') . ' WHERE (' . ($board !== false ? '(`board` IS NULL OR `board` = :board) AND' : '') . ' (`ipstart` = :ip OR (:ip >= `ipstart` AND :ip <= `ipend`)) OR (``bans``.id = :id)) AND (`expires` IS NULL OR `expires` >= :curr_time) ORDER BY `expires` IS NULL, `expires` DESC'); if ($board !== false) { $query->bindValue(':board', $board, PDO::PARAM_STR); } $query->bindValue(':id', $ban_id); $query->bindValue(':ip', inet_pton($ip)); $query->bindValue(':curr_time', time()); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $ban_list = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); array_walk($ban_list, function (&$ban, $_index) { if ($ban['post']) { $ban['post'] = json_decode($ban['post'], true); } $ban['mask'] = self::range_to_string([$ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']]); }); return $ban_list; } static public function range_to_string($mask) { list($ipstart, $ipend) = $mask; if (!isset($ipend) || $ipend === false) { // Not a range. Single IP address. $ipstr = inet_ntop($ipstart); return $ipstr; } if (strlen($ipstart) != strlen($ipend)) return '???'; // What the fuck are you doing, son? $range = CIDR::range_to_cidr(inet_ntop($ipstart), inet_ntop($ipend)); if ($range !== false) return $range; return '???'; } private static function calc_cidr($mask) { $cidr = new CIDR($mask); $range = $cidr->getRange(); return [ inet_pton($range[0]), inet_pton($range[1]) ]; } public static function parse_time($str) { if (empty($str)) return false; if (($time = @strtotime($str)) !== false) return $time; if (!preg_match('/^((\d+)\s?ye?a?r?s?)?\s?+((\d+)\s?mon?t?h?s?)?\s?+((\d+)\s?we?e?k?s?)?\s?+((\d+)\s?da?y?s?)?((\d+)\s?ho?u?r?s?)?\s?+((\d+)\s?mi?n?u?t?e?s?)?\s?+((\d+)\s?se?c?o?n?d?s?)?$/', $str, $matches)) return false; $expire = 0; if (isset($matches[2])) { // Years $expire += (int)$matches[2]*60*60*24*365; } if (isset($matches[4])) { // Months $expire += (int)$matches[4]*60*60*24*30; } if (isset($matches[6])) { // Weeks $expire += (int)$matches[6]*60*60*24*7; } if (isset($matches[8])) { // Days $expire += (int)$matches[8]*60*60*24; } if (isset($matches[10])) { // Hours $expire += (int)$matches[10]*60*60; } if (isset($matches[12])) { // Minutes $expire += (int)$matches[12]*60; } if (isset($matches[14])) { // Seconds $expire += (int)$matches[14]; } return time() + $expire; } static public function parse_range($mask) { $ipstart = false; $ipend = false; if (preg_match('@^(\d{1,3}\.){1,3}([\d*]{1,3})?$@', $mask) && substr_count($mask, '*') == 1) { // IPv4 wildcard mask $parts = explode('.', $mask); $ipv4 = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { if ($part == '*') { $ipstart = inet_pton($ipv4 . '0' . str_repeat('.0', 3 - substr_count($ipv4, '.'))); $ipend = inet_pton($ipv4 . '255' . str_repeat('.255', 3 - substr_count($ipv4, '.'))); break; } elseif(($wc = strpos($part, '*')) !== false) { $ipstart = inet_pton($ipv4 . substr($part, 0, $wc) . '0' . str_repeat('.0', 3 - substr_count($ipv4, '.'))); $ipend = inet_pton($ipv4 . substr($part, 0, $wc) . '9' . str_repeat('.255', 3 - substr_count($ipv4, '.'))); break; } $ipv4 .= "$part."; } } elseif (preg_match('@^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/\d+$@', $mask)) { list($ipv4, $bits) = explode('/', $mask); if ($bits > 32) return false; list($ipstart, $ipend) = self::calc_cidr($mask); } elseif (preg_match('@^[:a-z\d]+/\d+$@i', $mask)) { list($ipv6, $bits) = explode('/', $mask); if ($bits > 128) return false; list($ipstart, $ipend) = self::calc_cidr($mask); } else { if (($ipstart = @inet_pton($mask)) === false) return false; } return [$ipstart, $ipend]; } static public function findSingle(string $ip, int $ban_id, bool $require_ban_view, bool $auto_gc) { if ($auto_gc) { return self::findSingleAutoGc($ip, $ban_id, $require_ban_view); } else { return self::findSingleNoGc($ban_id); } } static public function find(?string $ip, $board = false, bool $get_mod_info = false, ?int $ban_id = null, bool $auto_gc = true) { global $config; if ($auto_gc) { return self::findAutoGc($ip, $board, $get_mod_info, $config['require_ban_view'], $ban_id); } else { return self::findNoGc($ip, $board, $get_mod_info, $ban_id); } } static public function stream_json($out = false, $filter_ips = false, $filter_staff = false, $board_access = false) { $query = query("SELECT ``bans``.*, `username` FROM ``bans`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `creator` ORDER BY `created` DESC") or error(db_error()); $bans = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($board_access && $board_access[0] == '*') $board_access = false; $out ? fputs($out, "[") : print("["); $end = end($bans); foreach ($bans as &$ban) { $ban['mask'] = self::range_to_string([$ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']]); if ($ban['post']) { $post = json_decode($ban['post']); $ban['message'] = isset($post->body) ? $post->body : 0; } unset($ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend'], $ban['post'], $ban['creator']); if ($board_access === false || in_array ($ban['board'], $board_access)) { $ban['access'] = true; } if (filter_var($uncloaked_mask, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false) { $ban['single_addr'] = true; } if ($filter_staff || ($board_access !== false && !in_array($ban['board'], $board_access))) { $ban['username'] = '?'; } if ($filter_ips || ($board_access !== false && !in_array($ban['board'], $board_access))) { @list($ban['mask'], $subnet) = explode("/", $ban['mask']); $ban['mask'] = preg_split("/[\.:]/", $ban['mask']); $ban['mask'] = array_slice($ban['mask'], 0, 2); $ban['mask'] = implode(".", $ban['mask']); $ban['mask'] .= ".x.x"; if (isset ($subnet)) { $ban['mask'] .= "/$subnet"; } $ban['masked'] = true; } $json = json_encode($ban); $out ? fputs($out, $json) : print($json); if ($ban['id'] != $end['id']) { $out ? fputs($out, ",") : print(","); } } $out ? fputs($out, "]") : print("]"); } static public function seen($ban_id) { $query = query("UPDATE ``bans`` SET `seen` = 1 WHERE `id` = " . (int)$ban_id) or error(db_error()); Vichan\Functions\Theme\rebuild_themes('bans'); } static public function purge($require_seen, $moratorium) { if ($require_seen) { $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``bans`` WHERE `expires` IS NOT NULL AND `expires` + :moratorium < :curr_time AND `seen` = 1"); } else { $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``bans`` WHERE `expires` IS NOT NULL AND `expires` + :moratorium < :curr_time"); } $query->bindValue(':moratorium', $moratorium); $query->bindValue(':curr_time', time()); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $affected = $query->rowCount(); if ($affected > 0) { Vichan\Functions\Theme\rebuild_themes('bans'); } return $affected; } static public function delete($ban_id, $modlog = false, $boards = false, $dont_rebuild = false) { global $config; if ($boards && $boards[0] == '*') $boards = false; if ($modlog) { $query = query("SELECT `ipstart`, `ipend`, `board` FROM ``bans`` WHERE `id` = " . (int)$ban_id) or error(db_error()); if (!$ban = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { // Ban doesn't exist return false; } if ($boards !== false && !in_array($ban['board'], $boards)) error($config['error']['noaccess']); $mask = self::range_to_string([$ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']]); modLog("Removed ban #{$ban_id} for " . (filter_var($mask, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false ? "$cloaked_mask" : $cloaked_mask)); } query("DELETE FROM ``bans`` WHERE `id` = " . (int)$ban_id) or error(db_error()); if (!$dont_rebuild) Vichan\Functions\Theme\rebuild_themes('bans'); return true; } static public function new_ban($cloaked_mask, $reason, $length = false, $ban_board = false, $mod_id = false, $post = false) { $mask = uncloak_mask($cloaked_mask); global $mod, $pdo, $board; if ($mod_id === false) { $mod_id = isset($mod['id']) ? $mod['id'] : -1; } $range = self::parse_range($mask); $mask = self::range_to_string($range); $cloaked_mask = cloak_mask($mask); $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``bans`` VALUES (NULL, :ipstart, :ipend, :time, :expires, :board, :mod, :reason, 0, :post)"); $query->bindValue(':ipstart', $range[0]); if ($range[1] !== false && $range[1] != $range[0]) $query->bindValue(':ipend', $range[1]); else $query->bindValue(':ipend', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod_id); $query->bindValue(':time', time()); if ($reason !== '') { $reason = escape_markup_modifiers($reason); markup($reason); $query->bindValue(':reason', $reason); } else $query->bindValue(':reason', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); if ($length) { if (is_int($length) || ctype_digit($length)) { $length = time() + $length; } else { $length = self::parse_time($length); } $query->bindValue(':expires', $length); } else { $query->bindValue(':expires', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($ban_board) $query->bindValue(':board', $ban_board); else $query->bindValue(':board', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); if ($post) { if (!isset($board['uri'])) openBoard($post['board']); $post['board'] = $board['uri']; /* * The body can be so long to make the json longer than 64KBs, causing the query to fail. * Truncate it to a safe length (32KBs). It could probably be longer, but if the deleted body is THAT big * already, the likelihood of it being just assorted spam/garbage is about 101%. */ // We're on UTF-8 only, right...? $post['body'] = mb_strcut($post['body'], 0, 32768); $query->bindValue(':post', json_encode($post)); } else $query->bindValue(':post', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $ban_len = $length > 0 ? preg_replace('/^(\d+) (\w+?)s?$/', '$1-$2', Format\until($length)) : 'permanent'; $ban_board = $ban_board ? "/$ban_board/" : 'all boards'; $ban_ip = filter_var($mask, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false ? "$cloaked_mask" : $cloaked_mask; $ban_id = $pdo->lastInsertId(); $ban_reason = $reason ? 'reason: ' . utf8tohtml($reason) : 'no reason'; modLog("Created a new $ban_len ban on $ban_board for $ban_ip (# $ban_id ) with $ban_reason"); Vichan\Functions\Theme\rebuild_themes('bans'); return $pdo->lastInsertId(); } }