{% trans %}There are currently {{n_boards}} boards + {{hidden_boards_total}} unindexed boards = {{t_boards}} total boards. Site-wide, {{total_posts_hour}} posts have been made in the last hour, with {{total_posts}} being made on all active boards since October 23, 2013.{% endtrans %}

{% for board in boards %} {% endfor %}
L {% trans %}Board{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Board title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Posts in last hour{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Total posts{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Unique IPs{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Created{% endtrans %}
{{ board.img|raw }} /{{board['uri']}}/{{lock|raw}} {{ board['title'] }} {{board['pph']}} {{board['max']}} {{board['uniq_ip']}} {{board['time']}} ({{board['ago']}} ago)

Page last updated: {{last_update}}

{{uptime_p}} without interruption