{% trans %}There are currently {{boards_public}} public boards, {{boards_total}} total. Site-wide, {{posts_hour}} posts have been made in the last hour, with {{posts_total}} being made on all active boards since {{founding_date}}.{% endtrans %}
{% if uptime %}{{uptime}} without interruption
{% endif %}This page last updated {{page_updated}}.
{% trans %}Board{% endtrans %} | {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} | {% trans %}PPH{% endtrans %} | {% trans %}Total posts{% endtrans %} | {% trans %}Active users{% endtrans %} | {% trans %}Tags{% endtrans %} | |
Displaying results {{search.page + 1}} through {{ boards|count + search.page}} out of {{ boards|count + boards_omitted }}. Click to load more. | {% if boards_omitted > 0 %} {% endif %}