/* Adds a checkbox in the General options tab to disable and enable board style sheets. */ $(document).ready(function () { var disableStyles = localStorage['disablestylesheet'] ? true : false; /* only search for and disable board stylesheets if the user is on a page that uses them */ if(active_page == 'ukko' || active_page == 'thread' || active_page == 'index' || active_page == 'catalog') { var i = 0 while(i' + ' Disable board specific style sheets' + '') $('#disablestyle').find('input').prop('checked', disableStyles) } $('#disablestyle').on('change', function() { if(disableStyles) { delete localStorage.disablestylesheet } else { localStorage.disablestylesheet = true } disableStyles =! disableStyles if(active_page == 'ukko' || active_page == 'thread' || active_page == 'index' || active_page == 'catalog') document.styleSheets[sheet].disabled = disableStyles }) })