{% include 'header.html' %} {% set meta_subject %}{% if config.thread_subject_in_title and thread.subject %}{{ thread.subject|e }}{% else %}{{ thread.body_nomarkup|remove_modifiers|remove_markup|e[:256] }}{% endif %}{% endset %} {% if thread.files.0.thumb %}{% endif %} {{ board.url }} - {{ meta_subject }} {{ boardlist.top }} {% if pm %}
You have an unread PM{% if pm.waiting > 0 %}, plus {{ pm.waiting }} more waiting{% endif %}.

{% endif %} {% if config.url_banner %}{% endif %}

{{ board.url }} - {{ board.title|e }}

{% if board.subtitle %} {% if config.allow_subtitle_html %} {{ board.subtitle }} {% else %} {{ board.subtitle|e }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if mod %}

{% trans %}Return to dashboard{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}
{% include 'attention_bar.html' %} {{ config.ad.top }} {% include 'post_form.html' %} {% if config.global_message %}
{{ config.global_message }}
{% endif %}
{% if mod %}{% endif %} {{ body }}
[{% trans %}Return{% endtrans %}] [{% trans %}Go to top{% endtrans %}] {% if config.catalog_link %} [{% trans %}Catalog{% endtrans %}] {% endif %} [{% trans %}Post a Reply{% endtrans %}] {% include 'report_delete.html' %}
{{ boardlist.bottom }} {{ config.ad.bottom }}