{% raw %} /* gettext-compatible _ function, example of usage: * * > // Loading pl_PL.json here (containing polish translation strings generated by tools/i18n_compile.php) * > alert(_("Hello!")); * Witaj! */ function _(s) { return (typeof l10n != 'undefined' && typeof l10n[s] != 'undefined') ? l10n[s] : s; } /* printf-like formatting function, example of usage: * * > alert(fmt("There are {0} birds on {1} trees", [3,4])); * There are 3 birds on 4 trees * > // Loading pl_PL.json here (containing polish translation strings generated by tools/locale_compile.php) * > alert(fmt(_("{0} users"), [3])); * 3 uzytkownikow */ function fmt(s,a) { return s.replace(/\{([0-9]+)\}/g, function(x) { return a[x[1]]; }); } function until($timestamp) { var $difference = $timestamp - Date.now()/1000|0, $num; switch(true){ case ($difference < 60): return "" + $difference + ' ' + _('second(s)'); case ($difference < 3600): //60*60 = 3600 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(60))) + ' ' + _('minute(s)'); case ($difference < 86400): //60*60*24 = 86400 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(3600))) + ' ' + _('hour(s)'); case ($difference < 604800): //60*60*24*7 = 604800 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(86400))) + ' ' + _('day(s)'); case ($difference < 31536000): //60*60*24*365 = 31536000 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(604800))) + ' ' + _('week(s)'); default: return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(31536000))) + ' ' + _('year(s)'); } } function ago($timestamp) { var $difference = (Date.now()/1000|0) - $timestamp, $num; switch(true){ case ($difference < 60) : return "" + $difference + ' ' + _('second(s)'); case ($difference < 3600): //60*60 = 3600 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(60))) + ' ' + _('minute(s)'); case ($difference < 86400): //60*60*24 = 86400 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(3600))) + ' ' + _('hour(s)'); case ($difference < 604800): //60*60*24*7 = 604800 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(86400))) + ' ' + _('day(s)'); case ($difference < 31536000): //60*60*24*365 = 31536000 return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(604800))) + ' ' + _('week(s)'); default: return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(31536000))) + ' ' + _('year(s)'); } } var datelocale = { days: [_('Sunday'), _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday')] , shortDays: [_("Sun"), _("Mon"), _("Tue"), _("Wed"), _("Thu"), _("Fri"), _("Sat")] , months: [_('January'), _('February'), _('March'), _('April'), _('May'), _('June'), _('July'), _('August'), _('September'), _('October'), _('November'), _('December')] , shortMonths: [_('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')] , AM: _('AM') , PM: _('PM') , am: _('am') , pm: _('pm') }; function alert(a, do_confirm, confirm_ok_action, confirm_cancel_action) { var handler, div, bg, closebtn, okbtn; var close = function() { handler.fadeOut(400, function() { handler.remove(); }); return false; }; handler = $("
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May be nothing. var domStylesheet = document.getElementById('stylesheet'); // Determine if this stylesheet is the default. var setToDefault = ( styles[styleName] == "" || styles[styleName] == "/stylesheets/" ); // Turn "Yotsuba B" to "yotsuba_b" var attributeName = styleName.replace(/[^a-z0-9_\-]/gi, '_').toLowerCase(); if( !domStylesheet && !setToDefault ) { domStylesheet = document.createElement('link'); domStylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet'; domStylesheet.type = 'text/css'; domStylesheet.id = 'stylesheet'; var x = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; x.appendChild(domStylesheet); } if( !setToDefault ) { {% endraw %} var root = "{{ config.root }}"; {% raw %} root = root.replace(/\/$/, ""); domStylesheet.href = root + styles[styleName]; selectedstyle = styleName; if (document.getElementsByClassName('styles').length != 0) { var styleLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('styles')[0].childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < styleLinks.length; i++) { styleLinks[i].className = ''; } } if (link) { link.className = 'selected'; } } else if( domStylesheet ) { domStylesheet.parentNode.removeChild( domStylesheet ); } // Fix the classes on the body tag. var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if( body ) { var bodyClasses = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].getAttribute('class').split(" "); var bodyClassesNew = []; for( i = 0; i < bodyClasses.length; ++i ) { var bodyClass = bodyClasses[ i ]; // null class from a double-space. if( bodyClass == "" ) { continue; } if( bodyClass.indexOf( "stylesheet-" ) == 0 ) { continue; } bodyClassesNew.push( bodyClass ); } // Add stylesheet-yotsuba_b at the end. bodyClassesNew.push( "stylesheet-" + attributeName ); body.setAttribute( 'class', bodyClassesNew.join(" ") ); body.setAttribute( 'data-stylesheet', attributeName ); } if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { $(window).trigger('stylesheet', styleName); } } {% endraw %} function init_stylechooser() { var matches = document.URL.match(/\/([0-9a-zA-Z\+$_\u0080-\uFFFF]{1,58})\/($|{{ config.dir.res|replace({'/': '\\/'}) }}{{ config.file_page|replace({'%d': '\\d+', '.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.file_index|replace({'.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.dir.res|replace({'/': '\\/'}) }}{{ config.file_page50|replace({'+': '\\+', '%d': '\\d+', '.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.file_page|replace({'%d': '\\d+', '.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.catalog_link|replace({'.': '\\.'}) }})/); var newElement = document.createElement('div'); newElement.className = 'styles'; for (styleName in styles) { var style = document.createElement('a'); style.innerHTML = '[' + styleName + ']'; style.onclick = function() { changeStyle(this.innerHTML.substring(1, this.innerHTML.length - 1), this); }; if (styleName == selectedstyle) { style.className = 'selected'; } style.href = 'javascript:void(0);'; newElement.appendChild(style); } document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].insertBefore(newElement, document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].lastChild.nextSibling); {% if config.stylesheets_board %} {# This is such an unacceptable mess. There needs to be an easier way. #} {% raw %} if (matches) { board_name = matches[1]; } if (!localStorage.board_stylesheets) { localStorage.board_stylesheets = '{}'; } window.stylesheet_choices = JSON.parse(localStorage.board_stylesheets); if (board_name && stylesheet_choices[board_name]) { for (var styleName in styles) { if (styleName == stylesheet_choices[board_name]) { changeStyle(styleName); break; } } } {% endraw %} {% else %} {% raw %} if (localStorage.stylesheet) { for (var styleName in styles) { if (styleName == localStorage.stylesheet) { changeStyle(styleName); break; } } } {% endraw %} {% endif %} {% raw %} } function get_cookie(cookie_name) { var results = document.cookie.match ( '(^|;) ?' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); if (results) { return (unescape(results[2])); } else { return null; } } function highlightReply(id, event) { // check if external post var post_list, arr, i; id = id.toString(); post_list = document.querySelectorAll('a.post_no'); for (i = 0, arr = []; i