{% if post.files and mod %} {% if file.file != 'deleted' and mod|hasPermission(config.mod.deletefile, board.uri) %} {{ secure_link_confirm(config.mod.link_deletefile, 'Delete cunt file'|trans, 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?'|trans, board.dir ~ 'deletefile/' ~ post.id ~ '/' ~ loop.index0 ) }}  {% endif %} {% if file.file != 'deleted' and mod|hasPermission(config.mod.deletefile, board.uri) %} {{ secure_link_confirm(config.mod.link_deletefilepermaban, 'Delete file and Permaban File'|trans, 'Are you sure you want to delete and permaban this file?'|trans, board.dir ~ 'deletefilepermaban/' ~ post.id ~ '/' ~ loop.index0 ) }}  {% endif %} {% if file.file and file.file != 'deleted' and file.thumb != 'spoiler' and mod|hasPermission(config.mod.spoilerimage, board.uri) %} {{ secure_link_confirm(config.mod.link_spoilerimage, 'Spoiler file'|trans, 'Are you sure you want to spoiler this file?'|trans, board.dir ~ 'spoiler/' ~ post.id ~ '/' ~ loop.index0 ) }} {% endif %} {% endif %}