/* * auto-reload.js * https://github.com/savetheinternet/Tinyboard/blob/master/js/auto-reload.js * * Brings AJAX to Tinyboard. * * Released under the MIT license * Copyright (c) 2012 Michael Save * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Marcin Ɓabanowski * Copyright (c) 2013 undido * Copyright (c) 2014 Fredrick Brennan * * Usage: * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js'; * //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/titlebar-notifications.js'; * $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/auto-reload.js'; * */ au = false; auto_reload_enabled = true; // for watch.js to interop function makeIcon(){ if(au) return; au = true; $("link[rel='icon']").attr("href", "../static/favicon_au.png"); } $(document).ready(function(){ if($('div.banner').length == 0) return; // not index if($(".post.op").size() != 1) return; //not thread page var countdown_interval; // Add an update link $('.boardlist.bottom').prev().after("["+_("Update")+"] ( Auto) "); // Grab the settings var settings = new script_settings('auto-reload'); var poll_interval_mindelay = settings.get('min_delay_bottom', 5000); var poll_interval_maxdelay = settings.get('max_delay', 600000); var poll_interval_errordelay = settings.get('error_delay', 30000); // number of ms to wait before reloading var poll_interval_delay = poll_interval_mindelay; var poll_current_time = poll_interval_delay; var end_of_page = false; var new_posts = 0; var first_new_post = null; var title = document.title; if (typeof update_title == "undefined") { var update_title = function() { if (new_posts) { document.title = "("+new_posts+") "+title; } else { document.title = title; } }; } if (typeof add_title_collector != "undefined") add_title_collector(function(){ return new_posts; }); var window_active = true; $(window).focus(function() { window_active = true; recheck_activated(); // Reset the delay if needed if(settings.get('reset_focus', true)) { poll_interval_delay = poll_interval_mindelay; } }); $(window).blur(function() { window_active = false; }); $('#auto_update_status').click(function() { if($("#auto_update_status").is(':checked')) { auto_update(poll_interval_mindelay); } else { stop_auto_update(); $('#update_secs').text(""); } }); var decrement_timer = function() { poll_current_time = poll_current_time - 1000; $('#update_secs').text(poll_current_time/1000); if (poll_current_time <= 0) { poll(manualUpdate = false); } } var recheck_activated = function() { if (new_posts && window_active && $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $('div.boardlist.bottom').position().top) { new_posts = 0; } update_title(); first_new_post = null; }; // automatically updates the thread after a specified delay var auto_update = function(delay) { clearInterval(countdown_interval); poll_current_time = delay; countdown_interval = setInterval(decrement_timer, 1000); $('#update_secs').text(poll_current_time/1000); } var stop_auto_update = function() { clearInterval(countdown_interval); } var poll = function(manualUpdate) { stop_auto_update(); $('#update_secs').text("Updating..."); $.ajax({ url: document.location, success: function(data) { var loaded_posts = 0; // the number of new posts loaded in this update $(data).find('div.post.reply').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); if($('#' + id).length == 0) { if (!new_posts) { first_new_post = this; makeIcon(); } $(this).insertAfter($('div.post:last').next()).after('
'); new_posts++; loaded_posts++; $(document).trigger('new_post', this); recheck_activated(); } }); time_loaded = Date.now(); // interop with watch.js if ($('#auto_update_status').is(':checked')) { // If there are no new posts, double the delay. Otherwise set it to the min. if(loaded_posts == 0) { // if the update was manual, don't increase the delay if (manualUpdate == false) { poll_interval_delay *= 2; // Don't increase the delay beyond the maximum if(poll_interval_delay > poll_interval_maxdelay) { poll_interval_delay = poll_interval_maxdelay; } } } else { poll_interval_delay = poll_interval_mindelay; } auto_update(poll_interval_delay); } else { // Decide the message to show if auto update is disabled if (loaded_posts > 0) $('#update_secs').text("Thread updated with "+loaded_posts+" new post(s)"); else $('#update_secs').text("No new posts found"); } }, error: function(xhr, status_text, error_text) { if (status_text == "error") { if (error_text == "Not Found") { $('#update_secs').text("Thread deleted or pruned"); $('#auto_update_status').prop('checked', false); $('#auto_update_status').prop('disabled', true); // disable updates if thread is deleted return; } else { $('#update_secs').text("Error: "+error_text); } } else if (status_text) { $('#update_secs').text("Error: "+status_text); } else { $('#update_secs').text("Unknown error"); } // Keep trying to update if ($('#auto_update_status').is(':checked')) { poll_interval_delay = poll_interval_errordelay; auto_update(poll_interval_delay); } } }); return false; }; $(window).scroll(function() { recheck_activated(); // if the newest post is not visible if($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).height() < $('div.post:last').position().top + $('div.post:last').height()) { end_of_page = false; return; } else { if($("#auto_update_status").is(':checked')) { poll(manualUpdate = true); } end_of_page = true; } }).trigger('scroll'); $('#update_thread').on('click', function() { poll(manualUpdate = true); return false; }); if($("#auto_update_status").is(':checked')) { auto_update(poll_interval_delay); } });