$(function() { // Init var oekaki_form = '\ <tr id="oekaki">\ <th>\ Oekaki\ </th>\ <td>\ <canvas width="'+oekaki_options.width+'" height="'+oekaki_options.height+'" id="oekaki_canvas" style="border:1px solid black;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;"></canvas>\ <p><button type="button" id="brushsize">'+_('Brush size')+'</button><input class="color" id="color" value="000000" placeholder="Color"/><button type="button" id="text">'+_('Set text')+'</button><button type="button" id="clear">'+_('Clear')+'</button><button type="button" id="save">'+_('Save')+'</button><button type="button" id="load">'+_('Load')+'</button><br/>\ <button type="button" id="eraser">'+_('Toggle eraser')+'</button><button type="button" id="getcolor">'+_('Get color')+'</button><button type="button" id="fill">'+_('Fill')+'</button>\ </p><p><textarea id="savebox"></textarea><label id="confirm_oekaki_label"><input id="confirm_oekaki" type="checkbox"/> '+_('Use oekaki instead of file?')+'</label></p>\ <img id="saved" style="display:none">\ </td>\ </tr>' function init_oekaki() { // Add oekaki after the file input $('input[type="file"]').parent().parent().after(oekaki_form); // Add "edit in oekaki" links $(".fileinfo .unimportant").append(' <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="edit_in_oekaki">['+_('Edit in oekaki')+']</a>'); // Init oekaki vars canvas = $("#oekaki_canvas"); context = canvas[0].getContext("2d"); is_drawing = false; text = ""; eraser = getcolor = fill = false; context.strokeStyle = context.fillStyle = "black"; // Attach canvas events attach_events(); } if (active_page == 'index' || active_page == 'thread') { init_oekaki(); } //http://stackoverflow.com/a/5624139/1901658 function hexToRgb(hex) { var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; } //http://stackoverflow.com/a/4025958/1901658 function arraysEqual(arr1, arr2) { if(arr1.length !== arr2.length) return false; for(var i = arr1.length; i--;) { if(arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) return false; } return true; } function getmousepos(e){ var r = canvas[0].getBoundingClientRect(); mouseX = Math.round(e.clientX - r.left); mouseY = Math.round(e.clientY - r.top); } function setcolor(){ context.strokeStyle = context.fillStyle = "#"+$(".color").val(); } function flood_fill(x, y, target){ var pixel = context.createImageData(1,1); var color = hexToRgb("#"+$(".color").val()); pixel.data[0] = color.r; pixel.data[1] = color.g; pixel.data[2] = color.b; pixel.data[3] = 255; var queue = []; var node = [x, y]; queue.push(node); //var iters = 0; while (queue.length > 0) { var n = queue.pop(); var data = context.getImageData(n[0], n[1], 1, 1).data; var d = [data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]]; var t = [target[0], target[1], target[2], target[3]]; if (arraysEqual(d, t) && n[0] < canvas.width() && n[1] < canvas.height() && n[0] > -1 && n[1] > -1){ context.putImageData(pixel, n[0], n[1]); queue.push([n[0], n[1]-1]); queue.push([n[0], n[1]+1]); queue.push([n[0]-1, n[1]]); queue.push([n[0]+1, n[1]]); //iters++; } //if (iters%100===0){console.log(n[0]);console.log(n[1])} } return; } function color_under_pixel(x, y){ return context.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; } function attach_events(){ canvas.on("mousedown", function(e){ getmousepos(e); $(this).css("cursor","none"); if (getcolor) { var imagedata = color_under_pixel(mouseX, mouseY); $("#color")[0].color.fromRGB(imagedata[0], imagedata[1], imagedata[2]); getcolor = false; setcolor(); } else if (fill && !eraser) { flood_fill(mouseX, mouseY, color_under_pixel(mouseX, mouseY)); fill = false; } else { is_drawing = true; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(mouseX,mouseY); context.fillText(text,mouseX,mouseY); $("#confirm_oekaki").attr("checked",true); } }); canvas.on("mousemove", function(e){ getmousepos(e); if (is_drawing) { context.lineTo(mouseX,mouseY); context.stroke() } }); canvas.on("mouseup mouseout", function(e){ context.stroke() $(this).css("cursor","auto"); is_drawing = false; }); $("#brushsize").on("click",function(){ var size = prompt("Enter brush size"); if (parseInt(size) == NaN) { return } else { context.lineWidth = size; } }); $(".color").on("change", setcolor); $("#text").on("click", function(e){ text = prompt(_("Enter some text")) || ""; context.font = prompt(_("Enter font or leave empty"), context.font) }); function clear(){ context.beginPath(); context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width(),canvas.height()); $("#confirm_oekaki").attr("checked",false) canvas[0].height = oekaki_options.height; canvas[0].width = oekaki_options.width; }; $("#clear").on("click", clear); $("#save").on("click",function(){ $("#savebox").val(canvas[0].toDataURL()); }); $("#load").on("click", function(){ clear(); var img = new Image(); img.src = $("#savebox").val(); img.onload = function(){context.drawImage(img,0,0);}; $("#confirm_oekaki").attr("checked",true) }); $("#eraser").on("click", function(){ if (eraser) { eraser = false; context.strokeStyle = context.fillStyle = "#"+$(".color").val(); context.globalCompositeOperation = old_gco; } else { eraser = true; old_gco = context.globalCompositeOperation; context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)"; } }); $("#getcolor").on("click", function(){ getcolor = true; }); $("#fill").on("click", function(){ fill = true; }); $(".edit_in_oekaki").on("click", function(){ var img_link = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find("a>img.post-image").parent()[0] var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { canvas[0].width = img.width; canvas[0].height = img.height; context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); } img.src = $(img_link).attr("href"); if (typeof enable_oekaki === 'function') { // for upload-selection.js enable_oekaki(); } return false; }); } function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) { var binary = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]); var array = new Array(binary.length); for(var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) { array[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i); } return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], {type: 'image/jpeg'}); } $("form[name='post']").on("submit", function(e){ if ($("#confirm_oekaki").is(":checked")) { e.preventDefault(); $("input[type='file']").remove(); var dataURL = canvas[0].toDataURL(); var blob = dataURItoBlob(dataURL); var fd = new FormData(document.forms[0]); fd.append("file", blob, "Oekaki.png"); fd.append("post", $("input[name='post']").val()); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: oekaki_options.root+"post.php", data: fd, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function(data) { location.reload(); }, error: function(jq, data) {alert($('h2',jq.responseText).text());} }); } else { return true; }; }); });