/* image-hover.js * This script is copied almost verbatim from https://github.com/Pashe/8chanX/blob/2-0/8chan-x.user.js * All I did was remove the sprintf dependency and integrate it into 8chan's Options as opposed to Pashe's. * I also changed initHover() to also bind on new_post. * Thanks Pashe for using WTFPL. */ if (active_page === "catalog" || active_page === "thread" || active_page === "index") { $(document).on('ready', function(){ if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) { Options.extend_tab("general", "
"); } $('.image-hover').on('change', function(){ var setting = $(this).attr('id'); localStorage[setting] = $(this).children('input').is(':checked'); }); if (!localStorage.imageHover || !localStorage.catalogImageHover || !localStorage.imageHoverFollowCursor) { localStorage.imageHover = 'false'; localStorage.catalogImageHover = 'false'; localStorage.imageHoverFollowCursor = 'false'; } if (getSetting('imageHover')) $('#imageHover>input').prop('checked', 'checked'); if (getSetting('catalogImageHover')) $('#catalogImageHover>input').prop('checked', 'checked'); if (getSetting('imageHoverFollowCursor')) $('#imageHoverFollowCursor>input').prop('checked', 'checked'); function getFileExtension(filename) { //Pashe, WTFPL if (filename.match(/\.([a-z0-9]+)(&loop.*)?$/i) !== null) { return filename.match(/\.([a-z0-9]+)(&loop.*)?$/i)[1]; } else if (filename.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube.com/)) { return 'Youtube'; } else { return "unknown: " + filename; } } function isImage(fileExtension) { //Pashe, WTFPL return ($.inArray(fileExtension, ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"]) !== -1); } function isVideo(fileExtension) { //Pashe, WTFPL return ($.inArray(fileExtension, ["webm", "mp4"]) !== -1); } function isOnCatalog() { return window.active_page === "catalog"; } function isOnThread() { return window.active_page === "thread"; } function getSetting(key) { return (localStorage[key] == 'true'); } function initImageHover() { //Pashe, influenced by tux, et al, WTFPL if (!getSetting("imageHover") && !getSetting("catalogImageHover")) {return;} var selectors = []; if (getSetting("imageHover")) {selectors.push("img.post-image", "canvas.post-image");} if (getSetting("catalogImageHover") && isOnCatalog()) { selectors.push(".thread-image"); $(".theme-catalog div.thread").css("position", "inherit"); } function bindEvents(el) { $(el).find(selectors.join(", ")).each(function () { if ($(this).parent().data("expanded")) {return;} var $this = $(this); $this.on("mousemove", imageHoverStart); $this.on("mouseout", imageHoverEnd); $this.on("click", imageHoverEnd); }); } bindEvents(document.body); $(document).on('new_post', function(e, post) { bindEvents(post); }); } function imageHoverStart(e) { //Pashe, anonish, WTFPL var hoverImage = $("#chx_hoverImage"); if (hoverImage.length) { if (getSetting("imageHoverFollowCursor")) { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var imgY = e.pageY; var imgTop = imgY; var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var imgWidth = hoverImage.width() + e.pageX; if (imgY < scrollTop + 15) { imgTop = scrollTop; } else if (imgY > scrollTop + $(window).height() - hoverImage.height() - 15) { imgTop = scrollTop + $(window).height() - hoverImage.height() - 15; } if (imgWidth > windowWidth) { hoverImage.css({ 'left': (e.pageX + (windowWidth - imgWidth)), 'top' : imgTop, }); } else { hoverImage.css({ 'left': e.pageX, 'top' : imgTop, }); } hoverImage.appendTo($("body")); } return; } var $this = $(this); var fullUrl; if ($this.parent().attr("href").match("src")) { fullUrl = $this.parent().attr("href"); } else if (isOnCatalog()) { $this.css("cursor", "progress"); fullUrl = $this.attr("src"); $.ajax(($this.parent().attr("href").replace(/\.html$/, ".json")), { success: function (result) { $this.css("cursor", "unset"); fullUrl = result.posts[0].tim + result.posts[0].ext; if (!isImage(getFileExtension(fullUrl))) {return;} $("#chx_hoverImage").attr("src", "/" + thisBoard + "/" + fullUrl); $("#chx_hoverImage").on("load", function() {$this.css("cursor", "none")}); }, async: true, cache: true }); } if (isVideo(getFileExtension(fullUrl))) {return;} hoverImage = $('