<?php /* include "inc/functions.php"; include "inc/mod/auth.php"; function last_activity($board) { // last post $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT MAX(time) AS time FROM posts_%s", $board)); $query->execute(); $row = $query->fetch(); $ago = (new DateTime)->sub(new DateInterval('P1W')); $mod_ago = (new DateTime)->sub(new DateInterval('P2W')); $last_activity_date = new DateTime(); $last_mod_date = new DateTime(); $last_activity_date->setTimestamp($row['time']); $query = query("SELECT id, username FROM mods WHERE boards = '$board'"); $mods = $query->fetchAll(); if ($mods) { $mod = $mods[0]['id']; $query = query("SELECT MAX(time) AS time FROM modlogs WHERE `mod` = $mod"); $a = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if ($a[0]) { $last_mod_date->setTimestamp($a[0]); if (!$row['time']) $last_activity_date->setTimestamp($a[0]); } else {// no one ever logged in, try board creation time $query = query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS time FROM board_create WHERE uri = '$board'"); $crt = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $last_activity_date->setTimestamp($crt[0]); $last_mod_date = false; } } if ($mods and ($last_activity_date < $ago or ($last_mod_date and $last_mod_date < $mod_ago))) { return array($last_activity_date, $last_mod_date, $mods); } else { return false; } } // Find out the last activity for our board if (!isset($_GET['claim'])) { $title = "Boards that need new owners"; $q = query("SELECT uri FROM boards"); $body = '<p>The following boards have been abandoned by their owners or have less than one post in a seventy-two hour period. Think you can do a better job? Claim one! Note: You can only reclaim one board per IP per 72 hours. Choose carefully!</p><table class="modlog" style="width:auto"><thead><tr><th>Board</th><th>Last activity</th><th>Last mod login</th><th>Reclaim</th></thead></tr><tbody>'; $boards = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $delete = array(); foreach($boards as $board) { $last_activity = last_activity($board); if ($last_activity) { list($last_activity_date, $last_mod_date, $mods) = $last_activity; $delete[] = array('board' => $board, 'last_activity' => $last_activity_date, 'last_mod' => $last_mod_date); $last_mod_f = $last_mod_date ? $last_mod_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : '<em>never</em>'; $body .= "<tr><td><a href='/{$board}/'>/{$board}/</a></td><td>{$last_activity_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}</td><td>{$last_mod_f}</td><td><form style='margin-bottom:0!important'><input type='hidden' name='claim' value='{$board}'><input type='submit' value='Claim!'></form></td></tr>"; } } $body .= "</table>"; } else { $query = prepare('SELECT `last` FROM ``claim`` WHERE `ip` = :ip'); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $query->execute(); $r_last = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $last = new DateTime($r_last['last'], new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $ago = (new DateTime('',new DateTimeZone('UTC')))->sub(new DateInterval('P3D')); if ($last > $ago and $r_last) { error('You already claimed a board today'); } openBoard($_GET['claim']); $title = "Claiming board /{$board['uri']}/"; $last_activity = last_activity($board['uri']); if ($last_activity) { list($last_activity_date, $last_mod_date, $mods) = $last_activity; $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``claim``(`ip`, `last`) VALUES(:ip, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `last`=NOW()'); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $query->execute(); $password = base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(9)); $salt = generate_salt(); $hashed = hash('sha256', $salt . sha1($password)); $query = prepare('UPDATE ``mods`` SET `password` = :hashed, `salt` = :salt WHERE BINARY username = :mod'); $query->bindValue(':hashed', $hashed); $query->bindValue(':salt', $salt); $query->bindValue(':mod', $mods[0]['username']); $query->execute(); query(sprintf("UPDATE posts_%s SET ip = ''", $board['uri'])); $query = prepare("DELETE FROM bans WHERE board = :board"); $query->bindValue(":board", $board['uri']); $query->execute(); _syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Board claimed: {$board['uri']}"); $body = "<p>Please read the following instructions carefully:</p> <p>The username of the admin of this board is <strong>{$mods[0]['username']}</strong>. Please write this down, you will need it to log in. It cannot be changed.</p> <p>A new password has been generated for this board. It is <tt>{$password}</tt> . Please write this down, you will need it to log in. <em>If you forget your password, it cannot be changed. You must wait to reclaim the board again! Do not lose it.</em></p> <p>The URL you use to manage your board is <a href='/mod.php'>8chan.co/mod.php</a>. Log in using the details above. Note: The board can still be claimed by another user until you log in for the first time or if it still meets the inactivity criteria, so post something!</p> <p> "; } else { error('Board active or does not exist, cannot be reclaimed.'); } } $config['default_stylesheet'] = array('Yotsuba B', $config['stylesheets']['Yotsuba B']); echo Element("page.html", array("config" => $config, "body" => $body, "title" => $title)); */